Chapter 31: New Beginnings/New Danger

One week had passed since Marshall woke up. Within that week the Rangers had gotten the Park back on track, with the help of the pups. But something had changed, Silvera saw it, Pedz saw it, yet neither one questioned the Paw Patrol. Anna told Ryder everyone was just stressed, they simply needed to relax and so they did.

Looking over at his mate and his pups, and then his fellow team members, Marshall couldn't help but feel as if something or someone was missing. It was like a hole, no matter how hard he thought, he couldn't fill that void of emptiness.

Ryder stood from his sitting position and approached the dalmatian. "Marshall? You okay pup?" When he received no reply back, Ryder grew worried, he knelt down on one knee to his pups level. "What's been bothering you?"

"Nothing," Marshall bit back a bit harshly. Realising he had spoken wrongly, he apologised. "S-sorry Ryder, I just need time to think." With his head hanging low, and tail between his hind legs; Marshall found his strength and limped out of the infirmary.

"Ryder sir?" Chase has witnessed the scene, his young leader stood to his feet and approached the German Sheppard. "What's happening to us?"

"What do you mean?"

Licking his front paw, Chase sat up. His brown eyes staring into Ryder's, "There's no communication anymore," Chase replied twitching his ears. "Marshall is distant from us, Rocky is never here, Everest rarely speaks, Rubble and Zuma always make excuses up and avoid us and well Skye-"


"Ryder sir, I know so much as happened and I've probably lost everyone trust but we're changing." He painfully admitted, eyes watching Everest as she fed her pups. "And no one speaks about it."

"About what?"

"We all feel it Ryder sir, we all feel like something is missing!" Chase raised his voice slightly as Silvera entered. "We can't hide it,"

"Chase we're-"

"With all due respect Ryder, don't you want to know?"

Ryder heavily sighed, "No one remembers Chase, but of course we want to know."

"Is everything okay here mate?" Came Silvera's worried voice as the Head Ranger stood at the entrance to the infirmary.

"Yes," Ryder bluntly replied, his own stress levels rising through the roof. "Everything is completely-"

"Not fine! Look at us! We're falling apart!"

Chase, Silvera and Ryder were surprised by Everest's sudden outburst.

Her pups all directed their vision to their mother.

"It's not fine, we've been pretending ever since Marshall woke up but everything is horribly wrong." Standing shakily to her paws, Everest motioned for her pups to stay. "Chase is right about one thing,"

With everyone's eyes on her, Everest continued, "Something happened, and we lost someone dear to us."

Meanwhile outside of Ranger HQ

Pedz was helping Mark put up a small shed which was one of many things that collapsed during the main earthquake.

"A little higher," Mark instructed pedz who was holding a pole.

The Superstar nodded her head, but something-rather, someone caught her attention.

Marshall had managed to make his way outside, although his paw was throbbing he sat under the shade of a half-burnt tree.

"Do you mind if-"

"Go for it," Mark knew what she was going to ask, "We can finish this later, no hurry."

Pedz offered him a smile, which he returned. Brushing her hands on her jeans, she approached the pup. "What brings you out here?"

"Just wanted fresh air is all," Marshall muttered, not wanting to spark a conversation.

Not taking the bait, Pedz pressed on. "I wish I could believe you, but I can't. I've known you for awhile now, I can tell when you're not telling the truth."

Feeling overwhelmed, Marshall suddenly released a whimper. "I just-I just feel like I'm back to square one, with my paw being hurt-"

"It's more than that, tell me what's bothering you."

His bottom lip began to tremble as he let the emotions he had been keeping bottled up, escape. "Everything feels so wrong,"

"I know,"

"You do?" Marshall looked up at the Superstar to find her already looking at him

Trapping her bottom lip between her teeth, Pedz nodded. "I feel it too,"

"Who are we missing?" He questioned mostly himself.

Pedz shrugged her shoulders, "I-"

She was interrupted by Michael who had been out in the park with Rocky and Rubble.

"There you are!"

At first, everything seemed fine, until Michael got closer.

Marshall's eyes took in the Ranger's figure, bruised covered his arms, a scratch was leaking blood on his left cheek and he was completely covered in dirt.

Pedz instantly ran over to him, "Michael? What happe-"

"Where's the pups?" Marshall cut across, noticing the absence of his friends.

"I need help," Michael leant on Pedz shoulder for support while he tried to slow his breathing down. "It's Rocky, he's in trouble."

This was all Marshall needed to hear, activating his pup-tag; he called Ryder. "Ryder! Come in? It's Marshall."

Almost instantly he received back, "Go ahead Marshall, is everything okay?"

"You need to come outside, something happened to Rocky." After saying that, he shut his pup-tag off before turning around to find Pedz talking with Michael. Seeing them both distracted, Marshall gulped and quickly yet quietly disappeared in the same direction Michael had come from.

It wasn't until her brother followed by his pups (Minus Everest) came running out from Ranger HQ, Pedz realised Marshall was gone. "Bollocks!" She face palmed herself.

"where did-"

"Pedz? Micheal? Where's Marshall, he said-" Ryder saw the worry in his sister's eyes and the frown on her face. "He went after Rocky, didn't he?"

"I'm afraid so," Pedz felt a vibration in her pocket at the same time Ryder's pup-pad beeped.

Both pulled out their devices.

'What goes Tick tock?' Read a message, another came through on both devices. 'Could it be a clock?'

Ryder furrowed his brows, "What does this even mean? Who sent it?"

Once more his pup-pad beeped, signalling he had received yet another message.

'a clock goes tick, a bomb goes tock, but the better question is, what happens when you put them together and strap them to a cliff?'

The second after Pedz and Ryder finished reading, a loud explosion rocked the park sending a pillar of smoke and dust into the air.

Yet again, Ryder's pup-pad beeped.

'Better hurry, the rock is falling and clocks ticking.'


Guess who's back?

The cookie monster!

Nah, jokes. This story is continuing, and I'm very sorry for the EXTREMELY long wait! Pretty please don't pinch me?


Sorry for the short chapter, but I will be updating this story more frequently (I had writer's block for this one, but it's gone now)

To be continued.