Hey guys. A little rant before I start apologizing to you.

I write my stories on Microsoft word, I'm no longer writing my stories on Word. Every time I Have some kind of project or essay to do, it either loses all my work or it won't allow me to open it. This has been going on for a couple of months and i have enough, because I typed chapter 12 of Everything is Different and I was really proud and happy at how it turned out. I tried to save it and it crashes on me. I tried to recover it, but it was long gone. I was so pissed off after that. I didn't want to rewrite the chapter again because I knew that it won't be half as good as the original. I'm not as proud about this chapter as I was with the original, but it'll do. It almost took me twice the time to rewrite because I wanted almost every small detail I could remember. So for now on, I'll be using Google Docs. It saves my work automatically with every changes I make. Hopefully it'll be easier for me to pull up all my work too. It going to take some time to get use to, but I'll get use to it.

I do apologize for the long update. Like I said in the last chapter Finals week were coming up for me, so I spent most of my time studying. I finished all my finals on Monday and I finally had time to update today. I'm sorry about that. I hope you enjoy this chapter.

I was sitting in the living room, waiting for Derek to come back, but he hasn't shown up yet. I was planning on staying up to whole night, but Scott and everyone else insisted I get some sleep.

"I'm sure he'll show up in the middle of the night." Scott said as he walked me to my room. I nodded and walked in my room without saying a word to him. I got into my pajama pants and a t-shirt and sat at the edge of my bed and waited for him. Few hours passed and he still hasn't shown up. I gave up and laid down on the bed. Why would he run away like that? A tear fell to my cheek as I start to descend to sleep.

I woke up the next morning smelling pancakes. I sat up and look across the room and see that Derek's bed hasn't been touched. He didn't show up at all. I got out of bed and went to the closet to get dressed. I don't understand what goes on in that head of his. I didn't mean to hurt him like that. I wanted to tell him I understood what he was feeling. I didn't know he was going to run away like that. I never realize how the table have turned. Just a few days ago I was running away from him because he punch me and he apologize to me later that day. Now, he's running away and I have to apologize about hurting him.

I went down stairs to see who was cooking breakfast. Once I got to the kitchen i was shocked when I seen him. Derek was cooking pancakes. I was filled with rage that i went up to him and punched him in the face. It did more damage to me than it did to him, but it was worth it because I finally got his attention.

"So you're just going to leave like that and show back again and act like everything's normal! You're just going to come back at make pancakes. You left and didn't tell me how long you were going to be gone!" I yelled at Derek who was rubbing his cheek that I punched. I'm pretty sure that everyone woke up because I was yelling, but I don't care at this point.

"I'm sorry..." That all he could say is 'I'm sorry'. I waited for him to saw something else, but he just stared at me in silence.

"That's all you can say. I stayed up most of the night waiting for you to show up! I didn't mean to hurt you by mentioning your mother. I waited for you all day and all night. Do you have any idea what I was thinking the entire time while i was waiting for you? I was thinking that you were going to leave me after that. You don't run off like that. We're pack, we stick together and you don't run away from your pack, especially as an alpha. Most importantly, you don't run away from your mate." I knew that Scott and them are listening to us argue, mostly me ranting my ass off, but i don't care.

"I didn't realize how attached you were to mean. I didn't realize how fast you attached to me." Derek looked at me like I was hurting him. In a way, we were hurting each other.

"Why? Why did you run off like that?" I asked him crossing my arms over my chest and leaning against the counter.

"I ran off because I needed to get my thoughts together. You didn't hurt me by mentioning my mother either." Derek said flipping the pancakes that he were cooking.

"There's more to that answer. I can tell in your voice. What are you hiding from me?" The silence that he gave me, I knew that it was going to be deep, but I wanted to know.

"I… I ran away from you." Derek said it quietly, but I heard him. "I ran away from you because I was scared that you'll figure out what I really am. You manage to do it to Lydia. You seen how smart, loyal, and brave she was. You seen all that behind her cold heartless mask. I didn't want you to see what's behind my mask. I didn't want you to see how weak and unstable I am." I wasn't expecting an answer like that. I didn't know how scared he was once someone finally figured him out.

"You don't have to be scared." I walked up to him and we were face to face. "You have your pack. You have me to talk to. You don't always have to be tough and intimidating." I collided my lips with his. He wrapped his hands around my waist as I did the same around his neck. "I hope you know that they've been listening to us argue." Derek laugh and kisses my on the forehead.

"They're probably waiting on breakfast. We better give to them before it get cold." Derek and I grabbed the plates full of food and headed out the kitchen. I stopped as I see Derek turn around. "I'm sorry I hurt you like that."

"It's fine just don't do it again." I smiled and we head our way to the dining where we found everyone sitting down quietly and staring at us. " We know you guys were listening to us arguing." Everyone relax after that and I laughed and Derek smiled at that response.

"How did you know we we're listening?" Lydia asked setting plates on the table. Scott was setting utensils next to the plates, obviously.

"One, I was yelling most of the time, so there is no way you guys would be curious to see what I was yelling about. Two, Derek is a werewolf too and he can sense you guys. Three, we heard you guys whispering when we weren't talking in the kitchen."

We all sat down and ate breakfast. Once we were done, Jackson offered to wash the dishes, which was odd of him to do that, but I didn't care at the moment. I was more focused on Derek, hopefully he starts opening up now after that. I know there'll be time where he'll put on that mask again, but i know it'll be for a good reason.

I hope you enjoyed this chapter. Come back soon and see what kinds of trouble boils through their relationship.
Please leave a review and tell me what you think of it.

This is JPowerSiv signing out.