I am human like everyone else! So for the sake of explaining where this one started to come from, I will partially explain!

Going through a creature phase, mainly half-human creatures like centaur, minotaur, things like that. Read a comic online about Theseus and the Minotaur, can't remember the site name, it was Spanish but the comic was in English.

Anyway, long story short, Theseus is constantly being taken by the Minotaur. A month later, Minos basically tells him that Minotaur chose him as its bride (right after yet another round with Minotaur (Asterios was his name in comic but have read elsewhere that it is Asterion)). Three months later, Theseus is basically being teased by Minos about how his body is changing, stomach swelling and even his nipples were a bit larger. Saying he was like a woman, all while the Minotaur is screwing Theseus… again! Anyway, during that round of sex, Minotaur pinches nipples, which squirt out milk. So of course, Theseus is freaking out and Minos comes to this conclusion: Theseus is pregnant. You read right, folks! So Minos explains how Asterios is born from his wife's affair with a bull and how the Minotaur is a creature from heaven, yadda-yadda-yadda. Shut him up, already! So to make things more humiliating for Theseus, Minos sets up a platform and has a festival while Theseus is giving birth. In front of everyone. Comic ends there.

I am not ashamed of where I trend online.

But my mind is kind of going through ideas and adding more on. Because seriously, the myth is that Theseus kills the Minotaur, and this comic actually gives me fun ideas as to go about doing that. I just need to torture Theseus some more. So this chapter and the next couple will be leading on from there (sort of) and I will eventually bring in Harry Potter. Probably chapter 3 or 4. Depends on how much I write each chapter. There will be Harry Potter.

Also, I know in the story, the ship sailed back with black sails, thus Aegeus jumped off a cliff and died because Theseus was a forgetful idiot and forgot to sail with white sails to say he was alive and not dead. But for the sake of this story, Aegeus is not dead.

And yes, folks, this will be a Harry Potter Crossover because I cross Harry Potter with everything I can think of.

Disclaimer: Do not own the comic mentioned above, Harry Potter, or any Greek Mythology.


Here the Chapter Starts

Dark eyes stared out to the open blue sea, the wind dancing through loose locks and colliding with the sails to push the ship faster. At his feet sat a small being, a blanket being used as a cloak to cover it. A normal sized cloak covered the man's frame, to hide both his identity and the swell of his stomach.

He spent nearly a year and a half in the Labyrinth before finally killing the monster within it. A year and a half of being the creature's whore. By the gods, he really felt like one most of the time. But any struggle was useless, the creature would get its way, so he submitted and let it do whatever it wanted, hoping it would finish soon. The first result of the 'breeding', as King Minos referred to it as, sat at his feet, looking just like the monster that would rape him every few hours. The second was still inside of him. But he can't kill either of them. He couldn't.

After the birth of the first, due to the Minotaur's raging at him being taken away, he was put right back into that pit he spent the entire first pregnancy in. It wasn't that there were no openings that would allow him to leave that pit, he was generally just too sore and tired to move. Once he was put back in the pit, the newborn with him because it needed him to survive long enough to be a 'guardian' of Minos's city, the Minotaur wasn't risking him being taken away again. So it grabbed both him and babe and took them into the Labyrinth.

Theseus put it off as a trick of his mind, but he could have sworn that Minos was pouting when the Minotaur took them away. The king did take great pleasure in mocking and humiliating him. All the turns the beast took were difficult to keep up with, his tired body giving out every few seconds before he would force himself back awake to keep track of the layout. It finally reached a room, dropping him on a pile of old clothing from previous sacrifices. That became his bed that he shared with the newborn minotaur child.

Slight guilt did nudge at him. He was allowed rest for a month before the creature started breeding him again. During that rest, at first, he was not allowed to leave the room. The Minotaur made sure of that, catching him when he tried to sneak out. Though it was more animal than man, it seemed to know that the baby needed him for survival and did not allow him to leave, even waking if Theseus tried leaving while it slept. During that month of rest, though, it was almost like he was watching a different creature.

It would randomly have the newborn in its hands, looking at the babe like it didn't know what to think. It knew that it sired the smaller creature, it could smell and see that since the baby is a minotaur as well. When it started fussing, the Minotaur would perk its ears up in surprise, unsure as to what it was supposed to do. Sometimes, Theseus would wake up and the creature would be nudging the babe with its snout as if it was making sure it was still alive, not stopping until a chubby fist flew through the air and hit it on the nose. Then it would stop only to come back once the baby was in a deep enough sleep that it didn't move. It eventually got to the point where, if he caught the beast doing that, he shoved it away and told it to let the baby sleep.

He was eventually allowed to leave the room, the Minotaur watching him closely. He often got lost in the complicated maze, grudgedly complimenting the creator on a job well done, before being found by the Minotaur and carried back to the room over its shoulder. Each time, he managed to get further and further a little at a time. Until he realized why the Minotaur kept appearing at random times and taking him back. It wasn't because it didn't like him wandering too far away. The baby needed feeding. So he started taking his tiny creature son with him. The less reasons the Minotaur had to hunt him down and drag him back to his starting point, the better chance he had of escaping or finding something to kill the beast with.

