Chapter 6: The final three years.

Lucy's P.O.V.

Two years. Two years since my psychotic departure from Fairy Tail, a memorable, moment indeed. Progress has been made during the last few year like my books becoming "most bought/read trilogy of all time" an very impressive achievement; this trilogy has made many director's squeals about the upcoming film release. Besides, being busy with my book I had Loads of free time, I travelled around while training on my magic which also made me endure awkward encounters and life long friends. For example, Rouge and sting (twin Dragon slayers of Sabortooth) who I met while fighting an tainted Angel, or an fallen Angel. We fought together and brought down the beautiful sinner, after that I took them to dinner at my house and soon becoming cross-guild partners.

Right, now I was shopping with Anna, who was clad in a long sleeved white t-shirt with a printed slogan..."Men! The one thing duc-tape can't fix" written in black also had dark high waisted blue wash jeans. We are developing ideas for our dresses for the annual ball in Skylight village were my house was [sorry if hadn't mentioned it earlier], so contrasting on themes, length, colour and conservative or sexy we conclude to just pick our own because had very different tastes.

[Time Skip, after shopping now in Skylight village]

Walking alone the market, which was filled with a variety of stands, I briskly wondered towards my house. Loud cheers and claps claimed my eardrums while street dancers preformed graceful, magnificent and fiery fire dances. Now, further towards my house I spotted a muscular, tall spiky haired lightning Dragon slayer proudly walking, seemingly talking to someone. Over the years I had an intense debate about Laxus and concluded that I had feelings towards, not love but I could see myself loving him if I could talk to him more. Tough, scary outward appearance and kind, overprotective, loving inner self that warmed my heart, even on the scariest nights. Respect towards others who could stand up for oneself and conquer their most feared thoughts, these were just some of his many fantastic qualities.

Slowly, I walk closer clutching my shopping bags in hand, nervous and excited weaving through the crowd. I spotted the Dragon slayer leaning towards his 'friend' dangerously close to her lips, "no, no, not again I thought he would wait for me... maybe I miss understand just the way he was angled. Just please not be real..." I mentally pleaded, however lady luck just loves to prove me wrong. He kissed her full on right towards me where no light, angle, illusion can cover that fact. Furious. Hell's fire blazed within my eyes, and my magical energy pulsed uncontrollable alerting him of my presence.

"Lucy! What are you doing here! Umm, it's not what it looks like!" Guilty justifying himself. It was so, so stereotypical as well as pathetic I just couldn't believe him. Everything I was going to do to him vanished, instead came shame and disappointment; leaving I whispered quietly, so only a Dragon slayer could here "can't even wait, pathetic I awaited the day I could tell you that I love you but now you've become another low-life fairy tail mage. Bye, I will get me revenge on way or the other." My eyes quickly gazed into his, they looked scared, dismayed, guilt and love... but probably not for me anymore the girl who loved by no one and hated by everyone.

[Time-skip, to her house]

Quickly, I opened my front door, then slamming it shut, slowly sinking down the door silently crying. I didn't have a clue on how long I was there, but I knew I had fallen asleep because when I awoke it was sunset, and it neared the ball. Getting up I gingerly walked into the bathroom; unsure if I could reach without falling. When I did reach the bathroom I quickly stripped and hopped into the shower. Afterward I called Cancer and Virgo to help me prepare, Virgo for making sure looked amazing and cancer for makeup, hairstyle and nails.

[After getting ready, at the ball.]

I was sitting in my limo with my farther and plue, it took about an hour to get there, but was content with sitting and reminiscing. However, mainly plotting the dreyer's demise for breaking the locks over my heart then tearing it to shreds. I was thinking about demolishing his pride then bringing his worst fears to life. Was I being cruel again, making another mistake. Probably, but I'm way to far to care anymore, I can sense dark magic swirling inside me however it seems to be converging with my celestial magic slowly tainting the spirit world. I will have to speak with the king later on.

"Lucy we're here, I will meet up at the front door at the end of the party. See you soon." Lucy's father announced breaking her train of thought. Replying with a quick "ok, father " and getting out of the limo. Revealing me in a white floor length gown with a slight split along the side revealing a decorated garter. It was enchanted silver with rare jewels embedded within the metal. The enchantment was when activated it was create a shield to protect me.

Walking towards the door I quickly dismissed plue while the doorman slowly opened the door for me. It revealed a winter themed ballroom decorated with snow flakes and glitter and many people dancing. Realising that I was late I had to have people introduce me.

"Welcoming, Celestial mage, writer Heartfilla Corp. Heir, Lucy Heartfilla!" The doorman announced breaking the atmosphere of the ballroom and becoming the centrepiece of the ball.

I descended the stairs with Grace eyes following my every step judging me like I was a diamond studded crown placed around a glass box. On my way towards the ground floor I recognised a very familar face, he and I having seen each other in years. Then I see him walking towards the garden silently signalling to follow him.

I think my heart and mind will start enjoying life from now on