Hello, I know I told you in my last chapter that I would be able to update one maybe two chapters a week, as you have seen that has not been possible. I have been swamped with homework and that had to be my priority. I will start again now but slowly maybe 2 or 3 chapters a month.

My first language is not English it's Swedish so if anyone wants to proof read my chapters please tell me so. I want you that read to tell me what I do wrong but please don't write mean comments because that will not make me write any faster.

I will also tell everybody that I will not change any gender on the characters or have any M/M relationships between the main characters I did this because this is my first time writing something like this so I will follow the Canon as much as possible but some plots will be my own.

Thank you for reading my story.

Kakashi was standing in front of the memorial stone but just looking and remembering his past but most important what he though was his greatest mistakes. After his father committed suicide his sensei Namikaze Minato took him in and treated him like Kakashi were his son and he has found both a new father but also a mother to care for him.

But then in that mission that always make him angry and most importantly makes him feel shamed about himself took place and Kakashi lost a person that he didn't even understand was important to him until he laid under that rock half crushed to death. Uchiha Obito gave Kakashi something that day that he would forever cherish and be thankful for, Obito gave Kakashi his Sharingan so he could replace the eye that he lost.

After that Kakashi though that his misfortune would end but it didn't, after that mission Rin his other teammate got kidnapped by Kirigakure and had the Sanbi sealed inside of her so she could bring it bake to the village and when there it would become unsealed and therefore killing and harming ninja and civilians. Rin had told him in her final moments that a curse mark named Kinkoju no Fuda, the curse tag made it so that Rin couldn't take her own life like she wanted. When Kakashi rescued Rin, Kirigakure sent their ANBU and other elite ninjas after them. The ninjas has caught up to them and when Kakashi had activated his personal jutsu Chidori with the intention to fight, Rindecided to intercept and Kakashi had because of that plunged his hand right into Rin's chest and piercing her heart.

Due to his exhaustion Kakashi passed out and when he woke up Rin's body was gone and the enemy Shinobi's were slaughtered. Somehow Kakashi made it back to the Village and since that day he blamed himself for both Obito's and Rin's death. Then later when Minato and his Wife Kushina died in the Kyuubi attack Kakashi felt that he truly was alone.

So now he spends his time remembering the people he lost in front of the memorial stone instead of trying to live his life anew. A life he knew his sensei would want him to live.

Suddenly a new presence was felt beside him, he turned his head to look at an ANBU standing beside him. "What do you want" Said Kakashi as he looked at the ANBU, he looked kind of nervous though Kakashi his back was rigid and he looked a little winded.

The ANBU with the Tora mask looked at Kakashi. "The Hokage wants you to come to Uzumaki Naruto's resident. Uzumaki was not in his apartment when the Hokage came there too look for him. He is ordering your presence there for your tracking skills. And Kakashi lateness is not tolerated." The ANBU turned around and disappeared in the same direction he came from.

Kakashi stood a second longer and sighed but started walking in the same direction as the ANBU he walked some meters but decided to hurry so Kakashi Shunshined to Naruto's apartment not as fast as he could but still fast so he was just some minutes behind the Tora ANBU. "Hokage-sama" Kakashi bowed to the Hokage and then looked around the apartment he now stood in.

The apartment was sparsely decorated, there was a bed, a small table with two chairs a flower stood on the floor in a corner it still bloomed so it had to be well taken care of. All in all the apartment was not the best in the village and definitely among the worst in the village. "You want me to track him?" Kakashi said as he looked at the Hokage, Kakashi could see that he was worried.

Hiruzen looked around the empty apartment and just nodded yes to Kakashi. Kakashi breathed in what he knew was Naruto's scent, but he knew that it would be difficult to track with the rain that poured down yesterday. "The rain will make it difficult, not impossible but it will take some more work. I will summon Pakkun, which will make it easier." Kakashi bit his thumb and did five hand seals and said Kuchiyose no Jutsu a puff of smoke came up and when it cleared a small pug stood in the circle of seals. "Yo!" the Pug named Pakkun said and lifted his paw.

"Pakkun" Kakashi said "We don't have time for introduction. We have to find Naruto, he's missing. I need help to find him, it rained pretty hard last night and that will make it harder to find him." Pakkun stood up and started sniffing just outside of the apartment. It took a couple of minutes but he picked up the scent and started running in the direction that the scent was leading him.

Kakashi, Hiruzen and his two guards followed the Pug in the direction that would hopefully lead them to Naruto. They ran for some minutes until Pakkun stopped and looked around. "I lost the scent here." Pakkun turned around and looked to were the boy may have run of to. Hiruzen looked at his guards and Kakashi and said "Spread out and look for clues."

