It was just a normal day in the city of Arendelle, the sun shining through your apartment window onto your face causing you to open your eyes and sigh "Another boring day" you sighed as you got up and rubbed your eyes tiredly.
"Woof!" you watched your red and white Staffordshire bull terrier can through your door and rubbed his soft furry face on your leg trying to get your attention causing you to laugh as you bend down to rub his head softly.
"Morning Buster how are you?" you asked as you used both of your hands to rub and pet the staffy's cute smiling face with his tongue happily hanging out. "Let's go get some exercise boy" you got changed into your workout outfit before looking at your dog and said "where's your lead?" you watch the staffy's body freeze for a second before he started running around to try and lead you to where his lead was. The Staffy started to whine as you took your time walking to where he was.
After you had strapped your staffy's lead securely you went outside and started jogging. You and your dog jogged to the park which was a good fifteen minutes away from your apartment. When you got to the park, you unclasped your dog's lead to allow him to roam around the park and play with the other dogs happily while you just started stretching your body.
After you had finished walking your dog who was now too tired and was sleeping on your bed happily snoring causing your to shake your head. You got dressed in a white shirt and black trousers with a dark brown leather shoes getting ready for work. You tied your black tied around your neck before petting your dog's belly while he slept heavily causing you to shake your head before picking up your keys.
You got inside of your car and drove to work. You worked as doctor at the nearest hospital. Your parents died in a car crash when you were fifteen leaving you and your older sister behind. Ever since you were young, you were known to a child prodigy at maths and science which led you to become a doctor when you were twenty-one which was very young. You have been a doctor for three years now and you loved helping people anyway you can.
Your sister, Emma was two years older than you and had a daughter, Keira who was five years old now and they lived in Arendelle as well but in the outskirts. You may be wondering where Emma's husband was but he was a worthless good for nothing as he was a horrible man.
Walter Knights met your sister when she was nineteen and got her pregnant when she was twenty-one but he had abused her physically, mentally and sexually. You only out when he had pushed your sister down the stairs when she was eight months pregnant which made you so angry that you actually broke his legs and arms because Keira could have died before she was even born.
The horrible man hit Keira one time which made you and Emma so angry that you actually got a restraining order to keep him away from you, Emma and Keira. He was living in the Southern Isle which was far far away from Arendelle which you were thankful for.
Keira and Emma were your life and you were so happy with them however you felt that in your life you were missing something., you just didn't know what it was. When you parked your car at the parking lot, you stepped out and entered the Arendelle Hospital which was well known and quite a good reputation.
"Good morning Doc (Y/N)!" you looked at who had spoken to you and it was Maria who had short brown hair and blue eyes. She was your best friend and known her for a long time, she had been there for you and Emma through thick and thin. Maria Amor and her family made you and Emma feel like you had a family again. "How you this morning?" she asked as she given you a cup of coffee.
"Thanks" you took a sip of the coffee and smiled "So how are you and Jacob?" you asked Maria who blushed at you saying her long time boyfriend's name.
"We are good" she tucked a stray hair behind your ear causing you to smile
"Still waiting for a proposal?" you asked as Maria playfully pouted and nodded causing you to smile even more. Maria and Jacob had been together since they were eighteen and it's been seven years for them but you knew that Jacob was planning a proposal soon Maria but you didn't want to spoil the surprise.
"Just be patient you know how shy Jacob is I mean he waited two years before asking you out" you explained to Maria who sighed and agreed before handing you folders that you needed causing you to sigh "better get to work"
You looked at the clock reading 2:30 causing you to sigh and sit back and rubbed your tired eyes. Your phone started to ring, you pulled out your phone from your pocket to read the caller idea to see it was Emma. You answered it "Hello Emma what's up?" you asked your sister.
"Hey (Y/N) I was asked to stay at the office and was wondering if you could pick Keira up from school?" she asked as you heard a few papers rustling at the background. Emma worked for a large well known modelling company, she designed clothes and was a photographer for them as well.
"No problem besides its Friday, you and Keira stays with me on weekends anyway, its movie night" you said happily causing Emma to laugh.
"I'll be finish at five so I'll be at your apartment at six then we can start making dinner" you nodded "What are we going to cook?" she asked as you just shrugged
"I don't know we'll just see what we can cook" you said to Emma as you heard more paper rustling at the background "sounds like you have lots of work to do, I'll leave you to it sis" you said as you looked at the time before sitting up. "I finished now anyways so I'll pick Keira up now" you said to Emma.
