Yes guys, I love Foster's Home for Imaginary Friends so much, that I am rewriting the series with my own taste...and OC. And you know what, if you don't like the story, then just don't read it! Now, I do NOT own Foster's Home for Imaginary Friends, that awesome cartoon series belongs to the legendary Craig McCracken, so please don't flag or report me for copyrighting; the only thing I own is my OC.
But for now, please enjoy the story!
The Best Friends Are Imaginary
All Friends Are Welcome: Part 1
During a midday in a nice little neighborhood in a quiet apartment building, it wasn't exactly all hunky-dory for Mac and his best and only friends, Blooregard Q. Kazoo and Bella…who were imaginary. Now, you should all know Bloo, but let me describe Bella for you.
Bella is an imaginary friend, like Bloo, who was based off of her creator's two favorite animals: an arctic fox and a white peacock; Bella is just about Bloo's height; she was very fit, sexy and athletic; she had big, sparkly, blue eyes; she had the body of a pure white arctic fox, not a spot on her, and she had the long, beautiful, feathery, flawless, white tail of a white peacock that was just as long as her own body. Now, Bella's history is a little bit sad. Her creator lived in the same apartment building as Mac's, but just like it happens to other pet cats and dogs, her creator had moved with her family and left her behind; all on the same day that Mac created Bloo. When Mac and Bella met, he convinced his mom to let her stay with them, and Bella and Mac had grown up like brother and sister since…but Bloo has secretly fallen head over heels for her as long as he can remember.
Anyway, the best buds were neck deep in trouble because they were being chased by—a monster.
Right now, the trio was trying to hide out in the kitchen from the terror that was hunting them down…but it wasn't the best hiding spot. Mac's bully of a teenage brother Terrance snuck up behind them. And it didn't take long to realize he was there when Terrance smiled an evil smile. Revealing his jagged, yellow teeth and his bad breath stung Mac, Bella and Bloo's noses(if Bloo had a nose), and it made them aware that he was definitely there.
"AAAAAAHH!" Mac, Bloo and Bella burst out of the kitchen screaming in fear and made a break for the living room, only for Terrance to be right behind with his fist waving through the air.
"Get back here so I can kill you dorks!" Terrance shouted as he and the others sprinted into the living room; though, how Bloo manages to run so fast, let alone at all, is beyond me.
"Watch it, guys!" Bloo warned Mac and Bella as Terrance swung a fist; only to miss when they turned and created a huge dent in the wall instead.
"Uh-oh, you two are SOOO in trouble when I tell Mom!" Terrance growled sarcastically.
"Hey guys!" Bella said as she and the boys were now being chased around the couch with Terrance still behind them.
"What?" Mac and Bloo asked in unison, and their conversation only continued during the chase.
"Is a…"
"DOOFUS!" Mac and Bloo couldn't help but laugh at Bella's rude remark about the said teen, but Terrance was not amused.
"Shut up, Kitty!"
Everyone stopped after what Terrance called Bella, as the said imaginary friend slowly turned and glared at Terrance.
"Don't. Call. Me. Kitty."
"Yeah, it's Bella—Doofus," Bloo cut in angrily to stand up for Bella.
"Listen to me, runts! No stupid little brother of mine, his stupid little imaginary friend, or his stupid little imaginary friend's girlfriend-!"
"I'm am NOT his girlfriend!"
"…Is gonna tell me just how stupid I am because I know just how stu-!" Terrance tried to make a point, only to realize the joke's on him when he noticed Bloo, Bella and Mac's lips all curved trying to hold back a laugh.
But Terrance had had enough! So the teen grunted as he leapt over the couch and pounced onto the trio of best friends. And it didn't take long for the stronger teen to successfully catch each of them in his arms; Mac was in one arm while he had Bella and Bloo smooshed together in his other.
"Lookey, lookey who we have here! It's Mr. Destructo, his evil pal Breaky, and Breaky's evil girlfriend Dominater!" Terrance happily growled.
"For the last time, I AM NOT BLOO'S GIRLFRIEND!" Bella howled angrily.
"Whatever. But Mom's gonna SO mad when she sees what you guys did," Terrance pointed out.
"But we didn't do anything!" Bloo protested with fear.
"Oh really?"
And with that, Terrance pushed Bloo and Bella into one of the coffee table lams, thus knocking it over.
"Oh no, it's the evil love couple! Stop, please!" Terrance cried dramatically, "No, Mr. Destructo, don't do it!" Terrance continued to be dramatic and fake as he busted a shelf with Mac's head.
"Terrance, stop!" Mac cried.
"But it's not me doin' any of this. It's Mr. Destructo and the evil love couple, Breaky and Dominator!"
