DHMB: As the chapter says, this is basically the whole story from Vegeta's point of view with an extension on the events that went on in his world and how they effected him. Sorry If he's a bit OOC. I tried to stay as true to his character as I could while still showing the changes he went through. This started out as just the Events from the Broly movie, inspired by a song, and kind of exploded into 16 pages of the Princes thoughts.

I stared at the girl as she sat near me on the space ship. The stars flew past as we made our way to this new planet that Paragus had spoken of. Her smart ass comment had irritated me, thinking perhaps she should be spending time with her own parents in this time instead of tagging along with us everywhere. This thought prompted me to ask her why she hadn't sought them out. Her expression was first one of surprise, then bitterness. Her eyes grew dark, her jaw clenched and she turned her head to look out the window. I thought for a moment she wouldn't answer, but her voice was flat and emotionless as her answer came.

"My parents aren't dead in my time."

I tried not to show my surprise, but I felt my forehead crease as my eyebrows arched.

"What?" I asked. She took a deep breath, still not looking at me, her gaze firmly out the window as if looking at me as she spoke would cause some kind of pain.

"I wasn't alone because they were dead. I was alone because I got tired of being my drunkard father's punching bag," she said in a low voice. I saw a sheen come over her eyes and knew she was trying not to cry. Something about this statement disturbed me more than it normally would. I searched my memory for the reason, but she beat me to it with her next comment.

"I ran away," she said, her voice strong despite the tears gathered at her lower lids. "I figured getting killed by the androids was better than what I faced at home. "

Her tear filled orbs turned to me and she gave me a bitter smile.

"A strange decision for an eight year old to make, huh?" There it was. I remembered the fleeting comments about her being quite young when she met Trunks.

"Yes, it is," I said in a soft voice, but I knew the feeling. How many suicide missions had I undertaken simply so I didn't have to face the brutality of Frieza and his minions? How many times had Nappa taken my half dead body to the nearest medic because I thought that option was a better one than facing the tyrant? I hadn't been much older than she had, but the only difference was, I wasn't terrorized by someone who should have protected me. My own father had given his life trying to save our people, save me. He had been hard at times, but I had never feared him, thinking a quick death a better alternative to his company. I felt an urge to reach out and touch her, to kill her father, to do...something...

"Your son saved me." The words interrupted my thoughts and I looked up to see her gazing at said boy, affection in her eyes.

"Your son and wife," she continued. "Not just my life. I was broken. They put me back together. It's a debt I can never repay. It's also one of the reasons I can't bond with him."

"I don't understand," I told her. She looked down at her lap, her hands twisting together in a way that looked painful.

"What if we bond and it's a mistake?" she asked in a low voice. "Then he's stuck with me. Me, a broken doll. He deserves much better than that." I stared at her for a long moment, not sure how to respond. Is that how she saw herself? A broken doll? Of course she did, because it was the same thing I had once seen when I worked under Frieza's command. A broken man, a puppet, my pride gone. But the woman before me was broken only in her own mind, just as I had been. Her spirit was strong, her will unmatched, her desire to protect at the cost of her own life a trait I often admired and loathed in Kakkorot. I chose my words with care as I gazed into her eyes.

"I think, the boy deserves the right to make that choice. It's his life as well. And you don't seem all that...broken...to me." Her jaw dropped, her eyes going wide as I stood and strolled towards Paragus, demanding to know how long until we arrived on this "New Vegeta".

A was startled awake as the door to my room was flung open, the boy standing in the doorway, naked, covered in marks and frantic. He wreaked of sex.

"What is it, brat?" I snarled, not liking the wake up call. "Why have you woken-"

"I-I fucked up," he said, falling to his knee's, covering his face with his hands. "I can't believe I did it!"

"What did you do?" I snapped.

"I raped her!" he blurted out, his shoulders shaking as he sobbed. "I raped her and I forced my mark on her!"

My vision ran red, saliva coating my mouth as I clenched my teeth. I wasn't aware I moved until I had him up against the wall by his neck. I recalled being a small boy, seated next to my father, watching as the guards threw a man at his feet as a woman stood near-by, covered in marks and sobbing. A doctor stood at her side, his arms wrapped around her, using a robe to cover her naked and violated body.

My father regarded the man coldly.

"Vocado," he said in a somber tone. "You stand accused of raping this woman and forcing your mark on her." Vocado looked up at Father, his eyes angry.

"She's mine! I marked her! She's mine!" he snarled, almost foaming at the mouth. Father turned his gaze to the woman.

"What say you, Leetice?" father asked her.

"I was to be mated with Tato!" she cried. "Vocado...he came into my home..."

"We need hear no more," father said. "You have taken a mate without her consent. She shall decide your fate. Do you wish to be relieved of this bond, Leetice?" She hesitated, but nodded her head.

"I do," she said, turning her head and closing her eyes.

"No! She's mine! I marked her and-" The words were cut off as father gathered a Ki beam and shot it through the mans heart, killing him instantly. Leetice let forth an unbearable scream as the bond was severed, falling to the floor. I stared in awe as she writhed in pain, gripping my father's arm tightly. He looked down at me, seeing my fear.

