-With Ellie-

"He yelled at me! I just don't like recharging alone! He knows I don't!" she sobbed. Bulkhead held her and he looked at Wheeljack. Wheeljack shrugged and rubbed her helm gently.

"I'm sorry Tiny." She sobbed in Bulkhead's chest and he rubbed her back. Wheeljack got up.

"Where are you going Jackie?"

"To go have a talk with the doc." He left and Bulkhead held Ellie close. She clung to him and whimpered.

-In the Med-Bay-

"Hey Doc," said Wheeljack as he walked into the med-bay. Ratchet looked up and thought, "Oh scrap."

"Remember how I said if you made Tiny cry that I would make you wish that you were never created?" He pulled out his swords.

"Wheeljack stand down!" yelled Optimus.

"He made Tiny cry! She doesn't cry unless it's bad! He has to pay!"

"I understand your want to get back at bots for hurting those you love Wheeljack, but attacking another Autobot is out of the question."

"Ellie doesn't cry for nothing! The Doc hurt her! He deserves to be hurt."

"I will not allow you to hurt Ratchet." Wheeljack growled.


Ironelle watched Ratchet from the med-bay berth and sighed.

"What?" He looked at her.

"I'm a glitch," she murmured.

"No you're not."

"Yes I am! I'm a needy pain in the aft…"

"Ellie." He hugged her and she wrapped her arms around his neck.

-A few months later-

-Ellie 8 months-

"I'm tired. Come recharge with me!" Ellie sat on her and Ratchet's berth and he was at his desk. He looked at her.

"You just took a nap."

"But I'm tired and its late." She held out her arms.

"Come on. Please." He sighed and stood up before sitting on the berth beside her. She laid down on her side of the berth and he laid beside her.

"I love you Ratchet."

"I love you too." She curled up into his chest and fell into recharge.


Ellie woke up. She looked around sleepily and was a bit confused. She checked the time. It was 3 in the morning. A sharp pain went through her bump and she whimpered in pain. After the pain passed she grabbed Ratchet's arm and shook him.

"R-Ratchet! R-Ratchet wake up!" He mumbled and turned on his side. Ellie whined and pushed him off the berth. He jerked up.


"Ratchet you wouldn't wake up so I pushed you off," she whimpered. He was glaring at her and she teared up.

"I had a contraction and I'm scared!" The glare disappeared and he picked her up quickly.

"Let's go to the med-bay."


"Ratchet is it over…?"

"Yes Ellie." She tried to push herself up.

"No take it easy." He pushed her back down and knelt beside her. He had a bundle of blankets in his arms and she looked at them.

"Our son is a healthy little mech." He put the bundle in her arms and she held the sparkling close.

"What are we going to name him?" She looked at the medic as he sat down beside her.

"He looks like you Ratchet." He looked at the recharging little mech and thought about it.

"Somewhat." They thought about it for a bit.

"What about Redcord?" Ratchet asked. Ellie looked at him and smiled.

"I like it.

"Then that's his name."

"I love it." Ellie held Redcord close and kissed his helm.