A/N: So I totally forgot to add MJ's actress into the last chapter, sorry I was really excited to get it up and it spaced me.
Quick thing about the beginning of this chapter, it is set at the start of chapter 2, so the previous day. I hope that makes sense.
I meant to get this up a few days ago, but a week isn't bad I guess. So how are you guys liking it so far? Let's try and get some reviews in because I love em! And it'll keep updates pretty consistent!
Mary Jane: Shailene Woodley
Chapter 3
"You don't have to be such a jerk all the time Flash, that's all I'm saying," Gwen said as she scribbled out her calculus equations.
"What do you care about Parker anyway?" He responded leaning his head back onto her couch annoyed.
Her pen stopped as she thought about his big brown eyes and dorky smile, however she'd never let herself admit she had a crush, "He's sweet," she finally said.
"How many times has he actually talked to you?" Flash peered at her from across the room.
She rolled her eyes at him and continued to work out the complicated math problems that seemed almost elementary to her.
Flash jumped from his spot on the couch and stalked over to her, "You like him don't you?" He said.
Blood rushed to her cheeks and the room suddenly felt like it was a thousand degrees, "I don't even know him Flash how could I like him?" She blurted out.
"Gwen's got a crush, Gwen's got a crush," Flash sang out, skipping around her.
She picked up the large calculus book that had been sitting on the counter in front of her and began smacking him with it as hard as she could. Flash's laugh echoed through the empty house as he braced for the hits.
"Ouch. Ow. Ow. Okay, okay. You don't like the nerd," He said sarcastically.
She gave him one last smack in the shoulder and said, "Just be nice to him,"
The broad shouldered jock gathered up his things and stuffed them untidily into his backpack, "Whatever," he said with a roll of his eyes.
she walked him to the front door like she did every week after tutoring him, as he grabbed the handle of the front door Flash turned and grinned at her.
"Hey," he said.
"Yes Flash?" She said not trying to hide the irritation in her voice.
"I'll cut the kid some slack," Gwen and Flash had been friends since they were kids and he knew when she had a crush, whether or not she would admit it..
A smile played on Gwen's soft pink lips as she thought of the lanky boy, "Thank you," she said.
Nobody ever got to see this side of Flash Thompson, he was a softy when it came to his friends and Gwen wished he'd allow others to see him as more than just the big tough jock.
The two exchanged goodbyes as he left, but she couldn't shake Flash's words. Did she like him? If she did, did he like her? She started to get ready for her shift at Oscorp, but thoughts of Peter Parker continued to populate her mind.
Peter stood across the street from the large glass building, he stood there admiring it for a moment, the sun reflected off of the thousands of windows making the structure look even more magnificent.
"Wow," he whispered to himself as he walked toward the entrance.
Peter continued to admire the building when he entered, so much so he attracted the attention of the receptionist sitting at the front desk. She was a typical looking business woman, her brown hair was neatly tied back into a bun, she wore a black blazer over her white blouse, and she looked at Peter as if he was from a different planet.
"Excuse me," she called from her desk.
"What?" He said raising his eyebrows and walking toward her.
"Can I help you?" She asked, contempt staining her words.
"Oh, uh...I-I don't know. I'm-I'm here to see Dr-Dr. Connors," Peter managed to stammer out.
"Right. You'll find yourself to the left,"
Peter looked down at her confused for a moment, "Did she just kick me out?" He thought to himself.
"You are here for the internship?" She asked the confused boy in front of her.
"Yeah," he said quietly, "Yeah," he felt he needed to sound more confident if she was going to believe him.
The woman perched her lips out knowing he wasn't telling her the truth, "Okay. You'll find your badge to the left," she said raising her eyebrows with every word.
"Oh," he said nodding his head.
Peter stared down at the many Oscorp badges, all of them looked the exact same so he didn't know why it was taking him so long to just snatch one and go.
"Are you having trouble finding yourself?" The woman asked in her same robotic business voice.
Peter shook his head comically quick, "No," he said reaching for one of the badges, "Yeah, I got it," he held up the Intern badge and grinned.
"Okay, Mr. Guevara," she said furrowing her perfectly plucked eyebrows.
