
Disclaimer: I own nothing related to Major Crimes; James Duff, et al, has that lovely distinction. All /lyrics/ are from "Forever and Ever, Amen" by Randy Travis.

A/N: Friendship and trust were the foundation of their relationship and they vowed that night that they, along with love, would always remain their top priority.

A/N2: Enjoy! Please leave a review if y'all's feel so inclined. They are ever so lovely to read and much appreciated. #TodayIsLife


Humans must have air to breathe; this allows them to live. Humans also need love; not to live in and of itself but to live better and happier lives.

/You may think that I'm talking foolish/You've heard that I'm wild and I'm free/You may wonder how, I can promise you now/This love that I feel for you always will be/

Andy must've sped to Sharon's place because she hadn't gotten too far into her book before his text came through saying he was outside the door.

True to her word, she hugged him tight, kissed him deeply and told him she was glad he was there. Thanking him, she took his hand as they walked to her bedroom.

Thinking of that negligée she had, of how much she wanted to be with him, she kissed him passionately as soon as she locked her bedroom door. His hands moved over her, free to touch wherever he wanted.

Rational thought broke in, reminding her that she had been upset when discussing Jack, that she had more than one glass of wine that night, and that Andy deserved his own special night without any distractions.

Pulling back, she whispered her apologies. He told her they weren't necessary because of his earlier promise that nothing but sleep would happen that night.

Slipping into bed, she in her nightgown and he in his boxers, they snuggled and talked about their visitors that evening. When she mentioned the two glasses of wine she'd had, he asked if that was why she sounded like she needed him when they were on the phone earlier or why she kissed him like she hadn't seen him in weeks.

Shaking her head no, she explained she had experienced a huge moment of clarity as she was speaking with him earlier and was very glad they were spending the weekend together.

When she offered nothing further, he tightened his arms around her and playfully told her to go sleep. They needed their rest to be able to concentrate and close their case quickly.

/But you're not just time that I'm killin'/I'm no longer one of those guys/As sure as I live, this love that I give/Is gonna be yours until the day that I die/

Waking up the next morning, he moved his hand along her body and kissed her deeply as soon as she turned to face him. Moving over her, he found himself held in place by her legs around his waist. He was trailing his tongue down her neck when the alarm went off.

"We should get ready for work," she said, frustration evident. "The sooner we close the case, the sooner we have free time for ourselves."

Moving off her with a loud groan, he agreed.

/Oh, Baby! I'm gonna love you forever/Forever and ever, Amen!/As long as old men sit n' talk about the weather/As long as old women sit n' talk about old men/

Though their day was busy working every angle of the case, a great deal of flirting went on between them. In her office, she allowed some teasing as well. Finding the person responsible and getting a deal for him meant reports were done quickly by everyone so the weekend could begin.

Thinking ahead, the Captain had requested Chief Taylor give the team the weekend off if the case was closed by Friday night. Overtime budgets always on his mind when it came to the Major Crimes Division, he had quickly agreed.

When she had all the reports and her team had left, the Captain debated whether to stay and do paperwork or go home and prepare for her evening with her Lieutenant. He made the decision easier when he offered to help her.

The paperwork might've gone quicker had it not been for the amount of flirting they engaged in while reading the reports. When it was finally completed, Sharon grabbed her belongings and Andy's hand and they made their way to the elevators.

Agreeing per usual to meet in her garage, they parted ways in their own vehicles. On the way home, they each had their own ideas of how to spend the evening and subsequent weekend together. Surprisingly, they were not even close in their plans.

/If you wonder how long I'll be faithful/I'll be happy to tell you again/I'm gonna love you forever and ever/Forever and ever, Amen/

Upon seeing him waiting for her, she gathered her belongings quickly and alarmed the car. She greeted him by pulling him into a kiss. It was slow but deep and she was glad they only had an elevator ride up left before they could truly enjoy their privacy.

Rusty had mentioned having plans with Gus for the evening and Sharon was hoping they lasted long enough for her and Andy to enjoy their alone time in her bedroom. She'd aways planned for their first time together to be without worry of being overheard by her son.