Again, when Terrance stopped talking, he laughed maniacally as he thrashed them everywhere, breaking everything. He's make Mac's knock over pictures; he made Bloo shatter the T.V. screen, and he stretched Bella's paws out so that she would unwillingly scratch the furniture up.
But soon, Bella had an idea when she remembered the antique glass vase high up on the cabinet, and so she clued Bloo in on her plan; in which he couldn't agree more.
"Terrance! Terrance! Breaky and Dominator want; break more break more!" Bloo and Bella shouted in unison over Terrance's laughter, but Mac was scared and confused.
"Quiet, You!" Bella hissed, not wanting her plan to be compromised.
"Terrance, the cabinet!" Bloo added, makiin Terrance stop rampaging the rest of the apartment, and Terrance grinned evilly up at the vase high up on the cabinet. So the teen waited for Bloo to mount Bella and for Bella to spread her peacock tail, and then he used his strength to throw Bella and Bloo into the air as Bella's tail helped her glide high and fast while Bloo rode her.
So when the two finally did reach the top, they grinned even more as they both picked up the vase, ready to throw it down hard together.
"Guys, wait! What are you doing?!" Mac was so confused, he didn't know what to think.
"Sorry, Mac, hate to break it to ya, but…" Bloo and Bella began in unison, but paused to drop the vase, "you're brother's a big fat doofus."
With that, Bloo hopped back onto Bella's back as she jumped and easily glided back down to the floor, as it turns out their plan was to drop the vase onto Terrance's head. Now the teen lay knocked out on the floor, and Mac was free. Since it was a victory, Bloo and Bella couldn't resist sharing a victory fist-bump. But then the three just started laughing uncontrollably at Terrance's ignorance.
Unfortunately, the three were so busy laughing, that they didn't notice Mom open the door with brown bags groceries in her arms…as she glanced shockingly around at the destruction of her apartment.
"Mac! Bloo! Bella!" Mac's mom screeched angrily, breaking the celebration and striking fear into the boy and the imaginary friends' hearts.
"But it wasn't us!" Mac pointed out.
"We swear!" Bella added.
"Yeah, Terrance-!" Bloo tried to explain, only to be interrupted when Terrance woke up.
"Mommy, Mommy! They were all being so mean to me!" Terrance cried while crying fake tears and crawling to his mom.
"WHAT?!" The trio couldn't believe this.
"I was being a perfect big brother to my sweet little brother and his friends, but then they just went all war-crazy and practically tore the house down! I'm just lucky to be alive; oh, thank you for saving me, Mommy!" Terrance continued to lie as he then buried his head in his mom's thighs as he gripped his arms tightly around her legs.
"You lie!" Bella yiffed with rage(she yiffed because she's part fox, deal with it).
"Yeah, like I was saying, Terrance-!" Bloo once again tried to explain, only to be interrupted again.
"Is the oldest and in charge when I'm gone," Mom(she has no other name, so I'm calling her Mom)said firmly, making terrance secretly stick his tongue out.
"And so I expect him to act the most mature by telling the truth!" Mom went on, taking Terrance by surprise, and the others grinned.
"B-but, Mommy-!"
"Terrance, you expect me to believe that a thirteen year old was simply over powered by an eight year old and his adorable imaginary friends?" Mom questioned angrily.
"Yeah, Mac's a wimp," Bloo pointed out.
"I'm hollow-boned," Bella added.
"Bloo doesn't even have a spine," Mac also added, and Bloo demonstrated as he jiggled like jelly.
"Terrance, I've had a long day, and I don't have the energy to deal with your fanatics, so please just go to your room," Mom sighed sadly, and Terrance reluctantly stomped off into his room; his stomping could have been strong enough to wake the rest of the building. And the others couldn't help but laugh mock at Terrance's defeat.
"That's enough, you three!" Mom cut in, surprising them.
"But Terrance-!" Bella, Bloo and Mac began in unison, only for Mom to cut in again.
"Is not the only one at fault here. I can't take you four always causing so much trouble…we need to talk."
"Um, ok," Bella said as she sat down, preparing for a talk.
"No. Bloo, Bella, I need to talk with Mac—alone."
That made Mac try to hide his head between his shoulders, but Bloo and Bella were there by his side to place a reassuring hand…or paw…on his shoulder.
"Don't worry, Buddy. Nothing bad'll happen," Bella said gently.
"Yeah, we'll always be right here," Bloo added softly. And with that, Mac followed his mom into his room and shut the door behind them, and his friends waited in the living room…and after a few seconds, they lost faith faster than Mac as they exchanged worried glances.
Meanwhile, Mom had sat Mac down next to her on his bottom level of the bunk-bed.
"Now, Mac, you know I can't handle you four always fighting."
