Ruby held her scythe out in front of her, rose petals billowing from the cloak that fluttered in the light breeze. Behind her was the severed bodies of dozens of beowolves, though scores more stood in front of her.

Spinning her weapon, she sliced apart several more that had attacked simultaneously and fired a round to propel herself forwards. Dancing through the middle of the pack, the air became filled with the clamber of gunshots, guttural roars, and wet limbs hitting the ground.

This was where she was the happiest, out in the field killing Grimm and playing the hero. Well, that was where she had always been the happiest, but, recently, that changed. Now when she was on a solo mission, it wasn't the same anymore. There was a hollowness that persisted and it killed the joy she normally felt.

It wasn't that she didn't want to be a huntress any less, that is still what she desired most, she just didn't want to be a solo huntress anymore. She had finally found someone to share her dream with… hopefully.

Disappearing in a cloud of petals, the reaper zipped to the other side of the pack, attacking the unaware Grimm from the flanks. Repeating her previous process, she began her methodical slaughter.

She wished Weiss was here on this hunt. But, no matter how much she wished it otherwise, the heiress had other responsibilities, ones much more important than she was. Despite the promises made, Ruby knew one day that Weiss' desire to improve her family's company could potentially separate them. Though, she wouldn't let go without a fight.

Freeing herself from the pool of disintegrating Beowolves, the reaper squared up against the last Grimm standing. A massive alpha, probably centuries old and with all the strength and cunning that came with that, stood defiantly in front of the short huntress.

Smirking to herself, Ruby released the magazine in her scythe, letting the exhausted dust canister fall to the dirt with a thud. Pulling a new one from her belt, one marked with an intertwined snowflake and rose, she slammed it into place and worked the bolt, loading a fresh round.

The magazine was among the ammunition that Weiss had given her for Christmas when they first started dating. Not only did it imbue her attacks with ice properties, but it also caused the rose petals released by her semblance to turn white. She had once asked the fencer how she had managed it, but Weiss had simply shrugged and smiled.

Maneuvering her scythe so it was pointed away from her prey, she pulled the trigger,, firing the weapon and propelling herself forward to attack. Too quick for the Alpha to even react, the reaper's scythe slashed across it's chest, leaving a streak of ice on the beast.

Turning to evaluate her handiwork, and the stream of white rose petals she left behind, her vision was filled by a giant paw. The blow hurled her into the ground, smashing through her Aura in one blow.

Her whole body jolted in pain. Too weak to even get back up, she braced for one the last blow. One that never came.

"I won't let you touch her." Weiss' voice, proud and defiant, filled her ears.

Barely managing to roll over, she saw the heiress standing over her, Myrtenaster at the ready. As the heiress lept forward, she danced back and forth, striking quickly and nimbly dodging the Grimm's swipes. But, much like Ruby's scythe, Weiss' rapier seemed to inflict no damage on the Alpha. Instead, it seemed to move faster with every hit it took, swiping at Weiss with terrifying speed.

Unable to call out a warning, Ruby could only watch in horror as Weiss was blindsided by a powerful strike, breaking through her Aura and throwing the heiress backwards, landing only a couple meters away from her.

Summoning the last dredges of her strength, Ruby crawled over to where her wounded partner laid. Bright ice-blue eyes flashed open as Ruby grabbed her hand.

"I'm sorry, Ruby." Weiss coughed out, a trickle of blood escaping from her lips. "I tried to save you."

"It'll be ok." She pulled the heiress into a rough embrace. "At least we're still together."

As she looked up to see the Alpha standing over them, it brought its massive back down in one last attack.

'BANG' A loud slam dragged her out of her dream, and into a blurry reality.

"W-what's going on on, Weiss?" She sat up slowly, still shaken from her dream, the sheet wrapped around her the only thing protecting her modesty.

"No time." The lithe heiress hurried over to the Ruby's dresser and pulled an assortment of clothing. Weiss pushed her out of the bed then shoved the clothing into her arms. "Hurry into the bathroom and get changed."