He did find a dagger on one trip, but it was too dull to penetrate the creature's skin. It wouldn't even break his own. But he was able to leave marks on the walls with it. At each corner he rounded, he left a mark. If that route proved to be a dead end, he went back to a fork and used a different mark after scratching out the old one. He hid it in the cloth he used to wrap the babe.

Again, the Minotaur randomly appeared, seemingly frustrated at have to look for him for so long, and led him back to the room. If he tried to leave, the beast knew it no matter how quiet Theseus tried to be. It would grab him by his arm and start dragging him, still mindful of the babe that he had to support with only one arm.

Then the month was up and he was being bred again. He was thankful that it was not as often as before since the creature realized that he still had the babe the care for, which would start fussing for one reason or another. Still, even with the interruptions, he knew it was only a matter of time before another was planted inside of him. It did not take long. Within a few months, his belly was swelling again. The babe grew quieter, sleeping more and acting up less, giving the beast more time to breed him. He wasn't able to venture the Labyrinth as much as before, nor go as far as he would want. He was constantly found, sometimes claimed right where he was located before being taken back to the room.

However, due to leaving scratches in the walls, the dagger sharpened to the point where he accidentally cut the child's leg when he quickly hid the blade in the cloth. At least he stopped the crying and bleeding before the Minotaur could smell anything wrong. That night, after gathering enough strength while the creature slumbered, he quietly crawled over to it before plunging the dagger into the beast's throat. It woke quickly, jerking away fast while Theseus still held the hilt, causing the dagger to slice through the meaty throat, cutting open more veins. The Minotaur bled out on the floor, dead within moments.

For a while, he wasn't sure how long, he stayed in that room. Caring for the child seemed automatic, his thoughts not in his actions. He contemplated killing the babe as well, even held the dagger above its heart. But he couldn't. His eyes watered as the babe would reach for the pointed tip that could easily grant it death. The coos curious, head tilting and ears flopping with each movement of its head. The dagger dropped as he cried, scooping the child up in his arms and holding it close. He didn't want it, but he couldn't rid himself of it. He couldn't kill it nor bear abandoning it. He tried that as well. He only made it five corners away before sprinting back to find it crying loudly at being left and ignored.

So covering it with the cloth to hide its features as well as himself with the clothes that were his bed, he blindly made his way from the tunnels of the maze and back into the pit where everything started. The moon was high in the sky, half hidden in shadow. By the time he managed to climb out of the pit, the moon was halfway to setting.

A clanging noise broke Theseus from his memories, making him look down to see a small ball of metal roll from his child. The toddler snorted in frustration, staggering to his hoofed feet to go after it. Theseus reached down and gently grasp the shoulder. "Leave it, Ambrus," he gently told his son. Large brown eyes blinked up at him, then went back to the ball. He let out a soft whimper. A wave hit the ship, tilting it enough to encourage the ball to roll back. With a happy cry, Ambrus grasped the ball before it rolled between his hooves. Ambrus dropped back down onto his bottom, holding the ball up the air before dropping it between his legs and repeating.

Ambrus. To be immortal. Theseus found it suiting. No matter what he tried to do to be rid of him, he kept going back. Keeping the child alive. He even tried starving the child to death at first, but the cries of hunger tore his heart to shreds and he gave in. Not to mention the Minotaur watching him, trying to find out why he wasn't doing anything and wouldn't leave him alone until he did.

He thought back to how long it had been since he left the Labyrinth. How long since he found the first sign of swelling on his abdomen. How much longer this one will wait until it decided it wanted out as well. Two more months. He can't go home yet. He refuses to go home carrying the monster's child. The mere shame of his situation could kill both him and his father.

No. He had to go elsewhere first. He had to birth this child and come up with some story as to why he was coming home with two minotaur babies, one of them being nursed from his own breast.

"Bah!" Ambrus called out, looking up at Theseus while grabbing his cloak to help him stand back up. The metal ball was between his hooves.

A small smirk came to his lips as he gently rubbed Ambrus's head, feeling the small nubs that would grow to be horns. Ambrus bounced his knees before another wave made him lose his balance and fall back onto the deck. He will think of something. He has two months, after all.

Change Here

It was quiet in the cave he hid in. Ambrus stayed near the fire, keeping warm through the cold night. Theseus leaned against a wall, the pain of his contractions becoming too much for him to keep going. His hands gripped the stone as his teeth dug into his lips to keep his yells in. Blood poured into his mouth and dribbled down his chin. Ambrus knew something was happening, but could do nothing more than crawl over and lean on Theseus's stomach.

Finally he felt the small body leave his, the floor of the cave went with fluids. Ambrus squealed as he fell to the floor. His brown eyes spotted a wet bundle of something squirming. Theseus was panting heavily, his head leaned back to the cavern walls as he caught his breath. He felt Ambrus crawl under his bent leg before looking down to the newborn. A minotaur, just like Ambrus and their sire. But unlike those two, this one had a darker coat. Perhaps it was the fluids that soaked the hair making it look darker, but the hair around the neck and chest was definitely darker.