"It is a painful thing to sever the bond," he told me in a low voice. I nodded, watching as the doctor lifted her up and removed her. Father sneered in the direction of the dead man on the floor.

"Take this filth from my sight," he snarled. I was surprised. Vocado had been one of father's most trusted and loyal soldier's.

I now looked at my own son with the same detachment, slamming him into the wall again and again as he sobbed.

"Why?!" I demanded. "Why would you do that to her?! I should kill you now, boy! Do you know what you have done? She could ask for your death and as King I would be obligated to grant it! Why!? You loved her!" Trunks hung in my grip, his pitiful laments my only answer. I flung him aside, storming towards her room. It wasn't hard to find, it wreaked of sex. Trunks followed.

"I'm sorry!" he said.

"How could you-...? You-...!" My anger built, stealing anything I could think to say to him. I paused as I opened the door, the smell of sex and blood assaulting me. I paused as I scented something else. A heavy musk hung in the air. One that was released when Saya-jin males went into heat. I glanced at the boy. This still didn't excuse his actions. She lay on her side, the blanket pushed down to her waist. I walked over to her, reaching down and brushing her hair to the side to see if my son had truly committed the crime he said he had. There, against her skin, the dark red crescent lay, flecks of blood dotted around it. My eyes traveled down to her body, hand shaped bruises and nail scratches littering her arms and back. Bile rose in my throat, but I pushed it back. I pulled the blanket over her body, wrapping her in it as if she were a babe. She groaned.

"Let me help..." Trunks said, moving towards me, but I shot him a dark glare.

"You've done enough!" I barked.


I looked down and saw she was peering up at me, her face twisted in a grimace of pain.

"Hush now," I told her in the gentlest voice I could.

"What...? Nnn...I feel awful..." she whimpered. My heart clenched and I held her closer.

"I know," I told her as I walked to the door, not looking at my son who was once again crumpled on the floor. I took her into my room, cradling her against my chest as I filled the tub with warm water, pouring a bottle of wound treatment into the water. I removed the blanket and lowered her as gently as I could into the water, but she still cried out. This was my fault just as much as it was the boy's. I should have known his heat would be approaching. Despite his age in the physical world, he had spent two days in the blasted time chamber. It had never occurred to me he would take her by force, though. I looked at her face and saw she was staring at me, confused and worried.

"I'm sorry," I said, the words a foul taste in my mouth because they acknowledged my own failure. She tried to say something, but her body seemed to sag against the side of the tub.

"Hush," I told her. "Sleep." I watched as she dropped off, her head lulling back. I cleaned her wounds and the remnants of sex from her body, each mark and stain evidence of my own failure. I paused as my hand landed on her stomach, the faintest of Ki signatures blossoming there. My eyes widened.

It couldn't be.

I lifted her out of the tub, drying her off and telling one of the servants to find me a woman's sleeping gown. As she lay on the bed, I put my hand on her stomach again, feeling the answering Ki. I bent down, pressing my nose to her stomach and inhaling.

There was no doubt. Her scent had changed as well. She was pregnant. I stepped away from her, my anger flaring. Even if I severed the bond she had with Trunks, she would still carry evidence of his transgression against her. I flew out of the bedroom, landing in her room to find Trunks hadn't moved. I grabbed him by his neck and tossed him out the window. I blasted off after him, landing my fist in his gut so hard he gagged and vomited. I landed another blow to his face, sending him spiraling down into the ground. He didn't fight, he didn't resist. At least he knew what he had done was wrong. I dropped down to the ground and delivered kick after kick to his body.

"You're an idiot," I hissed. "You have no idea what you have done. Saya-jin law dictates she has the right to ask for your death so she may be free of the bond. You have committed one of our greatest taboos! You are not my son! You are trash!" I reached down, grabbing the boy by the front of his shirt and lifting him into the air. His eyes were empty as he stared at me. He had retreated from his own mind. A Murderous rage swelled within me and I felt my Ki leech out of my pores. This white hot anger that demanded I kill my own son, this shame he had brought me, they both sat like acid on my tongue.

"Vegeta?" I came back to myself as I heard Kakkorot's voice and saw him staring at me out of the corner of my eye. I looked back at the boy to find he still hadn't moved. I sneered and backhanded him.

"You are not to go near her," I snarled. "When...if she asks for you, then I will allow it, but until then, you are to stay away from her. If I find you near her, I will kill you." I dropped him to the ground and lifted into the air. He lay motionless on the ground, beaten and defeated not only by me, but by his own mind. I lifted off into the air, meeting Kakkorot who looked between me and Trunks.

"He raped the girl," I said. Kakkorots eyes grew wide.

"Is she okay?" he asked.

"She is resting in my room," I told him. "He also forced his mark on her." Kakkorot gave me an unsure look.

"That's bad, right?" he questioned. I bit back a groan. Of course Kakkorot knew almost nothing about Saya-jins.

