Hey there guys! I've decided to start up a Warframe and Naruto crossover since there isn't many out. I mean, come on its super powered ninjas and space ninjas who have awesome powers. What's not to love? Any way let's begin…. (Also I know it might not be proper warframe lore and all that, so no flames, it's my story. And I might use this starting for different stories and just change some stuff around)

There is a legend of legends, before the time of ninjas and samurai, before the time of the Sage of six paths and the mighty Juubi, before mighty empires of the forerunners and citadel races there existed race a guardians whose power was so strong and powerful, mighty factions rose up and tried to quell them.

Entire nations and armies tried to vanquish these warriors, each one a master of gun, blade and bow. Angels of death each and every one of them, they fought both from the shadows as assassins and saboteurs and also in massive battles in both space and on land where the elements and souls of the defeated dead were at their command.

But with each great age comes extinction, so after many battles the great clans of these warriors fell one by one, until on stood strong. A clan which prided itself on looking after each other as family, this clan, Clan Metaphus (Meta-fus), was not lead by a clan head or warlord but rather a Messenger, who did not dictate what was done in the clan unless it was a time of war and emergency.

Now this Messenger and his two Watchers foresaw that their age was coming to an end and made plans within plans. Multiple dojos were built each able to restart the clan a thousand times over just by themselves, each loaded with multiple members and families of the clan aside from one.

"You know you can come with us," spoke a tall muscled figure, wings of fire slowly fluttering in the wind as he gazed upon the dojos of his clan.

"I mean, you're our Messenger, you started this whole clan. What are we supposed to do without you?" a second figure queried, tall and lanky, multiple horns rose out of his armoured helm, as he looked towards his lifelong friend and teacher.

"Whatever I would have done in your place old friend, my time leading this clan has ended but just as each council member shall start anew clan bound by our old rules and beliefs, so must I. I shall take the main dojo and head out into the unknown as well as you do and start anew, maybe with a new family or maybe have a family of my own flesh and blood," spoke the Messenger as he floated in a lotus position, watching as the smaller dojos rose into the atmosphere as multiple Lisets and large transports docked inside them. "You should head to your dojos, the dimensional gate shall only hold on for so long."

Both of the Watchers nodded and headed back to their smaller vessels, not looking back as they respected their leaders' last orders and wishes. The Messenger sighed and rose from his position and begun the walk into the dojo nearby, this one being larger than the rest.

As he walked through the long, empty corridors, once full of laughter and mirth, love and compassion, the empty halls felt…empty, as if they lost all life and feel to them. He made his way to the navigation console in the centre of the vessel and activated the thrusters, slowly moving towards his own coordinates in the dimensional tear that they opened in a war with the Grineer. As the once life filled vessel moved, he made his way to the main cryo-chambers, passing multiple drones which would repair the dojo in his long slumber.

"Operator, all of the other dojos have left, we are all that is left," spoke the Messengers personal cephalon, Shadow.

"Thank you Shadow is my pod ready?" the once great leader asked.

"Yes and it is set so that you will awaken when someone finds the dojo and yourself, with yourself being more important of course," the AI said smugly.

"Well done old friend, make sure you're asleep as well once I am since we do not know when we will be found."

"Of course, Operator," the AI replied

The messenger made quick time towards the cryogenics area, which upon entering found his own personal pod waiting for him to enter it.

'Well, no time to lose' thought the aged warrior.

He entered his pod making sure his cape was not caught on any of the edges, his weapons placed in their own storage around him. He finally laid back, crossing his arms over his chest and took one final breath before he froze. Closing his eyes to the sound of hissing gases and the pod doors closing, he briefly wondered what he would find on the other side and who would find after being sucked into this dimension with his friends hundreds of years ago.

As the dojo flew the rip in space and time the age of the Tenno came to an end for at least a thousand years.