Chapter 1: Disaster Strikes Again

It had been some time after Rocky passed the Boot Camp. He was still being punished by his actions, and had to sit out each time there was a mission. Sure he hated the fact he was pushed to the side lines, and the fact the pups were growing further away from him no matter what he did. At least he still had his mate Wendy, who was 4 weeks pregnant, maybe that's why they all pushed him away. Thinking he copied Marshall, who had got Everest pregnant, Everest was further alone, she was 6 weeks.

Rocky sighed as he sat outside on the grass, watching Marshall and Everest in his pup-house

"Hey pup" Ryder said walking over and sat beside him "I just got back from Katie's, Wendy says hi and that she loves you"

"Why can't I go see her? Why do I have to stay here all the time?" Rocky huffed laying down

Ryder patted the Mix-Breeds head "You know the rules on your punishment Rocky, you're not allowed to leave the Lookout unless I say so, that means even visiting Wendy"

"It's not fair! It's almost been 2 months, and I'm still grounded" Rocky sighed as Chase approached them

"You still have 2 weeks left on your punishment, but you're lucky you weren't sent to Puppy Prison Rocky" Ryder pulled out a note "Wendy told me to give you this"

Rocky took it, and opened it up.

The Note Read

Dear my lovely mate

Rocky I'm missing you a lot, all the hugs and kisses that you use to give me I miss them all but most of all I miss seeing you my love

I'm now 4 weeks pregnant with our pups Katie has been a big help I'm hoping to see you soon my love as I miss you every day I would

come and visit but Katie has told me it's better if I stay here missing you more every day.

From Wendy

Rocky held the note against his chest, as tears fill his eyes

"Ryder sir?" Chase said walking up, ignoring Rocky

"What is it Chase?" Ryder asked standing up "Rocky we'll continue this later" he said as Rocky nodded and walked away "Chase?"

Chase looked down at his paws "I-I.. was wondering... Ryder sir... If it were alright if I take Skye out on a date... I mean if I take her to the pup-park tomorrow? I want to talk to her, about.."

"Chase it's fine, yes you have my permission" As soon as Ryder said that, Chase jumped in his arms and licked his cheek "Chase, your welcome" he chuckled placing the Shepherd on the ground

"Thank you!" Chase grinned and ran over to Skye who was with Zuma "Skye?"

Skye turned around and looked at him "Yes Chase?"

"C-could I maybe talk to you?" Chase asked nervously

"Of course" Skye giggled "Excuse me Zuma" she said standing up

Zuma nodded

Skye walked off with Chase "What is it?"

"Well.. I.. was kind of wondering... if tomorrow... would you like to spend the day with me at the pup-park?" Chase asked looking at her, he knew she was more then likely going to say...

"yes" Skye giggled

Chase blinked "Huh? You mean it?"

"Yes means yes silly! Unless it's pup opposite day" Skye giggled "See you at say 9am? at the park?"

"YES!" Chase shouted excited

Skye to raise an eyebrow

Chase coughed "I mean, great! See you there!" he said running off

Everest laughed seeing Chase walk passed Marshall's pup-house "Hey there Romeo" she snickered

Chase stopped and turned his head "Oh hi Everest, wait what did you call me?"

"Nothing" Everest giggled as Marshall licked her neck

"Never saw you in there Marshall" Chase said sticking his head through the pup-doorway

Marshall giggled then rubbed Everest's round belly "Yeah I can hide behind Everest now, and sneak up when you least expect it!" he said pouncing on Chase

Chase jumped and was forced to the ground "Ha-ha very funny Marshall" he pushed the Dalmatian off him and stood up "How are you doing buddy?"

"I'm ok" Marshall said then Rocky walked passed his pup-house, Marshall whimpered and hid behind Everest

"I won't hurt you Marshall" Rocky stopped outside and looked in

Chase growled "Leave it alone Rocky"

Marshall whimpered louder, lately he had been having these nightmares which would take him back to Rocky trying to kill him.

Rocky sighed, he knew not to push Chase. "Fine" he said and walked off

"Marshall?" Everest turned around and nudged his cheek "Hey Marshall it's alright, he's gone"

"We won't let him hurt you again, you should know that by now" Chase said sighing "But I swear if Rocky keeps pushing it I will..."

Everest put her paw over Chase's mouth "No Chase, our focus is Marshall not Rocky"

Chase nodded "Alright, Everest" he smiled "well it's almost breakfast time, so I'll go head in and help Ryder prepare" he said leaving Marshall's pup-house

Marshall watched Chase walk out, Everest closed his pup-house door. "E-everest?"

"Now I have to cheer up my cute and handsome Dalmatian" Everest smirked and forced Marshall onto his back "Can't have our pups daddy being upset now can we" she said holding one of her paws up in the air and hovered it above his belly

"N-no! P-please no!" Marshall begged her "Nooooooo!"

Everest smirked and brought her paw down on his belly and started tickling him

Marshall burst up laughing "P-please Everest!"

"Nope" Everest replied now using both paws to tickle him

"S-s-stop!" Marshall begged Everest who merely smirked and started licking his belly, he closed his eyes and laughed louder

Everest moved her tongue across his white belly while she tickled with her paws, then she noticed something in his lower body. She laughed. "Oh Marshall"

"S-sorry" Marshall blushed as Everest took hold of ...something... and licked it, causing him to loudly moan. "E-Everest!"

Everest said nothing and merely licked more, moving her tongue up and down the hard object.