"Thank you (Y/N)" you rolled your eyes as you took off your lab coat and placed it on the hook as you picked up your jacket before started making your way outside to the car park.
"See you later (Y/N)!" Maria waved goodbye at you as you smiled back at her and nodding which was your way of saying goodbye.
You got inside your car and started driving towards Keira's school. After thirty minutes of driving due to traffic in the city, you had finally reached Arendelle Primary School which was a quite a good school.
You got out of your car and went inside to find Keira's classroom. After ten minutes you saw the right classroom. You politely knock on the door and waited "Come in" a cheery voice said making you open the door to see a woman who looked to be about twenty with fiery red hair that was put into braided pigtails and her blue eyes sparkling with happiness, you noticed she had cute little freckles dusted her lightly tanned skin. "Hello who are you?" she smiled brightly at you which was quite infectious causing you to smile back.
"I am (Y/N) I am here to pick Keira up" the teacher smiled and pointed to Keira who was a spitting image of Emma when she was a kid making you smile. The little girl was drawing quietly "Thank you" you walked over to your niece.
"Uncle (Y/N)!" she jumped off the chair and hugged you tightly as you hugged her back.
"There's my baby girl" you hugged her tightly "Mum is stuck in the office so I am here to pick you up then we will have movie night" the little girl cheered in your arms then look over to the teacher who was smiling happily at you two.
"Uncle this is my teacher Anna, she's funny and nice, she waited for me till you got here" she said happily causing you to smile as you held out your hand for her to shake
"Nice to meet you and thank you" the two of you shook hands before you turned back at Keira "why don't you pack up your stuff baby girl" you said to Keira who nodded as you placed her on the floor as she ran over to her desk and started packing her backpack.
"Right I need to make sure I have enough bus fair" Anna muttered to herself as she look through her purse. You noticed that she looked worried then Keira had her backpack on her back ready to go.
"Miss Anna would you like me to drive you home?" you asked Anna who looked surprised "I mean I don't mind" you said to Anna who looked thankful.
"If it isn't much trouble" you shook your head and replied
"No worries" you watched Anna pick up her purse before following you and Keira outside to the parking lot to where your car was parked. You opened the door for Princess Anna and Keira before getting inside and buckled your seat belt.
"Okay everyone buckled and ready to go?" you asked everyone in the car who nodded before to started driving "So Miss Anna where do you live?" you asked Anna who said
"I recently moved back here with my sister, Elsa" you nodded as you started to drive away from the school "She and I live in Axwell Apartments" your eyes widen in surprised
"Really? I live there what apartment are you?" you asked Anna who replied
"Seven" you nodded and smiled "you?" she asked as you replied and said
"Eleven I didn't know that you guys move in?" you asked Anna who replied
"This morning I was asked to work while my sister started moving in this afternoon" you nodded "where do you work?" she asked
"I work as a doctor in the hospital" you smiled as you parked at Axwell Apartments. "We are home guys" you said happily as Keira cheered causing you and Anna to laugh. You opened the doors for Anna and Keira.
"Why don't we invite Miss Anna and her sister for movie night?" Keira asked as the three of you entered the building. You picked your niece up in your arms as you guys stepped into elevator to take you guys to the right floor.
"Sorry Keira I need to help my sister unpack, maybe next time okay?" Keira nodded as the elevator opened "I'll see you guys later" Anna plucked out her keys from her bag while you opened the door and let your niece inside.
"BUSTER!" Keira squealed happily as your Staffy playfully tackled her on the floor licking her face happily causing your niece to giggle as she petted your dog's tail was wagging at lightning speed.
"Come on let's find a movie before your mum gets here" you said to Keira who smiled and nodded
"Okay!" she said happily as she went inside to look at your large DVD collections that you happily organised in genre then in alphabetical order. You like everything in order and right if not it would send you insane.
An hour has passed and the door opened revealing Emma "Mama!" Keira ran towards your sister who lifted her up in the air while Buster was circling around Emma happily greeting her.
"Hey sweetie how are you?" she kissed her forehead as she hugged her tightly "I love you sweetie!" she said "what movie we watching?" she asked
"I want to watch a Disney movie about these two sisters" you made two types of popcorn which was Sweet and the other one was salted because Emma and Keira loved salted while you loved sweet popcorn. You had a really bad sweet tooth.
You watched Keira put the DVD inside while you and Emma got two bowl of popcorn and drinks before sitting on the sofa with Keira in the middle and Buster was laid down with all of your feet was petting him which lulled him to sleep.