"It is a crime punishable by death amoungst our people," I said. Kakkorot nodded, his expression telling me he gripped the gravity of the situation. There were very few crimes among our kind that were deemed severe since we were a warrior race. I felt Trunks Ki spike and turned my head in time to see him blindly fly in a random direction.

"What do we do?" Kakkorot asked, watching as the boy flew off.

"I do not know," I told him, my voice sounding defeated even to my own ears. Kakkorot turned his head to stare at me for a moment.

"What can I do?" he questioned.

"I don't know," I repeated. "She's pregnant. She doesn't even know." Kakkorot was quiet for a moment.

"If Trunks hurts himself, will that effect her?" he asked.

"She will know he is hurt," I told him. "Their bond is still new, but they have had a partial bond for many years. She may need him with her immediately or she may be able to go several weeks without his presence. They will need to come together eventually. This was why Frieza never sent us on long missions. A bond starved warrior is a useless one." Kakkorot nodded.

"I'll go after him," he said. "Maybe if we keep him in the castle..." Kakkorot trailed off, but I nodded, understanding. If they were close, they may not need each other on a physical level and she could have her peace.

I flew back to the castle, coming into the room as she was stirring. I sat on the bed and watched as she opened her eyes, trying to focus them. Each shift caused her body to tense in pain. Her eyes landed on me and she scowled.


"It's alright," I said, moving towards her and lifting her into a sitting position, keeping my grip as loose as I could to keep from causing her pain.

"What's going on?" she asked. I turned my head, unable to look at her. Her gaze was so raw, simple curiosity tinged with worry. I felt the bed shift as she threw herself at me, gripping my arms. She back arched and she let out a pained cry. I quickly pushed her back to the bed.

"Don't strain yourself," I told her, fighting the urge to put my hand on her belly to check the faint Ki signature.

"What happened?" she questioned, her voice boarding on hysterical. "What's wrong? Did something happen to Trunks?" I stared at her. How could she been so concerned with him given everything that had happened?

"Trunks is..." I paused as I remembered the beating I had given the boy. "...fine."

"They why...?" she began.

"You don't remember?" I asked.

"Remember what?" she questioned. I sighed. That answered my question. I knelt at the side of the bed, one of the few moments I could recalling willingly lowering myself. The words weighed on me so much I thought to stoop lower. How could I tell her what the boy had done? How could I reveal his great crime, not only against his own people, but her.

"Last night," I said. "Trunks went into heat and... raped you."

"What?" Her eyes grew wide and she clenched her fist in the front of her gown.

"I'm sorry," I said. "I should have..."

"It's not your fault," she said. "Why don't I remember?"

"I don't know," I said.

"How do you know he raped me?" she asked.

"Because he came running into my room and told me," I said.

"Is he okay?" I clenched my fists as I looked at her. Is he okay? How could she be concerned about his after what I had just told her? I was reminded once more of Kakkorot and his kind, forgiving nature. Was this the norm for humans or was it learned? Passed down from Kakkorot, to his brat to this girl who now looked at me with large eyes.

"I don't know," I told her. "After I retrieved you, he flew off." More like after the severe beating I had given him he flew off, but I decided to keep that information to myself. "Kakkorot is searching for him."

"But the legendary..." she began.

"Can wait," I finished. She looked at me in shock, but I ignored this.

"Why are you being so nice to me?" she pressed. "What are you not telling me?" Curses but she was a perceptive one. There were many things I was not telling her, but I chose the most pertanent and the most vile one. Acid rose in the back of my throat as I fought to get the words out. I had said them to myself and even Kakkorot, I had shouted them at Trunks. Why now, when faced with her innocent eyes and curious expression did the words taste so foul on my tongue?

"When Trunks raped you, he completed the bond." I forced the words out, wanting to vomit. I hesitated when she remained quiet, but eventually turned my gaze to her and found only confusion. I sighed.

"I'm not heartless, you know," I snapped, feeling slightly insulted. "And while Sayajins may be a brutal warrior race, taking a mate against their will is an unforgivable act. To form such a bond by force is..." I stopped, unable to finish what I said when she looked at me so. She looked so innocent, almost like a child as she sat in the massive bed, the large gown hanging from her shoulders, exposing the bruises and the angry crescent. She was a child, not yet born in our time, young and a victim of first her father, then the androids and now my own son. I stood and walked towards the window.

"I should have known his heat was approaching," I said, my hands clenched so tight if not for my gloves they would have bled. "I should have protected you from it."

"Vegeta," she said in a soft voice. "You don't owe me anything. I'm not your child. I'm just some human." My ire rose. I was the Prince, the boys father. He was my responsibility. How could she think herself so alone? How could she think me so callous? I recalled once more our conversation on the trip here and felt my chest constrict. I knew what she had felt as a scared child, fleeing to an even grimmer path perhaps more than anyone would.

"Someone needed to protect you!" I shouted, causing her to jump. "What my son did..." Someone did need to protect her. My son who had filled that role in place of the parents who neglected it had turned on her, committing one of my peoples greatest sins. Someone should have protected her.