"Who's at the door?" She questioned, reality still a little hazy. Weiss was never this animated in the morning and she was more stressed than usual.

"That's not important." The white-haired girl snapped at her. "I just need you decent."

Allowing herself to be guided to the bathroom, she heard the door click shut behind her. Yawning, the scythe-wielder let the sheet fall to floor as she slowly pulled on the clothes her partner had handed her.

Contrary to her typical combat outfit, the clothes Weiss had given her were a little more conventional. A knee-length, pleated black skirt went over her dark red leggings while her simple black camisole was covered by soft, red vest with a large black rose design covering the left chest and shoulder. The vest itself had several loops sewn on it specifically designed to secure her cloak.

While getting dressed, she did try to pay attention to what was going on the other side of the door.

"Your father is disappointed in you. You were supposed to be home almost two days ago." An unfamiliar man's voice filtered through into the bathroom.

Ruby's face wrinkled in concern. Whoever was here probably worked for Weiss' father, but what did he mean that Weiss was supposed to have been home already? Her partner hadn't said anything to her about it.

"I had something important come up, but I'm ready to go now." Weiss' strained voice replied. "I just want to say goodbye to my partner before I leave."

Her concern devolved into a deeper emotion. An unfortunate side effect of dating Weiss was watching a lot of romance movies. The thing she always disliked about them, is when the girl ran, or was taken, away, her love interest never chased after her. Unlike the guys in those movies, she wasn't going to let that happen.

Fully clothed she pulled open the door. "I'm ready to go, Weiss!"

Like hell if she was going to let the girl of her dreams slip through her fingers.

Much to her credit, Weiss looked at her almost impassively. Though Ruby could see the small lingering traces of emotion on her face. The almost imperceptible twitch of an eye and quiver of the lip. Weiss was afraid. Whether it was of going home or, what the reaper really hoped for, being seperated, she didn't know. But, she did know one thing, she wasn't letting Weiss go home alone without a fight.

While the heiress showed almost no emotion, the two other occupants of the room were completely devoid of any. Both wore impeccably clean white and light blue suits, each clearly marked with the Schnee snowflake. While one of the men kept his focus on Weiss, the other turned his attention to Ruby.

"I'm sorry, but we will be only taking Miss Schnee with us."

"We decided differently." The diminutive huntress crossed her arm and tried to stare sternly back. "I'll be accompanying Weiss home with her for the break."

"We can't allow that. We are under strict order that Miss Schnee return alone."

"I'm her partner and leader. I won't allow her to leave unless-"

"What the hell is going on here?!" Another voice rang out from outside the room.

That was the other thing the movies never took into account. Usually the friends and family of the main characters simply existed for emotional support. They swooped in after some sort of trouble separated the two would-be lovers without helping solve any of the problems. They never took into account that the two lovers could have the best sisters to ever live.

"Maybe you didn't hear me the first time." A very angry and irate Yang walked into the room. Her eyes glowing red and golden hair wreathed in flame. Ember Celica fully engaged on her wrists. Behind her in the hallway, Ruby could just make out Blake's stealthy movements. "What are you two suits doing here?!"

"It's time for Miss Schnee to return home." The shorter of the two men addressed Yang.

"And why can't Ruby go with her?" Yang approached the speaker, getting within inches of the man's face. "She is Weiss' partner and leader. She has every right to."

"We're under strict orders… to… bring-" The man's voice trailed off into nothingness as the fiery blond approached him. Ruby was now concerned for his well being. This was the most fired up she had ever seen Yang outside of combat. Any more provocation and the brawler might accidentally explode the entire room.

The second man tried to step up to Yang and fix the disparity in power. As he opened his mouth to speak a flicker of shadow wavered in behind him. Materializing behind him Blake reached out and grabbed the man, arresting his motion.

"You can stop right there." While the faunus spoke in her typical monotone, Ruby could hear the underlying anger.

