He's been staring at the seen for a very long time now. Everything seems to have gone smoothly. Everyone was happy, and much more importantly, everyone was alive. Not that he wasn't glad that they were happy, but there were just so many risks taken on this journey, that he didn't know what to think of it at first. But after his continued observation of the three hildren of the Underground, all three of them surviving the encounter and clash, he knew that he was very much satisfied with how thing's turned out. Though the shattering of the True Reset and keeping the regular Reset was a strange move. At least when the latter was concerned. Though he chose to trust the Prince's judgement. It seems to have vastly improved for someone so young, whose past was full of torment.
He could definitely related to him on the tormnt part. Both of their lives have been filled with unbearable amounts of hell, no mistake about that. At least it was over on Asriel's part. He coouldn't bear watching the child suffer for so long, as his death was he ultimate catalyst for everything that's happened in the Underground. But with everyone's interference, they were able to complete avert what was supposed to be a permanent loop. It was broken. Now he shall see where this new path shall take them. A path they shall take...
...without him.
That was never going to be easy to accept. Though he also long accepted that complaining about it was not going anytime soon. One of the few positives that came with being scattered across time and space was that h had plenty of time to think. Possibly too much time to think. Perhaps so much time to think, that he didn't even discard the possibility that he might be going mad. So much nothingness can drive anyone insane with enough time. Unfortunately for Gaster, he has sent far too much time here. Or maybe he didn't. Was he here for a long time? A short time? Several yers? Several seconds? He's learned that the void made the perception of time completely meaningless. Though his time in the Void hasn't taken away his ability to feel.
So much has happened here in this timeline. Such an interesting, fine change of events. The status quo has been defied foor the sake of everyone's happiness. The irredeemable became redeemable. The Prince has returned. The Royal Family was reunited. The truth of the Amalgamates was revealed. Alphys resigned her position on her own free will. And so much more. To think, all it took was a single wish. Fate decided that they would never know true, genuine happiness. If that was how it was going to be, then fate would have to be defied. They refused to allow it to tell them whether they can be happy or not. They were brave enough to challenge it, and they actually won. He never would have expected something like that would happen. Though, there was the biggest, most noticeable change in the status quo.
The stats were gone.
He didn't know how they did it, but the stats. Were. Gone.
That was the last thing he expected to happen. ATK. DEF. LV. EXP. All of those things never even showed up once. They were mentioned as a mere passing memory. they were rendered irrelevant. It was a wonder he should have noticed sooner. Only Sans was capable of dodging attacks..at least that's how things used to be. Now everyne was actually choosing to dodge attacks heading their way. They also defended against attacks they couldn't dodge. There were more attacks to be used, and more strategy to be used than simply attacking head-on. And not to mention, the Angel's Blessing...while Asriel and Asgore may be terrible at naming things, that actually didn't sound too shabby. Blessed by the angel and granted immeasurable power, for the sake of preserving the timeline, becoming powerful enough to combat LOVE, and even completely surpass it. That was extraordinary on many levels.
Making the impossible possible. That was how powerful their Determination was. Though now the timeline had an extra Alphys. That was going to be strange. Then again, nothing about ay of this can be considered normal. Status quo be damned, they decided.
So in the end, the major changes of the timeline hae become very prominent when it came to those three: Frisk still had his soul, Asriel had the soul of Frisk from a Genocide Timelime and enhanced with the essences of the other six children, and Chara's soul was inhabiting Geno Frisk's discarded body. It wasn't a corpse, but without a consciousness it could not move on it's own. Thus Chara took the body for himself so he would be able to move on his own, without resistance. It was slightly disturbing, but Gaster has seen-and done-worse things before he ended up stuck in he Void. Things he certainly wasn't proud of. But there was no going back to fix those mistakes, not for him at least. As much as he would really appreciate being freed from this endless hell, he honestly wouldn't have anything against fate if it decided to keep him here for all eternity, as punishment for his past actions. He does feel regret, though he feels as if there's nothing he could do about it now, except sit in the Void and wait.
Wait for another destiny-changing event to occur, as the inhabitants of this timeline have proven themselves capable of doing. Maybe he would check up on them at least once. Yes, once would be enough. Just to get a gauge on how things were going to change from here on out even if it were for a moment. Now there would be even further changes to be made, once they get to the Surface again. More game-changers to behold.
The Artifact. The Annoying Dog. Riverperson. And So Sorry. The latter three will know what to do once the time comes. And when that time comes, he hoped that everything would turn out alright. He doesn't expect himself to be reassembled. He considered that to be a true impossibility. Though they've proven themselves capable of making the impossible possible, carving their own dstinies, and not follow the ones set in stone if it means their destruction. Perhaps such Determination would one day free him from this dark abyss, and furter their success on the Surface.
...It was a longshot of legendary proportions. But at the same time...
...He can't help but be filled wiith hope.
A lost chapter, is what I could consider this for the story that started a year ago. He's always been watching and listening, even to this end. Until the day that might come when he's finally free of the Void's clutches.
I was going to ut it in 'Tales Of The Underground' though I had a feeling that it would be better suited being around here, bringing the number of chapters to an even number. Noto bad, I might say. Not bad at all.
...Or it might be complete garbage. I dunno.
I'm not trying to cheese this thing, really. I just find it suitable for Gaster to provide his final thoughts on this story's events before moving onto the sequel. Or at least...the rebooted sequel. I'm not above admitting that I mucked up the first one. Hopefully the second one will be much better. The title names are even similar! Hehehehe...heh...
I'm horrible.
Anyway, hope you got some sort of satisfaction out of this lost episode. I just felt the need to get it out. As he made one appearance and never came back, I felt the need to release this one hurrah. Well...some sort of hurrah at least. Be sure to check out 'Our New Era', my second chance at getting the sequel to run a bit more smoothly, and having much more...ya know, actual time on the Surface. Maybe it won't be as popular(again, I REALLY didn't expect this one to be my most successful story)but as long as it's enjoyable to some, I'll be content.
Peace out, fellow readers.