After talking with my new Beta Saruto and bouncing ideas off her I found myself wanting to get out of my usual comfort zone with Crossovers. So after rereading the OHHC manga I realized that I can make a story or two from events that happens. So this is my first attempt at a Ouran/HP cross. I own nothing unless it's OC. This starts at the end of third year and before Ouran starts.

The Foreign Type

Chapter One

"I'm gonna kill that fool of a Godfather." Harry Potter grumbled in his mind as he walked towards the new school he would be attending.

Ouran Academy was a school where those of rich and famous families sent their children to learn. It's also one of the best schools in the entire country of Japan. Now you might have a question or two so why don't we start at the beginning. Before this past summer Harry had been attending Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry located in the Highlands of Scotland.

The now 13 year old had spent his entire third year believing that the escaped convict Sirius Black was out to kill him. Imagine his surprise when at the end of the year he learns that Sirius was not only his Godfather...but an innocent man. The true killer of 12 Muggles (Non-Magical beings) was in fact the believed thirteenth victim Peter Pettigrew. However Harry also learned that that wasn't the crime that truly changed the structure of the teenagers life.

Sirius confessed to Harry, his friends Hermione Granger and Ron Weasley, and Remus Lupin a former friend of Harry's father and said teens current D.A.D.A teacher that he had never been the one who had been in charge of protecting the secret location of the Potter's hidden cottage. Sirius had believed that it was too obvious that the Potter's would chose him to be their secret keeper.

In what he believed to be a stroke of brilliance he suggested they making Peter the secret keeper, all the while Sirius would continue to wonder around acting as bait to keep Peter safe. Only for Peter to run to the very man who had killed Harry's parents Tom Marvollo Riddle AKA Lord Voldemort.

After Sirius had seen the results of Peter's work he admitted that he acted stupidly when instead of taking Harry, he handed the then one year old to Hagrid and went hunting for Peter. This had resulted in his incarceration which was illegal since he had never seen his day in court. After learning all of this the group dragged Peter out of the Shrieking Shack to hand him over to the Ministry and the Dementors.

Soul sucking monsters that guard the magical prison Azkaban. As they walked Sirius asked Harry if he had be informed by Gringotts about his family "A Lordship!" Harry called out in surprise. Sirius blinked from his place on the other side of Ron as the two carried the wounded teen between them. Remus and a cowering Peter were walking in front of them while Hermione was at the end of the group.

"Sorry Pup but since I can't have children it falls to you to be the next Lord of the Ancient and Most Noble House of Black when I die. After all as my Godson I was able to name you my heir...course it helps that your Grandmother on your father's side was also a Black." Sirius explained as they continued to walk.

"But you should have heard about this already."

Sirius said making Harry blink this time "I should?" He asked.

"Harry in the case the Lord of a old family is unable to retain the position...whether through death or incarceration...the next heir is informed. Should they not be of age they would be informed upon such a time as they are mentally fit to learn of such rolls. Didn't Gringotts contact you on this Summer on your birthday?" Sirius asked the last question after explaining for Harry.

"No the only people I heard from were Hermione, Ron, Hagrid, and a Hogwarts letter Professor McGonagall sent." Harry said.

That bit of information actually made both Remus and Sirius pause and look at the teen before looking at each other. "Harry...have you received any mail before Hogwarts? And anything other then what your friends have sent?" Remus asked his tone told Harry that it was very important that he answer.

"No...never." Harry said with a shrug this time making the men look at another again with looks of disbelief on both their faces.

"Why?" Harry asked.

Surprisingly it wasn't either men but Hermione who spoke up "Harry...that doesn't make any sense." she said in a familiar tone that reminded Harry of her lecture moments.

"What do you mean Mione?" Harry asked using the nickname only he was allowed to call her by.

"Harry celebrities receive fan mail, packages, even hate mail from complete strangers every day. It makes no sense that you would never receive even a single message till you were eleven and for it to be from Hogwarts." She said making Harry blink and think about it. He realized she was right in the Magical world he was the biggest name currently even now he didn't receive any messages minus those from his friends.

