*So my birthday is Feb. 3rdand Valentines Day is Feb. 14th, so I figured I would write something that reflected both those occasions. This is my third story, but my first completed story and also my first one-shot. Check out my other two stories if youre curious. Also I don't have a beta yet, so all mistakes are mine. Thanks and enjoy!*

Sam – 17

Dean – 21

*Warning: Mention of underage drinking and assault. Its nothing horribly dark, just wanted to warn you just in case.*

It was the day before Sams 17th birthday. Dean had decided to take him to the local bar for pre-birthday drinks. Sam never did drink, but when he did it was never a pretty sight. He let all his emotions fly and even tried to hit Dean a couple of time, but even with the same amount of alcohol in Dean he was way more agile than Sam. Dean always made sure to monitor Sam when he did drink. Just in case.

Dean had gotten Sam a fake I.D for his 16th birthday so they could go out. Sam still had some what of a baby face, but he was at least 6feet tall by now, and these no name bar dumps never really questioned you anyway as long as you had money.

It took Dean some coaxing into on his part to convince Sam to go to the bar, even said he could drive the Impala. At the mention of driving Deans precious 'baby' he knew Dean really wanted them to go, so he reluctantly agreed. I mean how bad could it be? Not to mention it was just the two of them so he could relax without his father coming down on him.

They both got ready and started to head out. Dean dressed up extra nice and even let Sam borrow some of his better shirts. 'Pretty sure hes trying to get me laid tonight.' Was all that ran through Sams mind as Dean was fussing over him and his long hair. Sam finally just grabbed Deans keys and left to wait in the car. Dean came out with a huge smile on his face and got in the passenger seat, then they were off.

"This feels weird being in the bitch seat."

"That's MY seat you jerk!"

Dean loved annoying Sam. He knew it was just friendly brother banter and wouldn't amount to much fighting unless one of them was really pissed off about something.

They arrived at the bar not to much longer, even Sam was in a good mood at this point with just him and his brother out for drinks, and having nothing to do with the Supernatural.

"Ok so, we'll get a place at the bar, maybe Ill play some pool, maybe get you time to get a girlfriend."

"I knew it! I knew you were trying to get me laid"

"An uptight Sammy makes for a cranky Sammy."

"Im 17 Dean. Im still considered a minor."

"Just don't get anyone pregnant there tiger."

Dean winked at Sam and he flashed him one of those 'are you serious?' looks.

They made their way to the bar and both sat down. Dean as per norm made sure to take in his surroundings and mark the exits. He even had his gun on him, which he was positive he wouldn't need, but who knows. Dean ordered 2 beers to start and they started drinking.

It was a couple hours later and quite a few beers later and Sam was really starting the enjoy himself. Him and Dean were laughing, telling stories, Sam decided this was going to be a great night. Dean ordered a couple more beers before deciding to play a game of pool and maybe even hustle some money while he was at it. Sam was turned In his seat watching his brother play. It was like a work of art watching him hustle the poor unfortunate townsfolk.

A little while later a shot of top shelf whisky made its way in the front of Sam.

"um bartender I didn't order this."

"The guy at the end of the bar sent it your way."

'Guy at the end of the bar?' Sam looked where the bartender was pointing at and he saw a tall muscular fairly good looking older man with black hair and crazy blue eyes staring and smiling at him. He waved to Sam and Sam gave a half hearted wave back, not really knowing what to do but also didn't want to be rude. He saw the mystery man get up and walk over to him. Sam wasn't sure what was going on. Maybe Dean put this poor guy up to this as a joke on me? But he knows what whisky does to me.

Sam followed him with his eyes, still positioned away from the bar. The man came up to him with a huge smile on his face and was practically in between his legs he was so close. Sam was going to tell him to back off when he leaned over and whispered into Sams ear.

"Hi my names Manny."

He pulled back and Sam was still way to uncomfortable with how close this Manny person was to him. There legs were literally touching.

"Im Sam. Listen thanks for the drink but Im not really a whisky person."

"Oh you have to try it." He reached behind Sam, his hand making sure to slightly brush up against his hair as it moved by grabbing the drink and putting It in front of Sam. "Just one wont hurt Sam."