The first man glanced between the huntress in front of him, and the other behind his partner. "Fine. We'll take both of you. But Lord Schnee will not be happy about this."

"Please prepare for landing. We will be arriving in Atlas in 5 minutes" A small speaker repeated the pilot's voice.

Ruby had never been on a private airship before; she had barely been on regular airships before. The small craft was one of the rare fixed wing aircraft. Designed specifically for speed, most airship landing zones were inaccessible due to its need for an actual runway. Though, if you needed to get from one kingdom to another in record time, there was no faster option.

Even now, there was only 4 occupants of the main cabin. Ever since Yang and Blake had helped her accompany Weiss home, the two hadn't had a moment alone. The two retainers sent to collect the heiress had stayed with them throughout the entire journey. Due to their presence, Ruby had been helpless as she slowly watched Weiss fall into a bleaker, and darker, mood.

The airship itself was confusing in its own way. She would probably never understand any other rich person besides Weiss. While they didn't have to deal with large amount of travelers, the small size of the passenger compartment was incredibly restrictive. The only walkway that traveled from stem to stern was a narrow, not even a meter wide. On either side of the walkway were pairs of chairs in over a dozen rows. Leave it to rich people to trade privacy for cramped travelling conditions. Though, she really couldn't complain about the extravagance, or speed, of the airship itself.

As the flight passed in moody silence, Ruby racked her brain for any idea to cheer Weiss up, and had come up empty. For a woman like Weiss, words were empty. In her world, people traded endless amounts of lies, gossip, and doublespeak. It was a caring action the heiress needed the most. One she was incapable of providing because of their situation.

So, when they finally landed and slipped into an equally luxurious limo, she breathed a sigh of relief as the bodyguards took a separate SUV.

"Weiss, are you alright?" Glancing around the limo, she was pleased to see the divider between the driver and the passengers was raised, ensuring their conversation would be private.

She immediately sidled up to the heiress, wrapping one arm around the taller girl's narrow waist and leaned her head on her shoulder.

"Not really." Weiss briefly rested her own head on top of Ruby's who sighed in relief at the returned affection.

After a brief moment she sat back up and faced the shorter girl.

"Listen, Ruby. From the second we step foot inside White Castle you will be under the utmost scrutiny. Anything you say or do will reflect upon me."

Ruby stiffened at her words. Was Weiss embarrassed of her? Slightly dipping her head, she dropped her eyes away from her girlfriend's light blue ones.

"I'll try not to be a klutz."

"Ruby…" The reaper felt Weiss' cool hand slip under her chin, raising her eyes back up so they met. Despite the ice promised in the heiress' eyes, she only saw warmth. "I do not think you will embarrass me, especially not intentionally. My family just operates in a different way than normal people. Hopefully, whatever it is they need to tell me will occupy their attention more than you will. Though, we do need to set some ground rules.

"You know how my family feels about... our kind of relationship. Honestly, I don't know what would be worse in their eyes; The fact that you are a girl, or that you don't have money. As much as I want to, this would not be the opportune time to tell them about us. Can you promise me you will not do or say anything that will give away our relationship?"

"I…" While she hated the concept of having to hide their relationship, she understood where Weiss was coming from. From what she knew of Weiss' father, even in ideal circumstances, getting his acceptance would be an uphill battle at best. "OK. I'll keep it secret. For you."

"Thank you, Ruby." The heiress squeezed her tightly. "I love you so much."

Spending the last few minutes in a much more comfortable silence, Ruby felt Weiss pull away as the limo came to a halt. The white-haired girl glanced around and hurriedly smoothed out her clothes before the passenger door was pulled open by the driver.

"Miss Schnee." The well dressed man proffered a hand, helping the heiress out.

"Thank you, Merle."

"My pleasure, miss." The man bowed low.

As Ruby clambered out after Weiss, she was taken aback by what she saw. A huge gothic style castle rose before them. Made from pure white snow, it had light blue shingled roofs. Even though she could only see a small portion, Ruby had no doubt it could rival Beacon in size.

