Chapter 1: Prologue

"Location: Litwak's Arcade, The World Of Disney, September 3rd 2128"

In her lab, Future Adorabeezle was determinedly working on a computer next to a worn out time machine. Behind her were the Future Sugar Rush racers, Future Cinndon, Future Candace, Future Toxika, Future Damon, Future Crepe, Future Taffyel, Future Kandle, Future Kaiser, Future Charlie, and Future Lemone and the 2nd Generation Sugar Rush racers.

"So how much longer will it take?" Sorbet Rainbeau Fizzypop, Snowanna and Charlie's son, asked.

"Not much now. I managed to locate her using the coordinates of her departure. She's... twenty years into the past." Future Adorabeezle replied.

The others gasped at this information.

"That's terrible! She could be doing something right now that could affect the timeline!" Eclair Orangeboar, Candi and Gloyd's daughter, said.

Future Adorabeezle smirked.

"Which is just what we're trying to prevent." Future Adorabeezle said.

She held up the remote and pushed a button, making the portal glow. Everyone smiled at that.

"Alright! You got it!" Kevin said excitedly.

Future Adorabeezle picked up a large device with a claw attached to the end of it.

"The same portal should appear near her in exactly eight seconds. Once it does, I can grab her with this and I'll be able to easily pull her back here." Future Adorabeezle explained.

"Then fire that thing, and let's bring her back over here!" Demetra ordered.

Future Adorabeezle nodded and pulled the trigger on the device, which shot the claw into the portal.

"Location: Litwak's Arcade, The World Of Disney, March 9th 2109"

Twenty years earlier in the past Sugar Rush, during a dark afternoon, an angered and teary-eyed Swizzle screamed and flew forward with his fist held in the air. But Jubilee stood where she was, holding the beamsword handle behind her back, waiting for Swizzle to come into range. But before she could do anything, a green portal suddenly appeared behind Jubilee and what looked like a grappling claw shot out and grabbed her. That caused Swizzle to immediately stop in front of her when he noticed, but Jubilee quickly grabbed his arm, either trying to save herself or to take Swizzle with her.

"Location: Litwak's Arcade, The World Of Disney, September 3rd 2128"

"I got her!" Future Adorabeezle announced.

She pushed the button to reel Jubilee in. But suddenly, she was yanked towards the portal. She braced her legs forward to steady herself, but the grappling device kept pulling her arms toward the portal.

"Adorabeezle, what's wrong?" Future Cinndon asked, worriedly.

"I'm not sure. I guess she's... putting up a fight." Future Adorabeezle replied as she struggled to hold the device.

When Future Adorabeezle was yanked toward the portal again, Sally quickly rushed over to her mother and grabbed a hold of the grappling device.

"We can't let her go!" Sally shouted as she helped pull it.

They both began to struggle from being pulled into the portal, and Future Minty rushed over and grabbed a hold of Future Adorabeezle and Sally. Then, Future Candlehead, Future Gloyd, and Candiel grabbed a hold of them to help, and they all began trying to pull the grappling hook through the portal. The six of them all struggled and tugged to pull Jubilee through the portal. It was a wonder why she would be so difficult to pull through... unless someone was pulling her on the other end, but who would want to play tug-of-war for Jubilee?

After what seemed like a while, they all toppled backwards onto the floor. The grappling chain went flying through the air, followed by Jubilee flying out of the portal attached to the grappling claw. Everyone laid on the floor from the hard impact before they slowly got up. Swiss was the first to immediately sit up and see Jubilee unhooking herself from the claw. Swiss quickly got on his feet and ran over to the dark cherry themed girl, picking her up by her collar and holding her against the wall.

"Where did you go in the past? What did you do?" Swiss asked angrily.

Jubilee didn't look fazed by him.

"Stupid kid." Jubilee replied simply.

She back-handed Swiss across the face, knocking him to the ground and causing the boy to release her. The kids gasped at that, but Future Swizzle just silently growled and clenched his fist. Jubilee then stood up and glanced at Future Adorabeezle.

"So your still alive? I guess things didn't work out the way I wanted to." Jubilee said in a cold tone.

"Your darn right they didn't!" Future Swizzle replied angrily.

Future Swizzle fired an energy blast that hit Jubilee and knocked her to the ground. Then he picked her up and repeatedly punched her in the face before giving her one final punch that sent her flying across the room. Afterwards, Future Swizzle ran over to Swiss and leaned down to him while he was still on the floor.

"Are you alright, Swiss?" Future Swizzle asked, helping his son sit up.

Swiss chuckled.

"I'm fine, Dad. Really." Swiss replied.

Berry walked over to Jubilee, who was lying against the wall where she landed. She slowly lifted Jubilee's mask to see that she had been knocked unconscious. But she couldn't help but wince at the bruises from the beating she just took, and just lowered her mask back down. Future Vanellope walked over and talked into a watch.