The thought was driven out of his mind when the group exited the secret passage onto the grounds of Hogwarts and Harry realized that while it was night they could all still see clearly. "Oh no." He whispered as he looked behind him and saw the moon in it's full glory in the sky as it rose into the air.

The slight cry of pain made him turn forward and saw Remus was hunch over. "He hasn't taken his Potion!" Hermione cried out as Sirius rushed forward past a retreating Peter.

"Remus!" He called and held his friend as the change started and Remus started to shift into his werewolf form.

Harry blinked as he noticed Peter trying to run "No!" he called and tried to stun the man. He missed, and before he could try again Peter shifted into his rat form and was lost from sight. Sirius tried to make Remus remember that he was human only to get smacked away by the long think arm of the werewolf as the last of Remus' clothing was ripped away.

The three teenagers looked at the wolf like creature as it whimpered slightly "Professor Lupin?" Hermione asked.

The wolf looked at them before it raised it's head in the air and howled making them trio rush back. Hermione was helping Harry pull Ron back before a large black dog ran up and jumped onto the werewolf from behind. The two creatures struggled for power before the wolf smacked the dog away. "Sirius!" Harry called worried for the man in dog form.

Later Harry would wonder what happened as he rushed forward a new feeling coming over his body as if a long lost happy memory had filled his body. As Harry ran he never noticed himself starting to fall forward, never felt the internal change, nor did he notice the shift in the way he saw the world. He just saw someone he knew was the last of his actually loving family in danger and needed help and help he would.

As the wolf raised its long arm to slash the dog that was now pinned under it Harry hit it in the middle of the back head first. The wolf cried out in pain as it was sent hurling away landing on its side before it glared back at its attacker. The dog looked up and blinked in surprise as it's mouth opened in surprise at the sight above him standing protectively. Hermione and Ron was still in shock they had seen Harry rush forward only to see him once more pull off something that should have been impossible.

He had shifted...transformed from a skinny teen with messy black hair and bright green eyes...into a large powerful stag with a full rack of antlers. A small mark in the hair of the stag showed off Harry's scar with rings around his eyes almost like glasses. Harry bugled loudly at the wolf making it shrink back slightly as if remembering another time when a different stag had hurt him. (A/N: I don't remember if Stag's bugle but I'm gonna try it.)

The wolf noticed the dog starting to move and decided to take it's chances elsewhere as it turned and rushed into the Forbidden Forest. Sirius looked at his Godson's animagus form as he shifted back into his human appearance.

The stag was a lighter red almost rustic color, all for of his feet had white socks upon them, and a total of seven points on each antler. Sirius smiled at the teen turned animal "As a human you may look like your father even share his animagus form...but as a stag you are your mothers son." he said.

If it wasn't for the sudden feeling of cold emptiness that hit the air Harry was sure he would've commented. Sirius suddenly turned his head west making Harry follow his eyes to see a group of a hundred Dementors coming towards them. No one had any time to react before they were set upon as the Dementors started to drain all those around them of their happiness. Harry could feel himself started to tilt on his feet before a voice shouted out.

"EXPECTO PATRONUM!" The bellow was soon followed by the silver image of a doe as it rushed to help running around trying to protect the four people there. Harry once more felt the shift as he landed on his side once more human gasping but he knew things weren't any better.

The doe was trying but it wasn't enough to drive the creatures away and Harry realized it needed help as he forced himself up and drew his wand. "Expecto Patronum!" He called only for silver mist to appear for a moment before it faded from view making him curse.

"Come on!" He shouted before he found himself looking at the doe once more and remembered Sirius' words.

"Dad turned into a stag...Mum must have been able to turn into a doe...I am their son. I am Harry James Potter son of Lily and James Potter! And I will not lose my soul here!" He mentally shouted as he felt a great warmth rush through him.

"EXPECTO PATRONUM!" He bellowed before the area was surrounded in blinding white light, making Harry, close his eyes. The shrill screams that sounded around him made him open his eyes again as a great silver stag charged Dementor after Dementor. Making each flee as soon as it touched them.