"But it was Terrance; it's always Terrance! He picks on me and treats me like a baby; Bella and Bloo are only trying to protect me and be there for me."
"I know, Mac, but…why do you think you're always being treated like a child?"
"Because he's a big jerk!"
"Well, other than that, I mean?"
"Maybe…because of Bloo and Bella."
"Mac, you are eight years old, and you still hang out with imaginary friends."
"So what? I'm not the only one with an imaginary friend! You had one too, Mom!"
"Yes, but neither me nor are those other kids your age! When I got older, I didn't my imaginary friend anymore."
"What are you trying to say?"
The entire time, Bloo and Bella were secretly leaning against the bedroom door and listening in on the conversation, but they would soon regret it.
"I think it's time you get rid of Bloo and Bella." This made the said imaginaries' eyes pop wide with fright as they shared scared expressions again.
"What?!" Bella and Bloo heard Mac question.
"I'm sorry, Mac. But I think it's time you get rid of them and finally grow up."
"But Mom, that's not fair! We've been best friends for, like, EVER! They'll both be good; I-I'll keep them locked in my room!" Now that suggestion threw Bloo and Bella off for a second, but that still didn't fix the problem.
"Mom, pleeeaaase!"
"Mac, stop! This is not about being good or keeping them locked up; it about you're too old to be playing with imaginary friends!"
"No, Mac. My decision is final. You have got to get rid of Bloo and Bella." Bloo and Bella's hearts broke like glass at that. And they were so dazed that when Mom open the door to exit the room, they fell on top of each other and were too shocked to bother to get back up.
"Oh, sorry guys," Mom apologized as she walked off. But suddenly the two were both his smack-dab in the forehead with a spit-wad, and it was Terrance's as they slowly glanced up and into Terrance's messy room across the hall.
"Ciao," Terrance said darkly with and evil grin as he waved goodbye.
Later that night, the worry of it possibly being the last night with Mac kept Bloo and Bella awake late as the blue blob lay lazily sat up against his pillow on the top bunk, and Bella lay curled up in a ball with her feathery tail as a blanket while Mac was sleeping soundly on the bottom bunk. And Mac managed to sleep through the faint sounds of the old T.V. in their room as Bloo flipped through the channels to entertain him and Bella.
"Sorry you have to go."
"Go on, boy! Just get out of here!"
"And at the snap of a finger, it's gone!"
"Featuring such blues classes, such as 'Feelin' Blue', Getting' Rid of the Blues' and 'No One wants the Blues'!"
"Are you—alone?"
Every single channel that Bloo flipped through was only agitating him and Bella more and more due to the cruel irony, so Bloo started pushing the channel button a little bit faster. Soon, he stopped at a nature channel, making the two smile assuming there wouldn't be anything hysterically convenient here.
"The Grand Canyon; spectacular, beautiful and mystifying. And one of the world's deepest, deepest—deepest depressions the world has ever known." Scratch that. This was also a cruel channel just rubbing it in, so Bloo jerked forward off his pillow to press the remote's channel button even faster.
But as he angrily flipped through, he thought he stuck gold.
"…imaginary friends!" Bloo and Bella's eyes both popped wide as they froze and looked at each other, but then they immediately jerked their heads back to the T.V. in hope as Bloo flipped back, and he luckily landed back on the same commercial.
"Foster's Home for Imaginary Friends is a wonderful, funderful, imagination habitation!" now they were getting somewhere, "food, shelter and care are all provided to those imaginary friends out there who are looking for a place to call home! So if you know of or have an imaginary friend in need of a home, then come down to Foster's Home for Imaginary Friends; where good ideas are not forgotten!"
Morning had come as a gentle, early fall breeze blew some leaves across the old sidewalk that ran in front of the huge mansion that Bloo and Bella saw on T.V. Yup! Bloo and Bella were taking Mac to Foster's Home for Imaginary Friends.
"S-so…this is the place you guys saw on T.V.?" Mac questioned as the creepy old fence that surrounded the mansion scared him a little.
"Eeyup!" Bella happily replied.
"I-I don't know about this, guys…" Mac gulped as Bloo and Bella pushed the giant, metal front gates open with a long and eerie creak.
"Oh c'mon, Mac! The lady on T.V. said that this was some awesome, magical place for all imaginary friend who needs a place to crash and hang out!" Bloo happily explained as Mac reluctantly followed him and Bella.
"It'll be great, Bro!" Bella added and so was so happy that she spread her tail feathers and bounded in long distances in the air out of anxiety.
Soon, the three friends came up to the large, old front porch, and stared up at the old front doors with big metal handles. And so Bella was the first to knock on the doors.
"Even if you guys are right-."
