DISCLAIMER: This story is very explicit and deals with a strong theme of BDSM. I am a BDSM Domme (as well as an ex-sub) myself, so I have tried to explain everything as best I could. However, I personally do not deal with the sexual aspects of BDSM and mostly prefer impact play to sensual play. I've decided to let Bo and Lauren dabble in a bit of sensual play, for the sake of entertainment. It is not a full BDSM-relationship, but a mere process of experimentation. Hope you enjoy ;)

"I hate you bitches. Too busy having that disgusting eye-sex to notice that a sista is having far too many drinks at the Dal and potentially getting alcohol poisoning – which, by the way, I think I have," Kenzi scolded. She was lying on the couch, holding her throbbing head. She let out a loud groan to emphasise her point.

"No, you don't, Kenz," Lauren laughed.

"Sure, Hotpants. Keep telling yourself that. You just don't want to admit it, because that would mean you would have to nurse me and work on your weekend off."

Lauren playfully put her hand against Kenzi's head, as if to feel her temperature.

"Nope, Kenz. You're good."

"Is that how they diagnose alcohol poisoning? They just touch your forehead?" Kenzi asked seriously.

"Only the good doctors," Lauren winked.

Bo laughed. She was watching the other two women from the kitchen. She felt so happy that Lauren and Kenzi were getting along so well. She was a bit worried at the start, but Kenzi quickly figured out that Lauren wasn't as cold and frigid as she had originally thought. Now they were getting along as if they had been friends since high school.

"Yes, you shouldn't question the doctor, Kenzi. She's one of the good ones. She is the genius that figured out how to turn Fae human and vice versa, remember? She's pretty damn clever."

Kenzi groaned.

"Ok, fine. So it's just a monster hangover. I hate myself every morning."

"And every morning you're convinced it's alcohol poisoning," Bo playfully reminded her.

"You should really drink less, Kenzi. It's not good for your liver," Lauren warned.

"Yes, Mom." Kenzi rolled her eyes. "I'm Russian, remember? We invented drinking. We eat hangovers for breakfast."

Bo laughed.

"And a few minutes ago you thought you were dying? Now suddenly it's your staple food?"

"Don't be clever this early in the morning. I need coffee. A lot of it." Kenzi clutched her head as she stumbled to the kitchen, squeezing her eyes shut as she passed a window.

Bo giggled and went to stand behind Lauren. She wrapped her arms around Lauren and breathed in the soft vanilla scent of Lauren's hair. Lauren relaxed back into Bo's body.

"Oh, for heaven's sake! I'm dying and you're mentally screwing again," Kenzi scolded as she walked back from the kitchen. After a few sips of coffee, she already started to look better. "Damn Succubi... They think with their cooches instead of their brains," she mumbled. "And you," she pointed at Lauren. "What's your excuse? You're not even a Succubus. Looks like all that Succuloving is rubbing off on you."

"As if you and Hale are any better," Lauren teased.

"What?" Kenzi looked shocked. A dark red blush started to crawl over her face and neck.

"Come on, Kenzi. We know all about your rendezvous in Trick's wine cellar last night," Bo winked.

"There's nothing between the two of us!" Kenzi defensively said.

"Then why are you as red as a beetroot?" Bo winked.

"Besides, how would you know?" Kenzi folded her arms across her chest and tried to look nonchalant. All she managed to do was to look ten times guiltier.

"We went to the wine cellar last night, only to find it occupied," Lauren stated matter-of-factly.

Kenzi's eyes grew wide.

"You mean the two of you wanted to have sex in there." It wasn't a question, as much as an accusation.

Lauren immediately looked uncomfortable. She didn't mean to make it sound so obvious.

"No, we were looking for wine." Bo saved Lauren further embarrassment.

"Trick has wine behind the bar."

"We were looking for special wine."

"And I'm sure you licked up every last drop when you found it."

"Kenzi!" Bo chastised.

Kenzi blushed again. "I'm sorry. I can't believe I just made that joke about the doc's cooch. Eeeeeuuwww!" Kenzi looked like she was on the verge of throwing up.

"I don't have a bullfrog living there, Kenzi! Stop acting like it's the grossest thing in the world," Lauren defended herself.

Kenzi rolled her eyes and made one last gagging sound.

"Leave my girlfriend's bits alone – which, by the way, are anything but gross – and tell us about Hale! We would have congratulated you guys right then and there, but you looked like you had your... um... hands full," Bo said and wiggled her eyebrows.

Kenzi squealed and buried her face in her hands.

"You saw that?"

"Besides, we figured that it would be rude to make you talk with food in your mouth," Lauren deadpanned.

"You saw that too?" Kenzi asked as her face started burning up.

Lauren laughed. "No, but you just confirmed it."

Kenzi squealed and threw an empty water bottle at Lauren, before hiding her face in her hands.

"When did this happen, Kenz?" Bo asked.

"Last night was the first time. But I don't think it meant anything. I mean, we both had quite a bit to drink and he kissed me and before I knew it, I was busy dragging him off to the cellar..."

"Well, do you want it to mean something?" Lauren asked.

"No," Kenzi said, but she turned an ever deeper shade of purple.

Kenzi looked at Bo and Lauren, who were just looking at her sceptically.

"Okay... yes!" she caved.

Bo and Lauren squealed and grabbed Kenzi in a big hug, delighted that their friend was finally finding some happiness.