(A/N): Alright, so this is my first Bones fanfiction. Until a couple months ago, I'd only ever seen the occasional episode, but then they started showing it from the beginning and to cut a long story short, I'm now obsessed with it and I love Booth and Brennan together! They are so sweet together! Anyways, I hope you read this and like it and all that. Please review and let me know what you think. Rated T for later chapters, not this one I don't think. This is an AU kind of, from Season 1, and definitely goes off cannon from before season one, episode nine, the one where we see Parker for the first time. The titles in bold and underlined are songs, and you don't have to listen, but they kinda influenced me when I was writing this. If you're interested the songs are: Forgive Me by Evanescence, True Friend by Miley Cyrus, If Only by Disney Descendants and Never Grow Up by Taylor Swift. The title is also a song by Maddie and Tae. Anyway, read on and enjoy!
I don't own Bones or any of their characters, I swear. (This is a blanket disclaimer for the entire fic).
After The Storm Blows Through
Chapter 1
Forgive Me
"Hey, where's Parker?" FBI Special Agent Seeley Booth asked his ex-girlfriend, Rebecca Stinson as he entered her apartment one Friday night. Rebecca rolled her eyes, flipping her blonde hair away from her face and sighing in exasperation.
"It's nearly midnight." She pointed out. "You said you were working, so I got the babysitter to look after him while I went out on my date."
"At least let me see him?" Booth pleaded. "What about tomorrow, could I have him then?"
Rebecca sighed again. "Fine. Pick him up tomorrow morning. He's in the living room." She led him through the front hall and into the spacious living room, currently littered with Parker's toys and a couple of notebooks, the latter covered in various diagrams and equations that made Booth think 'squint work' before he focused on the sofa where his son lay, fast asleep, his head resting on the lap of a fourteen year old girl with long raven waves, who was sleeping sat upright on the sofa. "There." Rebecca whispered so as to not wake the children. "You've seen him."
"Who's the girl?" Booth demanded, forgetting to lower his voice like Rebecca had done. Rebecca shushed him as the girl stirred, her eyes remaining closed as she adjusted her position and slipped back into sleep.
"Parker's babysitter, I told you. She lives a couple blocks over and looks after Parker a couple of times after school as well when I have to work late."
"Why didn't you tell me? I could've got a background check on her." Booth protested. Rebecca rolled her eyes, pushing him towards the door.
"She's fine, and she's good to Parker. That's all that matters." She pushed him into the hallway. "I'll have Parker ready for eleven tomorrow. Goodnight, Seeley." And with her parting words, she shut the door in his face.
A week later, Booth let himself into the lab at the Jeffersonian Institute, ignoring the glares he received from the artist in the team, Angela Montenegro, the intern, Zack Addy, and the entomologist Dr Jack Hodgins, who were all stood together on the platform that took up the majority of the large, open plan space in the centre of the lab. He knew he'd messed up, and didn't need their reminders of what had happened.
Booth stared down at the tiny bones, feeling disgust and horror provoking bile to rise in his throat. His partner, Dr Temperance Brennan, looked up from her observation of the bones to look at him. "Definitely a Caucasian female, approximately six years of age. Slightly too small for her age, and the condition of the bones suggest malnourishment." She blinked at his expression as he slammed a fist into the table next to the one that housed the little girl's body. "Booth, I know it is hard, but you need to focus on the facts." She attempted to reason with him, seeing his anger levels rising. Unfortunately for her, he chose that moment to lash out.
"Look, some of us actually have emotions Bones, and they can't be turned on and off at the flip of a switch!" He practically yelled at her, watching as she blinked in shock and swallowed down a retort. His anger started to fade as soon as he saw the hurt creep into her eyes. "Bones…"
"Don't call me Bones." Brennan muttered as she undid her lab coat and set it over the back of the nearest chair, walking as fast as she could off the platform and out of the lab altogether.
"She has feelings, Booth." Booth turned to find Angela stood behind him, arms crossed and glaring at him. "I can't believe you'd say that to her."
That had been a few hours ago, and as Booth hadn't been able to find her anywhere else, he'd headed back to the lab, hoping that she'd be there. Ignoring Angela's protests, he let himself into Brennan's office, searching quickly for the forensic anthropologist. Not finding her, he turned to leave in defeat when he caught sight of a form sleeping on Brennan's couch. Taking a closer look, he frowned when he saw it was Parker's babysitter. At Rebecca's, he hadn't had chance to get a good luck at her face, but as he let his eyes wander over her features, he felt an overwhelming sense of familiarity, and not from seeing her at his ex-girlfriend's place.
Oh well, he decided that he couldn't wake her, as she'd looked exhausted, and he'd have to find Brennan the following day. That night he had to visit Parker's school with Rebecca for the Parent-Teacher Conference, despite the child only just being in kindergarten.
After he'd left the lab, the girl shifted over in her sleep, only to fall off the couch with a thud and startle herself awake. Her piercing blue eyes wandered the room, feeling that something was off. If Booth had seen her eyes, he would've recognised her immediately.
True Friend
Angela Montenegro entered the office of her best friend and pseudo-sister, Dr Temperance Brennan, smiling gently at the girl that had just fallen onto the floor. Angela had heard everything that Booth had said to Brennan earlier that day, and she was fuming where the FBI agent was concerned, whist simultaneously being incredibly worried about her friend. She knelt down next to the teenager and gave her a sad smile.
"Ange, what's going on?" The girl questioned slowly, rubbing at her eyes. Angela handed over a notebook.
"Hodgins finished his theory on your notes and asked me to give them to you." Angela handed over the notebook, waving off the girl's words of thanks. "I'm worried about Bren."
"Why? What's happened?"