Once the stag had done it's job it trotted over and stood before Harry making him look at it as the doe from earlier stood nearby "Dad..." he gasp as he raised his hand and touched the stag.

He looked at the doe "Mum..." he said a smile forming on his face before the two magical constructs started to fade along with the world around them.

"Utterly ridiculous!" The shout made Harry's eyes fly open as he realized he had fallen unconscious after the Dementors had been driven off.

"Never the less I stand by what I heard." A familiar voice said making Harry look towards the noise to see Minister of Magic Cornelius Fudge with a red face arguing with Severus Snape and Albus Dumbledore.

"Black is innocent I saw Pettigrew with my own eyes and heard enough to bring his conviction into serious question." Snape said.

"Severus while I'm sure you believe all of this there is no possible way...!" Harry ignored the rest of Fudges words to look around.

He saw that he, Ron, Hermione, and Sirius were all in beds with the latter chained to his bed all of them were sleeping most likely having suffered the effects of the Dementors as he had. Snape must have been on the grounds but kept his distance when Harry and his friends had tried to come back to the school. Harry also realized that he was the caster of the doe Patronus.

"There will be no argument about this!" The Ministers shouting woke the others as he marched into the room with Snape, Dumbledore, and three people Harry didn't know. A red haired woman with a monocle and a very serious face, a young looking woman with her hair in spikes and colored bubble gum pink, and a tall man of African decent wearing a hat upon his shaved head. all three wearing red robes with silver badges that gleamed.

"Ah Minister funny running into you here." Sirius said trying to keep it light but the almost hungry look on the politicians face wouldn't allow it.

"Yes indeed. I never thought I'd find Sirius Black mass murderer here at Hogwarts with the son of the very man he betrayed." Fudge said.

"Minister..." The serious woman said in a tone of warning making Fudge look at her.

"At ease Madame Bones! Now take him into custody and let us be done with it. I wish to be home in time for dinner."

Fudge said "Can't do that sir." Madame Bones said making the bowler hat wearing man almost growl.

"Why not?!"

He shouted "For one thing he hasn't been released from Madame Pomfrey's custody. Legally until she does so I can't touch him." Madame Bones said with a shrug making Harry almost snort in amusement.

The younger woman did snort but was able to cover it up as a cough before Fudge growled at the woman. "Then get that healer in here and...!"

"Minister I'm afraid you are about to over step your power. You see my staff are not under your jurisdiction but that of the Board of Governors and myself. You cannot order them to do anything against their will." Dumbledore said gently in his grandfatherly tone that made Fudge gain an even redder look as he seemed to puff up like a bull frog.

"What proof?" Harry suddenly asked making the adults jump in surprise before they looked his way.

"What was that my boy?" Dumbledore asked "What proof do you have that that man betrayed my parents?" Harry asked. Fudge blinked but before he could speak Harry spoke again.

"You obviously meant my father when you spoke earlier. Since Ron's father ever even mentioned Sirius Black in the time I've known him until last September." Harry said making Sirius and his friends look at him wondering what he was playing at.

"Harry my boy this man..."

"I don't want words!" Harry shouted sitting up stopping the propaganda before it started.

"I want records! As the future Lord of the Ancient and Most Noble house of Black I demand to see any record of Sirius Black's trial to gain the knowledge of this great crime he committed against my family!" Harry ordered...channeling his inner Slytherin...not really knowing if he had this kind of power but when he saw Fudge pail along with the smirks that appeared on both Madame Bones' and Sirius' face he knew he had done the right thing.

However it was Dumbledore's look of great fear that shocked Harry the most as if the elderly man couldn't believe Harry had done this...or that he knew he could do this. "Well Minister I'm afraid by Law Heir Potter's request must be fulfilled before we continue with the recapture." Madame Bones said raising her hands as if to show that they were tied.

"Very well! Aura Shacklebolt return to the Ministry and retrieve the records of Sirius Orion Black's trial for Heir Potter." Fudge ordered making the dark skinned man nod as he turned and left the room.

