A/N: Hey! Sorry this is so late, adult life caught up with me. Next week is my spring break so I will be able to upload more! :) This chapter might be a little weird. lol

Felix was dreaming. He saw that he was in England, standing across from Big Ben. In the foreground he saw his mother and Adrien, and himself. He was ten-years-old, Adrien merely eight. Little Adrien was holding hands with their mother, while little Felix stood off to the side, chatting away. There was such an animated expression on young Felix's face that left current Felix perplexed. Since he had reached his teens, he had lost that sense of wonder he once had about the world. He remembered this was a trip they had taken close to Christmas time, when their father was busy with work. His mother seemed somewhat tired but happy to take her children sightseeing.

He hadn't really remembered this memory. He knew they had gone to England and he had seen the large clock tower in person before, but the memory had long since faded. Which struck him as odd considering how enthusiastic young Felix had seemed about the whole endeavour.

His mother had always had a fascination with clocks and watches. Felix wasn't quite sure why. He only just randomly remembered that fact as he watched his little happy family admire the clock tower. It had been one of his mother's greatest dreams to see the clock tower.

Glancing down at his hands, he noticed the snow globe. It was a trinket, really, something his mother had picked up on one of her many excursions. Inside the snow globe was a couple, their bodies entwined. They were dancing, the woman in red and the man in a black tuxedo. He cocked an eyebrow at it, lifting it up to inspect it. On the bottom he noticed there were initials engraved, but neither were his parents' initials.


The clock tower struck four in the afternoon, alarming him. It was a sound that was so familiar yet so foreign. He remained in partial shock, his attention turning back to his family. He could see the kindness in his mother's smile, as she sat with Adrien sitting on her lap, little Felix leaning against a post as he spoke to her.

"Time is such a magical thing," she said to him, her eyes beaming. She had the same beautiful green eyes as his younger brother. "Make sure to cherish every moment."

It seemed like such an odd thing to say. This entire memory was particularly strange. Why that line now stuck out to him, Felix was unsure. If time had been so important to their mother, why had she left? He had partially blocked that memory away. It was a strange day, something he wasn't quite ready to address. But now, he felt a familiar pain in his chest as he watched his mother, with love in her expression watching her two children. They had meant the world to her, as she did to them. He felt like calling out to her, although he knew she couldn't see him, or hear him. She was forever stuck in that memory, far away from her children.

"Mother, why did you leave? Where did you go?"

He could feel a tear fall down his cheek, cold to the touch as he pressed his fingers against it. He stared absentmindedly at the droplet on his fingertips. When had he cried last? He felt the snow globe slip from his other hand, shattering to the ground. Felix woke up.

Natalie was knocking on his bedroom door. Felix shot up, startled. "Felix, breakfast is ready."

"Yes." he replied, shoving the covers off of him. He was still wearing the ring. On his bedside table sat the snow globe. He eyed it suspiciously, wondering about the dream.

At breakfast, Adrien was absent. Natalie informed Felix that he had a modeling shoot for the day, and Felix absently nodded. Although he was the older son and as equally talented and good looking as his younger sibling, he had somehow lucked out on the modeling gig. In fact, Gabriel Agreste wasn't much interested in Felix's life as he was invested in Adrien's. He never quite understood why, he only figured that came with being the baby of the family. Largely, Felix had been left to his own devices growing up. He feared his father, but compared to Adrien, their relationship was much more lax.

But now, Felix thought, he had the upper hand. If Adrien was the good looking, well natured child of the family who was famous from childhood, Felix was the misunderstood, hateful older son who was left in the shadows. But now, he was a superhero… temporarily. He was able to fight alongside Paris' beloved duo. His memory went back to the night before. His smile faded and turned to a frown as he remembered that he wasn't exactly sure what had happened that evening. Why had everything gone black?

