A/N: Well...here it is folks! The last chapter is among us! I hope you've all enjoyed reading as much as I've enjoyed writing and seeing your reviews/favorites/follows. I will say, it's been brought to my attention that an email notification did NOT go out about Chapter 12, so if you are seeing this, and haven't read the chapter I posted since my update about the slow updating, then kindly pop back to Chapter 12 and catch yourself back up! LoL!
Sand: As always, thanks a bunch! I'm so glad you like.
Side Note: Don't own anything, just my imagination.
"Good morning, Riley."
Nodding this time, she smiled. "Good morning."
"You look well today."
Letting her breath out, she sat forward briefly. "I'd be lying if I didn't say I felt decent."
"Just decent? You're not the least bit excited?"
"You're being discharged this afternoon."
"They haven't told you yet?"
She shook her head. "No one's been in yet."
"Oh. Well, don't tell them I told you." she said softly.
Giggling, she leaned back. "Your secret is safe with me, Doc."
"Do you realize that's the first time I've heard you laugh, or seen you smile?"
Looking away, the smile didn't completely lose its luster. "Yeah." and her brows knitted together. "I haven't exactly been the most forthcoming with things, have I?"
"That, you haven't, miss Matthews. But, dare I ever admit this again, I think you are one of my favorite patients."
Meeting the older woman's eyes, she half grinned. "Really?"
"Why?" came out innocently.
"Because I knew, deep down, under all of that scruff, there was a really good person in there, that was just banging on the door to come out."
Worrying the stray strand on the blanket she was under, she blinked softly. "You think the door is opened now?"
She could tell the girl was asking for an honest opinion, and not trying to be boastful or to be sarcastic. "I think, that you are standing at that door, looking out at who you used to be and what your world used to be, and you're curious now. Before, you were so closed inside yourself, you didn't even care about what tomorrow held, much less the next few hours, few minutes, few seconds."
That made her stop and think. Tomorrow. "I haven't given much thought to tomorrow to be honest."
"Maybe not. But when I mentioned you going home, there was hope. There was an excitement for the future."
"Even though it's only a couple of hours from now?"
"Baby steps, Riley. You didn't get to this place overnight, you're not going to get better overnight. However, I definitely think that with a little time, and some work, we can get you better than you've ever been. Stronger. You have to want it though. And now, I believe you just may."
Smiling into his incredible face, she stood solidly in front of him. "Thank you for bringing me."
Taking her into his arms, Lucas held her to him, smiling against her hair as he laid his cheek on the top of her head. "I'll always do whatever you need me to do."
Taking a contented sigh, she squeezed him tighter. "I think I know that now."
Releasing her, he reached under and tilted her chin up. "I'm sorry you ever doubted it."
Closing her eyes she shook her head. "Don't…"
"Let's take a walk." he said, cutting her off. He'd been careful about what he said to her, but admittedly, sometimes it was hard. Taking her hand, he led her through the park and they sat down on a park bench.
Turning toward him, she took a deep breath. "I don't want you to think you can't say something to me."
"I see the way you dance around me. I wasn't...I want you to be honest with me."
"I will never not be honest. But I don't ever want you to feel like you need to run and hide. And to know I ever made you feel like you needed to disappear…"
"But that's just it. That is something that even I didn't realize until later. It wasn't anyone's fault but my own. It was just...my own defense mechanism. I didn't know how to deal. So I didn't. And now…"
"Brat!" came from somewhere behind them.
Turning, she couldn't help but smile. "Hey, Skip!"
"Wow! I hardly recognized you. You look great, kid!"
"Thanks." she said, blushing. Grabbing her other half's hand, she introduced them. "Skip, this is Lucas. Lucas, Skip."
Being polite but hesitant, he stepped forward and took the guy's outstretched hand. "Nice to meet you, officially."
Skip shook and grinned. "Nice to meet you as well." then he turned to the small brunette. "There's a light in your eyes. It's really good to see it. I hope it stays there always."
She smiled and looked up at Lucas. "I hope it does too."
Stepping close, he hugged her and stepped back. "It's good to see you. Maybe we'll run into each other again sometime. Who knows. I'm going back to school so I'm sure I'll be getting a mundane job here soon."
"That's great to hear, Skip. You take care, yeah?"
"You too, brat." and he glanced back at the blond young man beside her. "Don't you let her lose that fire again, yo. Never let her lose it again." and he turned, walking away.
Looking down at her now, he watched the friendship that had been there, even in it's oddest fashion. There had definitely been something growing there and dare he admit, he was as grateful as he was a tiny bit jealous. He'd understood exactly what the guy had meant when he told him not to let her lose her fire again, even if Riley didn't know the depths to which it ran. Admittedly, when she suddenly turned into him and held him close, it surprised him a bit. "You okay?"
"Absolutely. Can I ask you a question though?" and she pulled back.
"What did you guys mean by officially?"
Letting his breath out through his nose, he studied her expression. "He was there that night that I found you."
Trying to remember, it was hard for her to even think about it. It seemed so far away. Staring after the figure that was disappearing. She could feels his fingers massaging her shoulders as she stood.
"You were really fond of him, weren't you?"
She shrugged, not really ready to get into it, but resolving to be honest. "He just kinda...took care of me. A couple of times, when I was really messed up, he made sure I got to Maya's, after getting something to eat, and steering me clear of cops."
It was hard for him to hear what she was saying. To know that she'd been so close to danger, willingly..."Riley, don't feel like you have to answer me, did you ever do drugs?"
Shaking her head, she answered honestly, and was surprised it didn't affect her to talk about it, like she'd originally feared. Maybe it was just because it was Lucas. "No. I drank. I would have probably dabbled a bit if Skip hadn't been there, though, if I'm going to be completely honest about it."
Wrapping his arms around her protectively, he exhaled softly. "I think I'm glad he was there."
Nodding against his shirt, she took a deep breath in, and let it out slowly. "I'm glad you're here."
Holding her head gently to his chest, he bent in and kissed her hair. "I'm glad I'm here too."
Looking up into his amazing eyes, she smiled. "Let's go to Topanga's. Everyone is supposed to meet us there for coffee in a few. Probably won't hurt if we get there a little bit early."
Smiling, he nodded. "After you, princess. Wherever you go, I shall follow."
Again, hope you guys have enjoyed! Will start posting my next story which is also an AU soon! :D See you there!