What's up, I'm back. Alright so I personally am not that happy with this chapter, I've been going over it for a while and tweaking it here and there but I just can't keep sitting on it till I make it better. I believe that this slightly less interesting part is necessary for a better and smoother story development that is to come. I'm not too thrilled with how I made Jones react to everything but whatever it will have to do. Anyway, I hope you enjoy.

Chapter 2

Harry Pov.

Harry processed the information and mulled it over for a while. The Caribbean huh, it was certainly not what he had been expecting. It was still a mystery as to how he had ended up in the middle of the ocean when he had gone to bed in his house in England. Harry strode around the deck of the ship which the fish guy had called the Flying Dutchman. The name seemed to Harry familiar somehow, like he had heard it before a long long time ago.

The still dumbfounded crew did nothing to stop him as he strode up towards the helm. Sighing he looked out over the ocean. Hunger and fatigue seemed to catch up with him as he stared out over the vast never-ending ocean. What a day, just when he thought that he would be able to settle down slightly fate seemed to throw him in an entirely different direction. He hadn't expected something like this to happen to him. Why did it always have to be him, he just wanted a quiet life for however much that was possible anyway. Sighing once again he shook his head in resignation. He would just have to make the best of this experience till he found a way to get home again.

A regular thumping was heard as someone made his way over towards Harry. The young man didn't take his eyes off the horizon as a claw settle down next to his on the railing of the ship.

"So, Harry Potter, what were you doing anyway floating in the middle of the ocean?" The raspy voice of the captain. Harry felt the curious gaze of the octopus man settle upon him.

"To tell you the truth, I've got no idea. I just woke up 2 day ago floating around." He gave the captain a sideway glance looking into his bright blue eyes which almost seemed to glow in a supernatural way.

Snorting Davy Jones said, "It seems that you have had a rough couple of days. So now the question that remains is, what shall we do with you?"

Harry offered the captain a dazzling smiles as he answered in an upbeat tone, "But that is an easy one. Though before I answer that question I must request some form of food." Harry's stomach chose that precise moment to let out a loud rumble. The hardened captain of the flying Dutchman raised one of his brows and let out a rumbling laugh at the sight of Harry pouting staring at his stomach.

"Well, we better shove some food into ya to get that answer then." Harry's seemed to light up at the mention of food as he shot another smile towards the captain.

(Line Break)

Jones Pov.

Davy Jones really didn't know what it was about this young man that enchanted him so much. He would have given any one of his crew a good whipping for demanding something from his, but Harry, he just couldn't do anything but agree with him. If the man really had been bobbing around in the ocean for 2 whole days he was likely to be hungry and thirsty, it was a wonder that the man was still so active and lively.

As Jones led Harry toward the kitchen he wondered where Harry came from. He sounded British, did that mean that he was part of the royal navy, the East Indian Trading company or had he come here in some other way? Questions were floating around the older man's head. Ordering the chef to cook up something filling quickly and shoving a gallon of beer into the delicate hands of Harry, Jones looked the man over again.

Now that he was awake he could see that Harry possessed the most intense shade of emerald green eyes that he had ever seen. There seemed to be an endless depth to them that reminded him of the ocean, it was as though the years surpassed a pain and suffering that shouldn't be present in a twenty something year old. The jet black hair fell over them slightly, now that his hair was dry it fell in gentle silky waves down over the young man's shoulders. The pitch black strands seemed to compliment his porcelain skin, a few faded scars littered the man's complexion.

"So let's hear your solution to our problem." The raven haired man looked up at him and his eyes seemed to gain a playful sparkle.

"Well, I thought that I could help out around the ship." The confidence with which this was said surprised the captain who was still not used to Harry accepting his appearance so easily. "I don't know where you are going but you will have to dock sometime to stock up on food and the like, so you can just drop me of when you do." Harry finished with a smile tugging up the corners of his lips giving the captain an expectant look. Jones didn't have the heart to tell him no and just throw him back in the ocean.

"As long as you do not whine, complain or disobey me you will not be thrown overboard. You can eat with us and you will get a place to sleep." Jones watched Harry brighten as the words spilled past his lips before he could truly grasp what he was doing. A wide grin spread over Harry's face.

"Aye aye captain."

Satisfaction filled Davy as he watched Harry go back to hungrily devour the food and the water. As this warm pleasant feeling spread throughout his chest alarming bells started ringing in his head. What was happening to him? This shouldn't happen he shouldn't feel happy for helping a human being. His shell which he had been building for years was cracking and all because this feeble fragile human had shown up on his ship.

It dawned to him that the last time he had felt anything like this type of feeling was when he went off to meet the love of his life who had betrayed him and turned her back on him. Rage flooded through his system as he tried to crush every bit of happiness and fulfillment he was feeling while he watched Harry gobble up the food. Much to his distress the flame that had awakened within him only seemed to grow stronger. NO, NO, NO, THIS COULDN'T BE HAPPENING! Why was he feeling this way?