He shot up from the dining chair, remembering poor Nimbus. He had acted so cold towards her and hadn't even bothered to check on her after opening the present from Adrien. He rushed outside and began to look around the property. It was chilly and he had neglected to put on his jacket as he checked every nook and cranny for her.

But of course, why would she be there? There was no reason for her to remain. Still, she was the only one he could talk to, to make sense of yesterday's events. He wandered down the streets of Paris, drawing attention to himself. He hadn't even combed his hair, let alone wear proper clothing. He rubbed at the sides of his arms solemnly as he searched for her. She must have been around somewhere.

Just when he thought of climbing in a random dumpster in the middle of the city, he heard a voice call out from behind him. "What's this? Is dumpster diving popular in America?"

"Nimbus!" Felix called, but he stumbled and fell inside the dumpster, the lid falling down on him when he popped his head up in surprise. She sat, rather unaffected as she watched the scenario play out. He coughed and spluttered, pushing up the lid a moment later. He had never seemed so lively. "I'm glad I found you!"

"Technically, I found you." She licked at her paw. "You should consider yourself lucky I'm even still talking to you, after how you brushed me off last night."

"I'm sorry," Felix said, his voice almost genuine. That piqued Nimbus' attention. He leapt from the dumpster and stumbled towards her. He picked her up and held her to his chest, which the cat struggled against. "It won't happen again."

"Ewww, you reek! Let me go this instant, you stinky human!" she growled, biting his arm. Felix released her but still appeared happy. "You're creeping me out, you weren't nearly this nice to me yesterday."

He almost giggled as he watched her lick herself frantically, his disheveled blond hair falling over his face. He was extremely happy. "I do have a good side, I'll have you know."

"Too bad it's still creepy."

He chuckled.

Felix realized if they were going to talk, then he needed to get himself cleaned up. As they walked out onto the streets together, his stomach let out a loud growl. He remembered he had barely touched breakfast earlier and clutched his stomach, frowning.

"Are you sick?" Nimbus asked, but she was already making up reasons in her mind. Felix could sense that.

Off to the side, he noticed a bakery. Despite his personality, Felix had a major sweet tooth. "Just a tad hungry. Let me check out this bakery, suddenly I'm craving cookies."

It had been so long since he'd been to a Parisian bakery. He missed the breads and pastries. The familiar sound of store bells resonated in his mind as he entered the bakery, almost licking his lips.


Felix glanced up, rubbing at his face. He was stunned to see the girl behind the cash register. She had been in half a daze before recognizing him, lifting her head from the palm of her hand. Her wide blue eyes watched him. Felix suddenly became aware of his situation. He was disheveled and dirty looking, and smelt like rancid garbage. And here was Marinette, that pigtailed cutie who liked Adrien. He felt sick.

He tried to remedy the awkward situation by pointing blankly at some cookies behind the glass counter, fishing furiously in his pocket for his wallet. He tried to avoid looking at her, but Marinette was boring holes into him. He froze, frantically searching for his wallet. He must have forgotten it at home when he rushed out to look for the cat.

"I—uh—I wanted to—"

Marinette blinked, but her gaze didn't turn away from him.

"I—uh—Can I use your shower?"

He hadn't intended on saying that, or much less expected her to comply. She did so rather nonchalantly. She even showed him to where the washing machine was to let him clean his clothes.

"You can borrow some of my dad's old clothes." she told him. She seemed calm, but distracted. He wondered what she was thinking of, to let a strange boy into her house, into her bathroom.

Washing his hair in the shower, he couldn't help but laugh to himself. Here he was, in Marinette's shower, using her shampoo. It disgusted him how giddy that made him. He shuddered. Even Adrien had never seen the inside of her bathroom, never mind use it. He was the first. It was like he was marking his territory. He laughed like a madman.

When he was finished and dressed, towel drying his hair, he stepped out into the hallway. He accidentally bumped into someone outside the door.

"Oh, sorry, Mari—"

"Who are you?"