The wait was done in silence before Shacklebolt returned empty handed. "Where are the records?!" Fudge demanded in a voice that made others wonder if Shacklebolt was going to receive a 'How dare you...' speech in the future.

"There are none." Shacklebolt said in a deep booming voice that made the room suddenly turn deadly quiet.

"W...w...What?" Fudge asked in a small little voice.

"There are no records of one Sirius Orion Black ever receiving a trial. Merely an order for his conviction by Bartimus Crouch Sr." Shacklebolt said once more.

"Are you telling me that you've had a man locked away in prison for over 12 years...without giving him a trial?" Harry asked in a low dangerous sounding tone. Harry was copying a tone he had heard McGonagall use just before giving out a serious punishment making those who had been instructed by her shiver slightly.

"This is a very serious breach Minister. When word gets out that a possibly innocent man...a Lord no less...has been in Azkaban without a trial. Well...I'm sure I don't need to tell you what could happen." Madam Bones said making Fudge flinch.

"Maybe not." Harry said making everyone look at him.

"After all Minister Fudge wasn't in office when this took place. If he plays his cards right he can make sure those truly guilty of this mess suffer while he looks the hero. All he would have to do is find the right...word smith." Harry said not using reporter because he knew that the Ministry was bound to have one or two muckrakers in their employ.

"Course he would have to give Lord Black a proper trial but a quiet one with say...the head of the DMLE, the Mugwump, and himself present along with a few witnesses to back his words." Madame Bones said before pretending to look around.

"Oh would you look at that...all of them are present." She said. "Now all we need is someone registered to administer Veritaserum..."

"Actually I fit those requirements." Snape said before Madame Bones finished.

"Of that's right a Potions Master is legally able to offer the truth potion at any court proceeding when a Ministry administer is not present. Severus would you happen to have a vial ready?" She asked him making him nod before Fudge gathered his wits.

"Then by god's man go and get it!" Fudge said before he looked around him as Snape left. "I have decided that since there are no current records of any trial proceedings involving one Sirius Orion Black that a new trial is needed. Madame Bones will you conduct the examination of the accused?" Fudge asked making her give a little smile towards him.

"Of course Minister it would be my privileged."

After once more explaining his story Sirius was ruled a free man with the Kiss on Sight order against him being rescinded. "Lord Black I apologize on behalf of the Ministry for this grave mistake made against you. Is there any possible way we can repay our mistake to you?" Fudge asked the words 'so you don't destroy us politically' were left unsaid.

"Compensation for the time spent innocently incarcerated, forgiveness for being an unregistered animagus, and complete custody of my Godson and heir Harry James Potter." Sirius said making Fudge nod at each. Harry once more noticed a look upon Dumbledore's face that didn't fit the situation. Instead of a small grandfather like smile...or any smile at all...he was pale and looked almost like he had swallowed something sour.

"Of course Lord Black everything shall be handled right away." Fudge said as he bowed and left the room quickly.

"It's nice to know my cousin wasn't really as mass murderer."

The punk styled aura woman said "Ah was little Nymphadora worried about her cousin Siri?" Sirius asked in a teasing tone.

The sight of the woman's hair suddenly turning fiery red suddenly as her face gained an angry expression made Harry, Hermione, and Ron blink in surprise.

"Don't call me that!" She shouted "Why it's your name Nymphadora Tonks?" Sirius teased again only to bulk back at the sight of the wand in Nymphadora's hand.

"If you don't stop right now I will hex you so bad that your own mother might actually love you if she ever saw you." She threatened making Sirius shirk back again.

"You wouldn't?" He asked fear completely covering his tone.

"Try me." She said with a shark like smile making Sirius raise his hands in surrender.

"I give! I give!" He pleaded making her slowly lower the wand her hair turning back to it's pink shade.

"Bloody hell you had to inherit Andromeda's vengeful side wouldn't you?" Sirius asked her rhetorically.

The next day the story hit the news papers instantly covering the world in a scandal. Only instead of Sirius Black being a murderer people saw Bartimus 'Barty' Crouch being sacked from his job and threatened with jail time after his blunder. While this was happening Remus stumbled back into the school and was thankful that no one had been critically harmed by him.