Wide blue eyes slowly blinked open as the mouth opened and closed, slight sounds emitting from it. Ambrus looked at the tiny creature, their eyes locking on one another. The babe hiccuped a cough, spitting fluid from its mouth that nearly hit Ambrus if he didn't jump away in surprise at the sound.

With a weary sigh, Theseus reached down and scooped the baby up, using a part of his cloak that he tore off beforehand to clean away the juices covering it. Ambrus wiggled backwards from under his leg before crawling back to Theseus's side and pulling himself up on the man's arm.

"Meet your little brother, Ambrus," he said softly, lowering his arm enough for his oldest to take a closer look. Ambrus leaned in far enough that their noses touched. "Isandro."

Change Here

He waited four months before returning home. Isandro still had to be carried, of course, but Ambrus was starting to walk around on his own. Not very fast, but not slow either. Perhaps being minotaur helped them develop a little faster. He had bought a basket to hide them in and boarded a ship, praying to any god he could that the two would stay quiet. Just in case, though, he stayed in his cabin with them. Ambrus seemed to enjoy being in the large basket. Isandro was just quietly laying there, watching his older brother's antics with wide, focused eyes.

It took over a week for the ship to arrive at Athens. He got the attention of his sons and held his finger to his lips, shushing them. Though babes and thus should not understand what he was trying to tell them, he closed the lid. Making sure it was secure, he lifted the basket and pulled the straps over his shoulder.

With the cloak still covering him, he left the docked ship. No one paid him mind and he walked through the city in peace. The two tiny minotaurs moved around in the basket often, but he kept his grip and hoped that no one heard their sounds. Most of the citizens probably passed the sounds off as other children or animals.

He finally made it to the palace, removing his hood to reveal his face to the guards. "Inform my father that I am home," he ordered them.

"Right away, sire!" one bowed to him before running off.

Looking to the other guard, he said, "I will await him in my room." With another bow, the second guard took off as well to pass the message since the first was too eager to inform the king of the good news to receive much more information.

The basket nearly slipped from his grasp as Ambrus squealed, falling over or something that put too much weight down too suddenly. He moved quickly to get to his room without drawing any suspicion. With a sigh of relief, he made it before his father arrived. Opening the door and slipping inside, he went over to the bed he had not slept in for a little over two years, placing the basket down on it. He opened the lid then looked down inside. Isandro was still on this back, but Ambrus was laying on his legs, keeping them still.

"You two nearly made me drop you," he informed them.

Instead of looking shamed, they both smiled up at him the best they could with their bull mouths. Ambrus pulled himself up to his feet before reaching up to Theseus to be picked up. Isandro merely wiggled on his back, legs kicking and arms waving.

"Theseus!" someone exclaimed as the doors flew open.

Jumping in surprise, Theseus spun around in time to catch his father in a relieved hug. "Father," he greeted.

"I thought I lost you, my son," Aegeus told him, patting his shoulders as he pulled away. "I never received word and the men who went with you knew nothing. With no news, I feared the worst."

Little did his father know, Theseus thought to himself. While to Aegeus, the worst was losing his son, Theseus would have much rather been eaten by the Minotaur than what he truly suffered through. "I am alive, Father," he pointed out cheerfully. "And I come with an interesting package."

"How so?" Aegeus asked him, crossing his arms.

Ambrus decided he was ignored long enough and shrieked. Both Aegeus and Theseus were startled by the sound, but unlike his son, Aegeus did not know who or what made it. Gently placing a hand on Theseus's arm, he moved his son to the side, spotting the basket on the bed and the bouncing minotaur toddler trying to climb out but kept falling back in.

"Theseus," his father spoke slowly, unsure if he was truly seeing what he is seeing. "Wha…what is that?"

"That, father, is a baby minotaur," Theseus told him. "Two, actually."

"Two? Baby minotaurs?" Aegeus repeated in shock. "What are you doing with two baby minotaurs? Where did you even find them? Why did you bring them here?"

Theseus sent a brief prayer to the gods, noting that he has been doing that a lot these past two years, that his father would believe his tale. "Apparently, some of the sacrifices that Minos demanded from us were still alive in the Labyrinth," he started. "The Minotaur was using the women to breed. Unfortunately, the mothers did not survive. This one," he placed a hand on Ambrus's head, "is the older child. I have been calling him Ambrus due to his inability to pass away. His mother died in labor and he has still survived to this age of, I believe, a year. The other is only a few months old. Isandro, his mother named him before passing. When I killed the Minotaur, she was in the early stages of pregnancy and did not wish to return to Athens while carrying the child. So I looked over her until she gave birth."

"They should have been killed, not brought here," Aegeus snapped at him.

"I thought the same until I was told of what Minos planned to do with them," Theseus went on. "He planned on turning them into guardians of Crete, should they survive to adulthood."

"You mean he planned on using them to force us into giving more sacrifices!" the king raged, stepped away from the basket.