I turned as I heard her approach, the command to return to bed ready on my lips. Her bruised and bandaged legs collapsed from beneath her and my arms shot out to catch her. I felt her step closer, her body against mine, her arms around me and her face against my neck. I was unsure of what to do, until I heard the broken sob from her lips. I placed one hand on her back and the other on her head, stroking her hair. One sob gave way to another and another and before long, she was weeping openly against my shoulder.

"I cannot undo this," I said.

"I know," she replied. This was true. I could not undo this. I could sever the bond, but with no way to forge another to take it's place, she would always feel a certain amount of emptiness. I held her tighter as her sobs became more frantic. Eventually she slumped against me, having fallen asleep where she stood, exhausted. I lifted her easily and tucked her back into bed.

I looked up from my book as I heard a light rap on the door. I stood and quickly pulled the door open, hoping not to wake the girl lying in my bed. Kakkorot stared down at me.

"You found him?" I asked. Kakkorot nodded.

"Yes," he said. "He's in her room."

"Has he said anything?" I sneered.

"No," Kakkorot told me. "He just...cried..." My temper flared. The boy didn't have enough tears for what he had done to her.

"He has no right to-!" I began.

"Vegeta, stop," Kakkorot said. "Before you do something you might regret." I realized I had powered up to Super Saya-jin, my Ki quickly lashing out with my anger. I calmed, feeling the surge of power leave me. Kakkorot peeked over my shoulder once I was calm.

"How is she?" he asked.

"Healing," I replied. "She doesn't remember it."

"We can't keep them apart," Kakkorot pointed out. "Not if this bond is everything you say it is." I nodded.

"I know," I said, glancing behind me. "But she has the right to some peace. When she asks for him, then..." I trailed off, looking back at the other warrior.

"I agree," he said. "Have you told her?" He made a vague motion to his stomach.

"No," I said. "I...I couldn't..."

"She needs to know," Kakkorot said.

"And you could tell her?" I bit out. "After everything?" Kakkorot closed his eyes and shook his head.

"I didn't think so," I said bitterly.

"I went to earth and got some Senzu beans," he said, then leaned forward and handed me a capsule pack, "and some clothes for her." I took the pack and nodded , stepping aside so he could administer the medication. When I turned to follow Kakkorot, I saw she was awake, staring at us with alert eyes.

"How do you feel?" Kakkorot asked her.

"Like I was hit by a train," she answered honestly. Guilt, shame and pain raced through me, causing me to turn away from her battered form.

"I'm sorry," she said quickly.

"No, don't be," Kakkorot said, sitting beside her on the bed. "I have something that will make you feel better." I watched as he gave her the bean, her expression becoming one of childish disgust, her lips turned down even as her jaw moved to chew. I chuckled and the sound was echoed by Kakkorot.

"Oh gods, that's foul!" she exclaimed.

"I know," Kakkorot said in a tone I had heard him use with his child. "But you'll feel better!" She swallowed and her eyes widened as the magic took it's effect. She looked down at her body, seeing her wounds healed and let out an astonished gasp. I saw her fingers tentatively prod the bond mark.

"That cannot be healed," I said, my voice sounding sad even to my own ears.

"Somehow, I knew that," she said. Kakkorot reached out and petted her head in a fatherly way and she smiled sweetly up at him. She moved to stand, looking between us.

"I'm hungry," she said. "Can I get some food?" I looked at her surprised. Of course she was hungry, how many days had it been since Trunks had burst into my room in a panic? Kakkorot chuckled and reached down, lifting her to perch on his shoulder as if she were a small child.

"Sure!" he said. "Let's get you fed."

"Yes," I agreed, letting Kakkorot lead the way to the kitchen. She giggled as she was carried, Kakkorot beaming up at her. When we entered the kitchen, I barked orders for the servants to get us food and lots of it. As they filled a table, Kakkorot set her gently in one of the chairs, then took a seat himself. I took a seat for my own, watching as she looked over the food, contemplating. Kakkorot reached over, grabbing some dish and spooning it onto her plate.

"Try this! It's good!" he said. I watched as she took a small bit, then began to eat in earnest. I ate my own meal, reaching out for a large meat bun and handing it to her when she finished what was on her plate while Kakkorot got her a bowel of rice. She laughed as she took the food.

"I'm not hurt anymore," she said. I looked at Kakkorot, knowing he was thinking the same thing I was. She may not have been hurt, but she was pregnant and she hadn't eaten in a several days. With her already weakened state, this didn't bode well and she certainly couldn't handle a miscarriage.

"You need to gather your strength," I said when I realized she was looking at us suspiciously.

"You haven't eaten in days!" Kakkorot said with an easy grin. She rolled her eyes and went back to eating, accepting whatever we handed her. Kakkorot began to speak of past battles he had, no doubt to ward off further questions.

"...then the guy hit me on the head..." Kakkorot narrated.

"So, no damage?" I drawled. She covered her mouth as she coughed and choked on her food. I reached over, patting her back while Kakkorot cast me a pouting look.