Sam was hesitant but decided to take the drink out of his hand. He quickly drank it down and made a look of pure and utter disgust on his face it made Manny laugh.

"You're to funny Sam. So whats the occasion?"

Sam was having a hard time talking with the whisky still burning his throat.

"Its my birthday."

"How old?"

"Ummm 22."

"You here with anyone Sam?"

He could have lied and said he was waiting for a girl, but at this point he was a little to drunk to lie.

"Im here with my brother. Hes over there playing pool."

Manny turned around to who Sam was pointing at and saw Dean. He then turned back to Sam.

"Wow you and your brother are really attractive. What are the odds of two really hot siblings? I mean yeah hes good looking, but you are so much more, I bet all the college boys love you."

And there it was all laid out on the table in black in white. This guy was gay, and was hitting on him. College? Yeah right. Still in High School buddy. He didn't want to blow his cover but he also didn't want this guy to get the wrong idea. He wanted to say something but the right words just were not coming out, his head was foggy and he was starting to get light-headed. He barely noticed when Manny got even closer to him and put his hand on Sams upper thigh, but then he pushed one of his legs in between both of Sams and that's when he started to panic and realize this should not be happening. He looked over at the direction that Dean was in, willing his brother to see what was going on and come over to help take care of the situation, but the room was spinning and he wanted to pass out. He knew he had to stay awake, he knew he had to find Dean, but nothing was sticking in his brain.


Dean was playing a great game of pool. The other guys didn't even realize they were being hustled, which meant no fights for him and his brother to fight. He was having a great time and realized he hasn't checked on Sam in a while and was concentrating to much on the game at hand.

He looked over to Sam and what he saw made his blood boil and his vision cloud over. Some guy had his hand on his brothers upper thigh and his leg separating Sams. He could see the dark haired man talking to Sam, then he lifted his other hand and started carding threw Sams hair. It looked like Sam tried to push the hand away, but he was making such a weak attempt and he seemed so out of it.

Dean dropped the pool cue and ran over to them both, determined to kill who ever this was.

He grabbed the mans wrist that was in Sams hair and turned him to look him in the eye. Oh man the look on Deans face could melt ice right now.

"Hey is there a reason why you're touching my brother like this?"

"Hey man me and Sam were just trying to get to know each other better."

Still holding onto his wrist Dean looked at Sam to see what his brother had to say, but all he saw was Sams eyes starting to close. Sam was drunk but he wasn't drunk enough not to fight this guy away from him, which could only mean one thing. 'He was drugged.'

Dean looked at this guy again and a whole new bought of anger came over him. He let go of the mans wrist and punched him hard in the face, making him fly backwards. He stepped over him and got right into his now bloodied face.

"You think drugging innocent people and making them into your play toy is fun? Well you messed with the wrong brothers pal. See, Ive killed people for doing less to him, and if I ever see you around this town again, I wont hold back. Understand?"

All Manny could do was nod his head yes. That was enough for Dean as he went back to Sam. He put his hands on Sams face and looked at him to make this this asshole didn't hurt him in any way other than the obvious. He saw Sams eyes start to close.

"Hey Sam I have to get you out of here so keep your eyes open for me ok?"

All Sam did was nod as Dean put one of Sams arms around his shoulder and neck and Dean had his arm tightly around Sams waist trying to keep him up.

He managed to drag him out of the bar before Sam collapsed all together and if Dean wasn't there would have hit the ground hard. Dean didn't have a choice right now, so he put one arm behind Sams back and one under his knees, and picked him up. He hasn't had to carry Sam like this since he was little, which made him want to go back in the bar and beat the shit out of that guy some more. He made sure Sams head was resting against his chest and walked to the impala. He had to put Sam down to fish out the car keys, but once he un-locked the passenger door he picked up his brother and positioned him in the seat. He closed the door and made his way to the driver side. He stated up the car and with one last glance at his brother, drove fast out of the parking heading home, where hopefully his dad wasn't home or was at least sleeping. If his dad knew Sam was drugged there would be a whole new kind of hell to pay from the likes of John Winchester.