"He is now unable to," Theseus told him firmly. "I kept these children-"

"Those are not children, Theseus! They are beasts! And they will always be beasts!"

"Beasts can be trained!" Theseus argued with him. "Minos wanted them as guardians of Crete, but I took them. We can train them to be guardians of Athens instead. They can guard Athena's favored city instead of Crete, which no longer holds any favor of the gods."

"And the moment they turn on us?" Aegeus pressed. "Surely they will. The Minotaur had a craving for human flesh, as I understand it."

"Not them," he pointed out. "Isandro has been doing well on goat milk. And Ambrus cannot eat meat yet. Even if he does in later years, we can train him from human flesh."

Aegeus shook his head. "Theseus, I understand your reasoning," he stated, holding a hand up when his son was about to speak. "However, these creatures are not human. They cannot be trusted. Even if we could train them, as soon as we let our guard down, they can strike and kill us all. I will not risk it."

"They are just babes, Father!" the younger man pleaded. "You cannot condone the murder of two children who cannot even speak! They have done no wrong!"

"Besides being born!" the king snapped. "Those creatures should not have even breathed. That is the end of it, Theseus."

"No, it is not!" his son shouted. He inhaled deeply. "Father, this is Athens. The city named after Athena, favored by the gods. Many invade our borders, declaring war for our land and murdering our people. If we can raise these two, train them to defend our city, then we are not throwing away the lives of our people."

"Our people die proud deaths to defend their home."

"While their widows weep and children grow without a father to teach them anything," he went on. "A boy of six would have to become the man of the house before he even understands what it means. The widow struggles to provide for her children or herself and loses her home. As I said, we can prevent all of that from happening just by keeping these two. By raising them to love this city as much as the people do, to want to defend it and fight to the death if need be to keep it out of the hands of our enemies."

For a moment, Aegeus was silent. Then he sighed loudly, his shoulders dropping as he shook his head. "This will require thought," he told him. "We will also need to speak with the Court. If it is voted that these two die rather than defend, then they will die and you will not be able to talk anyone out of it."

"I understand, Father," Theseus accepted with a bow of his head.

"Now, get some rest, my son," the king wearily told him. "You have had a long journey. I will send in the guards to take these beasts away."

"I would rather they stayed with me, Father," he stated just as the basket tipped over and Ambrus rolled out onto the bed. "They're calmer and I believe that the decision of execution or no will be taken out of our hands."

"Very well," the king agreed, tired of arguing with his son. He wondered what had turn his son into the man before him, who would rather defend monsters than kill them, despite their age. With another nod, he bid his son good night then left.

Theseus released a heavy sigh of relief as he turned back to the bed where Ambrus was trying to get his baby brother out of the basket and onto the covers. "Ambrus, stop that," he ordered, worried he would hurt the younger.

The older child let go of his brother's kicking legs before Theseus reached into the basket and gently lifted Isandro from the basket before placing him in the middle of the bed. Ambrus went back to the basket, rolling it slightly. He pushed it a little harder, causing it to fall from the bed.

The next week, after much debate and Theseus speaking on behalf of the two children, it was decided. The sons of the Minotaur will be defenders of Athens.

Change Here

"Isandro tripped," Ambrus said at his parent's inquiring stare.

"On your dagger?" Theseus asked them, his foot tapping.

"I dropped it," the older minotaur supplied.

Isandro had come running into Theseus's study, blood pouring from his shoulder and Ambrus's dagger coated with it. While most of Athens was not accepting of the two young minotaurs, Theseus was able to find a doctor that would treat them despite their appearance. So as soon as Ambrus came running into the room after his brother, Theseus sent Isandro to that doctor and started questioning his older son.

"You dropped it point up?"

"It landed between a couple of stones, which Isandro tripped over and he landed on it."

"Then it would have stabbed his leg, not his shoulder." Theseus knelt down, trying to make eye contact.

Ambrus lowered his head brown eyes darting all over the room except at Theseus. Theseus's started tapping his finger on his shoulder. Slowly, the young minotaur looked up at the recently crowned King of Athens. "I didn't mean to hurt him!" he cried out. "I was just playing with the dagger and it slipped from my hand! I didn't know Isandro was there! I swear!" He started taking heavy breaths, water gathering at the corners of his eyes. "He's going to be okay, right?"

"I would assume so," Theseus reassured his older child, wrapping his arms around the shaking form. "The wound did not look deep. He was moving his arm well enough. But you have learned a lesson today, right, Ambrus?"

The child nodded. "Don't play with weapons," he answered. "They're not toys."

"Exactly," the man said with a nod of his head. "At least not without an adult around. You cannot be a guardian of Athens if your weapon slips from your hand."

Ambrus nodded in understanding. His brows furrowed slightly before looking into Theseus's eyes. "Father, why do we have to be guardians?" he asked.

The man sighed heavily, hand reaching out to rub between the small horns protruding from the child's head. "It is what the Court and my father decided on," he told him. "You two know you're different. The people fear different. The only way for you two to live is to be guardians of Athens. Otherwise they would have killed you the day I brought you home."