"Hey! That was mean, Vegeta!" he huffed. I handed her a drink, smirking when I heard a muffled giggle.

"You too?" Kakkorot asked, looking at the girl currently chugging her glass of water.

"It was funny," she said with a grin. "Sorry. I couldn't help it." Kakkorot sighed, but continued with his story, until she sat back, rubbing her stomach with a content sigh. She had eaten a fraction of what Kakkorot and I had, but I knew it had been a great amount for her. I stood and motioned for her to follow.

"You need some rest," I said. She nodded, stifling a yawn. When I began walking to my own room, she paused.

"I can sleep in my room," she said, meekly. "I shouldn't hog your bed."

"If I minded, I wouldn't allow it," I told her, opening the door and urging her to the bed. I watched as she crawled into bed and nestled beneath the thick covers.


I looked up at her, pausing as I began lowering myself in my chair.

"Yes?" I asked.

"Why can I sleep without Trunks?" came her soft question. I sat down andsighed.

"Your bond is complete," I explained, grabbing the book I had been reading. "It not longer requires the same degree of desperate closeness it did before."

"Oh..." she fell silent and I opened the book, resuming my former place. The woman, Bulma, had given it to me. A book called 'The Art of War'. It was rather interesting.



"Thank you." I looked over at her, feeling a twinge of guilt once more. How could she thank me? If I had done my job as the boy's father and Prince, she wouldn't have been in this mess. I certainly had done her no great kindness other than ensuring the whelp didn't come near her and she was healed. I saw her shift, her eyes peeking out from beneath the blankets to peer at me.

"...You're welcome," I said.

I glared as Paragus stood before me, questioning me, his King.

"Sire, surely the Legendary is more important than..."

"Are you questioning me?" I asked. "This sounds like insolence."

"N-No, sire," he said. "I was merely curious."

"Quell your curiosity," I snapped. "The current matter needs my attention." Before he could reply, I turned and stormed back towards my room. As I approached, I felt a sense of unease. Something was wrong. I hurried my steps as much as I could without alerting anyone to my distress and soon saw the cause of my unease. My son. He knelt before the girl, her gown twisted in his fingers as he sobbed and begged her forgiveness. She lifted her hand and gently began to pet his head, causing him to weep more and bury his face in her stomach. She didn't look upon him with hate or anger, only sorrow. She really was too much like Kakkorot. She pitied him, despite everything, she pitied him.

"What are you doing here?" I snarled. Trunks' head snapped in my direction and he looked at me miserably.

"It's alright, Vegeta," came her soft voice. I looked up and saw her gazing at me calmly. I wanted to tell her that no, it wasn't alright, and thrash the boy for daring to disobey me, but I reigned in that urge.

"You're sure?" I asked.

"We can't stay away from each other forever," she said, looking back down at the boy. I stared at her for a moment, knowing she was right. How many days had it been now? Surely being so close, the bond demanded some kind of contact.

"I'll be in the next room," I told her, glaring at the boy. I walked past them and into the next room. It was another bedroom, but ad remained unoccupied. I sat on the bed, listening intently to their conversation, anxious for any sign of distress. I gazed out the window, thoughtful. I knew all to well the fiery feeling the heat brought on. It had been how the boy was conceived in the first place. Burning heat had rushed up my spine, clouding my thoughts. The woman insisted on remaining near me, despite my attempts to keep away from her. I had retreated to my training room, pushing my body to quell the fire in my blood, but that damned woman had kept coming around until I could no longer take it and had claimed her body. She had moaned and mewled, surrendering easily, her pleas ones for more instead of an end. For days we did the same dance. I would attempt to push back the heat, avoid her even as she smelled so damned good, and each day she would seek me out. When the haze had ended, I had checked her neck, glad I had refrained from claiming her. While she surely would have consented, she wouldn't have known, nor would I have been able to explain the magnitude of what I had done.

I should have known the boy was in heat. The first heat cycle was always slow. A creeping feeling that gained intensity before becoming like a blinding force. My own first had been on some unnamed planet where Nappa had quickly rushed me to the nearest house of ill repute to assuage my lust.

I glanced toward the door.

Yes. I knew all to well the blinding furnace that overtook one when the heat struck, but I also knew it didn't forgive what my son had done. Her desperate cries would have pierced the haze and stayed his lust. Bulma had been my willing victim, the brat's mate had not.

I jumped as I heard a pained cry and was out the window and in the other room before I even thought of it. The boy was straddling her, leaning back at her cry. I delivered a strike to his chest that sent him flying back into the wall with a sickening crack. I moved to strike him again, but her frantic cry halted me.

"Vegeta! Stop!" I looked at her, feeling the rush of Ki fade from my body as she looked at me pleadingly.

"Did he hurt you?" I asked.

"No," she said. "I'm fine. I just...I just remembered." I fell silent, looking over at the whelp as he remained lying amoungst the broken rocks. I turned my gaze from him, unable to stare at his crumpled form without my anger flaring. I clenched my fists and gritted my teeth, pushing back my Ki.