"Mac, buddy, you seriously worry too much," Bella pointed out with a grin.
"Yeah, and listen, with us living here, Mom'll be happy, Terrance'll leave you alone and you can come see us every day! Everything fixed itself in the end!" Bloo happily added, but right after that, the doors finally opened, and a tall, old and grey, bunny butler was standing there with his classy white mustache and all. And the three didn't exactly expect to see a bunny butler, so their eyes went wide and their jaws drops as they slowly tilted their heads back to meet with the old rabbit's wrinkled eyes.
"Good day, lady and gentlemen. How may I be of assistance?" the rabbit asked in an calm, English accent.
"Cool! A bunny-butler! Well-," Bloo began with a smile, only for the bunny to interrupt him.
"My goodness! I will have you know that I am Mr. Herriman; the head of business affairs of this facility, and in no manner a butler or any servistry. Now, I would fully appreciate it if you would state you business."
But neither Mac, Bloo or Bella knew what to say now, and Mr. Herriman was not amused.
"Oh, very well. I have no time for such an indecisive child. I shall bid you three a very good day," Mr. Herriman scoffed as he started to close the doors, but Bloo and Bella weren't having it.
"Wait a minute!" Bloo and Bella shouted in unison as they both stopped the door before the rabbit could close it back.
"My God!" Mr. Herriman cried in shock.
"Please, Mr. Rabbit-Man!" Bloo pleaded.
"Herriman!" Mr. Herriman corrected grimly.
"Whatever! Please, Mr. Herriman, this is my boy Mac, and he has the worst life ever!" Bloo began dramatically as Bella dragged said boy in, only do accidentally drop him and give Mr. Herriman puppy eyes like Bloo, "his life is so vile and cruel; I have no idea where to begin…but I'll try."
"What?!" Mac questioned as he stood back up, no thanks to Bella or Bloo.
"Ya see, this poor, pathetic kid lives completely alone and unsupervised with me, his imaginary friend Bloo, his jerky teenage brother and his busy mother; we live in a terrible, run-down apartment with no electricity OR running water; man, oh man, does it STINK! No, I'm serious; it has this awful stench that'll make ya hurl." Bella was probably just as good as an actor as Bloo.
"It is not!" Mac cut in angrily, only to be ignored.
"Oh yeah, and his brother's a total jerk who's, like, eight feet tall; weighs, like, three-hundred pounds and has no brains whatsoever! And he beats this poor kid up twenty-four-seven because there's no adult ever around to stop him 'cause his mom's got, like, fifteen jobs during the day, including weekends; not to mention that she hardly ever comes home before midnight!" Bloo only added on.
"What?!" Mac couldn't believe this.
"So yeah, Mac is basically always killed dead by his big, stupid brother," Bella added flatly.
"So the only things that this poor boy ever has to look up to when in doubt is us, his best and only buddies Bloo and Bella. But you won't believe this; his mom said that he's too old to he playing with imaginary friends, and that he has to get rid of us for good!" Bloo added.
"So here we are on our knees!" Bella began.
"Uh-uh!" Mac cut-in, confusing them, but then they realized they weren't on their knees like they said when Mac pointed down; soon, they were both on their knees.
"So here we are—on our KNEES!" Bella quickly added as she pressed her front paws together in a paying manner.
"So if you could find it in your big, bunny heart to open up your wonderful home to us poor, rejected imaginary friends, then maybe, just maybe, we wouldn't be so—blue!" Bloo continued to beg as both he and Bella leaned back down onto the floor in a sad manner to emphasize their point.
But after they peeked their eyes open to see what the rabbit would think, they were only greeted by a grim expression and crossed arms. So that was a cue for Mac to start to drag the two out.
"I'm very sorry, Sir…these two are nuts! We'll-!" Mac began as he continued to dry and drag his friends out…only for Mr. Herriman to shock them.
"Very well—I shall arrange a tour for you three," Mr. Herriman said calmly as he adjusted his manacle.
"Really?" the three asked with big smiles as Mac let go. And with that, Mr. Herriman hopped his way over to the old and large P.A. system and took it off its hook to raise it to his furry mouth.
"Ms. Francis! Mr. Francis! Your presence is needed in the foyer! There are two young gentlemen and a young lady in need of a tour!" Mr. Herriman announced as his voice echoed throughout the colorful house, and the trio of best friends were only getting more and more excited.
As they waited, nothing Mr. Francis' voice never replied back.
"Ms. Francis-!" Mr. Herriman aged on.
"I'M COOMIIING! SHEESH!" A feminine voice screeched through the other end of the P.A. system, and Mr. Herriman hung the phone back up with that.
