Disclaimer: I don't own Until Dawn, its plot/story or characters. Those rights go to Supermassive Games and Sony Computer Entertainment.

I'm aware that this idea may have been done to death, but I just had to get this out there before I exploded. Anyways, I hope you enjoy!

The weight of her sister wasn't the only thing that was pulling her down; the gravity of the decision had to make weighed heavily on her mind as the stranger held his hand out to help her. It would be so easy: just let her go. She would live. But at the cost of her twin dying and she didn't deserve that. Taking one final look at the man above them and then her sister, she let her grip on the branch loosen and their screams soon filled the air.

It felt as if they were falling forever yet so fast at the same time. It crushed Beth's heart to hear Hannah's helpless shrieks. She wished she could been strong enough to save the two of them. But she couldn't. And she would rather die than kill her own sister.

Their bodies slammed into the ground and they both tumbled down a hill, the scene now completely silent save for the sound of the chilling and howling wind.

"Hannah!", Beth called out. "Hannah, please wake up!"

Hannah's vision came back in tiny dots and soon cleared to see her sister before her. Her face looked battered and bruised and her clothing was ripped and torn in various places. Tears stung her eyes despite the relieved smile on her face.

The twin embraced her sister. "Oh Hannah.", she sighed. "I though you were dead."

That word caught Hannah's attention. She was more than relieved to see her sister alive in front of her, but soon her mind immediately snapped back to what happened previously.

"Beth. I don't understand." She looked around to see that the two of them were in some type of cavern. "Where are we?"

She rubbed the bruise on her head, straining to remember. "After we fell from that cliff I carried you down here. It was freezing out there."

"But where is 'here'?" Hannah's voice cracked, afraid to hear the answer.

Beth shook her head. "I have no idea. I didn't even know this place existed."

Suddenly, a sharp pain shot through Hannah's leg and she writhed in agony, causing Beth to jump in shock. "Hannah what's wrong!?"

She whimpered. "I think my leg's busted."

"Shit.", Beth muttered. Tonight wasn't really their night: her sister had gotten pranked by her own friends, ran out to who knows where in the freezing cold without a jacket and then driven off a cliff by someone. No… something. And now they were trapped, with no hope of rescue.

"H-h-help will come, r-r-right?", Hannah stuttered but Beth couldn't tell if it was from the cold or just plain fear. "Someone would have to come looking for us."

Looking up from where they fell, Beth could tell the answer was obvious: no one was going to find them down there. Not where they wouldn't think to look. But they were both alive and together and that was good enough for Beth.

For her sister, she would have to stay strong. "Yeah. Someone will come." She took her sister back in her arms and they both laid back against a rock with no clue of what they could do. After a while, Beth began to shiver; she was so fucking cold.

Her twin noticed and immediately felt guilty for taking her coat. She began to unzip the pink jacket. "Here. Take your coat."

She shook her head. "It's fine, besides you need it more than me."

"Are you sure?" Before Hannah could continue, Beth stood up from where she was sitting.

"Maybe there's a way out from here.

Hannah knew what she was suggesting and frantically shook her head, gripping her sister's hand tight. "No, please. Don't leave me."

"I won't go far, I promise. Just to find out exactly where we are."

Hannah attempted to stand up. "I'll come with you." However, as soon as she tried to stand up her bad leg gave out, Beth catching her and setting back to the ground before she could collapse.

"No. Your leg's busted. I'll go on my own." But Hannah took her hand again. She knew the two of them didn't want to be alone but if there was a way to escape, they would have to take the risk. Beth knelt down and hugged her. "Just stay here. Anything happens, I'll come running straight back."


She smiled warmly. "Promise."