Riding up in the elevator, he managed to sneak in a few light kisses. The cameras unnerved her deep sense of privacy. He was conscious of their presence in the corridor as well when he loosely held her from behind as she unlocked the door.

Once they were inside, cameras no longer a concern, she covered his mouth with hers. Many minutes later, they moved apart, put their belongings in their proper places and verbalized a lack of desire for beverages or dinner just then.

Taking his hand, she headed for her bedroom. Thinking they were just going in there to change, he headed for the closet to drop his bag per his usual routine and change into his Henley and sweats. She, on the other hand, headed to the bathroom to change, rinse her mouth and catch her breath.

Though she wanted what she was about to suggest, the butterflies in her stomach were wildly flapping their wings, her heart was racing and her breaths were catching in her throat. Looking at her reflection, she calmed herself by taking a few deep breaths and blowing them out slowly. Reminding herself that they loved each other, she opened the door and stepped back into her bedroom.

He was walking out of the closet at the same and felt himself harden at the sight of her.

Her confident stride quickly changed to standing still with a shy smile just before she chastised herself for beginning to bite her bottom lip. He clearly hadn't expected her to change into that lavender negligée she had bought for just that occasion.

Walking over to her, he smiled at her to get her to relax, and hoped upon hope he didn't move them through their lovemaking too quickly. He wanted to make a good and lasting impression on her and didn't want her to think she'd waited so long that he couldn't control himself.

Wrapping his arms around her, he told her how beautiful she was, how great she looked in her negligee and how much he loved her and wanted her to be sure.

Moving to look at him, she assured him she was ready, that had been her moment of clarity the night before. She told him how much she loved him, how fully she trusted him and that she wanted to be with him. "I want us to make love, Andy," she whispered.

Covering her lips with his own, he let his hands move over her slowly. Waiting had always been their thing; there was no need to rush things now that she was ready to take that final leap with him.

She broke the kiss long enough to remove his shirt; then with her hands scratching gently down his back, she kissed him deeply while moving them towards her bed.

Along the way, he had moved the see-through robe off her, allowing it to flutter to the floor unseen by either of them. Too engrossed with one another, the dropping of articles of clothing was not what they were paying attention to as they slowly undressed.

As in her dream, he reached under her negligée to remove her panties but unlike her dream, he began leading her onto the bed still covered, not wanting to make her nervous by standing naked in front of him.

When she had placed her hand over his member through his boxers, she felt the heat of it, the heat of his body and became more confident in her movements. Removing his boxers, she whispered, "It's okay, Andy."

Knowing what she meant, he began sliding the straps down from her shoulders. "You're beautiful, Sharon," he repeated, because she was to him and because he wanted her to be as relaxed as possible.

Both naked, their kisses took on more heat, more passion, as they made their way onto her bed. Thinking he might look to enter her immediately, she was slightly surprised when his hands kept moving over her, exploring her as if he had never touched her before.

Emboldened by his murmurings to her, she let her hands move over his body as if he were a piece of artwork to be admired, loved and touched everywhere.

As moments passed, their kisses became hungrier, their passion burning unabated.

Again she was surprised that he didn't look to enter her but rather brought her to climax with his finger inside her as his thumb rubbed her sensitive nub.

Wanting to give him pleasure, much the same as he had just done, she kissed her way down his body and took him inside her mouth. His hands in her hair, he rasped, "Just a little, Sharon."

Pulling her up to him, he kissed her deeper than either thought possible and in the midst of their hunger, rolled them over. Making his way slowly down her body made her more excited, made the fire inside her burn that much hotter.

Wanting to feel his tongue on her, his fingers inside her, moving in and out of her, she breathed out, "Andy." The first lick on her nub had her moaning. Swirling around it had her bucking up into him. His fingers inside her, hitting her spot just perfectly while his tongue flicked and swirled had her telling him she wanted him. As she rode the waves of her climax, he made his way back up her body, kissing, nipping and licking. When he reached her breasts, he spent time suckling them as he settled himself between her legs.

