Hi hi I'm here with another chappy. I never expected this one to come out. Well, It was all because of your support. Thank you so much for liking this fic. I am really happy!
Ps. Again, sorry for all the errors you might encounter along the story since the author is an incompetent bastard. *bowwws to all*
Warning: Fluffffy~*^-^*
Now, on with the stories~
Chapter 2
Rawwwrr~" a man in his mid twenties groan followed by little voice of giggle and scream.
The noise coming from the room located at the second floor of the Akashi's mansion.
There is a hurried foot steps, running like it was been chase by a bull and then more giggling.
Tetsuya who is in the kitchen has the urge to go and see what had happed but before he could turn around, someone grasp at the hem of his cargo short. Tugging it lightly by small hands.
He look down just to be greeted with big red doe eyes of his son.
"Mommy~ "
He can't help but smile at the adorable being. Before he knows it, another hand was gently wrap in his slim waist while it rest there tightly. The face of his husband nestled in his shoulder keeping him still.
"Good morning. What's for breakfast?"
"Yeshh, whaash foww bweakfas mommy?" His five year old son, Kazuya repeated. Which amuse Kuroko. The little child was really the exact replica of his father.
Tetsuya who pat his son in the head answered them.
"Good morning to you two. It's pancake and bacon." Tetsuya who remembered something turn to his husband then to his son with a slightly apprehended look. "Now, what did I say no running in the hallway."
His son look at him with pleading eyes. "But daddy got angwee and said will twickeel me mommy."
"Sei..." Tetsuya dared the redhead and face him.
"Yes, I know. "Seijuro held his hand up ready to surrender. "Well, how can I not when he keeps on shaking me and jumping on bed."
"But it's daddy's fwault."
"Hai, hai... I understand." Some things will never change. The bluenette just shake his head in exaperation at his two beloved. "Now who wants to eat?"
"Me! I whaant pancakes! pancakes!"
"Then, why don't you go and wash your hands while I prepare your breakfast you two."
"Okay~ but first." His son reach out to him wanted to be pick up.
He bent down to his level before a kiss was place in his cheek.
Seijuro, who witness the sweet exchage grin in satisfaction. He can still remember vividly.
All those dountless days.
"Sei..." Tetsuya peek inside his study room. Seijuro turn to the voice of his pregnant wife. The bluenette still looking delectable in his baggy shirt hangging loosely in his shoulder. Exposing some of his skin .
"Yes, love. Is there a problem?" Seijuro was situated on his working table. Fixing the documents at hand.
"No... am I disturbing you?"
"No of course not. Come inside." Tetsuya stare at his husband who look dashing as ever in his bussiness attire.
While he who wore loose shirt and short at the moment. He felt like a rag. Truly the opposite of him. He shake his mind out before it may stray further.
Seijuro notice the crease on his brows when he called his husband. "Now, can you tell me what is bothering you?"
"I was thinking... can you please stay here in the house."
"Per tell me why is that..? The redhead already walk infront of the bluenette. Reaching both his hand to his.
"Nothing, I felt like I just really wanted to see you..." Tetsuya turn his face. The redhead seeing through his half lie.
"... if it's about that secretary. I promise that all she can do is bussiness. After all, she said she was sorry did she not?"
Sorry my ass. A frown is place in the bluenettes beautiful face.
Seijuro had planned it after all. He will not be nice anymore, not this time. When she almost distroy his life with Tetsuya. He is sure it will be a living hell for her until she beg for dismissal.
"Okay, stop with that face or I might not leave any sooner." Seijuro pinch the white cheek softly.
"Then, please be careful."
"Yes. I will and I might be back home earlier tonight."
"Good. Ah, also this." Tetsuya show the message he recieved from his mother. He can see the glow of his face at the mention of his parent. "Mom told me they will be visiting soon."
"That would be great." This time the redhead run his hand in his wife bulging stomach, caressing it.
The doctor adviced them that it will be good for Tetsuya to be surrounded by people who can support him during his critical pregnancy. Also, it will ease his mind. He will feel safe knowing to have someone he can trust to leave his wife behind when his away or in his office.
Seijuro knows he can trust their maids but it's defferent when they talked about relative.
Their time is short live when they heard a knock.
"Sir the car is ready. We can leave any time." A deep voice declared.
"I will be there."
"Yes sir." After that, his curfuwer left.
"I guess you have to go..." with Tetsuya crestfallen face. He felt dejected living his wife hopelessly. But he has work to do. Keeping in mind for the future he need to forge for his family.
"Don't worry, I will be back before you know it. Just call me if you need anything."
"I love you." Seijuro place a kiss in his forehead. Tetsuya, returning it with his own flowery words.
He face his family now with a smile of his own.
It was a rough ride to both of them. Especially, to his wife, Tetsuya who has gone through the trouble of each and every mother experience.
It was hard but in the end it was worth all the sacrifices. Just seeing the smile of his two happiness. Was all he needed the most.
Today was truly worth of his day off.
I really enjoyed making this one. Especially Kazuya, he's defenitly full of surprises. Like someone we know. Fufufu
A bundle of joy to our lovely AkaKuro. Aye! Aye!