"She will be with you momentarily," Mr. Herriman added calmly, and hopped after soon after. But now that they were left alone, Mac, Bella and Bloo were left there to see the wonders of creative imaginations walk by.
There were so many different imaginary friends that made their eyes go wide and their jaws drop; there were furry ones, multi-legged ones, multi-eyed ones, etc.
"Wow…and you guys though I looked weird," Bella couldn't help but point out.
"But what do you think of the place, Buddy?" Bloo asked with a smile.
"It's ok, I guess," Mac replied dryly as he looked away and crossed his arms, worrying Bloo and Bella…but they soon found out it was just a joke when Mac grinned. So Bloo gave him a friendly punch on the arm.
"I oughtta whack you with my feathers for that," Bella added with a grin of defeat.
"Now you know why you shouldn't run with Scissors?"
The sudden voice of someone new brought the three out of their episode as they saw a young woman with red hair in a pony-tail walking down the main staircase with an imaginary friend who was a huge blob of green slime and also had bandages on his right arm.
"Scissors! Scissors!" the woman called, and soon a pair of legged scissors with eyes and the blades as the mouth came running in.
"Yeah, Frankie?" the pair of walking scissors asked in a nasal-like voice.
"What do you say, Scissors?" Frankie asked with a sigh.
"I'm sorry," Scissors replied as he sulked his head with shame.
"Ok, now go play," Frankie said softly with a smile and the slime blob and Scissors ran off, "BUT DON'T RUN!"
Now, the woman was walking towards Mac, Bella and Bloo.
"Listen, whatever that rabbit says is wrong; the name's Frankie, not Francis," Francis, or Frankie, said as she walked up to them with her hands in the pockets of her green jacket.
"I'm Mac and this is my imaginary friend Bloo and my other friend…who wasn't really imagined by me…Bella."
"Hello, Mac, Bloo and Bella; so I've heard you guys want a tour of the place?"
"Cool; follow me. Now, Foster's was founded in-."
"Ms. Francis! Ms. Francis! Your presence is requested in the fourth floor sleeping quarters!" Mr. Herriman's voice suddenly range through the P.A. system again.
"I'm busy! What is it?!" Frankie shouted angrily.
"It is Duchess; she-!" Mr. Herriman began, only for some apparent difficulties to interrupt.
"Give me that thing…Frankie! Frankie! GET UP HERE NOW!"
"Oh, one of these days…I'm very sorry, guys; her royal-ness calls. I'll get someone else to give you the tour, so hold on a sec. WILT, TOUR PLEASE!" Frankie shouted as she stepped back and started to walk back up the stairs, "don't worry, Wilt'll take care of you, and I'll try to meet up with you at the end of the tour."
"Frankie!" the shrill voice range from the system again.
"COMING!" Frankie shouted back angrily as she stomped up the stairs.
Meanwhile, the three best friends shared glances; each wondering who this Wilt guy was and what he'd be like. But their question was soon lived when they heard yet another new voice.
"I-I'm still sorry, though. Ya sure? Well, alright; sorry though," the voice was deep, and the owner of the voice was practically a beanpole.
This beanpole of an imaginary friend was more than likely based off a basketball player as he was probably ten feet tall and he had very long legs; he was missing his right arms and his right eyes was bent and wonky; his arm and face was covered in stitches; he wore long socks with high-tops, a red, white and blue wrist band on his left arm, and he had a giant blue number one on his chest. Each step he took sounded like that of a basketball player on a court.
"Hey there. How ya doin'? Name's Wilt" Wilt said with a smile, and no one replied or said anything as the three each leaned their heads back at a practical ninety degree angle; it was so bad, even Bella's fox ears were laid flat against the back of her neck in amazement.
It stayed that awkward and quiet for a few minutes as no one still didn't move or say anything, and it only got worse as Wilt held his huge, toothy, friendly smile. But soon, Wilt's smile went away.
"Yo guys? Hello?" Wilt asked with a nervous smile as he waved his only hand in front of their faces, but they still didn't move.
"Oh, I get it! But look, it's totally cool! I know I'm all broken with the wonky and the stubby arm; freaks ya out, huh?" Wilt said with no hard feelings.
"You're taaaall," was all Bloo, Mac and Bella could say.
"Uh…well, yeah, I guess…"
"You should play basketball," Bloo added.
"Yeah? Well, I used to, um, ya know…um…HEY! How 'bout that tour, huh?" Wilt quickly said with a shrug, and they three rapidly nodded.
"Awesome, then let's get started!" Wilt said with his smile back again.
With that, the tour began.
"Waiting room. Living room. Sitting room. Parlor," Wilt called out the names of the first few room with the same purpose, but they stopped in a big room that had a beautiful fire place and a giant portrait of a little old lady.
