I'm proud of my heart.
It's been played, stabbed, cheated, burned and broken,
but somehow
it still works

-Kano Shuuya, Mekakucity Actors

Estraneo Famiglia, well, is a terrible place. The once clean white room and clothes that Mukuro wore were now covered in a sticky red substance that he no longer knew what was happening anymore. It hurt, but not as much as being abandoned by his parents. He'll put up with it. Yes, to kill that cursed man who brought him here in the first place.
This place will give you power.
But I hate it! So boring, only red, red, red, re-
You will be our most treasured weapon.
Treasured? Weapon? Don't make me laugh. I'm no treasure, just a broken child. I'm certainly no weapo-
You are ours. They sold you to us.
I WILL NEVER BE ANYONE'S. No, I am myself and only-
But no one needs you to be yourself anymore. No one cares about you.
I, but-
Don't worry though. The Estraneo Famiglia will put your life to great use.
Next day, same routine. Get up, eat breakfast, experiment, pacing, experiment, fainting, more experiments, no no NO. Their smiling faces. Their eager looks. Revenge on Vongola, they say. Be the best in mafia, they say. Mafia, they say. Mafia, the cause of all of this.

Yet he still waited. No sure what for, but he still waited. For that beautiful boy in his dreams, the only boy who made him truly smile. God, now he was sounding like a school girl having a stupid crush. No, that was just, no.

Maybe he should give up. Hayato may never come. Yet, he held his sanity in place, the fact that one person had the capability to care for him and truly want to know him made him smile...again.

Something was weird today, really weird, with all those gleeful smiles on the scientist's faces. They seemed relieved, and is that beer? They were celebrating? This was getting confusing. Beer and smoking wasn't allowed in this place, they didn't want to accidentally ruin the experiments. Mukuro mentally got ready for everything and cleared out his suicidal thoughts, focusing more on his sanity, and Hayato.

"Subject 69, come to Room 52 now."
The experiments had started.

The silver haired boy was running yet again. He stumbled a bit on the wet puddle but quickly regained his speed. People yelled with anger as he shoved them out of his way, his muddy hands leaving fingerprints on their expensive clothing. He cursed, realising he couldn't blend in the crowd and sidestepped into an alley, a narrow one, and panicked when he heard the thundering steps and clinking sound of guns behind him. Hayato cursed. Oh sh*t.

"Little boy, little boy, son of the whore, son of my wonderful boss, your life must be horrible."

That little piece of- this was no time to be swearing. Okay, plan time. Narrow alley, bins, dead end. Great, now he was going to get even smelly. Hayato lowered himself down in the bin, careful not to make a single sound.

"Let me end your horrible life, let me end your cursed life."

He was getting closer. Hayato felt his heart stop.

"Let me free you from this tragedy. A bin? Yes very fitting for you."

Hayato looked up and saw eyes of pity yet overbearing insanity. He felt the side of his body being torn apart.


And his only wish was Mukuro, to see the only person who actually needed him, again.

His mind was being torn apart. Mukuro wailed, crying his eyes out. What was this? He no longer felt like one person. He felt his mind literally getting torn apart, slowly getting to the brink of insanity. Yet, Hayato. Hayato, yes, his Hayato. He held onto the cloth that was now stained with blood and was now staring upwards at a very bloody Hayato.

The boy's side was literally torn, couldn't be repaired. His eyes were fighting to stay alive, but he was slowly giving up. His silver hair hang downwards, longer than before, as he met Mukuro's gaze.

"Hey *cough* Pineapple, how are you?"

The question sounded so normal, it was laughable thinking about the dire situation they were in.

"Kufu- ugh- fu brilliant I guess. How about you?"

Hayato laughed, as he grabbed Mukuro's arm and hugged him. The hug was awkward- they didn't know each other much, but they needed each other to live.

"Sarcastic bastard, I'm doing brilliant too. Oh great I caught your sarcasm disease."

Mukuro laughed at their conversation, yet cried too. Hayato was dying. And so was his sanity. They let go, still looking at each other with questioning looks. So many questions. Wasn't the time though. What was the point? Maybe he could finally rest in peace, preferably with Hayato by his side.

Hayato's red stained his already red clothing, as the warmth of the blood did nothing to reassure him of peace and rest. He already had a man to murder. Mafia too. Why stop now? He then realised way to save Hayato.

"Octopus, I need you to stay still, ok, and spread your arms out."

Hayato pointed to his long hair. "Doesn't really look like an octopus now though."

"Irreverent. We'll cut it later."

"And what do you mean by later?"

Before he could talk anymore, Mukuro summoned his mist flames, putting as much power as possible. He imagined, Hayato with his whole body. Hayato with al the organs in his body. Hayato, with no blood, no half-dead eyes, with that goddamned octopus hair.

"Hey, is that mist flames? Only sun flames can heal though! Mukuro, does that mean you're part of the-"

He was getting torn apart. Six memories, six experiences, six different lives.
The six paths of reincarnation. The six paths to hades.

"MUKURO! Mukuro, are you ok?" Hayato struggled to keep his grasp on Mukuro, embracing the now screaming boy. He cursed himself for being useless

"Wake up! Wake up you stupid pineapple, please!"

His second life. He was burned by villagers? For being a witch? But he thought he was a boy.

They laughed with delight. It was working, their experiment was working, it was only a matter of time before he became the perfect weapon.

The brown haired boy putting bandages on his wounds felt a connection. I felt like a pull, a call for need. But who would need someone dame?

Something was happening, something was different. This alternate universe was just all mixed up. Mukuro and Hayato. The silver haired man chuckled at the unexpected outcome.

The six lives. His lives. It was finally over. His mind was still unsettled, yet he figured out what had happened.
"Who am I?" he whispered with a broken voice, "Tell me, tell me." He looked up at the silver haired boy.
"Your name his Mukuro but you look like a pineapple. You're a sarcastic bastard, annoying and has a weird laugh too. But you're not a liar."
Mukuro looked at him with tears dripping down, his face in a complete mess as he had a look of disbelief.

"You're not a liar. You're just broken. Like me."
"Kufufufu is that so? Then I have no choice but to fix you."
"And in return, I'll fix you too."

"My name, what is my name?"
She was not a Sasagawa. He was not her brother. She was not her sister. Her parents were not- oh god.
She had a real brother though, somewhere out there.
The next day, Ryohei went to wake up his sister for school, only to find her bed empty.

Another chapter done. Sorry I didn't update in such a long time! Mukuro is still in Estraneo- the experiment worked. Is Hayato still injured? And who was that last person? Not an OC, I hate OCs. While I'm going through the storyline with Mukuro and Hayato other people's scenes will be added in. By the way, the stuff in Japanese is 1-6 in kanji, the numerals which are shown in Mukuro's eyes when battling in the canon.

Next chapter, Mukuro and Hayato have some action and a plan. The mysterious girl at the end strikes yet again- Ryohei is on a journey? A carnivore enters the chapter.

Sayonara minna! =P