"It's alright." Her voice was soft, so soft I almost missed the comment. I whipped my head towards her, shocked and angry.

"How can it be alright?" I barked. She sat up slowly, her gaze dropping to her lap where her hand moved to rest.

"You were right, Vegeta," she said. "Fighting it was pointless. And if I'm honest with myself, I never really wanted to." I swallowed a sigh.

"Still..." I said, a million things on my lips. Still you said no. Still you begged him to stop. Still you should have had a conscious choice instead of a subconscious one. Still you had a right to choose your own path.

"I feel whole," she said. "I feel complete." I gazed back at the boy, seeing that his swollen red eyes rested on her, his guilt palpable to me and, more than likely, unbearable to her.

"I suppose you wish to be alone with him," I said.

"Yes, but I think we should go for a walk," she said. "I need some fresh air." I nodded and moved over to the closet, pulling a light gown from it's depths for her. She wasn't going to go traipsing out in her thin night gown, not being pregnant and with the lecherous looks Broly sent her. I was no fool. I knew the older Saya-jin desired her. She had been so kind and warm to him when they first met and he had surely felt her power level. While it wasn't anywhere close to my own, it was significant for a human.

I handed her the dress, placing my other hand on her head so she looked up at me with large, curious eyes.

"Holler and Kakkorot or I will come for you," I told her.

"Thank you, Vegeta," she said, giving me a warm smile. I turned and left the room.

I looked up as I felt a hand on my shoulder. I had fallen asleep in my chair, reading. My eyes cut to said hand, following up the arm to find the boy's mate looking down at me with a gentle smile.

"Did you kill him?" I asked, bookmarking my place and setting the tome aside.

"What? No!" she cried, surprised. "We just talked." She nudged my hand off the arm of the chair and sat on it. I could tell she wished to talk to me about something, but was afraid of doing so.

"What is it?" I asked her.

"I think I should give you your bed back," she said in a soft voice. I was silent for a long time.

"And I suppose the boy would sleep in your bed?" I asked.

"I don't know," she said. "If he wanted to."

"And you're fine with this?" I questioned.

"Yes," she said. "We're bonded."

"That can be changed," I told her.

"No," she said. "I'm fine with it." I scoffed.

"What?" she pressed.

"How can you be so forgiving?" I asked. She stared at me for a moment, her lips twitching in a small smile.

"What would you have me do?" she inquired.

"Get angry," I said. "Bash the boy's head in, swear at him, tell him he's worthless! Surely something besides this calm forgiveness." She giggled.

"Trunks said the same thing," she said. "You and your son are a lot alike." I snorted. I felt her hand on my arm and looked up at her.

"Getting angry at him, hating him, beating him to a pulp, it wouldn't accomplish anything," she said. "You were right. Fighting the bond was a foolish thing to do."

"You should hate him," I told her.

"I should, yes," she said. "But I've known him almost all my life. Should one bad act change a a lifetime? Should his one fopaux mean that the kind, gentle, selfless man I have grown up with doesn't exist?" I stared at her, looking into her calm and gentle eyes. I wanted to rage that there was no way she could be so kind and forgiving, no way she could be so good, such goodness in this world didn't exist. My anger was foreign to me, confusing me as to why I felt it now. It was her next statement that made it clear to me.

"Are you yourselves so far beyond redemption then?" she asked. "Should Bulma not have seen the good in you? Should Goku have killed you when you first attacked earth? Is your heart so black and twisted that you don't deserve forgiveness?"

And there is was. The bitter realization that my own sins had been forgiven by all but myself. The realization that living on earth was making me soft, and with that softness came regret. I knew now that there was no punishment she or I could dole out on the boy more harsh than what he would do to himself. He would forever look at her with a twinge of regret, know that her acceptance had been born of forgiveness for what was, not want for what could have been. Their bond, no matter how strong, would always be tainted. I reached to where her hand still lay, covering it with my own and giving it a small squeeze.

"I will have guards posted outside your room," I said. "They will be ordered to interfere if you are in distress." She nodded, her fingers moving slightly under my hand as she absentmindedly stroked the muscle there.

"I would like that," she said. "But more so Broly doesn't sneak into my room again." I tensed.

"He snuck into your room?" I asked.

"Yes, the night this whole thing happened," she said with a scowl. "I was half asleep. I thought he was Trunks. He was groping me. Trunks came in and saw it and got furious. That's when..." She trailed off and I nodded.

"That makes sense," I said.

"How so?" she asked.

"If the boy was already in heat, seeing another male, a Saya-jin no less, touching you intimately would infuriate him. He would wish to ensure his claim on you. Take you off the Market, as it were," I explained. "What Broly did was customary of Saya-jins. We don't 'flirt', we grope and if we're not punched, we take that as approval."

"I should have punched him, then," she said. "I just screamed at him to leave. Paragus came and got him." I nodded and gave her hand another squeeze before pulling my own away.

"You should get some rest," I said. She nodded and stood, pausing for a moment. I looked at her, wandering if there was something she wished to ask. I was startled when I saw her bend down and felt the quick brush of her lips against my cheek.