"Sorry, I had to stop. Us that ok? Ok. See, this here in the picture is Madame Foster; if it weren't for her, we wouldn't even be here. She was the one who opened up her own home to forgotten imaginary friends so they could have a second chance. How cool is that?" Wilt explained happily.
And a few passer-by imaginary friends only agreed.
"She rules."
"She's awesome."
But one had another thought on his mind, and it got him in trouble.
"She's old." The imaginary friend that said that was lead away to Mr. Herriman's office by the bunny himself as he had a paddle in his hand for the punishment.
But now, it was time for the tour to continue…through the halls.
"Hallways. Hallways. Hallways. Halt!" Wilt said as they traveled through the halls, but they stopped again in font of a very important room, "sorry, but I just had to point this out, ok? This is Mr. Herriman's office, and trust me, you don't ever, ever, EVER wanna get sent here."
To prove his point, the imaginary friend from earlier who was being punished with a good smacking from Mr. Herriman's paddle came limping out of the office while holding his backside in pain.
"You ain't kiddin'."
"Wash room. Bathroom. Power room. Laundry," Wilt continued to name each room as their tour also continued.
But as an imaginary friend that was basically a walking sock that was carrying a huge basket of dirty laundry accidentally dropped a sock, and Wilt wasn't going to let that sock go unaccounted for.
So the said red beanpole picked up the sock, curled it into a ball and started doing tricks with it as if it were actually a basket ball, and then he soon made a trick shot and it landed back in the same basket just before the imaginary friend carrying the basket left the room. And this certainly impressed Mac, Bella and Bloo.
"Dining room! Tea room. Pantry. Kitchen," Wilt went on, and he and the others were cramped in the pantry.
And now they were making their way to the next part of the house, but were stopped by what had to have been the weirdest imaginary they've seen today.
She was part plant with the head of a palm tree and the leafy green hair; part boat with the giant, red lips of a deflated mini-raft; part airplane with the body of a small airplane shaped body; and possibly part human with the cross eyes and the sun burnt, stick legs and feet of a human.
"Ok, you are hot compared to her," Bloo whispered, and Bella nodded in agreement at first…but then she realized what Bloo called her.
"Wait, what?"
"Nothing!" Bloo quickly replied.
"Coco?" the mashed-up imaginary asked in a but of a scratchy, feminine voice.
"Uh, no thanks," Mac replied.
"I'm good," Bella replied with a smile.
"Yes." Unlike Bella and Mac, Bloo did want some hot chocolate…at least, he thinks it was hot cocoa that she was offering him. So the episode only went back and forth.
"Yes." Ok, now it was just getting annoying.
"Yes! Please! And with marshmallows!" Bloo shouted angrily.
"No, look guys, this is Coco. She wasn't asking if you wanted coco…a-al she says is 'coco'," Wilt pointed out.
"Oh," Bloo said with realization.
"Well, then what WAS she saying?" Bella questioned.
"'Ya want any juice?'"
Anyway, the tour went on again.
"Hallways. Hallways. Hallway…hallways…" walking through all of these hallways was just getting tiring for Wilt now. But Mac fell behind as he had to stop and tie his shoes…but as his guard was down, Mac could've sworn he heard heavy breathing…most likely from a huge beast. So when Mac finished tying his laces, he looked back in fear, only to find nothing and no one there.
But now the tour was starting to get exciting again.
"Music room! Play room! Jumping room! Arcade!" Since Coco doesn't exactly speak English, Wilt had to name off each room again.
And when they reached they arcade, the huge, dark room of hundreds of video games put Bloo, Bella and Mac all in a daze. So Wilt and Coco had to drag them out…little did they know that the same creature Mac had his suspicions about earlier was following them.
"Bedrooms. Bedrooms. Bedrooms. Be-." Wilt was interrupted when he reached the bedroom that housed the worse beast of them all.
"No! No! NOOO!" the voice same shrill voice from earlier screamed at Frankie as the said woman had blanket tossed at her face and she stood there angrily.
"This is UNACCEPTABLE! I will not stand for me good linens to be washed with everyone else's putrid laundry! I have said this time and time again: wash in separate water ONLY! I don't care if you have to run a pipe from the SWISS ALPS! Just do it! Do it! DO IT!" Duchess raged on at Frankie as her ugly face with twisted eyes, crooked mouth with fangs and short elephant-like trunk emphasized her ugliness…and she then noticed the others watching her and Frankie, "what are you doing here?! Get out! Get out! GET OUT!"
The door was slammed with that.
"What. Was that?" Bella questioned with disgust.
"THAT is Duchess; she thinks she's the greatest imaginary friend ever imagined, but if you ask me—she's one of the worst," Wilt replied while giving a thumbs down, and again, passer-by imaginaries only agreed.
