Chapter 3

(Dante's pov)

As expected from Strongarm, I got scolded at the scrapyard as Bumblebee just looked at me with the look of disappointment on those optics.

"Care to explain what happened?" Bumblebee asks.

"My scanners were detecting Decepticon activity in the forest when I came out of work and assumed you guys were there...I was wrong. Instead I found Steeljaw that Strongarm mentioned then this mysterious mech came out of nowhere and took Steeljaw down."

"Are you sure it was a mech?" Bumblebee asks as he narrowed his optics.

"Yes." I nod.

Bumblebee sighs and gives me the look that says "I am losing my patience.".

"Consider yourself lucky someone saved you otherwise you'd be in big trouble if Steeljaw got his hands on you."

"He knows I was in this city anyway. He made contact with someone to look for me and is probably watching my every move as we speak. So either way, I'm screwed."

This made Bumblebee surprised when I told him this as did Strongarm.

"There could be a possibility Fracture may be involved and if that's the case, you should stay with Strongarm at all costs. He's unpredictable so on the lookout in case he makes his move. That means no wondering off. Got it?" Bumblebee said with pure seriousness.

"Got it." I sighed

About 2 hours later, I get a call on my cellphone(that I saved my money to buy a new one.) from an unknown caller. So I pick up the phone and cautiously put the phone on my right ear.


"Dante, I presume?"

Thankfully this was not one of the cons so that was a relief. However...this dude has this Italian accent that I swear it almost sounded like Ezio from Assassin's creed. Not saying he is but he sounded like him.

"Yes. Who is this?" I asked suspiciously.

"You're "Mysterious Mech". But I suppose if you must know...You can call me Lupo." he related to Steeljaw?

"Are you-"

"No. I'm in no one's side." He deadpan.

Is he close? Cause now I'm on edge...and it's almost as if he's watching me.

"Why are you calling me?" I asked as I looked out the window.

"Just I know you talked to the Autobots about me but I'll let that slide since you didn't know who I am."

He sounded really serious...I didn't like where this was leading into...

"What were you going to do? Threaten me? Kill me?" I asked as I looked around a bit through the window.

"None of that."

He pauses and I hear him chuckling...

"I'm no where near the scrapyard..." He said mischievously.

Bull shit...

" do you see me then?" I frowned.

"Thermal vision."

...You have got to be kidding me?

"But don't worry...we'll meet again...sooner or later." He said as he hung up.

"I need to tell Fixit about this..." I muttered.

So that's what I did. About a half minute later, I met up with Fixit and asked if there was any escaped prisoners named Lupo and to my relief...he says...

"Nope. Nothing on the records about a Lupo. Why do you ask?" He says as he finished looking through the records.

"I just got a call from that mysterious mech who saved me from Steeljaw. That's Lupo. He claims to be in no one's side and seems to know what's going on."

"Hm...I'll have to tell Bumblebee about this so that he can be on the lookout for him." He said.

"That might be a good idea." I sighed.

As Fixit goes to meet up with Bumblebee, I get a text message from Lupo saying "Telling the Autobots about me already? I have to say you sure like to get yourself in trouble..."

Fucking stalker...I replied back saying "For all I know you could be a con waiting to capture me with that kind of attitude and already you're losing my trust."

It didn't take him long to reply "Smart.". I didn't reply to him nor did he reply back and I was glad about it. ...Or so I thought.

When I was in the guest room, I get a message from Lupo saying "Fracture is on your guard.".

"Oh boy..."

Guess he really cares for my safety.

The next morning. before I went to work, I discreetly peeked out the scrapyard and I see Fracture in vehicle form not to far away from the scrapyard. I think he saw me since he was looking at the scrapyard but it was hard to tell of the distance he was at.

"Something the matter, Dante?" Strongarm asks with concern.

"Yeah...I think I found Fracture." I said with a bit of fear.


"Near us but not too close thankfully."

"...Come on. I'll find a way to lose him. Just stay low to avoid contact." She said as I got in Strongarm's vehicle form at the back.

I got lower into a crouching position behind the passenger seat which I believe it's so low that possibly as low that people from the outside can't see me. Strongarm started driving and about a few minutes...

"Persistent fragger..." She growled.

She was getting angry and there was no doubt about it. Finally after maybe 3 or 4 minutes, she lost sight of Fracture as she dropped me off at the back of the restaurant. I quickly got of the vehicle and rushed in the restaurant as Strongarm drove away probably to lure Fracture away from me.

"Jesus, Dante. You okay?" One of my Co-workers asked with concern.

"Sorry. I was being stalked by someone on the way here. Don't know who or why but I do know he was trouble." I sighed as I walked to the locker room.

"Should I call the police? I can-"

"No, it's fine, Jesse. My friend who dropped me is dealing with the situation."


At least I won't worry about Fracture...for now at least...

(There seems to be a glitch with the reviewing system meaning that once you publish a review, it wouldn't show. I didn't touch the settings but I think something wrong with this website. My friend has contacted the people in this website and I hope they fix this issue. If no luck, I'll contact them on their blog. Hope you like this chapter. More to come later.)