"Oh," Ambrus sighed dejectedly. "Is that why none of the other children play with us and pick on us, calling us names?"

"I'm afraid so."

"But why are we different?"

Theseus shook his head. "When you are older, maybe I will tell you one day."

Change Here

"So," Ambrus started, dark eyes staring at the hunched form of his younger, leaner brother.

"Something wrong, brother?" Isandro asked, looking up from his large axe.

"Nervous?" the elder minotaur responded, testing the weight of his large maul. "First major fight."

Isandro dropped his gaze to his weapon, running the whetstone over the edge to sharpen it a little more. "I know," he said. "To be honest, I'm terrified. We have fought with the other warriors, but these are people who have never seen us. We may end up having to kill them simply because they will be trying to kill us."

"Don't worry so much," Ambrus brushed off, placing the leather-covered shaft of his maul over his broad shoulder. The maul was large and thick, nearly fifty pounds of stone made into a crushing weapon that he knew would not let him down. Though he had to admit, he was scared as well. Even their father came down to check on them, worried about their first fight and how they would handle it. "We're the city's guardians. We're going to have to do this."

Isandro chuckled. "You have no fear?" he asked, placing the whetstone back on the shelf it resided on.

"Not enough to worry you, little brother," the older laughed. His ears twitched, faintly catching the sound of their father announcing his challenge. It wasn't unusual for kings to ask for such a fight, even if one brings an army. The strongest warriors fight against each other. Whichever warrior wins, the other side is to leave. No more bloodshed than necessary. "Almost time."

The younger minotaur rose to his feet, hands gripping the shaft of his great axe tightly. The blade itself was larger than his own head, the patterns on the blade's sides intricate with a bull's head in the center of them. "No matter what comes, Ambrus," he started. "I will have your back."

A pleased yet amused rumbled sounded from the broad chest of his brother. "And I will have yours, Isandro," he promised.

They caught the voice of the enemy leader, demanding Theseus send out his warriors, accusing him of being afraid. "Let's prove him wrong, brother."

The gate opened, showing them the arena with fifteen soldiers armed with shields and swords. Armor covering their chests, strips of metal and fabric reaching from waist to knees, metal boots on their feet, and helmets hiding their heads. Seeing the brothers, the soldiers faltered, some stepping back in fear.


The signal was given. They charged.

Change Here

The king watched in amusement, drinking the sweet wine from his goblet as Ambrus recalled the last fight, with Isandro correcting him many times. Due to the various fights the two had gone through, more and more of Athens' people were coming to accept the two. Their fear of them lessening and even greeting them with open arms. He could tell they were enjoying the attention, having grown to adulthood with glares and whispered venom being thrown at them from nearly every direction but his own.

Now at the age of twenty-two, men were their companions, challenging them to friendly fights. Women threw themselves upon them, begging for tales of their battles. He's fairly certain some visit his older son at night.

"That's not what happened!" Isandro exclaimed with a laugh.

"No, I am sure it is!" Ambrus argued with him.

"You did not crush three men in a row!"

"You were not watching well enough then, my brother," the elder laughed before chugging down some of his ale. As soon as it left his grinning lips, he leaned forward towards his sibling. "Remember those men hitting the walls?"

"Yes," the younger replied slowly. "I did see that. But that is throwing, not crushing."

Ambrus pouted. "Ruin a good story with technicalities," he grumbled, leaning back into his chair as a woman held his arm.

Theseus rolled his eyes in exasperation. Not long ago, these women recoiled if they even thought the brothers were looking at them. Now they are draping all over his sons, begging for the attention of the warriors. Strange, though, that while some vied for Isandro's attention, he basically ignored them, even the one that was close enough to him that his shoulder was between her breasts.

"What about you, Isandro?" the woman questioned, her fingers deftly wrapping around one of his horns.

He shook his head, dislodging her hand from the horn. "I don't throw or crush," he commented. "I cleave."

"Crushing is more fun, though, brother," Ambrus pointed out.

"Not this again, Ambrus," Isandro laughed. "We both know the axe is better."

"No, no, no," the older shot back. "Maul hits more."

"Only because you're running all over the battlefield, brother, hitting as many men as you can before they can come running up to me."

"Not my fault you're slow, little brother!"

Though sometimes, Theseus did wish they were silent like their sire. He often wondered how it was possible these two could talk but the Minotaur of Crete never uttered a word. Then he came to the conclusion that it was isolated and did not learn any words from anyone. These two have their whole life and simply picked up on it as easily as a human child.

"I am not slow, Ambrus. I simply wait for them to come to me. Let them choose whether they wish to live or die."

"They always have that choice, Isandro. They make it when they enter our arena." He snorted in amusement. "I believe you should have been named Garen."

"Ha! And you?"

Ambrus laughed loudly, raising his cup high in the air. "My name should have been Nicanor! For I am victory in the flesh!"

Under the table, Isandro kicked out to Ambrus's legs, pushing his chair back hard enough to knock his brother onto his back. The women squeaked in surprise, jumping away as he fell. "Indeed, my victory-in-the-flesh brother."