The five of them spread out and looked in the clearing where they were. Kakashi walked around closer to some big bushes and something caught his eye. He walked to it so he could see it better it was a blue fabric Kakashi smelled the fabric and it smelled like dirt and rain but under all that a faint smell of Naruto was there. He turned around to shout at the others "I found something!" they all ran over and saw what he was holding. "It's some kind of fabric." Kakashi held it down so Pakkun could smell it. "It is faint but that is most certainly Naruto's scent." Pakkun ran to the bush and ran his nose all over it. "Okay, I have the scent again he ran this way." Pakkun started to run again until they came to a cave. He started to walk in to the cave when the Hokage stopped him. "This is The Nara Clan grounds we should talk to Shikaku he may know something. His house is this way."

Hiruzen ran towards the Clan house until he stood outside of the door. Hiruzen knocked and waited. He door opened and on the other side stood Yoshino.

Yoshino was cleaning up after breakfast when there was a knock on the door. She walked to the door and opened it to see the Hokage, two ANBU a man with grey hair and a dog. "Hokage-sama" Yoshino bowed and walked to the side so she could let the guest's in. "Yoshino-san, I'm sorry to barge in like this but we need to talk to Shikaku." "Of course, Hokage-sama, follow me he is in his office." Hiruzen followed Yoshino to a large office with many bookshelf's, some paintings, a large desk and two armchair's and a sofa along the right wall. It was simple but it had all the essentials that Shikaku needed.

Shikaku raised himself up and bowed to Hiruzen. "Hokage-sama, you are here about Naruto right?" Shikaku saw surprise in his Hokages eyes when he said that. "Yes, Shikaku-san we are here about Naruto, Pakkun Kakashi's summon tracked him to the cave at the end of your clan's property and I'm guessing by the way Pakkun is sniffing that he can smell Naruto's scent even here in your home." Hiruzen glanced down at Pakkun and saw him nodding at the Hokage.

Shikaku heaved a sigh and sat down in his chair and gestured at his guests to sit too. "Yes Hokage-sama I found Naruto in the cave last night when I was out looking at the deer. He was terrified but I got him to come home with me in the end. We gave him dinner and let him sleep here, and right now he's in our shogi room learning shogi with Shikamaru."

Hiruzen sighed in relief when he heard the story, Naruto had been safe last night and that was all that mattered. "Can I see him, Shikaku?" Shikaku stood up in answer and gestured for them to follow him. He walked slowly towards the shogi room until they stood in the doorway and looked at Shikamaru who was sitting beside Naruto as he explained the rules of the game.

Shikamaru was talking patiently and pointed at different pieces as he explained what they did and how to use them. Naruto looked at the pieces with a type of concentration that Hiruzen rarely saw in the boy. You could hear him throw in some comments here and there but he still listened to what Shikamaru was telling him.

Shikaku cleared his throat and the boys swung there head in his direction at the same time. He saw Naruto's eyes light up as he stood up fast and started running towards them. "Jiji!" Naruto shouted as he ran right in to the Hokages arms to hug him. "Naruto my boy, how are you? Are you hurt?" Hiruzen looked the boy over but thankfully he couldn't see any injuries on the boy. "Jiji, I'm fine. I was on my way home when this group of people started chasing me so I ran into the woods until I can to this super big cave and I hid myself there and then Shikaku found me and he took me to his home. Jiji, why do they chase me?" Hiruzen looked at Naruto and saw the weariness and sadness there in his face.

"Naruto" Shikaku said as he knelt down to look at Naruto. "The villagers doesn't hate you they just don't understand you. But you don't have to worry anymore your safe here with me and my clan. But Naruto one day when you are a little older I'll explain why they do what they do. Okay?"

Naruto looked back and forth between Hiruzen and Shikaku but nodded his head and like that the question wasn't important anymore. "Jiji, look." Naruto took Hiruzen's hand and pulled him to the Shogi board "I'm learning Shogi from Shikamaru." Hiruzen stroked a hand over Naruto's head and he could see that Naruto was happy and that meant everything to him. "Yes, Naruto I can see than. Shogi is a good strategic game to learn if you want to be a shinobi." Naruto smiled at him and sat down again to listen to Shikamaru as he once again started to learn the rules of Shogi a game he and Shikamaru would play for a long time.

Kuchiyose no Jutsu – Summoning Jutsu

Thanks for reading again after such a long time. Please leave a comment.

/ Missm94