I would say stuff here but it's late and I really should be getting to sleep right now, so instead I'll do quick review responses and then release this thing!

Brentinator: Thanks! It's creepy, right? Anyway, thanks for the review!

TheEliteWriter (chapter one (idk if he was reviewing the whole story up until then or just that first chapter, but i'm putting it here)): Well, at least you found it! Thanks for reviewing!

-Sebastian's POV-

I kicked Bree straight in the face.

"Ah!" She clutched her nose, which unsurprisingly took most of the damage.

Lexi was helping Tank up, keeping her burnt arm to her side.

"Sorry about the… uh… lightning… incident."

Lexi just sighed, and gestured that I should leave.

"Go ahead. I'll be out in just a minute."

She shrugged and then left with Tank. I turned around to face Bree.

"You will never succeed. We may not be invincible but you are not strong enough to take us down. That's power you could only dream of." She muttered.

I growled under my breath and then charged forward.

I slashed my pitchfork back and forth in violent swings. Using my molecular kinesis, I lifted her by the throat, then slammed her into the wall, then another wall, then the floor, ceiling, wall, wall, wall, floor. I blasted electricity at her and then grabbed her by the throat with my own left hand before slashing her across the eyes and dropping her to the floor. I screamed and slashed at her again, and again and again. I brought my pitchfork down on her arm, cutting it clean in half. Only then did her screams become audible to me, I was too focused on my attack.

"Who… is consumed… by wrath now?"

I turned my pitchfork upside-down, either prongs would face the floor and were perpendicular with my body, so only one prong faced me. And then, with a roar, I plunged it into her chest, then let it dissipate. I pulled my arms away from the emptiness where my weapon once was. I put my arms to my side, but left much room between my hands and torso. And with that, I turned around and left, the building crumbling behind me.

-Adam's POV-

"Adam." Said a voice from behind me.

I turned around to see Bob, and got ready to fight.

He put his hands in the air. "Woah. Stop! I don't want to fight." Then he lowered his voice. "Look, I'm all for this rebellion thing, I want revenge too. But Sebastian has gone mad ever since he was shot in the head a few months back. I don't think they had time for surgery, he's never healed. I think it's his weak spot."

"Why are you telling me this, Bob? I thought you worked for them."

"I do… or did, rather. They've gone too far, Adam. We're just as bad as what we seek to destroy. But if I tried to take on Sebastian alone, I'd die no doubt, he's more powerful than all of us combined."

"How do I know I can trust you."

"Because I came here unarmed." He gestured to the table. I turned my head to see his bionic chip laying on it.

"Okay… I'll trust you, but if you betray us-"

"I know. Also, don't tell anyone. And I mean no one. Take my betrayal to your grave. If Sebastian ever finds out, he'll make me wish you had killed me."

I nodded, "you can take your chip back."

"Thanks, Mr Davenport is behind the counter, he's just knocked out. Remember, tell no one what happened here, say I was just trying to steal the chip extractors." He reminded.

"Got it."

Bob started to leave.

"Wait!" I called out. He turned around. "Why don't you join us? We can fight him together!"

"Sebastian may be insane, but this movement isn't. You and I share a common enemy in Sebastian, but Sebastian and I share a common enemy in you. I'm sorry."

And with that, Bob left the house.

-Lexi's POV-

We got back to one of our father's old warehouses. Sebastian was pacing around the room, hands to his head, and he was definitely angry.

"It's the Davenports, they're doing this. All of it!"

I had no idea what the "it" he was referring to was.

Sebastian paced around, muttering swears under his breath. Eventually, he just screamed, ignited his pitchfork, and brought it down on a metal table. The object was sliced clean in half, its two parts falling to the cold, stone floor.

"Sebastian, I think you're getting too frustrated, maybe you need some rest."

"Maybe, you need to shut up and stop questioning me!" He snapped, his eyes flashing blood red, sparks dripping from his irises.

"What the heck has gotten into you?" Spin said as he came through the doorway.

"What the hell has gotten into all of you, for…" he stopped and panted, his eyes fading to normal as he stumbled around, he stumbled to a table to gain his balance but slipped away, straight to the floor. I sped over and caught him just before his head hit. "I… I do need to rest…"

With that, Sebastian passed out, and I set him on the floor.

"Well, his mental condition sure is fine!" Spin announced sarcastically.

"Sebastian has been going a bit crazy recently. I think it's from sleep deprivation. Last time he slept was two days ago, and it was only for an hour. The pattern has been going on for a while now." I said.

"Are you sure that it's just sleep deprivation? It may be something else, a bit more serious…"

"Spin, he just needs rest, we all need to relax once in awhile."

"Let us all hope." He sighed before leaving the room.

-Douglas' POV-

Dear lord, what have I gotten myself into? My force field is shielding me from the debris of the demolished building, but it can't hold up forever. I've been moving the debris as much as I could and moving the shield for a long time now, I've honestly lost track of how long I've been here. I've probably only moved maybe a couple feet, but I can just feel like I'm getting closer to freedom.

I see something in the rubble, it's some black fabric like material. I continue moving stuff until I see it, blood. I finally put 2 and 2 together when I heard a sound I never wanted to hear: a force field cracking.

Immediately, I rush to the device to change it's settings, I make the forcefield smaller, so that the energy can be focused into a smaller area, just big enough for two people. Then, I continue digging, more frantically than ever.