Quickly following Weiss, as to not be left behind, the two of them approached the massive front door. The doors, easily 8 meters in height, swung open noiselessly, seemingly on their own accord.

Ruby gawked at the main foyer as the doors clicked closed behind them, completely oblivious to the third person standing there.

"Welcome back, Miss Schnee." A warm voice tore her from her preoccupations.

"Klein!" Weiss hurried forward, approaching the short, portly man. "It's nice to see you again!"

Ruby was surprised at the heiress' reaction. From what she knew, Weiss had no friends and little to no comforts growing up. Obviously she held this man in high regard. It was nice to know that she had at least one friendly face as a child.

"For you and Miss Rose." He held out two steaming mugs of coffee. "Black for you and a cream and five sugars for the young miss, if I remember what you told me."

Ruby blushed slightly. That Weiss had remembered, and even shared her preferences with someone else, was incredibly flattering.

"Thank you, Mister Klein!" She smiled back at the friendly man.

"It should be I thanking you. I don't think I have ever seen Weiss so happy before."

"Th-thanks again!" She stuttered out. "I think?"

Struggling to hid her blush, she was glad when Klein turned his attention back to Weiss.

"Should I have the staff place Miss Rose's luggage in a guest room or," He leaned in and flashed the heiress a quick wink. "Your room?"

"Klein!" Weiss glanced around furiously before regaining her composure. "I mean, we are accustomed to sharing a dorm room. Please have a second bed set up in my room."

"I'll make sure it happens, discreetly." Klein bowed to the two of them.

Ruby jumped as she heard another set of footsteps approach them.

Klein glanced back as a fourth figure approached them from a connected hallway. "Anything else I can do for you, Miss Schnee?"

"As long as everything will be prepared, that's it." Weiss smiled.

"It will be done." Klein bowed low. "It was a pleasure to finally meet you, Miss Rose."

Turning we walked away, briefly stopping to address the encroaching person. "Master Schnee."

"Whitley…" Ruby heard Weiss mutter under her breath. Judging by how stiff the heiress was now, especially after how relaxed she was with her conversation with Klein, Ruby guessed she was uncomfortable with what was about to happen.

"Good afternoon, sister!" A tall boy, at least half a foot taller than Ruby, and almost as tall as Weiss, approached them. Wearing blue slacks and a tapered, untucked white dress shirt, a light blue vest wrapped around his slender frame. Judging by the youthful look on the boy's face, Ruby assumed he was about the same age as her.

"Hello, Whitley." Weiss responded evenly. "What is it that you need?"

"Can't I wish my dear sister a sincere, 'welcome home'?"

"You are never sincere." Weiss scowled at her brother.

"You wound me!" Whitley reeled back, placing a hand over his chest in what Ruby assumed was feigned agitation. If he was anything like how Weiss was when they first met, every reaction was measured and calculated.

"Though, while I am here." He smiled again at his scowling sister. "I would not mind if you introduced me to your enchanting companion here."

"This is my partner and team leader, Ruby Rose."

"Miss Rose." He bowed low in front of the cloaked huntress-in-training. "It's a pleasure to meet some so, exquisitely beautiful."

Righting himself, Whitley took a step forward, plucking up one of her hands as she stared at him, he bowed forward slightly. Bringing her hand up to his lips, he gave her a kiss on the knuckles.

Much to her credit, she didn't instantly yank her hand away. Trying to act gracefully, as not to embarrass Weiss, she slowly pulled it back.

"The pleasure is in… my court!" Trying to smooth over her discomfort from what Whitley had just done, she forced a bright smile at him.

As the boy looked up at her she realized she was even more unsettled. While his color scheme and hair color were the same as Weiss', it didn't really bug her. However, the ice blue eyes that peered up at here were the exact same shape and shade as her girlfriend's.

"Come on, Ruby!" Weiss spoke before walking past her. Before she could figure out what was going on, she felt a violent tug on her hood as the heiress dragged her forcibly down the hallway.