Two hours had passed and the movie had finished. You looked at Emma who was hugging Keira in her arms causing you to smile as you looked at your watch to see that it was getting late. You lightly shook Emma awake who opened her eyes.
"It's getting late come on, let's get you guys to bed" you picked Keira in your strong arms and took her to Keira's bedroom and laid her down and tucked her in. You heard paws hitting the hard wood causing you to smile to see Buster poking his head through the door to see Keira. You petted Buster's head as he laid on the floor next to Keira making you smile before closing the door behind you.
"hey" you watched Emma pull out a bottle of whiskey and took out two shot glasses before handing one to you which you happily accepted. "(Y/N) I need to ask you are you ever going to consider dating again?" she asked as you sighed.
"You know I'm not ready" you replied as you gulped down the whiskey which burned on the way down and you quickly drunk your coke chaser.
"I know that Nicola would want you to move on" you growled as you slammed down the shot glass which shattered on the table.
"Do not mention her name!" you growled at Emma who sighed before taking her shot and chaser. After a few minutes of silence, you sighed and calmed yourself "I'm sorry I didn't mean to shout" Emma placed a hand on your shoulder.
"I love you bro and you deserve to be happy" you kissed her forehead as she said "one last shots" you smiled happily as she poured the last shot. She gulped it down before pouring another and handed it to you which you happily gulped down.
"I'm just not ready yet okay? What I need is time" you told Emma who sighed and nodded before replying
"Fine, I understand right I need to get ready for bed" Emma got up and went to your room to sleep meaning that you we will be sleeping on the sofa which you could pull out to get a bed. You couldn't get to sleep so you picked up a book and started reading.
You didn't know when you had fallen asleep and you woke up to the sound of your phone alarm causing you to groan as you turned off your alarm. You got up and started making Keira's favourite breakfast which was chocolate chip pancake.
You were currently mixing the batter when there was a knock on the door. You walked over with the bowl and opened it "oh good morning Anna, what's up?" you asked as you leaned against door frame while mixing the batter.
"Would I be able to borrow some sugar please? My sister and I forgot to buy food yesterday and since we don't know this place very well yet" you nodded as you let her inside before leading her to your kitchen. You placed the bowl down on the counter top and opened on of your wooden cabinet to get a spare sugar bag at the top of the shelf which you had no problem reaching, you handed it over to Anna who smiled "thank you" she took the bag then look down to see Buster looking at her waiting for her to pet him.
"That's Buster he is a big softie" you said as you watched Anna petted your dog whose tail was wagging happily. Loving the attention from her. "Where is your sister?" you asked as you have never seen her before.
"oh she went to work" you nodded as you started heating up the frying pan.
"So what does she do? Teacher like you?" you asked as you pour a bit of batter on the frying pan waiting for it to cook.
"No she is photographer" you nodded as you flipped the pancake "So she has an interview today at Snowflake modelling agency" you stopped what you were doing and looked at Anna causing her to say "what?"
"That's where my sister works, oh your sister is the one Emma was talking about, the photographer that she will be working with" Anna nodded then right on cue your sister come out wearing one of your old shirts which looked massive on her and her hair was an absolute mess "there she is now" you said happily "sis this is Anna, Anna Emma" you introduced the two as you kept cooking the pancakes before Keira woke up.
"Morning, oh your Elsa's baby sister right?" Emma asked Anna who nodded as you made a small non-chocolate pancake for Buster who had been sat down beside you and staring at you intently causing you laugh as you made a tiny pancake for him. You gave the pancake at Buster who ate it happily.
"Why don't you join us for breakfast Anna?" you asked as you finished the last batter.
"Are you sure I am not intruding?" Anna asked worriedly as Emma and you shook your heads.
"No don't worry the more the merrier!" you said happily then there was another knock on the door causing you to sigh knowing who it was "Come in Kristoff!" you shouted as the door opened revealing a tall burly man with blond hair and brown eyes. "Smelt the pancakes?" you said playfully as Kristoff nodded then a chocolate Labrador came through the door and started playing with Buster. "Sven catch!" you threw a chocolate free pancake at the Labrador who ate the pancake happily.
"Morning Emma, (Y/N)" then he turned to Anna who smiled awkwardly at him "whose this?" he asked
"This is Anna, she moved in yesterday with her sister" Kristoff nodded shook hands with her "he is a paramedic and works in the hospital with me so if your sister or you need any medical help, you can either come to me or Kristoff" you told Anna who nodded while Kristoff was busy eating his pancakes and you noticed that Anna was blushing which you had taken note of.