"Thank you," she said, then added with a teasing grin, "Dad." I blushed and waved her away, watching as she hurried out of the room with a slight giggle.

I stood in the yard, watching as the boy and his mate held each other. The day for the cell games had come and I felt assured of victory. I would kill this monster myself. Like I should have done in the first place. Bulma cradled the brat in her arms, looking at me. I could see she wanted to say something to me, share a tender moment as our children did, but she held herself back.

"No," I heard her say. "I'm not going to tell you to come home if things get dodgy, that's selfish and I know something you won't listen to. I know none of this is about pride, and there's more at stake then just your life. This is about the entire planet. Defeat this monster. End the terror. Show our son what a hero can do. And if you don't come home, then at least...at least...at least I still have a piece of you with me." I watched as she bent forward, tears pouring down her face. The boy cupped her cheek and kissed in such a way I turned my head to give them privacy.

"I love you, my mate," he said, then turned and nodded to me, I cast one more glance at Bulma, giving her a slow nod before I blasted off in the direction of the arena. I glanced over at Trunks and saw his lashes were wet. Her pain, her fear, her sorrow all coursed through him. He didn't block them out, he welcomed them in this dire hour. Welcome the closeness even if it hurt. This boy, this man who was my son. Circumstances had made him strong yet kind, hard yet gentle. I felt pride swell in my chest at this warrior, this man, this defender and protector. Despite everything he had done to her, she forgave him, saw the goodness in him and in this moment, I saw it as well. A moment of weakness, a moment of instinct and heat had made him a vicious conqueror of flesh, but a lifetime had made him a defender and protector, her friend, her confidant and her love. I looked out in the distance once more, making a promise to myself.

"Vegeta, what are you talking about?" Bulma asked as I headed towards the door.

"Woman, just do it!" I barked. She glared at me, turning her head and huffing. I saw my own mark on her delicate neck and smirked. I walked towards the door, blasting easily off into the sky. My journey wasn't a long one, but it seemed like it was. When I arrived at the house, I saw it was a mess. Trash strewn about the yard, one window patched with cardboard and the mailbox laying on it's side. I walked up the driveway to the front door, pushing it. It was locked. I sneered and gave it a quick strike, watching as the hinges gave way and it collapsed on the floor. A man turned towards me, his clothes dirty and his body covered in grime. His bloodshot eyes told me he was drunk, not that I needed that from the bottle in his hand and the others strewn about the floor. In his other hand he held a belt and before him, cowering was a young girl. She peeked over at me, her eyes pleading for help, for an end to her pain. I could tell by the way her arm was held it had been broken. Blood trickled down her temple and from her lip. The side of her face was bruised as was her arms and legs.

"What the fuck are you?" the man asked.

"I'm taking the girl," I said.

"The fuck you are," he snarled. I grinned as he moved towards me. I backhanded him, holding back as much as I could, even though he still went flying into the wall. The girl stared at her father, wide eyed and afraid, before turning that same gaze on me. I crouched in front of her, holding my hand out. I called her name and her eyes widened more.

"I'm here to help you," I said. She stared at my hand, then me. Her blood caked lips parted and formed a word that her vocal cords didn't give sound to.


"So you can be safe," I told her. "You're going to come live with my family."


"Yes," I told her. "No one will ever hurt you again." She looked at me for a long time before her good arm extended. I swept her into my arms and held her against my chest. I walked out of the house, looking down at her.

"Don't be afraid," I said as I eased us into the air. Her eyes widened as she looked down at the ground then back at me.


"Yes," I said. "I can fly. I'll teach you to fly, too. Would you like that?" She grinned and nodded her head. I took off back towards home, my pace slower than before. She lay her head against my shoulder, dozing off when I told her she should sleep.

When I arrived home, Bulma was waiting for me. One look at the girl in my arms and all confusion vanished. She called in a doctor and ushered me into the room she had set up. It was bright, with a purple flowered bed and dolls set up against one wall. Some princess castle toy chest sat against another wall with a matching doll house. I rolled my eyes. I should have told her to make it less girly. Then again...

I looked down at the girl.

Maybe she liked girly.

I lay the girl on the bed, shushing her when she whimpered and clung to me. I was pushed out of the room when the doctor arrived, quickly giving her a heavy sedative before he began to set her arm and bandage her. Hours passed and Bulma and I waited for the doctor to finish. Trunks came into the room and saw our solemn faces.

"Dad, Mom?" he asked. "What's going on?" Bulma looked at me and I shook my head.

"I will explain later, son," I told him. He titled his head to the side, his own large blue eyes looking at me confused. The doctor left the room and called us over. Each thing he said caused my ire to rise. Broken arm, cracked ribs, fractured skull, contusions, bruises, vocal cords damaged, possible brain damage from an untreated concussion.

Bile rose in my throat. I should have gone sooner. I should have found her sooner, but my search hadn't been an easy one. I had little information besides her name and her Ki signature.

