(A/N): Well, whew! This was hell to write, apologies for the language if it offends you. I didn't want it to end myself, if I'm being honest, but it had to, and this is the last chapter. Cries a little. But have no fear, my dear readers! If you want it, I will write a season two sequel to this! All you have to do is say the word! (And by that I mean tell me in a review or PM if you want it and anything you'd like me to include in it) So, this will be the last review time for this story:
Kareneb: Thank you! Your reviews always bring a smile to my face and I hope this last one does it justice!
Anatomyofbones: Honestly, I only ever intended for there to be a story for season one, but really, I am amenable to a season two sequel should you want more of this AU world hehe your reviews are always amazing!
Guest: Thanks
Guest: Aww thanks, and I'm glad having the kids there wasn't over the top or anything.
Zap4612 (chapter 5): Aww thank you. And as for your scene, it really is awesome! You should post it as an actual story because it's really interesting to read and you have an option of a oneshot or a longer story. Either would work with that brilliant scene you wrote.
Zap4612 (chapter 9): I fully intend to keep writing, though finding the time is hard sometimes. I will maybe do a sequel to this story, but I also have another Bones fic on the run, called Heaven Can Wait. Thank you though, so much.
Guest: Thank you and here is my last update for this story.
Many thanks to all who favourited this story (26Pennwv, AkryaSam, AmperBaby2313, BiaS2S2, Chris-Halliwel, DarthRag, G . h2os, Krazykk11, Lily887787, Melaniebabyy, Mrs Sammy Gibbs, Paigetyler07, Snape'sGirl6-7-90, TheImpalaLover, Warehouse13life, YaoiQueen18, YellowShadess, Zebralover96, anatomyofbones, ashleyag, beckettlovescastlealways, charmed415, chinadoll1984, chinadoll381282001, debs100, eona7night, goyankeesgo, jackgameer, lolajam77, nanabeth, pauchacottle, peaceluvharmony, shannzieegan, silly60) and followed this story (26Pennwv, AForsythe94, Adelled, CathyParker, Chris-Halliwel, DWBB, Districtfoursix, EowynGoldberry, G . h2os, HodginsIsHot, I'vegotGLEEinmyBONES, Jenny1701, Just a Lone Wolf, Lily887787, Lily Live, Melaniebabyy, MrsGpotter2, Mrs Sammy Gibbs, Paigetyler07, PieWinchester, PirateSwan, SecretsOfMischief, Smoakin . hot . Queen, SoraLover987142, Strelly, SupernaturalCharmedSlayer, ThatGeekyTheatreGirl, TheBluePinapple, TheImpalaLover, Twisted Musalih, Virgo1998, WeHaveACase, YellowShadess, Zebralover96, ZinaR, aashu, agnessan, alexindigo, anatomyofbones, burdens-that-lift-us, callietonnis, charmed415, chinadoll1984, chinadoll38128282001, colpitay, garoga09, goyankeesgo, hprareslashfan, jackgameer, jjbv, jkinney71, kareneb, latetobones, lolajam77, loverofbones, nikkistew2, pauchacottle, peaceluvharmony, rgwsisterhood, rosemarie314, shannzieegan, simone . watkins, tembo, trinimon05, will30, wittyone247). You guys rock!
Okay guys you know the drill by now. Read on, enjoy, let me know all you thoughts and feelings and whatnot. See you on the next fic, guys. I love you all.
After The Storm Blows Through
Chapter 10
"At first I thought the worst thing was that they were missing." Brennan confided in Angela whilst the pair stood near the upstairs lounge overlooking the main lab and platform. Brennan's hands fidgeted in her pockets, a little uncomfortable with the conversation. Angela, however, sent her best friend a sympathetic smile.
"Except dead means no more hope."
"My mother was alive for almost two years after they disappeared. She abandoned me." Brennan felt herself welling up and silently cursed herself. Rational, she had to be rational.
"You don't know that." Angela tried, before injecting a little light into the situation. "Look, you finally got to slap Russ. You've been wanting to do that for years." Her objective was complete as a smile broke out on the anthropologist's face, unwilling on the scientist's behalf, but present all the same.
"I worshipped him, you know? Oh… God, he was so cool." A small yet wistful smile covered her features. "Everyone knew I was Russ Brennan's little sister. I wasn't cool or pretty, so being his sister… You know that game Marco Polo?" She waited for Angela to nod before continuing, too deep down the rabbit hole to stop sharing such a personal story. Plus, it was Angela. If there was anyone other than Booth or Amethyst that Brennan could trust to never judge her and always have her back, it was Angela. "I'd be sitting in class and I'd hear out the window, 'Marco', and it'd be Russ, checking in on me and letting everyone know that I was his little sister."
"Did you, 'Polo'?"
"Yeah, sometimes it would be the only word I said all day." Brennan admitted casually with a shrug. "Polo. Then mom and dad disappeared and… Russ took off. Suddenly, no-one cared where I was. I miss that. Someone caring where I am all the time."
