Hello there, dear reader! UnseenMemory here. Welcome to my latest fanfic, which is Future Diary – Existence:Rewrite. You're probably thinking, what's the difference between the two? Well, I'm here to ask some of your questions about this new fanfic.

What's the difference between this and the original Existence?

Rewrite is a what if scenario where Toshiro, my OC in that fanfic, was a psychopath from the start. In this version, Toshiro will have a "darker" personality. Since I established that he's a famed young assassin in the underworld, I made him into a more thrill-seeking combatant who loves fighting someone who's capable of killing him. He's much smarter, and cunning compared to the original Toshiro.

Also, the plot will be different. Unlike in the original Existence, I followed the original plot of the series too close. I was really dependent on the canon plot back then, but now, I want to try something new. Though the plot differs, like how a major fight or event ends up, the new plot will still follow the order of battles (Like Third, Ninth, etc.). Some events will have the same outcome (such as the first fight with Ninth) but I'll try my best to differ the outcome of each battle.

The story progresses on how Toshiro becomes more "humane" in his actions (like from a villain into an anti-hero). I'll focus more on his character development and how he'll interact with these emotions that began surfacing in him.

So if Toshiro's crazy from the get-go, what's Shaco's role in this one?

Shaco will be more of an advisor in his head. If you've read my previous fanfic, their roles were opposite. Toshiro was the reluctant type while Shaco is the savage type. This time around, Toshiro will take the savage role while Shaco, who's wiser this time around, will be the voice of reason.

Is it still about Yuno and Toshiro? How about Yukiteru?

Yes, it'll still be about my OCxYuno pairing. Midway of the fanfic, Toshiro will develop emotions to Yuno, though he'll ignore it. It's like he's interested in her being, but not in a romantic way. After a certain event, he'll come to terms with his emotions and his true role to the world. He'll have to decide either he can give Yuno fake happiness, or true happiness. (that's where Yukiteru comes in)

Why did you even bother making a new version of your old fanfic? Why did you make another fanfic for Mirai Nikki?

Truth to be told, I'm quite unsatisfied on how I wrote Existence. I made Toshiro somewhat similar to Yukiteru, which is pretty frustrating. I wanted to make an OC that could carry his own weight, but I ended up with an OC that's just hesitant and keeps on making excuses about his actions. I made him irritating, which I didn't intend to. Also, Mirai Nikki is a guilty pleasure of mine. So, yeah.

So that's it. If you have any other questions, please do leave me a message! Also, please a review on what do you think the rewrite version of Existence. Alright, that's for now. I do hope you'll enjoy reading this fanfic! Goodbye for now!