"SpongeTron 911, we need you over here. There's going to be a new inmate at the inexorable prison." Future Vanellope said.

"Location: Litwak's Arcade, The World Of Disney, October 1st 2129"

One year passed in the future since the day Jubilee stole a Wormhole Generator and escaped into the past. From then on, after being retrieved, she was locked away in the High-Maximum Security Prison that existed in the future Sugar Rush, and hadn't been heard from since.

Out at the front gate, a couple of SpongeTron bots were keeping watch at night. They suddenly noticed Future Rancis approach the gate. The SpongeTron in the booth looked up from his magazine and greeted him with a smile.

"Good evening, Mr. Fluggerbutter. What brings you here?" the SpongeTron asked.

"Hello, SpongeTron 336. I'm just here to pick up something for Vanellope. She's busy at the moment, so she sent me." Future Rancis replied.

"Is that so?" SpongeTron 336 asked.

Future Rancis nodded.

"Okay then. Well, any friend of President Vanellope is welcome in." SpongeTron 336 said.

He pushed a button inside the booth, and the electric gate shutdown and opened up, allowing Future Rancis to walk in.

Inside the prison, Future Rancis walked down a darkly lit hallway that had various cells with bars made of red lasers to prevent any inmate from escaping. When he reached the upstairs third unit, he stopped in front of the last cell.

Inside the cell, Jubilee was sitting on the bottom half of a bunk bed. Future Rancis pulled a lever next to the cell, causing the lasers on the bars to turn metal. Jubilee turned her head when she noticed that, got up, and walked over to the bars.

"So, it's you. Come to get a few swings?" Jubilee asked angrily.

Future Rancis smiled.

"Not in the slightest, Master." Future Rancis replied.

His blue eyes suddenly glowed red, signifying who it actually was. Jubilee lifted up her mask, showing her eyes widened in shock (and her injuries from the previous year had healed, but left a few scars).

"SourCog?" Jubilee asked in surprise. She grabbed the robot's shirt collar, pulled her to the bars, and asked angrily "Where have you been? Do you know I've been stuck here in this trash heap ever since my last plan failed a year ago?".

"I know, Master. But ever since my last encounter with Winterpop, it took a year for my programming to be repaired. Without you, I had to rely on 8, 10, and 13 to fix me." SourCog replied in Future Rancis's voice.

Jubilee sighed, let go of her, and turned her back to her.

"Even when I'm free out there, it would seem that Sugar Rush is always there to foil my plans. If it's not Bing-Bing, it's them. Even challenging them in the past, they've proven versatile." Jubilee said.

"If I could advocate, maybe we're going about this the wrong way." SourCog said.

Jubilee turned back to her robotic servant and raised an eyebrow.

"Go on." Jubilee ordered.

SourCog nodded and continued explaining.

"Why try to prevent what your determined to destroy? Isn't it important to keep moving forward... to the future? After all, you can't stop what is already happening." SourCog asked.

Jubilee's eyes widen in realization as she got the idea, and then she smirked as she lifted her mask back down.

"That's a brilliant idea. All I need to figure out is how to get out of here." Jubilee replied.

SourCog smirked.

"Leave that to me." SourCog said calmly.

SourCog walked away from the cell and made her way to the end of the hall, where a scanner and keypad on the wall were. A flash of light appeared over her body, and she suddenly transformed into Future Vanellope with red eyes. She smirked evilly and placed her hand on the scanner.

"Access approved." a computerized voice said.

SourCog proceeded to type in numbers on the keypad.

Outside at the front gate, the Blender stopped in front of the prison, and Future Vanellope stepped out of it. SpongeTron 336 noticed her from the booth and waved at her.

"Greetings, President Fluggerbutter!" SpongeTron 336 greeted cheerfully.

Future Vanellope walked up to the booth and greeted him with a smile.

"Hey, SpongeTron 336. I'm just here to give SpongeTron 35 the new card key that I promised during my last inspection here." Future Vanellope greeted. She handed the bot a card and asked "Do you think you can ask SpongeTron 42 to give it to him? I can't stay too long since I'm on my way to pick up Rancis for a drink.".

"No problem, miss." SpongeTron 336 replied. He then said "Your lucky. Mr. Fluggerbutter just went inside a little while ago.".

Future Vanellope frowned.

"What are you talking about? Rancis is at the castle right now with Lucy and Kevin. I called him before I left." Future Vanellope asked, now confused.

"Hmm... well, if that wasn't Rancis, then who was..." SpongeTron 336 started to ask, confused as well.

Before he could continue speaking, a loud alarm was heard from all over the prison, alerting 336 and Future Vanellope.

"77 to 336! We have a Code Red situation! Prison break from Cell A13!" one of the SpongeTrons voices announced on the intercom.

"A13?" Future Vanellope asked in confusion. Her eyes then widened in horror, and she said "No.".