My Human

Disclaimer: I do not own the characters from the NCI: Los Angeles universe they are the property of their creator and make no money from this or any other story that I write for this site.

Summary: Monty, is an unwanted 'retired' police dog who finds an unlikely friend, in the form of an unwanted 'active' police officer, and so their journey together begins.


The first time I met him I was in a kennel, slinking at the back of it, trying to hide from the humans that wandered about, looking into the kennels on occasion, seeing if they could find a canine to take home. I could hear their words but not make out anything from them except that they were normally bad sounds, sounds that hurt my head and filled me with fear.

I remembered that I had not always been afraid of humans, that at one time I had liked being around them, some could be kind, they had given me treats especially when I had done something good, like sniffing out the funny white powders and other things but that had all changed a while back, when there had been a really big loud noise and it had blown me and the human who had worked me off our feet, a huge fireball rushing towards us from that which, just moments before had been a building but was now, nothing but a pile a broken stonework, as broken as the human who had laid on the ground, not far from me.

A noise at the front of the kennel had me looking up in fear, for at the fenced doorway to my kennel stood a human, unlike any that had stood there looking at me before. He looked a kind of unkempt look, in his too baggy clothes of a T-shirt and even baggier jeans, a long coat, somewhat dirty and smelly.

It was a pleasant change from most humans who covered their bodies in all kinds of sprays and other odours, to mask their own natural smell, to finally smell a human for the way he was suppose to smell was nice and despite his smelliness, I liked the smell of this human,

He was making noises but not noises like the other humans had made, his noises did not hurt my head and I moved closer to him but not too close in case his sounds changed, he might not have looked or smelled or more importantly sounded like those other humans but it did not mean that I trusted him, not yet anyway!

But then he walked away and so I slinked back to the back of my cage and laid down again.


Marty made his way back to the front of the kennels, he was looking for the kennel master, he knew he was somewhere around, he had seen him when he had come in the front, in a back office.

One of his few friends on the force, who worked in the canine division of the LAPD had told him about one of the dogs they had here, it was a mongrel and a former canine officer of the LAPD, who had served faithfully ever since it had been a scrawny pup that no one had wanted, and who had been hurt badly when the building he and his handler had been searching had blown up suddenly.

The handler, he had been told had been killed but the dog, at first despite his injuries, had been kept on by the department once its physical injures had healed. It however, had been the mental injuries the dog had sustained that had caused the department to finally abandon the dog to the city pound.

Since it's abandonment, it had been re-homed a few times but every time for some reason or other, the dog was constantly being abandoned and sent back to the pound, now the dog was considered unlikely to ever be re-homed permanently and it was about to be put down.

Marty, himself knew what it was like to be unwanted, especially by the LAPD, they didn't really want him, at least not some of them, he had a few friends in the department, but most of those that worked the streets and those in charge, despised him.

So, looking back at the unwanted unkempt dog that had wandered back to lay at the back of his kennel when Marty had left made his mind up for him.

If no one else wanted Monty the retired police dog, then he would give him a home!

A/N: A small taster chapter, always do small chapters to start with, just to see if readers like the story idea! I have only recently got into this fandom after seeing some of the episodes in the TV, then spent the following weekend or two just totally watching all the episodes so far of this series and got completely hooked. This fandom needs more Monty stories!