"She's gross."
"She's ugly."
"She's evil."
"She is indeed." Even Mr. Herriman couldn't help but quietly add his opinion about Duchess.
But again, Mac felt that queasy feeling that they were being watched, but when he looked, he found nothing again.
"Hey Wilt, speaking of evil…a-are there any imaginary monsters here?" Mac asked with fear.
"Why would there be something like that be here in such a great place?" Bloo asked with a grin.
"Well…" Wilt cut in.
Wilt and Coco lead the trio outside to the backyard where a huge metal cage held down to the ground with heavy chains was being thrashed around by…God knows what mind of beasts created inside.
"They're called Extreme-o-sauruses; they're monstrous and destructive imaginary friends creative by jerky teenagers. And they're not exactly the nicest thing around, so we gotta keep 'em locked up, so…be careful," Wilt explained as the giant cage only continued to violently thrash around to prove his point.
With that, they were about to walk away from the cage to head back into the house, but a monstrous tentacle bade out of giant metal balls managed to slip through the bars of the one small window while their backs were turned, and it was aiming for the closest person…which was Mac.
"AAAAAHHH!" Mac screamed as he was being thrown around left and right in the air.
"MAC!" Bloo and Bella cried in unison.
"I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry! But that is NOT ok!" Wilt panicked as he jumped around in place.
And Coco was just clucking wildly while running back and forth. But from high up, Mac could see another monster sprinting right towards them.
"M-m-m-MONSTER!" Mac called in hopes of warning as the smaller monster came sprinting in like a bull, and he even had bull horns as he crashed them into the cage which resulted in the arm dropping Mac.
The purple, furry, big-fanged monster that saved Mac caught him and started to cradle him as he also…bawled like a baby…in Spanish?
But Mac being cradled was apparently seen as a threat to Bloo and Bella.
"Let him go!" Bloo growled as he and Bella ran up to the purple monster.
"Put him down, you monster!" Bella threatened.
"No! I no monstro!" the monster cried in a deep, scratchy, Spanish accent as he ran away from Bloo and Bella, but they didn't stop chasing him as they ran around Wilt and Coco.
But it was Coco's turn to fix something.
"Coco?" Coco asked Eduardo as he continued to run with Mac still in his big, furry arms.
"Co, co, coco."
"Coco, co."
"No! No! No!" Eduardo protested.
"Coco, co, co. Coco, coco."
"Coco, coco, co."
"Co, coco, co, co; coco, co, co."
With that, Coco had finally convinced him that it was alright, so he stopped and smiled.
"Si. Gracious, Coco," the monster thanked while heavily breathing from all the running and putting Mac down…but Bloo and Bella weren't done yet as they came out of no where and pounced onto the monster.
Despite being scarier and more dangerous that Bella and Bloo, the monster ran around in fear like it was the end of the world.
"Guys, stop! He's cool!" Mac called.
"Si! Si! I cool! I cool! The little boy, he get swung around and around and around; it so scary. I, es, as you say, try to help! Please, little blob and fox; I am no mad guy; I am friend!" the Spanish monster huffed with fear.
Bella was the first to some-what understand as she unlatched her jaws from his thick, purple fur and spit out what ever hair made it into her mouth.
"You're a friend?" Bella questioned.
"Yes, that's what we've been trying to tell you guys! Mac, Bloo, Bella, this is Eduardo; he's one of the sweetest and kindest imaginary friends we have; he wouldn't hurt a fly," Wilt explained as Bloo also let go of Eduardo.
"Si…I is too scared of flies anyway," Eduardo added shyly with a shrug.
"But if you were the good guy, why were you trying to hide from us?" Bella asked with concern.
"I es, how you say…scared of the little kids, and uh, I was afraid…you would no like me…so I hide," Eduardo replied sadly.
"Not like y-?! Eduardo, you saved my life; of course we like you! You're a hero," Mac reassured with a huge smile.
"Alright, now we're friends! And speaking of friends, you should really see the kinds of imaginary friends we've got here!" Wilt added happily.
Welp, the tour continues as Wilt lead the others to the stables where magical, equestrian imaginary friends are housed in horse stables.
"There's ones with horns; with wings; horns and wings; ones with horns and wings that talk."
It was then that they came up to a pink horse with horns and wings…thank talked.
"Hey, Wilt," the pink horse said happily.
"Hay?" Wilt asked as he offered a handful of hay to her, and she muffled a 'thanks' as she took it in her mouth and started munching.
Now, they headed back into the house to see the rest of the imaginary friends.
"There's simple ones; stealthy ones; two-in-ones; even unimaginative ones." The last imaginary friends they came up to was literally another MoJo-JoJo from the PowerPuff Girls.
