Supernatural High School AU

Yes I know there's millions of these but I had a good idea so I hope you like it! For the sake of the story the age gap is going to close between the brothers for in this fic; Dean is a junior and Sam is a freshman.

Chapter 1


The alarm clock yelled angrily at Dean. He slammed his fist on the snooze, rolling over to the other side of the bed. Then Sam's alarm went off, and when it didn't shut off after 30 seconds, Dean rolled out of bed to unplug the cord. And then the snooze timer on his went off again, so he threw it across the room and marched downstairs into the kitchen of Bobby's house. Sam was already eating a giant bowl of cereal while studying a map of the school.

He grabbed a slab of bread out of the rusting bread box and shoved it in the toaster. Grabbing some butter and jam out of the fridge, he made a mental list of things to accomplish today.

1. Go to school and don't murder anyone on the bus.

2. Try not to lose any pencils/pens until at least next week.

3. Actually get all the syllabuses signed to keep grades up.

4. Join football team.

It was his junior year, so Dean could probably get on varsity for sheer strength alone. And probably resolve. Screw strategy or game knowledge. Sam had decided to join the marching band, since he'd been learning how to play the sousaphone. And he still hadn't hit his growth spurt, so it's going to be funny seeing him carry around a giant foghorn thing down the street. Band camp was a couple weeks ago, and he'd met a really cute girl named Jess. She was a flute player, blonde, with white blonde hair and really pretty eyes. Swim team. Also in Honors pre-calc, which would be advanced advanced advanced math. Dean was in algebra 2. And wow didn't that help his self-esteem.

Nevertheless, Dean just wanted his GED and to begin hunting down the thing that killed his mom all those years ago. Might as well enjoy the ride, so he's made a bet with some of the local kids on how fast he can get a girlfriend. Dean was betting 2 weeks, and his brand new friend Charlie was betting on never, since, "The girls at school know how to tell if a guy actually cares about them or not, or if they're just trying to bang them." And she's a lesbian so she was able to tell without any clouded judgement.

The clock ticked on to 7:30; Sam yelled at Dean to get going, so he scrambled his things together, shoved them in his favorite black canvas backpack (with tons of hidden pockets for salt, dead man's blood, and silver) and grabbed the keys to an old rusted truck that Bobby was lending him while his dad was off hunting with an old acquaintance. He was at least trying to get them an education.

Sam couldn't stop shaking. He was so excited; band and new friends and at least 3 months of uninterrupted learning. With Jess, no less, in 4 of his 5 classes, he figured that he'd at least have a chance to develop at least one meaningful friendship. He leapt out of the car as soon as Dean shut of the engine. "Bye Dean I gotta find my first class," he said breathlessly.

"Woah, Sammy, wait up," Dean said. Sam stopped in his tracks, waiting for Dean to give his customary 'beginning-of-the-school-year' speech. He walked over, gave Sam a hug, and said, "If anyone picks on you then you come get me, okay? Don't take anything from anybody. Now go kick ass."

"Thanks Dean," Sam said, grinning. He raced off into the quad towards his first class, which just happened to be band. Crap, he forgot his clarinet! Dean swore under his breath. Grabbing it out of the car, he found a map of the school and started walking towards the band room. School started in 10 minutes… 3 to get to the room, 5 to get to his English class. He started walking faster, trying to find Sam among the crowds.

2 minutes and forty seconds later, Dean rounded the corner that would lead into the hallway for the visual and performing arts section of the giant school complex. Right into a boy who was carrying a giant instrument case. The two made an 'umph' noise when they collided. The smaller one was knocked to the ground, and Sam's clarinet went flying.

Dean chased after the clarinet before coming to help the boy gather his things and help him up. "Sorry man," he said, embarrassed. "Didn't see you there."

"No, it is my fault. I am sorry," said the boy in a surprisingly deep and gruff voice. Dean met his eyes for the first time. They were an icy blue color, with white streaks running through the irises; his pupils were the same shade as his hair, a dark, inky black color. His skin was pale white, and he wore glasses with thick black frames that enlarged his eyes. This, along with the highly contrasting shades of his hair and skin, gave him a very fragile look, but Dean realized that the boy had a stocky frame, and huge shoulder muscles.

"Uhhh.. erm, Dean!" he said, sticking out his hand, his face turning bright red. The pale boy smiled. "Cas. Cas Novak." He said, shaking his hand with surprising gentleness.

"DEAN! Oh thanks dude. I can't believe I forgot that," said Sam, who came running up to Dean, grabbing his clarinet. "Oh, hey Cas. See you later!"

"I've got to go," Cas said. "See you later Dean," he said, turning into the band room with Sam. Dean watched as the boy turned away. Seeing his leg muscles ripple as he walked, Dean barely registered when the bell rang. He ran away from the band room towards the English section of the school, away from the most beautiful boy he'd ever seen.