They made it home and thank-fully Johns truck was no where to be seen. He ran out of the car, unlocked and opened the front door, and had to carry and now fully passed out Sam inside. Not wanting to climb the stairs of the current cheap house they were renting, he just carefully put Sam on the couch in the living room. He put a pillow under his head and covered him up with the blankets. He looked at him and man did he look younger when he was sleeping. Even though he lost all his baby fat and was long and skinny, 'and a little taller than Dean even', he was still Deans little brother. He made sure all the salt lines and wards were in place before sitting down on the recliner and turning on the t.v, making sure the volume was on low. He made one last look over at Sam before laying down and passing out himself. With all his adrenaline gone he was just ready for sleep. Tomorrow was May 2nd, Sams official 17th birthday, and he had plans to make it great.

Dean slowly woke up with the sun beating down in his eyes threw the curtains. He noticed a blanket over him and figured maybe his dad had come home and did it. He stretched and yawned then right away looked over at Sam who started moaning like he was in pain.

'Pretty sure this is the hang-over rearing its ugly head.'

Already knowing what to do Dean ran to get Tylenol a small garbage pail and a glass of water. He made it back to Sams side just in time for Sam to throw up what looked like a whole brewery. He blearily looked at Dean who handed him the water. Sam drank some then laid back down, throwing his arm over his head.

"Dude what the hell, I thought you were going to watch what I drank."

"Sam what do you remember about last night?"

"uuhhh you playing pool. That's it."

Dean was relieved to hear he didn't remember that guy practically molesting him. He figured Sam didn't remember so leave it alone.

"Hey birthday boy, since you're throwing up Im going to go out and grab breakfast. Be right back."

Dean walked out the door leaving Sam with his arm slung over his head. He really wanted to just sleep for a week. Suddenly the door bell rang which made him cringe. He had such a bad migraine. He had no clue who could have been here this early in the a.m. He slowly got out of bed and walked to the door. When he opened it he wasn't expecting what he saw. It was a beautiful assortment of 100 long stemmed red roses. He thought maybe this is the wrong house.

"Is there a Sam Winchester here?"

Now confused he just stared at the delivery boy.

"Um Im Sam Winchester, but I think theres a mistake."

"No mistake buddy. Happy Birthday!"

The delivery boy put the flowers in Sams hands and he just stood there looking at them. Sure the roses were beautiful, but who the hell would send him roses of all things? They havnt been in this town long enough to make any good friends like this.

He finally brought them in and closed the door. He put them on the nightstand and sat down on the couch to read the letter that came with it.

'Dear Sam,

Sorry about last night, that's not how I wanted us to meet. I thought you looked great. I hope to see you again soon. Happy 17thbirthday.


-Secret Admirer'

Nothing about that card made sense. He couldn't remember meeting anyone last night, and whoever it was wanted to meet again? Maybe he met a really rich cougar. His headache started up again so he decided to lay down until Dean got back.

Dean pulled up the house with breakfast and coffee in hand. He gently opened the door in case Sam was still throwing up his stomach. He dropped the bags on the small table in the kitchen and turned to the couch he left Sam in. The first thing he saw was the crazy 100 long stemmed red roses taking up the whole freaking nightstand near the couch. He slowly walked up to them when Sam started to wake up.

"Dean, what the hell happened last night?"

"What do you mean?"
"I mean read the card. I must have made someones night last night."

Confused Dean grabbed the card and read it. Could it have been that sleeze ball who drugged Sam? That's the only person he could think of. Even then how did they know Sams true age? Even drunk Sam wouldn't tell people he didn't know in a bar he was 17. He also wouldn't give people his last name and address. This whole thing was starting to concern Dean.

"What the hell is xoxo?"

"Um hugs kisses hugs kisses."

"You would know that."

"So who are they from? Who did I meet last night? Some rich old lady or something?"

Sam finally maneuvered his way to a sitting position to look at Dean and get some clarification as to what happened the night before. Dean didn't want to worry Sam and the creepy guy at the bar that drugged him, but obviously this guy didn't take a hint after sending Sam these flowers. It concerned him a little more that this guy knew where they lived. Granted if he himself had come to the door Dean would have shot him on principal alone. Didn't Dean hit this guy hard enough last night? Apparently not.

