Hello internet. It has also come to my attention that the first two chapters are not separated correctly. I'll fix those too. Here is the new and improved (read readable) Chapter 3. Hopefully everything goes through without a hitch. Fingers crossed.

Disclaimer: I doth owneth Harry Pott'r

Chapter 3

The boy in the painting frowned as he walked through the halls.


He has been here for the entirety of the summer and had no clue as to who did this to him. How could someone possibly make him into a painting? Sal said that only a select few could accomplish the task and unless there were some descendants of the Founders in Hogwarts. But even then it is tedious work and was rarely ever sought out to do. Even though there were hundreds of them in Hogwarts alone.

The only known, possible descendent was Voldemort. As if he would be walking the halls right now, Harry chuckled in thought.

The raven haired boy was halted in the middle of his musings when he heard a loud commotion coming from just around the corner. Investigating the sound, he found three people. One with long, bushy, brown hair. She was standing next to a red headed tomato looking boy. The last was standing with his back towards him, a boy who was tall with platinum blond hair.

'What are they doing here?' He thought. He snickered when the redhead fell after the punch and continued to fall because of his own blood. Bloody Hell was fairly accurate. He watched as a bat-like man came from around the corner. The fun was over after that. The boy sighed before turning back down the hall he came.

Maybe Sal was right. Being a painting really does have its perks sometimes.

But where there is good, there was also downsides. Such as not being able to see his friends, or learning new magic, or being able to watch the fair haired beauty in... Merlin what was he thinking! The thoughts that roamed through his head were foreign to him. What was this strange feeling? He knew he hated the boy, so why did he find him so...enchanting? The boy pushed the thoughts into the back of his mind, no, he'd never admit to his fantasy-like thoughts.

He stopped his musings as he came upon the picture of Barnabas the Barmy. 'What a horrid thing.' he thought, turning to walk to his own lonely frame. Sometimes, Sal would visit. But the man was always busy trying to keep the school's other paintings at bay. The boy wouldn't lie, those paintings could party. Their alcohol was stronger than anything he had ever tasted. He didn't even know that painting had working tastebuds!

So Sal would visit, but the loneliness was always present. If only his friends could find him, he knew that that option wasn't to come though, there wasn't much of a choice. If he was still here then finding him would be impossible.

A single tear tracked down the boy's face, glinting from the lights of the enchanted sunset shining behind him.

'I wish this could finally all end.'

A few days later, as he was strolling through the halls, he came across muffled crying coming from the doors of the astronomy tower. As he got closer he noticed his blond boy hugging the Pansy girl as she cried on his shoulder.

"I can't have that… that THING on my arm." she gasped through a choked sob. "That horrible creature of a man can stick his wand up his arse before I take it." A sad sounding chuckle came from the black boy.

"We feel the same way Panse."

The four sat in silence before the girl spoke up again. "What are we going to do?"

"We need to find Har-Potter." the blond said. The raven frowned. "If we find him, we could ask him for forgiveness or something. Plus, everyone is willing to listen to him." The three all agreed before tidying themselves up and leaving the tower.

The boy just stood there, watching the wind go through the trees, for he doesn't know how long. He sat there for maybe hours before a light touch to his shoulders made him jump.

"Sal!" he exclaimed when he saw the smiling man behind him. "You know not to do that."

"I'm sorry my boy, but it amuses me every time." The man's smile widened. Salazar Slytherin, or Sal to the boy, stood at a whopping 6'5. His silver eyes showing his amusement. "But my question is, why you aren't in your painting?"

"I was exploring." The boy stated with a pout. "Why aren't you in your painting?"

"Touché." He smirked. "Anyway, I went to see if anyone noticed about your...disappearance. It appears that most are questioning the Old Man's sanity at the moment. Especially the Slytherins. It seems as if they noticed your absence more than most. Even Snape is gloomier than usual. Though, watching those Gryffs have to face the wrath of Severus Snape is quite amusing, if I do say so myself."

"Of course you would." The boy turned back to the opening. The sun was just starting to set. The bright sunset colors illuminating the darkening sky. The boy couldn't help but feel sad and helpless.

How was he going to get back to normal? What if it was impossible? What if he was stuck in this eternal life forever? He'd never grow old, have a lover, have children. He'd never be able to see HIM again.

"Come child." Sal said once the founder noticed the tears begin to run down the boys face. "Let's go back to your painting."

His painting wasn't very different from others. Yes, his was hidden in the Room of Requirement. And no, no one knew about his painting. But other than that, it wasn't different.

It was a painting of a window similar to those around Hogwarts. It had a view of the school grounds. The Quidditch Pitch was to the far right, Hagrid's hut was to the left, and the Forbidden Forest was behind the two.

Sometimes, when he's bored, he'd watch the students play Quidditch or walk to COMC. Though both made him a bit depressed. For all he knew, he'd never be able to do that ever again.

The boy's reflecting was stopped when Draco Malfoy walked in. He didn't turn as the blond stepped farther into the room. He made no sound, until Hedwig attacked the blond to which he laughed. He jumped when the blond called out his name.

"POTTER?" Draco called out in surprise.

The boy ran.

To Be Continued...

DONE. Hopefully. Have fun (unless it flubs again) and remember. Constructive Criticism! 3