"Bye, Whitley!" She yelled out while waving vigorously. While she was glad to be gone from the awkward situation, she knew she had to make nice with all members of her girlfriend's family.

Weiss didn't let her go until she had drug her down a long corridor and into a, compared to the rest of the house, small room. As she heard the door slam shut behind them, Weiss roughly forced her into the wall.

"Uh, Weiss?" She squirmed as the taller girl pinned her arms over her head. "What are you…"

Ruby was cut off as Weiss kissed her firmly, pushing her taller, more slender frame against Ruby's muscular one, trapping the shorter girl against the wall.

"Sorry, I've been wanting to do that all day." Weiss pulled back slightly, but didn't release her. "I'm just a little stressed being back her. Not to mention Whitely was making me a little jealous."

"Awww, you're so cute, Weissy." She teased the taller girl. "But I have no interest in him. He's actually a little, unsettling."

"I know that, Dolt! I'm just jealous that he has the ability to do that. If my father or Whitely were to have a relationship with what they call 'commoners' it would just be seen as boys being boys and doing their thing. Though Whitely would never be allowed to marry a common girl, he could seek 'companionship' with one."

Weiss sighed.

"I, on the other hand, am expected to only consort with a man of noble birth. Like I said before, I don't know what's worse, that you are a girl or that you don't have money."

"What do you plan on doing then?"

"I'm not sure, but no matter what happens here, just remember," Weiss looked at her with a hunger she had never seen in the heiress' eyes before. "You're mine, Ruby."

She shuddered at those words as the white-haired girl gave her one last peck on the lips and release her.

"Come on, we need to get ready for dinner. My father has limited patience and I'd rather not test that right now."

Ruby walked into the dining hall, side by side with Weiss. While Weiss had changed into a elegant white dress and a pair of flats, as to not make their height disparity too pronounced, they had both agreed that Ruby should keep wearing the skirt and vest she had been wearing all day. While Ruby's reason was comfort, Weiss agreed that she should try to look more like the huntress she was, instead of trying to win over the Schnees by playing dress up. Ruby was even proud that she was able to convince Weiss to let her keep wearing her cloak.

Sitting at the table were four other people. At the head sat a white-haired man with a moustache. On his left were three others, a white-haired woman with the same blue eyes as Weiss, Whitley, and man who looked to be in his mid-twenties, with a black vest over a maroon shirt, and a dark blue mohawk brushed to one side.

"Ah, Weiss." The woman greeted them. "I was just about to send Klein to come find you."

"Hush, Willow." The man sitting at the head of the table raised a hand. "Weiss, I have someone to introduce you to."

"Hello, Weiss." The man with blue hair stood and offered a small bow. "My name is Henry Marigold. It is a pleasure to meet you."

Ruby sensed Weiss tense up next to her as the man introduced himself.

"It's a pleasure to meet you." She saw Weiss offer a small curtsy. "Father, Mother, this is my partner and team leader, Ruby Rose. Ruby, may I introduce you to my parents, Jacques and Willow Schnee."

Instead of emulating Weiss' curtsy, Ruby gave them a polite bow, careful not to go so low as to accidentally flip her hood over her head.

"It's wonderful to meet you all!" She smiled enthusiastically, trying her best to not cause problems.

Taking their seats, they started one of the most awkward dinners Ruby had ever been a part of. While Jacques and Henry talked together nonstop, with Whitely paying rapt attention, about business things that all went over her head, Willow and Weiss rarely talked. Occasionally Willow would direct a question to Weiss who would answer curtly before returning to her food.

As the dessert came around, Ruby sensed a change in the conversation.

"Weiss, we have an important announcement for you." Jacques spoke to Weiss for the first time since dinner had started. "After long talks with the Marigold family, we are proud to announce that our businesses and families with be intertwined through marriage. Tonight there will be an official engagement, Mr. Henry Marigold will be your fiance. The two of you shall wed in 3 months time. You no longer have to return to that silly hunter academy."