"Of course I'm not surprised that if anyone was able to knock me off Sirius it was you Harry. It seems almost natural that you became a stag animagus after all both your parents were animagus as well."

"Dad a stag while Mum was a doe." Harry added making Remus nod his head.

"Just goes to show Harry Bloody Potter once more pulling off a feat that would be impossible to the average wizard." Hermione joked making Harry chuckle at her words.

"'Once more'?"

Sirius asked making everyone look at him "Just how many feats are we talking here?" he asked.

"Where to start? There's the troll that went after me, the protections around the Sorcerers Stone, facing against our D.A.D.A teacher that was possessed by Voldemort..."

"And this has happened all within the last three years?!" Sirius demanded of Hermione who had been counting off Harry's feats.

"Are you mad this is first year alone!" Ron called out with a laugh making both grown men pale.

"Second year there was crashing a car into the Womping Willow, facing a breed of giant spiders in the Forbidden Forest, a second D.A.D.A teacher this one trying to wipe out his memories, a sixty foot Basilisk, and to top it all off a memory of a younger You-Know-Who! Bloody crazy the things that go on around him it is." The sound of someone fainting making the trio look over and saw both men in beds looking quite pale.

"Think we over did it?" Harry asked his friends who both shrugged slightly.

Once the pair recovered they looked at the three of them before Sirius spoke "I don't know whether to scream at you lot for getting into so much danger...or be so proud that my Godson is following in his our footsteps." he said with a slight smile only to be whacked by Remus.

"Right...forgot time to be the adult." Sirius said as he rubbed his now sore head.

"And none of the teachers helped you with any of this?" Remus asked/demanded.

"We tried to tell McGonagall about Voldemort going after the stone...but she didn't believe us. Quirrelmort and Lockhart didn't exactly inspire a great need for adult intervention." Harry explained. Needless to say neither men were happy with that little tidbit and decided action was needed.

Less then a month after all of this had taken place Sirius had announced that he was withdrawing Harry from Hogwarts and taking him to a different country. "The main reason being privacy neither of us are going to get that here in England. Secondly both Remus and Myself are in need of serious medical attention that we are not going to get here. So in order to receive better treatment we are leaving the U.K and going to a country where no one will have heard of the names Harry Potter or Sirius Black." That country turned out to be the island nation of Japan.

Hermione came with the Remus, Sirius, and Harry after Sirius had invited both her and Ron to join them. Ron couldn't make it since his mother insisted he remain with the family since both Bill and Charlie would be visiting for the summer. A rare feat in itself since both lived in different countries. About three days after arriving Sirius and Remus brought them both to a magical hospital located in Tokyo while there it was decided that Harry should have a check up as well.

"I mean honestly what kind of people never take a child to a doctor for their shots?!" Hermione demanded in an anger filled tone.

"People that probably thought it better I get sick and no longer became their problem." Harry said with a shrug making Hermione and the adults flinch at the casual dismissal of his life.

"Mister Potter I'm surprised no one caught this sooner." A man wearing a white lab coat said as he looked at the results of the scan he had taken of Harry's body.

"Malnutrition, and incorrectly set bones can lead to serious problems. Not to mention this scan of both Basilisk Venom and Phoenix Tears in your blood." The English speaking doctor said while both Remus and Sirius growled while Hermione was shaken by the doctor's words.

"Is there any way you can help him?" She asked making the doctor nod.

"Since he hasn't fully gone through puberty yet and still rather malleable the damages to his body and bones can be repaired. The blood however..." He never finished but they all knew there was nothing for that.

"Also...I picked up some rather daunting energy coming off of that." He said pointing towards Harry's scar.

" what way?"

Remus asked "I'm not entirely sure, but what I'd like to do is have one of my colleges take a look at it. She deals with the effects dark magic has on the human body, and the curse that is still registering there is rather dark." He said making Sirius and Remus look at Harry.