"Booth yelled at her, accused her of having no feelings whatsoever." Angela confessed, knowing that telling her everything was the right thing to do. "Bren ran out and no-one's seen her since. I just want to know she's okay."
"I'll find her Ange." The girl stood and packed up a backpack with her notes and the blanket she'd used to cover herself as she'd slept. "I'll let you know when I've found her."
If Only
Dr Temperance Brennan sat at the counter of a dinky coffee shop that she only frequented when her deadline for her book was getting closer. The atmosphere was just right for her work, and she always found herself writing chapters upon chapters when inspiration hit. She'd never told Booth about the place, and it didn't look like any place she would otherwise willingly go to on a regular day. It served her purpose well, especially today as she was ignoring Booth, praying that he didn't find her.
Kathy stared at Andy, not sure what to say.
Brennan stared at the line she'd written for a good ten minutes. Whilst she'd deny that the characters were based off herself and Booth, she couldn't help getting caught up in it sometimes, the fictional world a good escape from real life. Through extensive google research and the like, she slowly understood more pop culture references, as Kathy understood more things in that regard than Brennan herself did. Sighing, she deleted the line and stared at the blinking text cursor on the new document she'd opened for that day's work.
A coffee was placed next to her elbow by a helpful waitress as she closed the document and smiled involuntarily at the desktop background. Angela had taken that picture. Brennan was stood in the park, her auburn hair floating about her face in the wind, the dark haired girl with bright blue eyes stood next to her, both smiling brightly for the camera.
"You look busy."
Brennan looked up as the teenager slumped into the seat opposite her and took a sip of Brennan's coffee. "Amethyst. I thought you were getting some sleep in my office."
Amethyst shrugged. "I was. Then Jack helped me with some of my work, and Ange told me what happened between you and Booth. Then I came to find you." She leant forwards slightly and placed a small hand on top of Brennan's. "How are you doing?"
"I'm fine." Brennan replied automatically, sighing when she caught Amethyst's disbelieving look. "Alright, so it hurt. I do have feelings, and sometimes it's hard to put them to one side, but finding out the truth is more important than my feelings. Getting closure for that little girl is far more important."
"How old?"
"Six. I remember what you were like at that age." Brennan smiled slightly, though her eyes were filled with tears. "You were so curious, and loved it when I would show you my notes when I was working. I still have some of the ones you scribbled on. Some family will never experience that with their little girl."
Amethyst shot her a small smile. "You'll find the truth and get closure for her. I believe in you. Now, I have to get to school and pick Parker up for his mom, and you need two more chapters drafted before tomorrow, so I'll leave you to it." Amethyst stood and pressed a kiss to Brennan's temple. "It hurts because you love him. It's okay to love him."
Brennan shook her head and sighed, reopening her document. Whilst what Amethyst had told her wasn't really a lie, she didn't want to focus too much on it. With Booth's blatant disregard for her as a human being, she should be furious, wanting to end the partnership like she did last time.
Why would Andy do something like that? Worse, why didn't she stop him, yell at him, something? Kathy was so confused. She didn't know what she felt, and it felt as though her brain was about to explode. She knew she'd never felt so strongly before about anyone, and if she could just figure it out, then she knew she had the potential to be so happy, with Andy. If only she could just make him see how she felt, then maybe he'd feel the same. Maybe.
Brennan stared at the words she'd written without much thought into what she'd wrote, until she'd studied it. The message wasn't even all that vague. The evidence only pointed to one conclusion. She was in love with Booth. Unrequited love at that. She fought the urge to whack her head off of the table. What was she going to do now?
Never Grow Up
Amethyst Tesla Brennan waited outside the door to the kindergarten class, checking her watch to make sure she'd arrived in good time. She'd started babysitting Parker a couple of months earlier, when she'd accidentally bumped into his mother, Rebecca, at a social event hosted by the Jeffersonian Institute, where she'd been in a corner eating cake and Rebecca had been there because her boyfriend had insisted on it. They'd struck up a conversation, and before they'd really known much about the other, Amethyst had offered to babysit Parker, and Rebecca had agreed. Since then, Amethyst and Parker had hit it off, much to Rebecca's relief, as the little boy had scared off three babysitters before the teenager because he hadn't liked them.
Amethyst frowned a little to herself. She knew full well that she didn't have a normal relationship with her mother, Temperance Brennan, having been born a month before Brennan had turned sixteen, conceived as a result of Brennan wanting her parents back, thinking if she rebelled then they would. They hadn't and Brennan had ended up with Amethyst. Though Brennan would never regret it, Amethyst had grown up close to her mother and knew she could tell her anything, without the elder getting mad about it without hearing all the facts. The teenager could do as she liked within reason, and set her own deadlines and bedtimes and the like due to Brennan's constantly busy schedule. Occasionally, she would stay with her dad or Angela, as she had when Brennan had been in Guatemala, but she always preferred it with her mother.
Amethyst automatically opened her arms as Parker threw himself at her, enveloping the teen in a tight hug. "Hey Parker." She returned the hug with a smile. "Want to go to the park?"
"Yeah!" Parker agreed enthusiastically, chattering about his day as Amethyst took his backpack and slung it over her own shoulder before taking his hand securely so he couldn't get lost and leading him in the direction of the park. "Ammi?"
"Yeah, Parks?"
"Why do grownups fight?"
"Uh, there're a lot of reasons, kid. Why do you ask?"
"Daddy's sad cause he fought with his work friend." Parker told her matter-of-factly as he practically skipped at her side. "When me and Dean fight, we make up again by playing soldiers."
Amethyst fought not to laugh at the four year old's outlook on things. "Oh, Parker, everything should be that simple. Stay like this forever."
"Okay, Ammi, I will."
To Be Continued?