"Oh sweetie, you do have that. You have that in your daughter, and in Booth." Angela assured her. To reiterate her point, they both heard Booth calling for Brennan from down below beside the platform.
"Bones! Bones, you up there? Come on, let's go. Chop-chop! I found the agent that was assigned to your parents' case."
Angela and Brennan shared knowing looks before Brennan began to walk away, intent on joining Booth. However, Angela grabbed her arm and span her back around, a little curiosity written in her eyes. "What happened to Marco Polo?"
"I grew out of replying with Polo to my brother." Brennan replied with an eye roll. "I started a new one. Albert!"
"Einstein!" Booth looked over the rail once again to find Amethyst stood near Booth with a wide grin. "Are we going or what mom?"
Brennan smiled softly at Angela. "Looks like I have to go."
"Yep. Go sweetie, have fun. Well, as much as you can, you know."
"I know, Ange. I will see you later."
"I'll make sure of it, Bren."
"Excuse me, am I to understand that I'm actually addressing the family of one of these robbers?" The FBI liaison that had been assigned the Keenan couple's case asked with a confused frown. Brennan and Amethyst sat one side of the small round table, with Russ sat on the opposite side. Both Brennan women were ignoring Russ, and Booth would have found it hilarious had he not been so worried about his partner and how she was handling everything.
"Max and Ruth Keenan's children and granddaughter." Booth confirmed solemnly. Amethyst smirked; finding that she was a descendant of these people had just made her laugh about how much more dangerous their family was, though she hadn't shared those thoughts with Brennan.
"Hi." Amethyst greeted brightly as Brennan and Russ both swallowed uneasily, neither used to those words being used to describe them. The FBI liaison managed an amused smile at the teenager before returning to a sombre appearance.
"Max and Ruth. Yeah. They never really belonged in that crew."
"Why?" Brennan asked, her curiosity getting the better of her.
"They worked smart." The liaison explained. "Specialised in safe deposit boxes, no guns. They'd either con their way in or case out the place, break back in on the weekend." The liaison went on to explain the many differences between the couple and the rest of the crew before then stating about the fate of the crew. Offering the Brennans a small smile, she stood and left the room, closing the door slowly behind her.
Once they were alone, Booth joined the other three at the table. "So, what do you guys think?"
"I think… That woman was telling the truth." Amethyst offered slowly.
"I don't know what to believe." Brennan added honestly. Russ remained silent.
Booth nodded, wanting nothing more than to pull his girlfriend into his arms once again. "We'll figure it out Bones. We always do."
"If you keep bringing Chinese food in the middle of the night, we're both going to get fat." Brennan commented as she curled into Booth's side on the couch. Parker was back home with his mother, and Amethyst had already stated that she was spending the night at her best friend's dorm room, an eighteen year old named Daisy. The two had been best friends since they had both started college just less than two years earlier, both starting before most people did.
"You won't get fat, Bones. There are many ways to burn off those extra calories." Booth wiggled his eyebrows playfully at her, making her laugh and hit his chest playfully.
"Stop, Booth." She got out between giggles. "That's later."
"Oh? Well, in that case…" He moved in, seemingly to kiss her, only to change direction at the last minute and tickle her under her ribs and chin until she gasped for mercy, prying at his fingers to stop their assault on her torso and neck. "Feeling better?"
"Yes." She gasped out.
"I know what you've been thinking." Booth commented lightly, pulling her back into his side and wrapping an arm protectively around her waist.
"I doubt it." Brennan curled her feet up onto the sofa and leant into Booth, content to rely on his strength for them both for the time being.
"You've been thinking that your family is made up of liars and criminals and that makes you feel lonely. There's a story here we don't know yet." Booth reminded her.
"Like what?"
"Bones, 'don't know' means that it's a mystery."
"What were your parents like?"
"My parents? Uh… My dad, he drove thuds and phantoms in Vietnam." He smiled at her confused expression. "Those are fighter jets. After that, he was a barber in Philadelphia and my mom, she wrote jingles for a local advertising agency."
"So they didn't go out at night after you were asleep and rob banks?" She replied bitterly. Booth sighed, pulling her closer to him and kissing the top of her head.
"Bones, parents have secret lives. Like Parker doesn't know that I'm an FBI agent, not really, and he sure as hell doesn't know that I was a sniper. I never want him to know that I used to kill people for a living. And surely you have some part of your life that Gem doesn't know about?"
"Not really." Brennan shrugged a little. "I've never lied to Ammi."
"No, not even about the imaginary constructs of Santa Claus or the Tooth Fairy. Whilst they may be important constructs in some children's lives, Amethyst would not have believed even should I have told her lies in their existence." Brennan offered Booth a shaky smile. "I only refuse to tell Amethyst details that she does not wish to know."
"Alright. Well, it's getting kinda late." He stood up and pulled his girlfriend up by her hands. "Time for bed. Come on, Bones. We need sleep."