He smiled and waved at her as he walked toward the escalator, "Gracias," he said.
"De nada," she returned before getting back to the work in front of her.
As soon as Peter got onto the escalator a woman's voice boomed throughout the entire building.
"Welcome to Oscorp. Born from the mind of our founder, Norman Osborn, the Oscorp Tower houses 108 floors of innovation,"
Peter looked up to see a giant hologram of Norman Osborn's sillouhette holding a globe in one of his hands, inside the digital globe was the Oscorp Industries logo. He was amazed at the sheer technology it took just to have that work properly.
"Our scientific minds are pushing the boundaries of defense, biomedical, and chemical technologies. The future lies within," The voice cut out almost as soon as Peter joined the rest of the hopeful interns.
Peter nearly jumped out of his clothes when he heard her voice come from the front of the crowd, he quickly ducked behind one of the taller kids and hid his face in his hand.
"Welcome to Oscorp. My name's Gwen Stacy, I'm a senior at Midtown Science and I'm also head intern to Dr. Connors, so I'll be with you for the duration of your visit,"
When he was sure she couldn't see him he looked up to catch a glimpse of her, but right when his eyes saw her he couldn't tear them away.
Her golden blonde hair was tied back into a pony tail, he couldn't help but watch her perfect pink lips as she spoke, they mesmerized him and the way her green eyes sparkled like the Atlantic Ocean nearly melted him into a puddle.
Gwen hugged her Oscorp tablet close to her chest as she spoke out to the small crowd of eager faces, " Where I go, you go. That's the basic rule, if you remember that, all will be fine and if you forget that-" before Gwen could finish she was cut off by frantic yelling from down stairs.
"Listen! Tell him Rodrigo Guevara is down here. Please, just tell him Rodrigo Guevara is down here! My name's Rodrigo!" He yelled while being dragged out of the building
Gwen slowly turned her head to the interns, "Well I guess I don't need to tell you what happens if you forget that,"
Peter lowered his head again and let out a small laugh. He felt terrible for laughing, but seeing the kid dragged out of Oscorp screaming his name, who wouldn't laugh just a little?
"Shall we?" Gwen said turning, leading the group toward the lab.
The wide eyed intern hopefuls looked around at the bright florescent lab, each with amazement in their eyes, but none more than Peter. His mind went into total nerd mode as he studied every piece of the genetics lab as best he could, he had almost forgotten to keep himself hidden from Gwen's sight when he heard her speak.
"Come around this way," she said pointing her dainty index finger where she wanted the group to stand.
The group gathered as Connors made his way out of one of the many testing areas that covered the lab, "Good afternoon Gwen," he said.
"Dr. Connors," she returned his greeting with a small nod.
"Welcome. My name is Dr. Curtis Connors, and yes in case you're wondering I'm a southpaw," his joke sent a small wave of laughter through the crowd of interns. "I'm not a cripple, I'm a scientist, and I'm the world's foremost authority on herpetology. That's reptiles for those of you who don't know. But like the Parkinson's patient who watches on in horror as her body slowly betrays her, or the man with macular degeneration whose eyes grow dimmer each day, I long to fix myself," They all watched him intently as his passionate words dove down on them like bombs.
"I want to create a world without weakness," He continued, "Anyone care to venture a guess just how?" A shorter Asian boy in the front shot his hand up with supreme confidence.
"Yes?" Connors said looking down at him.
"Stem cells?" His confidence seemed to betray him as his answer came out as more of a question.
"Promising, but the solution I'm thinking of is more radical," Each one of the interns turned to the next as their faces contorted in confusion.
Peter sat in the back itching to answer, as he seemed to be the only person who had any knowledge on Connors life work at all, "Really? No one even bothered to read the man's book?" Peter thought to himself as he bit down on his index finger trying to keep quiet.
"No one?" Connors asked to the crowd of hopeless geniuses.
The words burned the back of his throat begging to be let out, "Cross species genetics," the moment he let them spew out of his mouth he immediately regretted it.
The entire group turned slowly revealing the slender boy, who had ducked his head and shut his eyes attempting to hide himself again. Peter slowly lifted his head, opening his eyes, the first person his doe like eyes saw was Gwen.