"Sam why do think the person who sent these were rich?"

"100 long stemmed roses costs hundreds of dollars Dean, especially to be personally delivered."

"Hundreds of dollars on roses?!"

"I don't know people find them romantic."

Dean didn't want to bring up theromance that happened last night. The only thing that made sense as to who Sams secret admirer was, had to have been the guy at the bar.

"Hey Sam I forgot something and I have to head back out. Do me a favor while Im gone make sure the doors and windows are locked tight?"

"Yeah Dean always."

Dean smiled and slipped the card back in his pocket. He headed for the door and left. Sam still had a headache and smelt like beer, so he decided to take a shower. He let the hot water relax him and boy he could have fallen asleep.


Dean was on a mission, find out who the hell that guy was and pay him a friendly visit.

He drove down to the bar him and Sam were at the night before. It was early in the day so no one was there, which was good cause he was pretty dam sure that he had to beat the information out of someone. He saw the bartender and decided he was the first to interview. He sat at the bar while the bartender was washing glasses.

"Can I help you?"

"Yeah me and my brother were here last night. He was sitting here at the bar when some asshat came over and was touching him. Not to mention he drugged his drink to the point where I had to carry my brother to and from the dam car. Remember me?"

"uh, yeah you hit that guy hard in the face. That the guy touching your brother?"

"Yeah I was wondering if you knew who he was."

"Uh. I don't know much. He just moved here maybe a month ago, said he was passing by. He might stay or he might leave. He said he was looking for someone."

"You remember the name of the person he was looking for?"

"He didn't really get specific. Just said he was looking for a kid named Sam. Told him I knew no one by that name."

Dean was wondering what the hell was going on. Was the Sam he was looking for his Sam? It was also weird that he arrived in the time at the same time they did, they also just arrived a month ago.

"By any chance do you know where hes staying?"

The bartender had to think.

"Uh no. One night he came here and got super drunk I asked if he wanted a taxi and he said he lived in walking distance if that helps."

"Yeah thanks."

Dean got up and walked out of the bar. Maybe Sam was in more trouble than he thought. This whole thing was starting to sound very stalker-ish, not to mention the freaking roses last night. If this guy was in walking distance and he had money enough to send Sam hundreds of dollars in freaking flowers maybe he is renting a nice house nearby?

Since everything was getting rather fishy the second he got into the impala he dialed Sam. It made him start to panic when after the third call there was no answer. He threw the phone to the passenger seat, and sped away to get home.


Sam was just finishing up with his shower. It seemed like his dad and Dean could take 5 minute showers and his always lasted about 30 when given the opportunity. The whole bathroom was filled with steam, which in its own right was relaxing, but he didn't want to get into that and fall asleep on the bathroom floor. He towel dried his hair and still had a towel around his waist as he forced himself out of the bathroom to the bedroom to get dressed. He only managed to get his jeans on when he heard a crash come from downstairs that was loud enough to make him jump and turn towards the door. He quietly pulled the gun he and Dean kept in the nightstand and moved carefully to the door. He cracked it open making sure the threat hasn't moved upstairs, but not seeing anything he made his way to the stairs. First thing he noticed was the door was open. 'crap, so not good.' He went to grab his cell to call Dean, but he remembered he left it downstairs. 'Double crap.' But he was a hunter dam it! The salt lines were in place which meant it was a human downstairs, that he knew he could handle on his own. Just a burglary attempt he assured himself. He took a quick breath and started downstairs slowly as to not make any noise. He made it downstairs and started scouting the area. He couldn't see anyone the living room, and he couldn't see anyone in the kitchen, that didn't leave a lot of other places. He stepped into the living room to see what made the crashing noise. 'Maybe it was in the kitchen.' He slowly turned around, mentally thinking about hiding spots so he wasn't surprised. He was making his way into the kitchen, gun still raised in his hand. He burst threw the kitchen and saw nothing. 'Maybe the guy saw we didn't have much and left.' He put the gun in the waist band of his jeans, closed the door, locked it, and walked over to where he left his cell phone. He saw there were 5 missed calls from Dean. It was never good when Dean called and he didn't pick up. He knew he was in trouble. He picked it and and dialed 'Dean.'