It was a girl who sort of looked like Marinette, except she had brown straight hair and brown eyes. She was maybe fourteen-years-old. Felix immediately backed away from her, surprised. Marinette came calling after the girl momentarily. "Oh, Bernadette! Sorry, I forgot to tell you about Felix."

Bernadette furrowed her brow and pointed at Felix. "Your boyfriend, maybe?" Her French was a bit awkward sounding.

Marinette threw her hands up in the air in protest, her eyes widening. "No, no, no! He's my—uh—my classmate's older brother. He just needed to borrow the bathroom. Besides, you know who I like."

Felix mentally checked off Adrien in his mind when she said the word "like". He felt his suspicions were confirmed. Bernadette nodded slightly, although she didn't appear to totally grasp the situation. Felix awkwardly side stepped away, looking at Marinette.

"I think I'll be taking my leave now. Sorry for the inconvenience."

"Oh, really, it was no trouble at all. I'll give your clothes to Adrien tomorrow." Marinette smiled softly. It made him feel a bit sad that his brother would be receiving the clothes back and not him. What was Adrien going to think?

What was Adrien going to think?

As Felix awkwardly stumbled out of the shop, Marinette followed him, passing him a paper bag. "Here, take some cookies. Did something happen?"

"Something did."

She didn't really question him, instead pressing the bag into his hand. He combed his hair back with his fingers and gave his best awkward smile. "Thanks," he muttered before rushing out the door.

Nimbus was waiting for him outside. "Well, that took you longer than expected. How come your hair is wet?"

"Long story, I'll tell you later. C'mon, little kitty. Let's go find you some canned tuna."

"Oooh, tuna!"

Felix had felt warm in Marinette's father's clothing. The old jacket somehow worked well enough to shield him from the elements. He neatly folded the clothes after arriving at home and munched down on one of the cookies. He had managed to sneak Nimbus inside and she was happily eating her supper on the floor.

He heard the click of Adrien's door opening, causing him to think of his brother. He stared back at the clothes. A sheepish grin appeared on his face. He gathered up the clothes and peeked his head out into the hallway, catching sight of a golden wisp of Adrien's hair.


Adrien stopped, a little shocked. He settled and smiled softly at his brother. "Oh, hey."

Felix handed him the clothing, which confused Adrien. "I borrowed these from your classmate, err, that Marinette girl. The one who works in a bakery."

Adrien fumbled the clothing in his hands, seeming perplexed. Felix wasn't sure whether to feel amused or not. But instead of questioning it, Adrien just nodded and faked a smile. "Yeah, Marinette."

Adrien appeared to notice the glossy look in Felix's steel blue eyes, the dampness of the ends of his hair. He didn't quite look like Felix, not the brother he knew. There was a renewed fire in his eyes.

Before Adrien could turn away and go into his room, Felix thought of one more thing to add. "So, hey, about these Akuma attacks…"

"What about them?" Adrien's attention perked.

Felix tried not to betray himself with a smile when he spoke. "I saw about the attack in the paper this morning. Something about a third superhero joining, who were they, uh, Ladybug and Chat Noir?"

Adrien's eyes widened. He stared distantly into his brother's face before returning to reality. "Yeah, I heard about that too." he said, his voice flat.

"What was his name, that third one?" Felix tapped his chin in fake thought.

"Fantome." Adrien replied quickly.

"Right, right. He seemed," Felix paused. But Adrien was already retreating back in his room. "—cool. Adrien?"

"Sorry, I'm not really feeling well at the moment." Adrien said. "Don't worry, I'll make sure to return the clothes back to Marinette."

Felix frowned. Well, this wasn't how he had planned for this to all go down. Adrien had seemed shocked, like had seen a ghost or something. Felix scratched his head and then tried to remember what had happened yesterday. No matter what he searched about the incident, nothing of noteworthiness popped up.

Back in his room, Nimbus broke the peculiar silence. "How's your brother?"

"What happened yesterday?" Felix asked, more to himself than to her.