-Lexi's POV-

Sebastian had woken up and was going over the plans with us.

"Our next attack is soon, but it is not over even then. We still have to move on to the final phase of our plan." He pressed a few buttons and a section of the floor openness, revealing an old staircase. He, Tank, Spin, Bob and I all walked down the stairway, Sebastian at the front. It was so dark i couldn't see my own hand, but then the lights came on and I realised what Sebastian has been doing all this time. Before us were at least four dozen nuclear missiles.

"Sebastian… what is this for? Where did you get these?"

"Unimportant, but if you must know what their purpose is, they will be shot at the biggest threats to our power. All 51 of them together have the power of 14 Tsar Bombs being combined at then detonated.

"Sebastian, that could send an entire country into a nuclear winter!"


"That's not something we can survive!"

"I have a plan, we will be fine, I assure you." He responded. "Now suit up, we got a job to do."

-Chase's POV-

"The emergency room? She's gonna be okay, right? She can't die on us now."

"We don't know, Chase. Her condition is improving, but there's no real way to tell if she'll ever be the way she was. Sorry you had to be the one to take a the call, Donnie wouldn't respond."

"I'll… I'll be right down, Douglas." I hung up and immediately got on my way. Well, in reality, Mr Davenport drive me and Adam down as fast as the law would him too, even bending those rules slightly. Within 8 minutes, we were there. We rushed in. There was a nurse at the front desk.

"Hello. Are you here to s-"

"Davenport." Mr Davenport said in a scared voice. "I want to see my daughter."

"Right this way then." The nurse said, without a trace of emotion.

When we got to the room, the door was closed. The nurse knocked, and a doctor answered. "Are you family?"

"Yes." Mr Davenport said. "I'm her father, theeeee her brothers… will she… will she live?"

"At the moment we think so. She has damaged vocal chords, though. So without assistance, she'll be mute. Her vision is slightly impaired, permanently. Her nasal cavity collapsed. And, the most severe would be the gashes in her stomach, we'll need to perform a full surgery."

"Do it. Now. Just… just help my daughter."

"We'll do all we can, Mr Davenport."

Mr Davenport let out a shaky sigh of relief as he fell back into the wall.

"I suggest you go home, she'll be here overnight for the surgery."

"Wait. Can I please talk to her?"

"Sir, she is mute now, her vo-"

"I don't care. Let me talk to her." I knew he would kill just to talk to her in that moment.

"You have two minutes, then you will have to leave."

Mr Davenport entered the room, and the door closed behind him. Two minutes later, he emerged from the room, and we went home.

When we arrived, I saw Leo and Douglas on the couch.

"Big D, you okay?"

"Yeah Leo, I'm fine, just worried." He said as he went upstairs.

"Sorry I couldn't be there with you, I didn't want Leo to have to stay there overnight with me. I'll be going back a bit later, but… there's no reason everything has to be depressing right now. We need to lighten up a little. Anyone want pizza?" Douglas said.

"I don't see why not." I said.

"As long as there's parmesan!" Leo announced.

"I'm… actually kinda tired, can you bring me home a few slices? Or just a whole pizza, whichever works." Adam said before sitting down.

"Yeah, Adam, of course." Douglas chuckled lightly.

When we got to the pizza place, Leo checked for parmesan. There was none, so we had to ask for parmesan, and I'm so glad they had it because I wouldn't have wanted to hear Leo's whining.

When we finally got the pizza and started eating I heard Leo remark, "I think this is more of a work out than holding that building." He was clearly referring to the thick crust and abundance of cheese.

-Adam's POV-

I finally convinced Davenport to watch a movie with him, I didn't want him to be depressed forever. As it continued, I saw him start to get happy again? And then the lights flickered before the power went out. The emergency power booted up, but the TV was off.

"Aw man!" I groaned.

"Wait… what could've caused the power surge?" Mr Davenport said.

Just seconds later, the door burst down and two blurs flew across the room. Tank appeared in the doorway, blocking any escape attempts. The blurs stopped moving, revealing themselves and Sebastian and Lexi. Lexi stood a few feet in front of us, Sebastian a few feet behind.

"Well, well, well… lookie here!" Sebastian laughed behind before cracking his knuckles.

"You're not getting away, you're outnumbered! 3 to 2!" Lexi shouted.

"We may be outnumbered, but you can't defeat us!" I shouted, hoping to intimidate them.

"Lexi, subdue them." Sebastian ordered casually.

And suddenly my head hit the floor and Davenport was with Sebastian.

"My oh my… how I have waited so long for this moment." He taunted. "All this time running and hiding, and now you are the ones cowering in fear. What a turn of tables. Your family has brought me so much misery, and I plan on returning the favor."

"You'll never get away with this, Sebastian." I shouted.

"Oh… it appears I already have." And in an instant, his pitchfork ignited and slashed down. I heard a body hit the floor.

"NO!" I screamed, the sound so loud, some of the furniture actually moved slightly.

Sebastian waves his hand once and I was sent flying into a table, which immediately fell onto me, then I heard them exit. I've failed.

I feel awful after writing that. Like, I planned Mr Davenport's death a LONG time in advance, but when I finally wrote it, I felt like a monster. But nonetheless, the story must continue! Well, for one more chapter. Yep! Just one more chapter. Unless people want a sequel… then I might write that. Well, I hope you're hyped for the final chapter: Sebastian's Genesis. Until then, I'm TheUnknownBlock, and I'm out.