Dean yelled into the phone making Sam pull the phone away a little bit.

"Yeah Dean Im ok. Listen something weird just happened. Are you on your way back?"

"Yeah Sam Ill be there soon. Stay on the phone with me. What happened?"

"I was in the shower and when I got out I heard a crash from downstairs and the door was open. I looked everywhere and no ones here and it doesn't seem like anything is missing or even broke for that matter. "

"Sam listen, don't leave the house. Listen I lied to you about something and your life may be in danger, Ill explain when I get there. Just keep the gun out and wait until I get there."

"What lie? Dean please tell me….."

Sam didn't get to finish the sentence as a white cloth was pressed over his mouth, the surprise made his drop the phone on the ground. He tried to scream and fight but he found himself fighting just to stay awake. He lifted his legs to try and knock the guy backwards but all he did was kick the nightstand with the roses on it, making the vase drop hard on the ground and the water and roses littering the whole area. All he could hear were the frantic cries of his brother on the other end of the phone, then his eyes closed, and darkness enveloped him.


"What lie? Dean please tell me…mmmppphhh!"

One minute Dean was talking to his brother and the next his words were muffled, and it sounded like struggling in the backround and finally something was hit hard. All he could do was yell Sams name, hoping he could hear him.


Dean was waiting for any kind of response when the phone suddenly went dead. He threw the phone on the passenger seat once again in frustration. Sam was definitely in a ton of trouble and he needed to get to him NOW. His knuckles turned white as he gripped the steering wheel hard and pressed the accelerator down as far as it could go.

He finally got home five minutes later which felt like hours later. He pulled into the driveway to see the house door wide open. He flung himself out of the impala and ran into the house.


He looked in the living room and that's where he saw it. The vase was spilt over, water and roses everywhere, and lying there was Sams phone. He walked more into the living room to discover a pattern in the roses. They spelt out "He's Mine." On the carpet. He ran upstairs to check all the rooms, then ran back downstairs, slamming the door on his way out, and jumped in the impala. It hasn't been that long since he talked, so they couldn't have gone very far. He figured they must have gone left to leave since he didn't see any cars pass him on the way. He pulled the impala out of the driveway, and drove in the direction where Sam must be. He thought maybe that he was looking for a house, not a run down one, but an actually nice house close by. Dean knew from the bar that him and Sam could have walked easy, so why not the guy he saw last night after all? Then another thought came to mind. The guy was practically down the street from them the whole time and no one was none the wiser? He was probably following them , figuring out their patterns, seeing where Sam went to school, maybe even looking at them if he decided to be a peeping tom. Looking at Sam. The thought made he sick and made him look even harder. There was nothing to overlook.


Sam was slowly waking up. His head hurt like crazy and he was trying to figure out where he was. He took a shower…intruder…oh god chloroform. He started opening his eyes and liked the fact that he was on a comfy bed and the lights weren't to bright. What he didn't like was the fact that his wrists were tied behind his back, there was a cloth gag in his mouth, the reason why the room was darkened was because there were a bunch of candles flickering, and he was on the comfy bed which also had loose rose petals scattered everywhere, even some on him. In any other circumstance he would have thought this was romantic but now? No way. He suddenly remembered he had stuck his gun in the waist band of his jeans, and maybe he should have thrown a shirt on after he got out of the shower. Which he was glad he was still wearing his jeans at least.

"Looking for this?"

Sam looked in the direction of the voice and saw a mysterious man smiling at him and waving around his gun. He slightly recognized the man, but couldn't put the face with a name.

"Don't remember me Sammy? Im hurt. I thought we shared a tender moment at the bar, then that brother of yours got in the way, then I thought maybe you would like the flowers. But after actually meeting you last night, I just HAD to finally make you mine. I mean, Ive been chasing you since the very first time Ive seen you over two months ago. You are such a hard person to even talk to. I was going to snatch you up at school at some point, but dammed if Dean didn't drop you off, wait til you walked inside, and was waiting for you when you got out every single day. Hell even on the weekend you two were together! I was getting jealous of the relationship Sam. I wanted a piece of that."