"I'm awake." Amethyst shot off the couch at Booth's throat clearing, blinking sleepily. She'd spent the night at Daisy's, but had headed into the lab at barely six o'clock to have a conversation with Zack about subdural haematomas and ended up falling asleep on her mother's office couch, covered in a throw blanket. Booth had walked in two hours later and watched her sleep for a couple of minutes before clearing his throat to wake her.
"Sure you are." Booth played along. "Where's Daisy?"
"She had to get to work. She works here as a tour guide in the main museum to supplement her bank account." She deflected, standing up and rubbing at her eyes to clear them of sleep. "What's going on?"
"We found the guy Russ described. I think you'll have an emotional mom again later."
"I'll go get ice-cream then. Oh, and Booth?"
"I don't know how she would get through this without you. Thank you."
"Don't thank me, Ammi. It isn't necessary. I'd do anything for her."
"I know. And that's what makes it all the more special." Amethyst waited until Booth left the office before pulling out her cell and dialling the number she'd rang after setting eyes on Russ for the first time. "Hey, it's me again. You don't need to come here anymore, but I have a name I want you to run for me. Off record, obviously. Max Keenan. Yeah, thanks."
"Tempe? What're you doing here?"
"I brought my family to the fair." Brennan gestured behind her to where Amethyst was eating cotton candy enthusiastically and Booth was helping Parker onto one of the horses at the carousel. Brennan shrugged lightly and turned back round to face her brother, holding out her hand. "I brought you something." She dropped his marble into his hand, panicking as he turned to walk away again. "Would you like to stay with me for a couple more days? At my apartment, I mean. It will be loud and messy, Parker will run around with boundless energy, Booth will make silly jokes and Amethyst will yell at you if you disturb her when she's working, but… That is my family. And I would… like it if you were a part of it."
She held her breath as Russ deliberated over the decision. Finally, he nodded and broke out into a huge smile. "Yeah. Maybe you could officially introduce me to your family." Brennan nodded happily, and practically skipped over to the other three, Booth having managed to get Parker off the carousel after the third time of the little boy riding it. Parker had a little bit of Amethyst's cotton candy and was munching on it happily. Brennan fought the urge to roll her eyes. They'd have a hyper five year old tonight. Rebecca had had a teamwork symposium for two nights that she couldn't get out of, which meant that Booth would have him until she got back. "Russ, this is Seeley Booth, my boyfriend." Booth waved with an amused snort. "This is Parker Booth, his son." Parker tried a garbled greeting around cotton candy, causing a laugh between the four others as Brennan finally turned to her daughter. "And this is Amethyst Brennan, my daughter."
"Nice to meet you all. Uh, Amethyst, right? Can I have a word?"
Amethyst nodded warily and followed Russ out of earshot. Brennan made to follow them but Booth stopped her silently with a smile.
"What's going on?" Amethyst asked with a frown.
"Look, I know my reaction about your…"
"Uh yeah, wasn't the best way to react in the world."
"Pretty much."
"You're not going to make this easy on me, are you?"
"Nope. But please, carry on. It's fun."
"Alright. Amethyst. I've been an awful guy to you, even before you were born. I don't like the circumstances around your… conception… but I would like to have some sort of familial relationship with you. Would you maybe accept me bring your uncle?"
"What do you mean by circumstances around my conception?"
"Well, you know, for you to have been here, Tempe must've been forced upon."
"Hate to break it to you sunshine, but nothing of the sort happened. 'Tempe' slept with my dad of her own free will, dude. They were together for the best part of five years, since I was conceived until I was four. Anything else you want to know about that you'll have to ask mom." Amethyst shrugged slightly. "As for the uncle thing. I'm good with it as long as you don't think that means you can needlessly butt into my life and my choices. Mom and I have a good relationship going. I ask that you learn what we're like before you judge it or interfere with it."
"I can live with that." Russ admitted, pulling the teenager in for a hug that Amethyst returned cautiously. A few steps away, Booth smiled at Brennan and put his arm around her waist with a proud smile.
"See Bones? Everything might actually work out for a change."
"I hope you are correct Booth, I really do."
Parker glanced up at them with a hyper grin. "Can I have more cotton candy please?"
Laughter and chatter accompanied the five returning to Brennan's apartment, even through the toast and Amethyst's obligatory sarcastic remark about their philosophical toasts. The talk and laughter died the instant Brennan pressed the voicemail button on her landline.
"New message recorded today. 3pm." Beep. A male voice came over the line. "Temperance? You have to stop looking. You have to stop looking for me right now. This is bigger and worse than you know. Please, stop now." Beep.
A shocked silence followed the final beeping noise, Brennan and Russ' dumbstruck faces intermingled with Booth and Amethyst's utterly confused ones. Parker appeared to be the only one unaffected, sat on Brennan's couch and playing silently with his dinosaur that Brennan had won him on the ring toss at the fair earlier that night.
"Who was that?" Booth asked quietly, his beer bottle halfway to his lips.
Brennan swallowed heavily before turning to look at Booth with haunted eyes. "That was my father."
The End.