Ruby froze, and saw Weiss do the same out of the corner of her. She had promised Weiss she wouldn't do anything stupid, but she wasn't going to let go without a fight. Getting ready to stand and argue, Weiss' voice cut her off.

"I'm sorry Father, but I have an announcement of my own." Ruby saw, Weiss sitting tall and proud. "I plan on finishing my education at Beacon, and will become a huntress with the rest of my team. Any other plans, including engagements or marriage, will have to wait until after that."

"I see." Jacques looked contemplative for a few moments before standing up. "Weiss, if I might have a word in my study."

As Jacques left, both Willow and Whitely stood and walked out as well, leaving Weiss, Ruby, and Henry at the table.

As Weiss stood, Ruby looked up at her.

"Are you going to be alright?"

She shivered as Weiss leaned in and whispered into her ear, warm breath trickling over her exposed neck.

"As long as I have you, I will be. Could you meet me outside in the garden. I have a surprise for you."

"Ab-absolutely!" She squeaked out, flustered at Weiss' sudden closeness. First was the heiress' forcefulness before dinner, now she was being flirty in front of possibly the worst people in Remnant.

"Good." The slender girl stood from her seat at the table and switched to a more formal tone. "I need to speak with my father, then I will reconvene with you. Please wait for me where the roses are."

As the slender girl walked away, Ruby watched her go. She didn't know if it was her imagination, but the heiress' gait seemed to have a little more sway in it than usual. In light of Weiss' recent actions, and what the heiress had told her previously, Ruby was willing to bet it wasn't her own wishful thinking.

In a slight daze, she got out of her own chair and made her way out different door, one that she hoped led to the garden. Leaving Henry alone at the table, she deliberately avoided the stare the man was giving her.

As amazing as the house was, the gardens were even more incredible. As she continued to walk through the paths, she saw so many types of flowers she never even knew existed. Spying a set of tall, white stone pillars rising over a hedgerow, her curiosity got the better of her.

Finding an entrance to the hedgerow, she was rewarded with an area separated from the rest of the surrounding gardens. The hedges formed an almost complete 10 meter wide ring, with only one entrance. Only a meter in from the surrounding hedges was a ring of the white columns spaced regularly from each other. Throughout this new area were patches of roses in every conceivable color, from white to red to black.

Walking to the center of it all she looked around. It was breathtaking.

"Admiring the roses?"

Ruby jumped as a male voice came from behind her. Turning around, she saw the man from dinner leaning against a pillar near the entrance. He must have arrived just after her.

"Oh hi, Henry." She gave him a polite smile, hoping he wouldn't be around long enough to ruin whatever surprise Weiss had planned for her. "I guess I was. What are you doing out here?"

"I too was admiring a Rose."

"Which ones are your favorite?"

Ruby thought she saw a brief scowl cross his face. The man crossed over to where the deep red roses were.

"Recently, I've been a fan of the ruby colored ones."

"Those used to be my favorite ones too." Ruby chuckled at him. "But now I really like the white ones. They're so pretty they remind me of Weiss. But she's not just pretty, she's pretty pretty!"

Her eyes went wide at what she just said. She was close to giving away their secret.

Pulling a red rose from the bush, Henry began to approach her. As he got closed she took a step back to maintain space.

"I guess she's pretty, but she's so uptight and boring."

"No, she's not!" Ruby knew she was supposed to keep their relationship quiet, but she couldn't stand anyone insulting her girlfriend. "She's so smart and talented and kind."

He continued stepping towards her, with her trying to maintain space between them. She started to get an uneasy feeling about the situation.

"You seem to have a lot to say about my future wife, Rose. It's almost like there is something else between the two of you."

"What. Pfft. No." Ruby lied as she continued to back up trying to figure out a way to get away from Henry.

She squeaked in surprise as her back hit a column. Trying to side step and find her way back to the entrance of the rose garden, Henry reached out and placed a hand on her shoulder, halting her movement.

"I guess it doesn't matter. Our marriage is only a political one. I crave something a little more," He looked her up and down with a predatory gleam in his eyes. "Innocent."