Mind you he wasn't feeling any sexual attraction towards Harry, no it was more like the love one would feel for a younger sibling. It resembled that of an overprotective older brother wishing to lock their sibling up in a cocoon of safety. Still, Davy Jones who wasn't used to feeling any type of protectiveness or love for another being anymore, was having a bit of a panic attack. To think that he was losing his mind over this odd young man was astonishing to him. If he had still had his heart in his chest, he was sure that he would have felt it trying to break free from his rib cage. He did however feel his breath speeding up slightly as he stood rooted to the ground.

The captain battled with himself, willing his feet to move while part of him was still in shock over the fact that he could still feel emotions like this. It was like part of his brain had shut down and just wanted to stay rooted to this spot till he became one with the kitchen. How dare he think like that, he was Davy Jones the feared pirate, the most horrifying captain of all the seven seas. Every sailor who heard his name felt shivers creep up their spines while fear seeped into their bones. How dare he lower himself to such a stature as to be okay with staying here for eternity.

This train of thought seemed to snap Jones out of his shock, he took this opportunity to escape the damned kitchen and stormed out without a single glance back. Jones threw the door shut with all his might causing it the bang right back and hit him on his ass. Letting out an undignified yelp he would later deny the captain continued his quick escape with a glare towards the offending piece of wood.

(Line Break)

Harry Pov.

The food was heavenly, Harry munched contently as he watched Davy Jones freeze up suddenly while his eyes widened comically. He took another bite as the captain stormed past him, fleeing from the small kitchen as quickly as his feet could carry him. Shrugging his shoulders Harry kept shoving food in his mouth as a shrill yelp was heard behind him.

Whilst still munching on his food Harry contemplated quietly at the turn that his life had taken. How he had landed in the middle of the Caribbean was still a mystery to him, in all the years that he had been alive he had experienced a lot of weird shit, as is expected when one is a wizard, but he had never just not known how he had ended up in some place. Sure he had had his fair share of drunken nights where he had stumbled around and woken up in a stranger's bed, but this, this was new. Quite exciting really, to just give up all the control.

After the war he had immediately been forced into the head auror position. He spent the next couple of years reforming the wizarding government with the main help of Hermione, Kingsley and Percy. This time consuming task was coupled with hunting down the last of the remaining Death Eaters who were rebelling all over wizarding England and even hunting down some who were stirring up trouble in other parts of Europe. These tasks had taken up the next 7 or so years of his life. After that he had taken the task of restating the Nobel house of Potter to its once prestigious and wealthy state while remaining the head auror. Between the prestigious parties, the chasing down of criminals in dirty alleys and sadly also the overwhelming amount of paperwork he didn't have a spare moment to himself to just sit and relax. His days were filled with rushing around like a headless chicken.

It wasn't all bad though. He enjoyed his auror position it satisfied his, as Hermione called it, 'saving people complex', but mostly it had really allowed him to come closer to George. The war had taken its toll on all of them. In the final battle George had seen the other half of his soul leave this earth, and though Ron had made it out alive of that whole horror he wasn't able to survive the ruthless hunt for the enduring Death Eaters. Those days had been dark for them all, Hermione had buried herself in Order work while George and Harry went on a purging frenzy. Killing all the remaining Death Eaters with a relentless rage that seemed soul consuming at the time. But in their darkest time they had found a slight glimmer of hope. George and Harry took comfort in each other's presence and slowly but surely they cracked jokes and gave careful slow smiles. As the years passed they grew inseparable like brothers, becoming the infamous pranking duo. They had what they liked to call Battle of the Pranks where they showed no mercy, ruthlessly pranking one another and innocent bystanders as well.

But back to the problem at hand, what was he going to do while he was on this ship. He still had no idea what these creatures were but they sure as hell knew how to cook, Harry looked down at his bowl of slushy goo, whatever this was.

When the young man was done with his food he wandered over to the chef that had been busying himself stirring in an enormous steaming pot while gazing at it in a seemingly never ending stare contest with the bubbling fluid.

"Excuse me, but this is freaking amazing and I just wondered how you made it."

The cook who had a slightly crazed air about him swiftly snapped his head towards our black haired protagonist, the round glassy eyes of the cook scrutinized Harry for a bit before the cook let out a cackle that would have raised he hair on Harry arms is he hadn't already heard Voldemort's high pitched giggle before.

"So ye land walker wishes to learn the craft of food éh?" The fishy eyes of the man, well whatever was left of the man turned fish, sparkled dangerously as he leaned closer to the young man. Said man attempted to lean back from the foul rotten smell that the cook oozed, but alas his attempt was thwarted by the counter which he was backed up on.

A crooked grin took over the cooks face the rotten stench strengthening as the few teeth he had left were showed off. Harry smiled back unsure of what he had gotten himself into, and that was the start of a curious if not odd friendship between the two.

So what did you think please let me know ^_^ I love reading reviews. I hope that next time I'll have more inspiration so I can really get the story going instead of whatever this was. Bye Bye and till next time