She furrowed her brow quizzically before quickly running through the list of names she had on her tablet. She was almost positive the name "Peter Parker" wasn't on it, she had only researched every person on the list for hours over the last couple weeks, "Maybe I missed him," Gwen thought to herself, but when she reached the P's there was nothing.
Peter wasn't great at social interactions, he hardly had any friends and he fell apart when speaking to big crowds, but when he talked about science his eyes lit up and his mind romped freely, so it was no surprise that when he began to explain the concept of cross species genetics everyone in the room trained their eyes solely on him.
"A person gets Parkinson's when the cells that produce dopamine start to disappear. But the zebra fish has the ability to regenerate cells on command. If you could somehow give this ability to the woman you're talking about, that's that. She's...she's curing herself," with every word Peter's confidence grew, by the end he was smiling like a child who had just been promised candy.
That was until the same boy who had incorrectly answered Connors' question before decided it was time to make a joke, "Yeah, you just have to look past the gills on her neck," he said.
The interns all began to laugh at Peter's expense, but just as soon as it started, it ended with Connors giving an annoyed "shh" like he was silencing a class full of children.
It had been so long since anybody had fully understood the work Connors was so desperately trying to achieve, even Gwen had just begun to realize the vast potential of it all herself, but this familiar looking boy had not only understood his work, but he had applied it to the imaginary situation Connors splayed out for him.
"A-and you are?" He asked.
Peter felt himself freeze up, he had stolen the badge that was clipped to his jacket just to talk to the man standing in front of him and now that he had the opportunity he was frozen, unable to even breathe properly.
Gwen glanced to Peter, seeing him frozen with no words coming any time soon, just as he had been when she spoke to him the day before, she quickly rushed in to rescue him.
"He's one of Midtown Science's best and brightest," she said.
"Really?" Connors asked turning to his head intern.
"Mhm. He's second in his class," she bragged for him.
"Oh." He said turning back to Peter.
"Second?" Peter asked quickly.
"Yeah," Gwen reassured him with a small smile.
"You sure about that?" He asked once again.
"I'm pretty sure," she said nodding her head, but her eyes refused to tear away from his. What was it about this boy that made her feel so vulnerable?
A dull ringing started to come from Connors' lab coat, he pulled out his ancient flip phone checking the caller ID. His eager happiness melted away into stress and annoyance.
Clicking the phone shut, Connors stuffed it back into his coat's pocket and said, "I'm afraid duty calls. I'll leave you in the more than capable hands of Miss Stacy. Nice meeting you all," his eyes lingered on Peter after his last words, before he turned and left the group.
As soon as he departed Gwen began clicking at her tablet and a moment later a bright blue hologram appeared in the middle of the lab,
"If you'd like to gather round," she said stepping back. She stole quick glances of the cute boy in the brown jacket as he tried to hide himself in the crowd again, but she wasn't letting him get away that easy.
As the interns gathered around the holographic tree of life Peter tried to sneak around Gwen without her noticing him. As he nervously passed her, she spun around, walking after him.
"Hi," she said stopping him dead in his tracks.
Peter felt his legs go numb at the sound of her voice, how the hell was he going to explain this? He desperately tried to speak, but as it usually went around Gwen, he lost his words.
She loved that she even the smallest words from her had this effect on him, "What you doin' Rodrigo?" She asked.
He gave her a dory smile, trying to find the right words, scratch that, he was trying to find any words to say to her. He looked down at the stolen Oscorp badge and nervously said, "O-oh yeah,"
She smiled fondly at him, "What are you doing here? She asked.
"I work here," she rolled her head to mimic the movement of her eyes waiting to see what he could come up with next, "I don't work here. I was going to say-I-I was going to say I work here, but-I-it seems like you in fact do work here, so you know that I don't in fact work here,"
"Are you following me?" She asked, trying to hide the fact that she wouldn't really mind if he was.
"No, I'm not following you, no I'm not," His nervous stammering coupled by his adorably cute smile sent a wave of giggles out of the normally serious blonde, "I had no idea you worked here,"
"Then why would you be here?" She asked.