Striking him hard in the chest with both hands in an attempt to shove him off of her, she was surprised when she saw a flicker of Aura protect him. Taking advantage of her shock he grabbed her by the wrists and pinned them over her head against the pillar. Holding her hands against the column with one of his, he grabbed her roughly under the chin, forcing her to make eye contact.

"What Weiss doesn't know won't hurt her." He grinned at her. "Right, Rose?"

"Sit down, Weiss." Her father commanded her as she closed the door of the study behind her.

Weiss walked into her father's study and examined the room around her. Nothing had changed since she had left. The room was filled with intricate woodwork, countless rare books and first editions, and the most luxurious leather furniture.

"I'd rather not." She stopped in front of her father's desk.

Jacques sighed. "What do you think you are doing? Do you know how long it took to negotiate this contract?"

"You said I could train at Beacon if I passed your test. The one you tried to make impossible. You even had your men capture a Geist for me to fight to make sure I couldn't win. Does your word mean so little?"

"My agreement with you pales in comparison to this one. The Marigolds are one of the largest producers of Dust and technology besides us. With this marriage, we will become more powerful than any one country. Your duty to your family is more important than being a silly girl trying to play soldier like your sister."

"My duty is to follow in my grandfather's footsteps. He was a huntsman too."

"And look what good that did him. If I hadn't stepped in to take control the whole company would have died." Her father exclaimed with a raised voice.

With Weiss temporarily stymied, her father continued with calmer tone.

"I've tolerated your insolence for long enough. You don't return my calls and you don't return when I tell you to. And when you do come home, you bring that… girl with you.

"How could you let someone like that beat you? How can you follow a leader like her? The rest of your team disgusts me as as well. One that dresses like a slattern and a faunus? How low have you sunk Weiss? Did we not raise you better than that? We are better than that."

Weiss struggled to keep her temper in check. Her father's sense of family was sickening to her. She had never felt so loved and supported in her life than she was at Beacon. Her team was her family. Blake and Yang were the best sisters she could ever ask for, and now her father was insulting them.

"A deal's a deal father." She managed to speak in an even tone. "I still have my copy of the contract you signed with me, and it supersedes any deal made afterwards. Whatever happens afterwards, I'll figure out later. But I'm returning to Beacon with Ruby."

Storming out of her father's study, the white-haired girl slammed the door behind her. She was too upset to deal with anything else right now, she just needed to find Ruby.

Stopping in the kitchen, she picked up a platter of cookies she had instructed the chefs to make. Not willing to share Summer's recipe with anyone, she had instructed them to make the same kind of cookie Ruby's bakery specialized in. Giving a brief thanks to the kitchen staff, she made her way into the garden, threading through the plants and flowers, following the shortest path to the meetup spot.

As she got closer Weiss noticed an odd series of sounds filtered through the trees of the garden; muffled noises and scuffles. More than likely, it was an animal foraging for food or supplies. Rounding the hedgerow into the center of the garden, to where she was supposed to meet Ruby, she dropped the platter of cookies in the dirt.

Seeing Henry pinning Ruby against the pillar ignited a blazing fire inside her. Instinctively summoning a glyph, the man was hurled across the garden with a yell of surprise. Briefly pleased to see the Henry tumble across the ground she ran to Ruby's side.

After Henry had lost his grip, Ruby hadn't moved at all except to pull her cloak around herself. Moving quickly to the younger girl's side, she hugged Ruby. As soon as she touch the smaller girl, Ruby latched onto and broke down into hysterical sobbing.

"I'm so sorry, Weiss. I didn't know what to do." Her hard winced at the pathetic voice Ruby spoke in.

After seeing what Henry was trying to do, hearing Ruby's perpetually enthusiastic and optimistic voice so broken and small was the last shred that held back her rage.

"You did nothing wrong. I should have stayed with you." Weiss gave Ruby a small kiss on the cheek before pulling the reaper's hood over her head, something she knew would help comfort Ruby.