"Morning everyone" a tired voice called out causing everyone to turn to see Keira rubbing her eyes tiredly then Sven and Buster ran over to her to try and wake her up. Buster licked her hand making you smile when Keira giggled as she petted the two dogs.
"Morning baby girl" you said as you placed the chocolate pancakes in front of her causing her to smile in delight
"looks great Uncle!" she started to eat then your phone started to ring. You answered it
"Hello?" everyone watched you talk to the person to the other line "yeah no problem Jacob right okay, on the way" you ended the call then looked at Emma "guess who finally got the balls to propose" Emma smiled and jumped happily.
"Finally them two getting married, why did he call?" she asked
"Well he has an idea you know how Maria loves watching photoshoot so why don't we make like a photoshoot proposal?" Emma instantly loved that idea and nodded "right he needs ideas" the two of thought deeply for a minute.
"Hey Valentines is coming soon and the company wants new faces for the magazine why don't we use Maria and Jacob then one of the photos would be Jacob proposing?" Emma offered the idea which you liked and said
"I'll tell him tomorrow" Emma nodded before smiling which turned to a sad smile "what?" you asked
"Jacob is getting married, you and Kristoff haven't yet" you sighed and looked at Kristoff who just pulled a strange face causing Keira to giggle cutely.
"Hey Kristoff is the love expert, I have an excuse" you said causing Kristoff to raise his hands in defence and replied
"Hey leave me alone, hey mine and (Y/N) line of work is always busy!" you agreed
"The love expert?" Anna asked Emma who giggled and said
"His adoptive family is love obsessed" Anna just nodded at looked at Kristoff who was talking to you and Keira.
Anna's phone started to ring, she excused herself as you guys finished your breakfast. After a few minutes Anna returned "Elsa forgot money for the bus fare, (Y/N) would you be able to pick her up?" she asked as you looked over to Kristoff.
"Kristoff take my car and pick up Anna's sister, the three of us promised to help Maria and Jacob to help them into their apartment" Kristoff nodded then looked at Anna "is that okay?" Anna smiled and nodded "right you go with Kristoff okay?" Anna nodded as she went into her apartment to get changed. "Scratch my car and you will actually die" you warned Kristoff and gulped as you laughed "I'm joking" all of you got changed and waved goodbye to Kristoff and Anna who drove away in your car.
You got in your sister's car which was an red Audi A3. The three of you went to Maria and Jacob's apartment. It was a whole day of moving and unpacking to the point that Keira was asleep on the couch while you and Jacob was putting a cabinet together.
It was ten at night and you had carried Keira to her bedroom and said goodnight to your sister who was sleeping in your room again. You were currently reading a file when you heard a shout "STAY AWAY FROM ME!" you instantly went to Emma's room to see Emma twisting and turning like she was running in her dream.
"Emma its me (Y/N)" you hugged your sister who started to crying as she cried into your chest while hugging her tighter "he won't hurt you ever again" you promised as you stroked her hair. The door opened revealing Keira with Buster beside her.
"mama?" Emma wiped her tears away and tried to smile but Keira knew that it was fake, she jumped on the bed and hugged Emma "its okay mama, I'm here to protect you" you smiled at the two before hugging them.
You would never let Walter close to your family again.
"I didn't mean to wake you up baby girl" Emma apologized but Keira shook her head and hugged her mother tightly.
"Its okay mama, I know you have bad dreams about papa" you and Emma looked at each other surprised that she knew "I knew papa hurt you" you watch Kiera's hands grip tighter on Emma. "I'm sorry that I didn't help mama, I was afraid of daddy" she started to cry as Emma wiped her tears away with her thumbs and said
"No baby you did the right thing, your uncle and I would go crazy if something happened to you, I sorry that he hurt you, I was too late to ask for help" Keira shook her head and said
"Its okay mama, I know that uncle will protect us" you smiled and nodded as you hugged them tightly again.
"I love you two so much" you whispered then you looked at the clock to see it was early in the morning. "Come on let's get some sleep, Keira why don't you stay here with your mama okay?" you said to Keira as you prepared to stand up but Kiera grabbed your hand and prevented you from leaving.
"Stay please here?" she begged as you looked into her chocolate eyes that pouted cutely at you. You were a sucker for puppy dog eyes, you couldn't say no it was your big problem. You sighed as you laid on the bed with Keira in the middle and Emma on the other side.
The three of you heard whining which caused the three of you to look at the foot of the bed to see Buster with his chin on the bed, his brown eyes pleading to join the three of you. You rolled your eyes and patted the bed "Come on buddy" the dog jumped onto bed and laid by Keira with his head on Kiera's stomach which made the little girl pet his head as all of you feel asleep.