Manny walked over to Sam and sat down next to him on the bed, putting Sams hand gun on the nightstand. He took his hand and started caressing Sams face tenderly, making Sam flinch away. Manny leaned down into Sams face.

"Ive been following you for a while. I lost you once we came to this town, but then I saw you at the bar I usually go to and I had to make my move."

Mannys face still on Sams face, he moved slightly closer to Sam so his other hand could find its way to Sams upper thigh, and an evil smirk crossed his face.

"Remember me from the bar now?"

Suddenly Sams eyes went wide. He remembers him from the bar now, touching his thigh and all the mis-placed hands finding there was around his body. He tried to pull away at the touch but Manny got on top of Sam now straddling his hips. Sam tried to struggle hard with his bound wrists, but all he got was a lot of pain from the chaffing. He tried to scream but with the gag in it just came out muffled. Manny took his hands and started undoing Sams jeans. He carefully and gently ghosted his fingers on the lower part of Sams torso, making Manny moan and Sam squirm to get away. He tried to pull down Sams jeans when a single gun shot was heard. Sam stopped struggling and looked in the direction the shot came from. Dean! Dean was standing in the doorway with his gun in his hand, and a positively pissed off look etched on his face. Then his attention went to Manny who was still on top of Sam, but looked stunned at seeing Dean. Then out of no where a red spot started to appear on Mannys shirt. Dean shot him square in the chest.

Dean came over to the bed and punched Manny in the face again, making him fly off of Sam and crash to the floor. Dean went to Sams side and took the gag off of him, then held his face In his hands.

"Sam are you ok? Did he hurt you, did he do….anything?"

"No Dean he didn't, thank god you came when you did."

"You know it little brother."

Dean rolled Sam over to his side, and quickly undid the ropes holding Sams wrists. Sam sat up and Dean helped him the rest of the way. The effects of the chloroform still somewhat present in his system he was having a hard time getting coordinated, but Dean had a good tight hold of him.

They started walking out the bedroom when a click was heard from behind them, making them turn around slowly. They saw Manny, still bleeding, holding Sams gun at them. He had nothing to lose being at the brink of Death.

"Hes Mine. You're not leaving without him."

Dean kept a good eye on this guy.

"you're dying, Its over!" Dean yelled.

"Hes coming with me."

Dean realized the words before he heard the gun going off. He threw himself at Sam making them both fly to the ground, Dean laying on top of Sam, his whole body covering Sams from any bullet headed their way. Dean picked his head back up and glanced over at Manny. He was lying on the floor with the gun next to his head. Then he saw the bed start to catch fire, and that got Dean moving.

"Whoa got to get going Sammy!"

Dean got on his feet dragging Sam with him. Sam saw the fire caused by Manny knocking over several candles and ran with Dean. They both ran out the door and to the impala. Dean hauled ass out of the driveway, and down the road back home.

"Sam really are you ok? Don't lie to me."

"I have a headache but that's it really."

Dean looked into Sams eyes and saw he was telling the truth. Well about the headache anyway. He would make sure to get every single detail out of him. They pulled up the house and both got out of the car. They went into the house where Sam seemed to stare at the roses littering the floor. Dean saw what he was staring and quickly took action. He picked up the roses, threw them all back in the vase, ran outside, and smashed the whole dam thing into a tree in the front yard, making the vase smash into a million pieces on the lawn, the noise making Sam jump. Dean came back in the house with a smile on his face.

"That's better. Hundreds of dollars worth of roses is a stupid idea anyway."

Sam smiled and looked at Dean, who then walked back over to Sam practically pushing him to sit down on the couch.

"Im fine Dean really."

They looked at each other for a little bit before Dean believed him.

"Fine fine. Now go put a shirt on, we have plans for today birthday boy."

Dean smiled and stood up, which made Sam smile. Things were back to normal now that his stalker was dead. He could finally celebrate his birthday in peace.

*The End?*