"I just snuck in because I-I love science," He felt that answer was better than trying to explain why he had really snuck in.
"You love science?" Gwen truly didn't believe he had risked getting arrested just because he "loves science" but the whoosh of the hologram disappearing was her signal to get back to work and she really didn't have time to interrogate him anymore, or whatever she was doing with him.
She took a quick glance back at the others before turning serious on him, "I have to lead this tour group, so I'm going to ask you more about this later. Do not get me in trouble. Don't touch anything,"
"I promise you I won't," he said quietly, nervously nodding his head.
Gwen returned to the front of the group trying her best to shake the butterflies in her stomach.
"All right, guys I'm going to take you to the bioreactor room now," she said.
As soon as Gwen turned her back, Peter quickly skipped backwards. His eyes were so focused on Gwen that he didn't notice a man in a tight navy suit right behind him. The two collided sending a folder the man was holding tumbling to the ground.
"Sorry," Peter blurted out, "Yo." He said scrambling to pick up the dark folder.
As soon as he looked down at the folder Peter's eyes widened, popping out of the top of it was two red zeros, exactly like the ones on his father's folder at home, "S-sorry," he whispered.
The man quickly snatched the folder, he looked up at Peter and the color drained from his face, as if he was staring directly at a ghost. He walked slowly away only taking one more small glance at the scrawny boy behind him, "It can't be," he thought.
Peter stood frozen for a moment, he wanted desperately to find Connors, but curiosity was getting the best of him. He slowly followed after the mysterious man trying to keep enough distance so he wouldn't be noticed. The man reached a door labeled "Biocable Development Unit" Peter stood hidden behind a wall watching as the man's fingers swiped out a pattern, the door's lock clicked and soon after the man emerged with two other men dressed in large hazmat suits.
As the three of them walked off Peter slowly checked around the corner before entering the same pattern the man in the suit had just done. The door gave a mechanical click signifying it had been unlocked, Peter slowly turned the handle, checking over his shoulders one more time, he entered lab.
The room was obnoxiously white, and the florescent lights were starting to give him a headache. Peter nervously looked around at the various machines whirling, he watched astonished at what looked like thick spider webs be stretched and manipulated.
As he turned to leave a bright blue light caught his eye, the door that hid it was marked "00 Restricted Access" he figured he had already broken so many Oscorp rules that he couldn't possibly get in anymore trouble than he already would be in if he got caught.
Peter pushed open the air tight door as his eyes widened in amazement at the intricacy of the machine that spun in circles collecting the webbing from the genetically enhanced spiders. He admired the tough webs as he pulled back on one, the string of silver hummed like a guitar and Peter was mesmerized by the uniqueness of it all, until the machine rumbled to a stop.
It began braiding all of the webs into strands throwing the tiny spiders from them as it did. They rained down on Peter like rain drops, at first he tried to remain calm by standing very still and holding his breath, but when he felt the little hairy legs on his skin he began flailing his body and shaking the spiders off vigorously.
When he was sure he had slapped the last of them off of his shoulder Peter slowly backed out of the room with a look of horror plastering his face.
Gwen had finished her part of the tour and had been hoping to assist on an experiment when she saw him walking so nonchalantly it made her blood boil, "I'm going to kill him. I'm actually going to kill him," she thought. Gwen paced herself so she made it into the entrance of the lab as he was walking in. Then that stupid nervous smile of his made her forget every reprimanding thing she was going to scream at him.
He nervously chuckled trying to come up with some explanation.
"All right, give me the badge," she said giving him the best glare she could possibly muster.
Peter sighed shaking his head understandingly, "Sorry," he whispered unclipping the badge from his chest and handing it to her.
She stuffed the laminated badge into her coat pocket and with a roll of her eyes turned away from him, he was lucky she thought he was cute or he would have gotten it, probably.
Then Peter felt a sharp tinge of pain come from the back of his neck, like tiny needles piercing his skin. He yelled out and reached for the pain feeling a bump immediately growing, but nothing that caused it.
Gwen turned at his yelp of pain and shot him a glare that would have had anybody shake in their shoes, "Seriously?" She couldn't believe how unbelievably stupid he was.