The kisses were even hungrier when he finally reached her mouth and her legs moved around his waist as she whispered between breaths how much she wanted him. Telling her that he wanted her just as much, he positioned himself at her entrance.

He was taking his time, allowing her to change her mind whenever she felt too nervous but there were no signs of anxiety on her part. There was only love and desire flowing between them.

Slowly he entered her only to pull back out again. She moaned at the action so he repeated it a few times before slowly going deeper and deeper into her.

He was drowning in his senses. The smell of her perfume, her shampoo, the feel of her hands moving over him, the sound of her voice as she told him how much she loved, trusted and desired him, mixed with the warm wetness surrounding his member made him momentarily light-headed. He felt like he was literally floating as he pushed himself all the way into her.

Telling her how much he loved her, how much he wanted her, how he was always willing to wait for her as he slowly moved in and out of her was making her emotional. Her eyes misted over and she began leaving a trail of kisses along his neck so he didn't see and get the wrong impression.

Making love wasn't the sole purpose for them dating at their ages, after all that life had shown them, but it was the ultimate proof of trust between them.

Emotions ran high for both of them. Just as she was hiding, so was he.

Taking the opportunity to explore her neck, leave wet warm kisses along it, and to trace the shell of her earlobe with his tongue, allowed him time to settle down his own emotions.

As she was climaxing, he reminded her Rusty wasn't home; his own way of letting her know she didn't have to hold herself back with him. He knew it worked when her moans grew louder and her nails dug into his back carefully.

Rolling them over, he kissed her deeply and told her to ride him so he could make her feel good again at her own pace.

At first unsure of her body at its age, she became less self-conscious as he whispered how beautiful she was and how they intended to spend of rest of their lives together.

Finding just the right angle, she rode him slowly at first then picked up the pace, his hands on her hips, as the fire burned throughout her body. The wave hit her with a powerful crash and she leaned over to kiss him as her body rocked with the aftermath of her climax.

Rolling them back over, he told her he could never get enough of her now that they knew what it was like to make love. Smiling, she repeated his words and told him she wanted all of him.

Knowing what she meant, he moved at a faster pace, worried when he found himself pounding into her trying to achieve his own climax.

Moving her legs even higher around him, she whispered how thankful she was to him for waiting, how much she enjoyed their slow pace as they moved through the many stages of their courtship and levels of intimacy.

The sound of her voice, the meaning of the words she was saying to him, removed any anxiety he felt building up and he slowed down his pace once again. Taking his time, talking to her between kisses, he found himself unable to hold off his own climax any longer. As he shared with her the last thing he had to give, he kissed her slowly yet deeply and whispered once more how much he loved her.

As they lay together afterwards, he still on top of her, not wanting to move away just yet, she held him tightly and whispered how much she loved him and how glad she was to have him in her life. He, still not wanting to move, repeated how much he loved her and reminded her that his intentions for a life spent together remained true.

When they'd rested and each had admitted that they were hungry, they shared the bathroom as they made themselves presentable to go back out into the common living areas.

He redressed in his sweats and Henley as she set the negligée aside to be worn again when they went to bed for the night. Her dressing in leggings and a warm, comfortable sweater made them both presentable for spending the rest of their evening outside.

/They say that time takes its toll on a body/Makes a young girl's brown hair turn gray/But, Honey, I don't care/I ain't in love with your hair/And if it all fell out, well, I'd love you anyway/

By the time Rusty came in, Sharon and Andy were already in bed for the night. They were tired from their case but they made love once again, less intensely after their first time together prior, and went to sleep in each other's arms contentedly.

/They say time can play tricks on a memory/Make people forget things they knew/Well, it's easy to see, it's happenin' to me/I've already forgotten every woman but you/

There would be future hurdles to jump in their relationship, they knew from experience, but they'd face them together; fully together, having taken the last step, reaching their final stage for true intimacy.

Friendship and trust were the foundation of their relationship and they vowed that night that they, along with love, would always remain their top priority.

/If you wonder how long I'll be faithful/Well, just listen to how this song ends/I'm gonna love you forever and ever/Forever and ever, Amen/

[The End]

A/N3: Thanks for reading!