Separating herself from Ruby, she took several steps towards where Henry was picking himself up off the ground.

"How dare you attack me!" The man yelled at her.

"How dare I?" Weiss screamed back at him. "You take up my father's hospitality and then accost my… my teammate in my family's house?"

"You were promised to me." Henry snarled. "Since you won't fulfill the contract between my family and yours, I decided to take something else instead."

"You can't have her. She's mine."

"Try and stop me. You may be training to be a huntress, but I've had the finest fighting and dust instructors in Solitas. No matter how hard you fight, I will break you and take what's rightfully mine."

"You will never touch Ruby again."

Digging deep in herself, her love for and desire to protect Ruby, she summoned a massive glyph on the ground between her and Henry. With a low growl, her knight, her first real victory, the victory that lead her to meeting her beloved, crawled out of the glyph and stood tall and proud.

Henry barely had time to gasp as the knight brought down one of its massive fists, crushing the man into the ground. A bright flash of blue snapped around Henry as his aura flared, then was completely depleted by the force of the attack.

"What is the meaning of this?!" An angry male voice came from behind, causing her to freeze. The knight, having done its job, evaporated into white mist. Slowly turning around, she saw her father storming into the garden. As the man made a beeline for Ruby, Weiss interposed himself between the two of them.

"What is it that you think you are doing?" Her father stopped, his face inches from her. "You return home late and you bring home some rustic peasant you seem to think is your peer. Now you attack a guest in our house!" He gestured wildly first at the sniffling girl behind Weiss and then at the groaning man still splayed out on the ground.

"I didn't just attack him, I was defending Ruby. He was trying to-"

"It doesn't matter what her was trying to do!" Mr. Schnee screamed at her, spittle flying into the heiress' face. "He is better than her. We are better than her. She is inferior! Her kind only exists to subject themselves to our whims."

"No!' Weiss pulled Ruby in close behind her, trying to show the short girl she was still protected. "Ruby is not inferior to us. She is the kindest and best person I know. Just because she doesn't have money doesn't mean she doesn't have the same right to life as us!"

Her father scoffed at that. "We didn't become who we are by being kind, or good people. We are superior beings; with the money and power to prove it. And, if your time at Beacon has deluded you otherwise, you will not be returning. Especially not with this… trash."

"Trash? Trash?!" She screamed at the man who called herself her father. "You think you are better than everyone. You think everyone is lesser than you and should submit themselves to the desires of you and your peers. No. Ruby is accepting of everyone. She loves me for who I am, not who she expects me to be. Yes, I said love. I love her, and she loves me, and I will never let her go. You say 'we' didn't become who we are by being kind, but you're wrong. My grandfather built this company with his own blood and sweat, a company that protected those that worked for it instead of taking advantage of them. Grandfather was one of the kindest people I had ever met, and you destroyed his legacy with your cruelties. If anyone is trash, it is you, Father."

"How dare you speak to me like that." The man spat back. "I-"

"I dare!" Weiss shouted, cutting him off. "I'm taking Ruby and returning to Beacon. Don't worry, you won't ever have to hear from me again. Whether you want to make it an official disowning or not is up to you. But I'm never coming back to this place!"

Pulling on Ruby's hand, she lead the distraught girl back into the house and towards the front entrance. She was glad she could rely on Klein to always have her back. Pushing through the main doors, instead of a limo there was a small, unmarked airship waiting for them. One that could take them anywhere in Remnant they wanted to go. As they approached a steward opened the door for them. Weiss helped Ruby in first before following after.

Pleased to see all of their luggage already loaded, she took Ruby into her arms before directing the pilot.

"To Beacon, as quickly as possible."

Finally got this part out. Life really got busy for me in the summer and never really seemed to let up. Most of my writing time has been eaten up by DMing a D&D campaign. Then Volume 4 started and I wanted to see who else was introduced and what else happened.
But it's here now!
As always, if you enjoyed it enough, please fav, follow, or review. :)