Snow couldn´t remember the last time she had seen Ravenna this angry, she had already throwed her favorite vase on the floor and cursed her husband at least ten times. She simply sighed and played with a pen on the table, why couldn´t they just realize they didn´t want prince charmings, they didn´t want king charmings, they wanted etch other. Snow wanted Ravenna more then anything but she did realize that wouldn´t happen.

"KNOCK IT OFF HENRY I CAN HANDLE MYSELF!" Ravenna snapped and threw another vase down on the floor. "You don´t get to decide how I shall be anymore! I´m staying with Snow and you can´t stop me!"

"But I can!" Florian stood up and shook his head. "Snow, what will Apple say hm?" He turned to his wife and shook his head. "How will you explain this little romance to her, she already hates Ravenna because she is the evil queen, like it or not but she is our enemy, she poisoned you because you where prettier"

"Hey!" Ravenna frowned and shook her head. "I poisoned Snow because you where acting like an ass about the whole, I shall marry the fairest princess of them all, oh she will just adore being my wife.. GUESS WHAT FLORIAN SHE HATES BEING YOUR WIFE!"

"Well that isn´t exactly true, I do love you Florian.. of course I love you we have Apple together and she is the most important person in my life" Snow sighed and looked between them. "But I still love Ravenna and I can´t stop feeling the way I feel"

"I suggest you both stop, Ravenna we have Raven.. what will she say?" Henry frowned. "You always wanted her to be evil, how will she be that if you´ve been lying about how much you hate Snow all her life" He took a step closer and simply stroked the queen´s cheek. "Come on my love, you know this can´t happen."

Ravenna sighed and leaned against his hand, why did he always say things so they sounded smart? Why did he always use Raven to get her back to him. Because Raven was her only weakness, she knew that deep down. Still she didn´t want to admit that to herself or anyone else. The evil queen wasn´t supposed to have weaknesses, no one evil was supposed to have one still everyone she knew had one. The queen of heart for example, she did everything to protect her daughter and it amazed her. How could someone be so protective of their daughter when they knew her destiny. On the other hand, The candy witch seemed to have become good when her daughter was born still Ravenna stayed the same and dreaded the day she would realize that she would offer anything for Raven. "Henry please don´t use Raven against me"

Henry sighed and shook his head. "I have to this time Ravenna, I can´t lose you" He whispered and leaned closer.

"Hey!" Snow stood up. "Knock it off Henry, you are getting into her head!" She walked over and carefully pulled Ravenna closer to herself instead. "Ravenna don´t listen to him, you know very well he is just using you for his own gain.

Florian frowned and watched the two. "Enough, Snow you have a daughter that is waiting for you to join her for dinner. Ravenna you have a daughter that despises you… I suggest you both works on your relationships to your daughter then to etch other, come on Henry.. I need a drink"

Henry sighed and followed him out, he wished Ravenna would listen to him for once. Raven needed her mother and he knew she wouldn´t just accept this new relationship. He slammed the door leaving the two queens in silence. They dreaded what the other one was thinking.

"Snow.. what now.."

"I-I don´t know… but… I suppose we have to figure something out later… you love Henry.. I need to go meet Apple.." She whispered and hurried out of the room.

Ravenna sighed and face palmed. This story wouldn´t end with an happy ending. She felt it in her soul.

(Hi guys! Sorry, I have been so focused on school and work stuff so I haven´t been able to written! Please review the story so I can hear what you guys think! Love you all!)