The next morning, you woke up in an empty bed causing you to be confused. You saw a note by your bedside table. You opened it and it read.
Morning bro,
Keira and I has taken Buster for a work and went to buy some ingredients for tonight's dinner, we'll be back later
You smiled as you got up and stretched your muscles. Suddenly there was a knock on the door, you looked at your alarm clock and saw that it was 7:50 which was still a little early in your opinion.
You put on a hoodie and opened the door with a yawn. "Hello?" you tubbed your tired eyes when you opened it. Your heart stopped seeing the most beautiful woman you had ever seen. She had thick blond hair that was done into a side braid, her blue eyes looking at you. Even if she wore black skinny jeans with a long light blue shirt that had a brown belt around it.
"Hi it seems like we got your mail by accident" her voice was beautiful it sounded like an angel that you could listen to forever. She handed you a small parcel as you kept staring at her.
"Say something you idiot, you will look like a right weirdo if you keep gawking at her!" you shouted to yourself causing shake your head and said "Thank you" you looked into her blue eyes and smiled "your Elsa right? Anna's sister?" you asked happily and you watch her tuck a loose blond hair behind her ear which was a very cute action.
"Yes I am, your (Y/N) right?" you nodded "my sister says you are a doctor?" you smiled and nodded
"Anna tells me that you are a photographer?" Elsa nodded "would you like to come in for tea or coffee?" you asked as Elsa replied
"No I don't want to be a bother" she said shyly as you shook your head
"It's no bother at all, Elsa" you stepped aside to let her in. You smiled as you started heating up the kettle as you watched the beautiful woman walk towards your large DVD collection.
"You are quite a movie fan" she assumed as you nodded
"Coffee or tea?" you asked as you started making your coffee
"Could I have tea please?" she asked as you nodded as you started making her tea and your coffee. You handed a mug with tea to Elsa who said thank you before looking at the photos of you, Emma and Keira in a family picture. "Oh you live with your wife and daughter?" she asked as you looked at the photo she was looking at.
"That's my sister and my niece" you explained to Elsa who nodded then you thought you could see her sigh in relief. "So where is Anna?" you asked Elsa as the two of you started drinking your drinks.
"She is on a date with Kristoff" your eyes widen in shock "Thank you for letting Kristoff pick me up with your car" you shook your head and smiled
"no problem, if you ever want either me or my sister to pick you up just give me or her a call" you wrote down your number and Emma's. "Do you drive?" you asked Elsa who shook her head.
"No I didn't have time to learn" you nodded then thought for a moment.
"How old are you?" you asked Elsa who replied and said
"I am twenty two" you smiled and nodded
"If you want I can teach you how to drive" you offered Elsa who thought for a moment and you can see the fear in her beautiful sea blue eyes. "Is something the matter?" you asked
"My parents died in a car crash, that's why I am afraid to learn" you nodded in understand as you held her hand which was quite cold which made you a little curious but brushed it off.
"How about this when you are ready to learn to drive, I'll teach you okay?" Elsa nodded and gave you a heart melting smile. Its been a while since someone has given you butterflies in your stomach. "I heard you will be a photographer for Snowflake, you will be working with Emma" Elsa smiled and nodded.
"yes I start on Monday morning" you smiled and nodded "could you please drive me since I don't know the bus time" you just looked at her "you know what I will just take the bus" she added quickly causing you to playfully to roll your eyes and reply
"Its no problem Elsa, I will be passing that building anyway so you know what, I'll drive you wherever you and your sister needs to go just ask okay?" you said to Elsa who replied
"We don't want to be a bother, I mean what if you have something on and we needed you to drive us?" she asked worriedly as you smiled and replied
"I'll find a way, Elsa I won't let you and your sister go alone, I have a sister so I am quite protective besides I can't let three beautiful girls out alone at night" you playfully said as you watched her blush then the door opened revealing Emma, Keira and Buster.
"Oh hi Elsa" Emma waved as Buster rubbed his head on your leg causing you to bend down and petted him. "So ready for work tomorrow?" she asked as Keira and you started to pack the groceries away.
"Yeah I am, I asked your brother if he could drive me there tomorrow since I am not used to the bus timetable" Emma looked you who was too busy eating jellybeans with Keira.
"Elsa just let (Y/N) drive you anywhere just ask, he won't say no" Emma explained "he is too kind to people" Emma smiled as the two look back at you playing with Keira.