The older got to his feet, grinning wildly at his younger brother, who lifted his chin up defiantly. "You are asking for it, Isandro."

Knowing what was to come, Theseus called out, "That is enough, Ambrus, Isandro." He had broken up fights between the two more often than not their whole lives. He knew exactly where this was going to trend. And the two could get very rambunctious with their brawling.

"Yes, sire," they replied with nods of their heads.

Still, after two decades, no one knew these two are his sons. And despite whatever he tells them when asked why no one was to know, it was simply because he did not want it to be knowledge to anyone but them. At the least, they respect whatever reasoning he tells them and keeps it between the three of them.

"You're paying for that later," Ambrus warned his brother.

Isandro only laughed with a wave of his hand, luring his brother into laughing as well.

Change Here

Isandro laid on his large bed, pillow attempting to consume his face with its softness, his arms wrapped around the large pillow to assist in the attempted suffocation. A groan escaped him as firm fingers rubbed tight knots out of the muscles of his shoulders.

"These are tight this time," a soft voice told him, low in both volume and pitch. "Are you harmed?"

"No," he replied groggily. "Ambrus kept them away from me well enough." His dark blue eyes slowly opened, blinking a couple times to adjust to the light, before he tilted his head enough to look at the one rubbing him.

A young man three years his junior, his frame thin and lean, almost womanly if he were not lacking plump breasts and wide hips. His blonde hair was always cut short, the locks wild and free. Bright blue eyes were focused on the nimble hands on Isandro's back. Soft pink lips curled into a small smile.

This young man was a present from a defeated enemy, a gift to Theseus originally, but in the end, was given to Isandro. He could have easily gone to Ambrus, but his older brother preferred to be surrounded by women. The young man was a slave from a distant land, but Isandro never treated him as such.

"Cyrus, you don't have to do that," the minotaur pointed out.

"I want to," Cyrus replied, using his thumbs to dig into the muscles at the back of Isandro's neck. "You're always tense."

"Not with you around," he chuckled before reaching back and wrapping his arm around the smaller man's waist, pulling him down onto the bed. Cyrus chuckled lightly as Isandro nuzzled his snout into the man's neck, gently nipping at the sensitive skin. "Never with you," he said lowly, his chest rumbling as he spoke.

Cyrus hummed gently, tilting his head back onto the large shoulder as the strong hand teased it way down to between his legs. "I'm glad," he admitted as his legs spread. "I would hate for you to not be able to relax in your own room."

Isandro chuckled lowly, his tongue leaving a trail of saliva on the smaller man's shoulder and neck while his hand cupped the hardening length. "Hmm, yes, that would be very unfortunate."

No, Cyrus was no slave to him. He was no prisoner. Isandro preferred it if Cyrus stayed in the room, safe. But he knew that the man would be miserable locked away. So Cyrus did things with the guise of work for the younger minotaur. A slave? Never. But Cyrus is his and his alone. No one was allowed to touch him.

His brother would often ask him why he did not find any of the women attractive enough to bed. Isandro simply laughed off the question or changed the subject, turning the focus back to Ambrus. No one, not even their father, knew how much Isandro cares for Cyrus.

Change Here (no yaoi sex for you!)

While Athens is more accepting of them, the brothers tended not to leave the palace often. But there was one place Ambrus did enjoy going to. Not for any particular reason other than a very tempting view. Most would think it odd that a beast such as him would dare to enter a temple, but he did. For one reason. The priestess.

She was new, supposedly very devout to the gods. Especially the goddess of love, Aphrodite. He could easily believe it. Supposedly, Aphrodite was beautiful and all who saw her fell in love with her. For all he knew, this young woman is Aphrodite in the flesh.

Her skin a gently porcelain, lips pink and full. Her midnight hair was braided with some curly locks framing her heart-shaped face. And her figure was much desired by him. Her breasts were firm and plump, practically begging him to grab and play with them. Her hips were not too wide compared to her thin waist, but just enough meat on them for him to grab hold of. Her legs were long, her thighs perfect. Arms thin in the way that reminded him of a fragile doll. The outfit she wore left little to his imagination. Most of it was see through, but white bands covered her breasts from his view as well as a white skirt that hugged her waist and cascaded down to her petite feet, barely hiding the anklets from view. Golden bands dangled around her slim wrists, thicker bands clutching her upper arms.

Oh yes, she was very beautiful. And he wanted her. Several of the young women back at the palace has satisfied his needs as well as their own curiosity. Some of them, repeatedly. But none have ever caught his attention. At least not for very long after bedding them.

"You are here often," she spoke, her voice like chimes caught in a gentle breeze.

"So it seems," he replied, turning his head away but keeping his gaze on her.

She rose from her kneel to her feet fluidly, her turn graceful as her hazel eyes looked over his form. He fought down the urge to pin her to the floor, tear her clothes off, spread her legs as wide as possible, and sheathe himself inside of her. But that urge was still there, a powerful urge that seemed more in tune with his beast half.

"May I ask why?" her soft voice drifted to his perked ears.

