Classes as usual were always boring. Never exciting or fun, just sitting there and listening to some old fart giving a 20 minute lecture on wasting time before actually starting the class for the remaining 40 minutes. Those 40 minutes seem to last a life time. Ruby would groan for every minute. Every minute felt like years passing. She could be out in the world hunting Grimm, but instead she was here, stuck in class. Even sitting with her sister and friends didn't change the boring mood.

Ruby watched the clock tick by. Her internal clock moved fast. Ten minutes past. Twenty. Thirty. Forty. Fifty. Fifty-nine. And then the minute hand moved ever so slightly. "Uuuggggghhhhh." Ruby groaned softly and slammed her head on the large desk. "Kill me now."

Yang gently patted her sisters shoulder. "Come on sis. Get your head together. Its not that bad." He attempts to persuade her sister failed. She just groaned again. Yang gave a slight chuckle.

Suddenly a hand slammed on to the table, startling Ruby from her tortured state. "Perhaps if you spent as much time studying as you do sleeping in class you would do better Ruby Rose." Prof. Port said sternly.

He lifted his hand off the sheet of paper he left in front of her. It was turned upside down. She was too afraid to flip it to the right side. Yang was defiantly happy with her B-. Weiss was a little annoyed about her grade being an A, compared to Blake's A+. Ruby stared at the sheet of paper with widened and scared eyes. She got an F- on this exam. That was the third one in a row. She slammed her face onto the the desk again. She knew that her progress report would be sent back home. Her dad would be upset about her grades. And so would Uncle Qrow.

She could feel her older sisters arm wrap around her in a tight hug. "Don't worry sis. It doesn't matter what some stupid test says. Your still gonna be a great Huntress some day."

Blake also joined in. "Your sisters right. Despite what this says your still a good fighter. One of the best ones I know."

"Well I'm sure there's someone bet-ow." Yang elbowed her in the arm to shut her up. Right now wasn't the time to praise oneself. It was time to help a friend. "-Yeah their right. Ruby your a good fighter and leader."

Her teammates words of inspiration did nothing to lift her spirit. The only thing she was thinking about was Prof. Port. How dare he fail her in this test. She wanted to hurt him. She wanted him to feel pain. Maybe call him a fat, pompous, loser and creep. Or maybe smash his golden bust statue. Or maybe smash his skull with it. She could imagine the cracking sound his skull would make. Blood slowly pooling out of his ears and nose and eyes. That damned mustache being stained red.

She quickly snapped out of her dark thoughts at the sound of the bell ringing. The other students began to get up from their seats and walking towards the door. It was time for lunch. "Come on sis, lets go eat. I heard their serving Mac n cheese." She loved Mac n cheese. Maybe it wouldn't hurt to eat. She was defiantly hungry.

She stood up and followed her team. She mentally kicked herself for thinking those dark things. She couldn't venture into that dark corner of her mind. Not again. Her doctor said it was unhealthy. Dangerous even.

They all sat down with Team JNPR. Ruby was already scarfing down her second bowl of Mac n cheese. She had to make sure to stock up her cookie stash before lunch ended. After finishing the last of the Mac n cheese she moved on to her chicken sandwich. Weiss tried to get Ruby to slow down, that eating all this junk was unhealthy. She was just upset that Ruby took the last of the Mac n cheese. Everyone was talking about the recent experiences in school or out in the world. Blake mentioned about a large fish Sun had 'caught.' They all knew he stole it. It ashamed he and Neptune couldn't have joined them.

Nora was on her scroll reading up on the latest scandalous news on when she came across a startling article. "Oh my Dust guys! You have to check this out!" She quickly sent the link of the article page to her friend's scrolls. The article's title read: Vacuo Massacre-Killer Found Dead. A two month long manhunt ended two days ago when Kadin Plutus was discovered in his bedroom apartment with his throat slashed. The man was responsible for six separate murders as and most notoriously, the deaths at the Vacuo Massacre. The people of Vacuo can now sleep soundly once again.

The Vacuo Massacre wasn't so much of a massacre, Ruby thought. It was only four people. However after reading more of the article it said that Kadin was considered a healthy individual and mentally sound with no history of violence, mental disorders or anything that could spawn homicidal acts. Ruby wondered if the sudden change also caused acts of necrophilia or sadism. She'd follow this manhunt as it went on for the two months it lasted. She was kind of disappointed that it was this short. Mr. Plutus would return to his victims graves after they were buried, burned and mutilated the bodies even more. It was pretty rad.

"I wonder if Sun knows about this." Blake said. She made sure to save the article to show him later after he got a new scroll. Stolen most likely. "He'll be happy to know that his family is safe now."

"Why not show him at the carnival." Pyrrha interjected. "We're gonna go to have a little amusement. And Nora wanted to go pancake eating competition."

"Yes I do! And I will DESTROY ALL OF YOU IF YOU GET IN MY WAY!" They all stared as she jumped from her seat threw her arms in the air and then slammed her fists down on the table.

"She likes pancakes." Ren added.

"You know that could be fun. Just take some time off at the carnival. Maybe take a ride in the tunnel of love." Yang said. Eyeing over to Blake. "Who knows what you and Sun can do." Blake tossed a fry at her which she easily dodged.

"So its settled lets all go to the Carnival. Ruby?" Weiss said. Ruby didn't responded. She was focused on the grotesque pictures. The website censored the photos but she had a secret app that removed the blur. She liked seeing the crime photos in all its gory detail. Fascinating. "Ruby!" Weiss said louder.

"Huh, what."

"You wanna go to the Carnival or not?"

"Oh, neat yeah." Ruby closed her scroll and followed her friends out of the cafeteria. "You think they have Whack-a-Beowulf?"

Her question was left unanswered. That was okay. She'd be happy with or with out it. Plus she could get carried away for wanting to get the most tickets by slicing them with Crescent Rose. She could further examine the photos later, more privately. More, intimately.