Ryder was meanwhile getting all the pups breakfast ready, he then pulled out his pup-pad "Pups breakfast!" he called into it

All the pups replied, apart from Marshall and Everest who were, shall we say 'preoccupied'

"Good morning pups" Ryder smiled as they entered

Rubble mumbled something half asleep

"Mowning Wyder" Zuma chuckled as Rubble fell back asleep

Chase rolled his eyes "Wake up Rubble"

Rubble mumbled.

"I got this Chase" Skye winked at the Shepherd which sent shivers through his body, she then grabbed some treats and waved it in front of Rubble's nose "Rubble... Oh Rubble, I'm about to eat this delicious chocolate puppy treat, mmmm it's yummy!"

Rubble's eyes shot open he snatched the treat out of Skye's paw and eat it within seconds

"Nice one dude!" Zuma giggled walking up to his bowl

"Where's Marshall and Everest?" Ryder asked as Rocky walked through the Lookout doors

All the pups turned and looked at him

Rocky sighed, and said nothing walking over to his bowl which he picked up and left the Lookout

"You pups need to start treating Rocky better" Ryder said kneeling down "I know what he did, but he paid his price at the Boot Camp and is still paying it"

"No" Chase huffed sitting down "Haven't you seen Marshall lately? He's so scared when Rocky is around, it breaks me to see him like that Ryder sir, that hyperactive fun, loving dalmatian we all loved is gone'

Seconds later Marshall walked in with Everest who was wobbling and no, not because she was pregnant either.

"Hey pups" Ryder said standing up knowing what they got up too "Everest are you ok?"

Everest blushed "I'm fine Ryder" she said and kissed Marshall's cheek

"Alright then, here's your breakfast" Ryder smiled showing both pups their bowls

"Thanks Ryder" Marshall said helping Everest sit down "There love"

Everest giggled and kissed him on his lips, he kissed her back. Then both started eating their breakfast.

Ryder watched all his pups eating, well almost all. He looked out the doors to see Rocky eating by himself "Why can't they be how they use to be" he said to himself

Meanwhile in Adventure Bay National Park...

The Parks meteorologist Brad, was up in his advanced weather station working out the forecast over the next two weeks, the Rangers Cook/Chef, Kate walked in

"Brad your still up? You've been up all night" Kate said carrying a tray with bacon and eggs

Brad smiled looking at some weather maps on a computer "Silvera wants this forecast before this evening, so I have to finish it"

"Well, don't let Anna find out, she'll make you sleep" Kate laughed placing the tray on a table next to him "I thought you might be hungry so I cooked you some breakfast"

"Thanks Kate!" Brad replied and grabbed a piece of bacon

A alert suddenly sounded, as red lights started flashing around Ranger Headquarters's

"What is that?" Kate asked as Brad brought up the alert on a screen

Brad turned and looked at Kate, his ranger communication beeped

"Brad? What's going on?" Silvera's voice came through

"This is bad, Silvera you have to get the other Rangers back now! I'm picking up a earthquake, it's a big one, and right in the heart of the park" Brad replied then a rubble noise was heard outside

Brad and Kate watched as the tray started moving on the table then fell on the floor

"Brad? What magnitude is it?" Silvera asked worried "Brad?"

"Oh my god... Silvera it's 8.2!" Brad then felt the ground start to shake

Silvera, Mark and Michael arrived

Kate looked out a window and saw birds flying off, then Ranger HQ started to shake violently "We have to get to the shelter Brad it's too dangerous up here"

Brad nodded in agreement as both ran to the elevator "No, let's use the stair's" he said pushing the stair case doors open.

Ranger HQ shook even more, cracks started to appear on the structure. As Brad's Weather station collapsed falling into the 3rd floor

"This is not good" Silvera said, as she Mark and Michael were forced to the ground by the shaking "Some of my team are in there!"

Michael got an alert on his radio "That's not all, there's hikers and visitor's trapped all across the Park, including one of our entrance's is blocked"

"We can't do this by ourselves Silvera, we need help" Mark looked at his Leader "You know who you need to call"

Silvera nodded pulling out her phone, she swiped through her contact lists and found a figure she hadn't seen since the Boot Camp "Here goes" she said pressing on the boy

Back in Adventure bay...

The pups had just finished eating, when slight shaking was felt through the ground. The shaking increased, as the Lookout slightly swayed

"Wyder? What is that?" Zuma asked running out of the Lookout with the other pups

Ryder looked shocked "It's a tremor"

"You mean like an earthquake Ryder?" Marshall asked scratching his head

Chase rolled his eyes "No Marshall, it's a airplane landing."

"What! Really! Where?!" Marshall questioned looking around

Chase face palmed himself

The pups and Ryder felt a very powerful wind blast, which was hot

"What was that one caused by?" Marshall asked as coughing was heard behind him

"Excuse me" Rubble said blushing "That one was me, I may have farted"

"RUBBLE!" The pups all said together, sighing

"What! Hey at least it doesn't stink" Rubble said still blushing

Zuma raised an eyebrow holding his muzzle "Tell that to my nose dude"

Everyone laughed apart from Rocky who was sitting by himself.

Ryder giggled as his pup-pad rung "Sh pups" he said hushing them, then answered "Hello Ryder here"

"Ryder! G'day, It's Head Ranger Silvera!" she had worry in her voice

Ryder knew straight away something had happened, and was more then likely caused by that tremor "Silvera, what is it? What's wrong?"

"I'm afraid to tell you, but we need your help, again" Silvera replied "There's been a 8.2 earthquake at the heart of the Park, it's trapped a lot of people here including some of my rangers in my HQ" she said showing him the collapsed building

"Don't worry Silvera, the PAW Patrol will help! No job is too big no pup is too small!" Ryder replied back then hung up "Pups, it looks like we're going back to the Park, all of us"

To be continued