"You may, but forgive me if I do not answer." He shifted on his hooves, but she did not move.

"You are always staring at me," she pointed out.

"I'm curious about you," he replied.

"Such as?"

"Such as why such a beautiful woman is wasting her life away in a temple," he complimented.

"I have always been in temples," she answered him. "My whole life, I have prayed to the gods and shared the wisdom that they wish for me to share."

He snorted, causing her to blink in surprise. "You speak for the gods? Forgive me for doubting, but I understand they have not much to say."

"The gods are the reason why you are here," she informed him. "Are they not?"

His brow rose. "Explain."

"You were fathered by the Minotaur of Crete, were you not?" she asked him. He nodded. Not knowing much of their sire, he did know that much. Theseus had to tell them about the Minotaur named Asterios when asked why they look the way they do. "He was conceived when Minos angered Poseidon by refusing to sacrifice the Cretan Bull. With Aphrodite's help, they cursed Minos's queen to fall in love with the bull. She laid with the bull and birthed the Minotaur. And he, in turn, sired you. Were it not for the gods, you would not be standing here before me."

Another snort slipped out as he rolled his eyes. He knew all that. While he wasn't sure whether or not the gods had any involvement, he did know the history of his sire's conception. It was their own that confused him. "I am aware of such," he told her. "But they act through actions, not through words. When has a god ever said anything to us mere mortals here?" He stepped into the temple, approaching the seemingly fearless woman, but did take note of the tenseness of her arms and legs. "Tell me something else."

"What is it you wish to know?" she asked.

"Your name," he said. "I am Ambrus. You?"

For a moment, she was silent. Her limbs were still tense, ready to run if felt threatened enough. "Callidora," she gave. "I am called Callidora."

He nodded. "It suits you," he complimented before leaning down so he was not towering over her. From his angle, he could see the cleavage of her breasts that the band did not cover. "And you follow Aphrodite most of all?"

"I ask her forgiveness," she said.

"Forgiveness?" He was shocked. Why would this creature of sheer beauty ask for forgiveness from the goddess of love? Perhaps for making her jealous by luring in men as though they were moths to the flame.

"You think my beauty a gift, as did my parents," she told him firmly. "But it is a curse. I stay in the temples because of the men. Too many chased me simply because they believe me beautiful. I do not know what I did to anger Aphrodite to curse me with this beauty, but I ask for forgiveness every day. Perhaps one day she will forgive me."

"Your beauty is no curse," he told her. "Obviously the men who chased you only did so because they wish to brag they bedded one as beautiful as you. Because they know that any other way of trying to woo you, they would fail. They cannot give you the proper pleasures of a man, either. And while they know that, they still gave chase."

"It is still a curse," she whispered, her shoulders shaking slightly. "Even now, someone wishes to chase me because he finds me beautiful."

Ambrus tilted his head. "I apologize if I offend," he offered. "It is not often a woman of such beauty graces my sight. I intend to drink in every second I can."

"Do you not have women at the palace clawing at each other over a beast such as yourself?" Callidora asked his haughtily. "I can only think of one reason as to why they would. No sane woman would want to bed an animal, less they already be cursed like your grandmother."

He wanted to snarl at the insult, but could only chuckle in amusement. "Say what you will," he told her lowly, his mouth by her ears as his hand lightly traced up her side until coming to her breast. "But remember, you already say you are cursed." She gasped as he groped her breast, thick fingers sliding over her perked nipple. "I suppose you are, then. Following your logic, after all, if you are aroused by my mere touch, then perhaps you are cursed enough to bed an animal. If you will allow it, perhaps I can show you why the women at the palace claw at each other for the chance to warm my bed."

His other hand groped her round buttocks as his tongue trailed from her collar to the top of her ear, teeth gently nibbling at the skin. The hand on her breast let go before reaching up enough to pull the top down for him to reach under the clothing and pull the plump mound from its confines. Fingertips pinched the exposed nipple before he lowered his head to suckle on the mound.

She bit her lip as a moan escaped her, one of her hands grasping the thick hair of his chest while the other grabbed one of his horns. Only instead of pushing him away, she pulled his head closer to her body, allowing his mouth to engulf the breast. "Perhaps I am," she shakily said as his tongue swirled around the flesh. "Not here. My room is upstairs."

Change Here (no sex for you!)

"You look very pleased with yourself," Theseus pointed out to his eldest. "What have you been up to, Ambrus?"

"Nothing much," he replied with a shrug of his broad shoulder. "Isandro looks pleased as well. Why pick on me, father?"

"Because he does not look smug about it," the king noted, looking over to the darker-coated minotaur laying on the furniture.

"Why do you look so pleased anyway, brother?" Ambrus started on the younger minotaur.

"I know something you do not know," Isandro replied. "Such as father taking a wife. Finally."

Ambrus blinked in surprise, turning to his father in confusion. Theseus was staring at the young minotaur in exasperated annoyance. Apparently, he wanted to inform them on his own. "A wife?" he asked in surprise.

"I will need one sooner or later," Theseus told him. "I will need an heir as well."

