Sorry it took so long. Been working on the other stories that have been on my mind. Also I read more Manga than I write fanfiction. I've been watching a lot of Anime too. Mostly because I've been having a lot of bad days. Anyway, here's a chapter .

Harry woke breathing roughly. He hated weather like this. He looked at the clock to see it was time to leave and get Yuki. He got up grabbed his bag and an umbrella and began walking. He was barely breathing when he reached the school. He used his inhaler .

"MOMMY!" Harry stumbled into the classroom. Hermione was instantly fussing over him with Yuki at her side doing the same. "Mommy, is bad!" Yuki scolded, hands on his hips foot tapping. "Mommy, is knowing that he is getting sick in this weather and is still coming to pick up Yuki. Mommy know very well that 'sistant is coming today."

"Mommy forgot he even had an assistant." Harry coughed, roughly. "I think we need a car."

"I completely agree." Hermione sighed, "How am I going to get both of you home? Harry! HARRY!"

When Harry woke he could hear beeping. He blinked a few times to see that he was in a hospital and had a breathing mask on his face. He turned his head to see Severus and Yuki fast asleep on a couch. He turned his head to the other side to see Hermione and Daisy passed out and slumped down in chairs. He couldn't really remember what happened to well but had a feeling Severus was going to yell at him. He moved his arm, which he discovered had an IV in it and hit Hermione before his arm fell limply down. He was so weak. She jumped up and quickly placed it back at his side. She was certainly trying to earn her keep . She was staying on a temp basis right now.

"HARRY!" her cry woke the whole room they quickly jumped up and to his side. She covered her mouth the nurses had come running as well. "oops sorry."

"no it's fine." A nurse sighed, waving her hand. "You gave us a scare there Mr. Potter. " Harry blinked at her . "You passed out at the school and quit breathing. "

"Canas-Sensei did PPR." Yuki cried,

"CPR." Hermione absently corrected. "I yelled for someone to call an ambulance . Luckily they taught me to do it in case this happens again."

"It will." Daisy sighed, She looked a mess. "It's not the first time this has happened. "

"You quit breathing again on the way here as well." The nurse informed Harry. "Lets see how you do with out the mask."

She removed it and Harry took a few grateful breaths . He could breath fine.

"Very well. " she nodded making a note in his chart. "We'll release you in to your friends care in after a few hours of monitoring and you can go home." She nodded , "I'll see you again when storm season starts."

Harry had the bed sitting up now and moaned. He glared at her.

"You're also going to need a stronger inhaler. " The nurse sighed, "We don't carry that dosage here on the Island but we will start from now on. We faxed your prescription to Miss. Whitfeild at Miss. Granger's request and she brought you two. Those should do you until our first shipment arrive."

"Thank you." Harry said. "and Thank you for working hard."

The nurse smiled and left. He had Yuki on him and bawling while clinging to him in a matter of moments. Severus was scolding him. Daisy was bawling and messing with his phone begging him to stop being so reckless and Hermione was fussing and asking if he needed anything while trying to get him to drink some water. He drank it gratefully .

He says they need a car and when they get outside a car is waiting. Harry smirked to himself he could really get used to this. Then he realized something.

"I can't drive." he stated. "I asked for a car but I can't drive."

"That's what I'm here for." Hermione huffed rolling her eyes. "Between me and Prof. Snape you wont need to. "

"Why can't you drive?" Severus asked as he put Harry into the passenger seat. Then got Yuki to stop tormenting the women by demanding he not be put in a car seat. He fastened Yuki into his car seat. "You passed Driver's Ed."

"I did but I never saw the reason to get my permit or license. " Harry coughed a bit. The girls were on either side of Yuki in the back seat and Severus was driving. There was one gas station on the entire island and it looked ancient he was assured it still sold gas. "In my defense I forgot Hermione was even here it's only been a few days and I've really been sick."

"No excuse." Severus growled at him. "You could have died if Canas-san hadn't performed CPR on you . "

"I'll be more careful but that Nurse-san said something about a storm season."

"It's very mild but for a few days it does get rather humid." Daisy explained. "I know you like isolation and I thought this would be the best place instead of some big city or some country side where it would get cold and snow or be humid around the clock."

"I just need to look after myself better. " Harry sighed leaning his head back and closing his eyes. "I'll never make the deadline."

"You already have." Hermione told him frowning. " You finished work yesterday remember?"

Harry hummed and dropped off to sleep.

When he woke again he was dressed for bed , he could breath, he was in his futon and in Severus' arms. His clock alarm was going off . It was time to get up and start a new day. He hit the alarm only to suddenly be on his back with Severus on top of him kissing him. He kissed back hesitantly at first then really got into it until they heard Hermione's Voice outside the door.

"You can't just barge in to your parents room!" Hermione sounded exasperated . "You have to knock. "

"Your parents?" Harry parroted , blinking he and Severus had separated and were quickly dressing.

"Yuki really threw a fit and told everyone who would listen you were is mommy." Severus explained, "It's all over the island now. Miss. Granger took it as it came. "

A knock sounded and Severus pulled the door open only for Yuki to speed past and knock Harry to the ground as he came out of the bathroom.

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