"Some kids just aren't that creative, so they just copy what they see on T.V. What are ya gonna do?" Wilt asked with a shrug, but the copy-righted imaginary didn't stop the introduction of the other imaginaries.
"Furry; fluffy; fuzzy; funky." They had unfortunately come up to another imaginary friend made out of some kind of stinky slop.
"Oh man, WHOO!" Bella said with shock of how bad he smelled as she and the others held their noses.
"There's big; small; young and old." The one that Wilt called 'old' was Mr. Herriman, and although it was true that he was old, he was offended.
"Well, I never!" Mr. Herriman said with a sneer,
"Happy; sad; good; don't forget bad." The one who was called 'bad' was Duchess.
"Well, I never!" Duchess said with disgust…but it was still true.
Now that the introduction of the other imaginaries was over, they headed back to the foyer.
"And don't forget: silly, nervous and helpful," Bloo added with a smile while referring to Coco, Eduardo and Wilt.
"And now, blue and foxy," Mac added, referring to none other than Bloo and Bella.
"Ya mean…?" Bloo and Bella asked with hope at the same time.
"Yeah, you guys can stay," Mac finished their sentence.
With that, the blob and peacock-talked fox imaginary friends started jumping around and cheering like excited children; eventually, the two even tackling Mac to the ground.
But the three best friends weren't the only ones really excited; Coco starting running around and clucking happily, but in between she would sit down like a chicken, and giant, plastic Easter eggs would pop out from underneath.
"What the…?" Bella couldn't even finish her sentence she was so surprised.
"What's she doing?" Mac questioned.
"Whenever Coco gets really excited, she starts laying these eggs; go one, open 'em up; there's a surprise inside each one!" Wilt replied as he scooped an egg up and tossed one to Mac, which he then popped it open and conveniently, a new vase came out.
"Wow, thanks Coco," Ma said with happiness as Coco rolled three more eggs up to Mac.
"This place is crazy," Bloo sighed with amazement, and then he and Bella shared a quick look of agreement.
"We love it!"
"Glad to hear it, guys!" Frankie said as she met back up with them while walking down the stairs.
"Yeah, and it's just like you guys said: you two can stay here, Terrance will stop picking on me, Mom will be happy and I can visit them whenever! It's perfect!" Mac said as he struggled to pick up the rest of the large eggs in his arms…but that joy was short-lived.
"Uh, well…it's not exactly that perfect," Frankie sadly cut in.
"Why? They can live here, right?" Mac questioned.
"Yes, but-."
"Then there's no more problems; we stay here and Mac comes to see us. Done deal," Bella added.
"Guys, Foster's is a foster home; it's not a boarding house. If you leave Bloo and Bella here, then they won't belong to you because they'll be put up for adoption like everybody else," Frankie reluctantly explained.
"Adoption?!" Bloo and Bella both questioned with shock.
"Yeah. For one reason or another, we've all been given up or forgotten by our creators. And as much as we all really love it here, our only dream is to get adopted by another kid in need of a new friend," Wilt explained.
"Well, scratch that!" Bella said as she and Bloo rushed for the front door and opened it to wait for Mac.
"Yeah, adoption's not an option!" Bloo added, "c'mon, Mac…let's just go back home."
"What?" Bloo asked with fear.
"What else am I supposed to do? I cant just disobey my mom!"
"But-!" Bella tried.
"But don't worry! I'll figure something out."
"They'll still be yours, but if a kid comes here and wants them and you're not here…they will be adopted," Frankie added sadly.
Mac thought hard for a second.
"Ok?" Bella began.
"OK?!" Bloo added.
"Look, I WILL be back tomorrow! I promise…uh, see ya! I'll be back!" with that, the boy left without even a goodbye hug. But that was also when Mr. Herriman came hopping in with a grim face as he shut the door behind Mac.
"'I'll be back'. Hmph! If I had a carrot for every time I've ever heard that promise, I would be a very fat rabbit! But don't worry, Master Blooregard and Miss Bella; you are both very fine imaginary friends. You shall both be adopted by another child in no time, I guarantee it!" Mr. Herriman tried to reassure…but it really didn't help.
The fox/peacock and the blue blob walked up to the nearest front window with sorrow to glance out and watch as Mac left and closed the giant metal gates.
Don't worry, the story is not over and it WILL get better. Now, for those who are not haters, what do you think so far? And how are you guys liking Bella so far? Cool? Uncool? Be honest, not rude.
Oh, and Bloo and Bella are NOT brother and sister, so get your minds out of the gutters...but Bloo does have a crush on her.
Until the next chapter, I'm TRikiD, bye-bye!