"We're your first born sons," the older pointed out, anger lightly coloring the tone. "One of us can be your heir!"

"The people of Athens will not accept a minotaur as their king," the king pointed out to him. "Remember, as far as Athens knows, you two are its guardians. You are children I rescued from the Labyrinth."

"Why?!" Ambrus nearly roared.

"Brother, please," Isandro tried to placate his brother, but was cut off.

"You be silent!" He turned back to their parent. "Why, father? Why can the people not know you carried and birthed us?! Why can they not know that we are your sons?!"

Theseus didn't say anything, leaving his older son to stew in his rage. He knew it was only a matter of time. Ambrus was always the most annoyed by the fact that their familial relation be kept secret. Isandro seemed to understand, or at least cared less than his brother.

"Because we were not meant to be born," Isandro said quietly. Two pairs of eyes looked at him, one in shocked pain and the other in surprised rage. "Were we, father?"

Theseus sighed, running his hand through his hair. For a moment, he debated telling them the truth. But all that would do is feed the growing fire in Ambrus. He did plan on telling them, but in the end, the plan was all but forgotten. He could not bring himself to do it.

"Answer him," Ambrus snarled.

Pained eyes looked up at his eldest. "No," he finally said. "You were not." Ambrus looked shocked, pain etching across his face. Isandro only looked as though it was a suspicion he had for a long time being confirmed, but even he was hurt. "I went to Crete to slay the Minotaur. To stop sending our young men and women to be sacrificed to it. To kill Minos as well. He opened a trapdoor under my feet and I fell into a pit where the Minotaur was waiting. Instead of being kill and eaten as all the others had been…" He inhaled deeply, uncovering memories long since buried.

"Instead, it raped me. Every single day I was in there. I did not even know I was carrying you, Ambrus, despite my stomach being swollen. Minos was the one who announced that discovery. And I was set up on a platform, giving birth to you in front of his entire city. Minos was going to make you, your brother, and any other child I birthed into Guardians of Crete. The Minotaur let me rest for a month after you were born. I explored the Labyrinth, taking you with me so I would not be dragged back to the room it kept me in. I found a dagger, too dull to do much besides mark the wall. That wall marking eventually did sharpen the blade. And while in the early months of my pregnancy with your brother, I killed your sire. I even contemplating killing the both of you, but I couldn't!"

Both his sons flinched at that confession, Isandro ducking his head town while Ambrus took a step back. His eyes were wide, mind trying to process everything he was hearing.

"So I brought you home. And the only way to keep you both alive was to talk the Court into allowing you be guardians of Athens. My own father did not know what I suffered through! And he would have had no quarrel picking up a blade and beheading you both." He inhaled deeply, calming himself. "I did plan on telling you both one day, but I decided against it as well. Everything I have done was to ensure you were kept alive."

Ambrus scoffed. "Like making us guardians to fight your battles."

"He only did that because he knows we won't lose," Isandro pointed out.

Theseus nodded. "Your sire was a strong creature," he told them. "I hated him, but I have to admit he was strong. If either of you two had half his strength, I knew you would be just as difficult to kill as him."

"Then how did you do it?" Ambrus asked, pacing the room.

Theseus shook his head. "He was asleep," he admitted, earning the snarl from his older child. "I was pregnant with Isandro, weak after being forced on, and the Minotaur was asleep. That was my only chance. Was it the coward's way? Yes. But it was the only way."

Ambrus's pacing grew faster, nearly frantic, before he snorted angrily and stormed to the door. "You never cared for us," he accused, slamming the door open as he marched out.

"Ambrus!" Theseus called out to him. "Ambrus!"

"You should have just lied again," Isandro stated as he got to his feet. "You were good at that."

The king lowered his head before turning it slightly to look at the younger. "How did you find out?" he asked lowly.

"I didn't know about the part of you thinking about killing us," he confessed. "But I had heard the stories of our sire. Unlike Ambrus, I can put the numbers together. I had suspicions about our conception for a long time. I am only surprised that you kept us."

"I didn't know what to think when I killed the Minotaur. I did think about killing you both, but everything I tried, I went back. I dropped the knife. I turned back around to get your brother. His crying tore me apart. I couldn't kill or leave either of you to die."

"And you take shame in it. No one is supposed to know you had us because it is your shame." He noticed the clenching fists on the desk before sighing gently. "I'll go find Ambrus. Try to calm him down. You'll know if I don't succeed."

Here the Chapter Ends

So there we go. We got some important stuff to go, but now we have some of it out of the way. I had to do some hunting to find good ancient Greek names that I felt would suit everyone. Was thinking Atlas and Brutus for the minotaur brothers, but then thought otherwise and started searching.

Let me know what everyone thinks! Like I said above, Harry won't be coming in until later. Right now, we're getting these two out of the way.

Also, in case anyone is curious, the names and their meaning (as I found them online) are below.

Isandro – one who frees or releases men

Ambrus – to be immortal

Cyrus – far sighted

Callidora – gift of beauty

Galen – calm or peaceful

Nicanor - victory