AN: Thanks for all the support! Here's another scene. Let me know how you guys are liking it.


It was blinding, making red swim in his vision.

It was deafening, the thud of his heartbeat drumming out all else until he couldn't even hear that anymore.

It was scalding, his whole body feeling prickly and hot, uncomfortable and confused and furious.

He'd done this. The man he'd once looked up to as a hero had forced his mother from her home and the people who loved her, and all Henry could feel was fury.

The thirteen year old slammed the door of the Charming loft on his way out, making baby Neal stir from his nap. "Henry!" Emma called, annoyed at the inconsiderate action, and reaching for her jacket, preparing to go after him.

"Emma, wait..." Snow had collected Neal and found the piece of paper that had fluttered to the floor upon Henry's abrupt departure. She handed it over to Emma, concern flitting through her features. Emma gazed at the first few lines, and felt dread infuse her with every passing word.


"Emma?" Snow looked alarmed. "What is it? What's wrong?"

The blonde rubbed her forehead for a moment, sighing heavily. "It's Regina. She's... left."

"Left?" Snow's eyes widened, and she appeared more than a little confused. "What do you mean, left?"

Emma was back on her way out the door. "I mean left. She's gone. Call Dad, have him check out the town line, now."

Henry didn't pause to say hello to any of the dwarves or fairies he passed on the way to 108 Mifflin Street. His features were stormy and tumultuous, and any passing knew that he'd inherited that look, not from his birth mother, but from the woman that raised him. The anger rolling off the boy was palpable; so much so that more than one passersby crossed to the other side of the street, if only to keep from being an easy target for the boy's rage.

Henry didn't knock. He shoved open the door to his mother's house, stormed into the dining room, and saw Robin there, his head in his hands. When he heard Henry enter, Robin's head snapped in his direction, damnable hope springing into his eyes. It melted away when he saw that it wasn't Regina standing there.

"You did this," Henry growled, his hands balling into fists. He couldn't hope to take the man in a fight, but that didn't mean that the urge to punch the thief in the face wasn't mighty. His voice, his words, were accusing, thick with betrayal.

"Don't you think I know that?" Robin scrubbed his face with his hands, and it was only after his own admission of guilt that Henry began to truly look at Robin. The man was broken. Dark bags hung beneath his once vivid eyes, and his expression was miserable. The man had always had a smile handy, but even now, on the day of the birth of his child, he was dejected. He'd lost the woman he loved.

Robin sighed heavily, then looked up at Henry. "If you've come to berate me, feel more then welcome, Henry. Anything you say can't be worse than anything I've already thought myself."

Anger whooshed out of Henry with breathless speed, leaving him empty and shaking, until he felt the same despair roll over him that Robin was obviously feeling. Without another word, the boy went to the man, and threw his arms around him. Robin wrapped his longer arms around the boy and hugged tight. He thought it was more than he deserved, but he would take all that he could get.

"I'm sorry," he whispered over and over again. "We'll find her. We will. I won't rest until I do."

"Papa?" Dark hair and eyes poked out around the banister of the stairs, almost as if afraid to speak. The young body curved around in the shadows, and it was clear he was close to crying. "Where's 'Gina?"

Henry turned to look at the boy he considered his brother, then held his arms out to him and beckoned him to join. "She's lost, Roland. We've gotta go find her."

"Like... a quest?"

Henry smiled, feeling awe that he was even able to. "Yeah, buddy. Exactly like a quest."

A night of pizza at the Mills house ensued as Robin, Henry, and Roland ate and planned. It was sometime around two in the morning, after Roland had fallen into a deep sleep while holding Regina's pillow to him, that Operation Page 23 was born.