Harry nodded making the Doctor reach into his pocket and take out a phone speaking in the native tongue as he made his call. Soon a woman slightly younger than the thirty something doctor they had already been dealing with showed up wearing a similar coat.

"Relax young man this isn't going to hurt any more than feeling a slight breeze across the face." She said as she scanned the scar. When she looked over her results and started exclaiming in Japanese making everyone jump as she pointed at the original doctor giving him orders before she left.

"What was that all about?" Sirius asked.

"It seems that when Lord Voldemort cursed young Harry he left something behind." The Doctor said.

"What?" Harry asked.

"A Horcrux." He answered before both Sirius and Remus were on their feet.

"WHAT?!" They demanded making Harry and Hermione wonder just how serious this was.

"How is that possible?!"

Sirius demanded "I don't know this isn't my field of study however I would guess that Voldemort had performed the leading ritual before attacking the Potters. When he died instead the soul fragment must of latched onto the nearest warm thing it could find...Harry."

"Soul fragment...what are you lot talking about?" Harry asked.

"A Horcrux is dark magic Harry. In fact it's classified as one of the darkest of the dark arts. A wizard or a witch perform a ritual that will allow them to rip a fragment of their soul and seal it into an object. This fragment will linger on even after the body it came from has died. Because a single portion of the dark lord or lady's soul remains they are not truly dead and can possibly return from beyond. It's a bastardize form of Immortality and Voldemort has taken it."

"Wait how can one possibly fragment their soul?" Hermione asked.

"By preforming a great crime against their fellow man." Sirius answered for her.

"Murder." Harry clarified making all three adults nod.

"Cold blooded murder. With absolutely no reason behind it nor any guilt felt from it. Only monsters can preform such an act...and Voldemort certainly fit the bill." Sirius elaborated.

"So what can be done?" Harry asked.

"Mia explained that what she intends to do is transfer the soul fragment from your body and into an object. Then it will be studied to see if the creator made any more." Doctor Nobuo said.

"ASAP!" Sirius ordered.

Harry almost felt lighter somehow when he awoke after the procedure " are you pup?" Sirius asked when he saw Harry open his eyes.

"Fine...better than I have in a long time actually." He answered.

"That's good." Mia said as she walked into the room having heard Harry's answer.

"That means we were able to retrieve all of the soul fragment and make sure you are free of it Mr. Potter." She said making Sirius sigh in relief while Harry smile.

"Is there anything to expect?" Harry asked her.

"The ability of Pareseltongue will remain with you. Only now it will be your own ability instead of someone else. Also expect a rather substantial boost in you magic. Since the soul fragment has been feeding off of it for the past 12 years forcing your core to grow to produce more you are going to have quite the bit of power behind you gift from now on." She explained making Harry blink before he sighed once more realizing that he and normal were never gonna be a thing.

The rest of the summer was spent getting used to life in Japan with Harry taking time with Hermione's help to catch up in his non-magical studies. While also learning the Japanese language, culture, and advanced magic. Remus had discovered via the Gringotts of Tokyo awarding company that had been able to place a time displacement ward around the house along with the general defensive wards.

When activated the time displacement slowed down time inside the small western styled manor to the point that a single hour outside of the world was the equivalent of a day inside the manor. With this Harry had no problem learning all he needed to before Sirius had announcement the name of the school Harry would now be attending.

"Ouran Academy is a Muggle school of course. Since there are no set Magical schools in Japan you will have to attend a non-magical one. Also since the Japanese believe that Magic is something that only those close to you should be informed off you can relax as you spend the time there." He had said with a small smile he tried to keep hidden.

Now as Harry looked at the school he realized why he had smiled. "A pink school! Pink!" He mentally shouted as he looked at the large building before sighing and heading through the front gates wearing the male uniform of the school.

A blue blazer with the crest of the school on his breast, a pair of black slacks, a white dress shirt, and a black tie with a red stripe running down from the center. Harry sighed as he held his messenger-style bag over his shoulder and walked on knowing that he was going to have to just go with whatever was going on around matter how crazy it seemed to be.

That's all for now folks. R&R Ja Ne