"She will wake up soon," the doctor said. I nodded and turned to Trunks. He looked up at me and I bent down, lifting him into my arms and balancing him on my hip. He looked surprised. There had been few times I had picked him up. Saya-jins didn't carry their children around as humans seemed want to do. He clung to my shirt as I moved towards the door, casting the woman a look.

"Get whatever paperwork together for her to be ours," I said to her. She nodded her head frantically, her own eyes wide. I walked into the room and stood at the bottom of her bed, the drone of the machinery making me feel sick. This was no hard fought battle, no training session gone too far, this was a savage destruction simply because one had the power.

"What happened to her, dad?" Trunks asked.

"Her dad hurt her," I told him.

"Was he training her?" he asked.

"No," I said. "He was hurting her because he could."

"Why?" Trunks asked, confused.

"Because he's..." I paused, searching for the words to explain to my young son. "...Because he's an evil man." Trunks looked towards her.

"She's cute," he said. I grinned. I told him her name and age, a few years younger than him.

"She's going to be living with us from now on," I told him. "I'm charging you with protecting her." The boy looked at her for a long moment then back at me, his soft features twisted in a look of determination.

"I will, Dad," he said. "And one day, she'll be my bride." I smirked, lifting a hand to brush the hair from his face.

"If she wants to, sure," I told him, setting him on the ground. I looked over and saw she was awake and watching us. Bulma walked into the room, a stack of papers in her hand.

"We have a meeting with a lawyer tomorrow," she told me.

"Will there be any problems?" I asked as Trunks crept closer to the girl.

"We can offer him money," Bulma told me. "And if he still refuses, which I doubt he will, you can always beat him up." I smirked.

"Can I just beat him up?" I asked. Bulma looked at the bandaged girl on the bed once more.

"Go for it," she bit out, her tone angry. Trunks leaned over the girl, his face inches from her own.

"I'm Trunks," he said. She smiled at him.

"She can't talk yet, son," I said. Trunks nodded and looked back at her.

"I'm gonna protect you," Trunks told her. She let out a silent giggle.

"One day, you're gonna be my bride," he declared with a grin. Her eyes grew wide and she looked at me.

"Only if she wants to," I said. Trunks smiled.

"She will!" The girl scowled. Bulma snickered.

"I think I should see if Dende can heal her," I said. Bulma nodded.

"Yes," she agreed. "Maybe get some Senzu beans." I nodded and looked at the children as Trunks sat at her side, talking about how he was going to be a great warrior and she would be his woman. The girl mouthed her protests, unable to give voice to them.

"Trunks," I snapped. Trunks turned towards me.

"Leave her alone," I said. "Come. We're going to the lookout." He looked one last time at the girl before he hopped off her bed and followed me.

I groaned, rolling over in bed, curious about what had disturbed my sleep.

"Mr. Briefs." I looked over and saw her wild mess of bedhead at my side, noticing her large eyes were red rimmed.

"What is it?" I asked in a sleep hoarse voice.

"I had a nightmare," she said. I scooted over and pulled the covers back. Bulma shifted and curled against my back.

"What...?" she asked.

"Nightmare," I replied. She sat up and peered over my shoulder to where our adopted daughter was crawling into bed, her lace nightgown catching on her legs. Bulma smiled as a little face was pressed against my chest with a sniffle.

"Did you dream of the bad man again?" Bulma asked. A meek nod was her answer. The Bad Man was what my mate had dubbed her father. The man had signed over custody with little protest and hadn't bothered us except in her fevered nightmares.

Bulma reached over and stroked her hair, smiling when her caress was answered with a contented sigh. My own hand rubbed the small cotton and lace covered back as red rimmed eyes slid closed.

"Can I call you Mommy and Daddy?"

The question was so sudden, both Bulma and I paused. I looked back at my mate who smiled. I could feel the tenderness through the bond.

"Of course," she said. The little girl smiled and nuzzled further into my chest. I wrapped my arm securely around her and rolled over until she lay between us, the action causing her eyes to fly open. She giggled and looked between us, tugging the comforter up to her eyes as her rounded cheeks flushed. Bulma tugged the blanket down and pressed a kiss to said cheek before snuggling back into bed, her hand absently running through tangled hair. I watched the two, mother and daughter, snuggled together. Their breathing evened out, signaling both had fallen asleep. I lifted my torso up carefully, leaning over and placing a kiss on my mates lips before brushing another over my adopted daughter's brow. In the months since she had come here, she had been shy, scared but had a streak of determination I admired. It seemed the moment she was fully healed, thanks to Dende, she had begged me for flying lessons. I had given them to her, finding her a dedicated pupil, stubbornly pushing her body to do what she wished of it. The first time she had succeeded, I felt a certain amount of pride. I watched her bare feet hover farther and farther from the ground, her pigtails whipping around her face.

"I did it!" she cried, then shrieked as she plummeted to the ground. I rushed to catch her, grinning down at her now pouting face.

"I almost had it!" she huffed.

"Practice," I had told her.

Trunks still claimed she would be his bride, but now she had voice to protest and protest she did, running to me or Bulma when he declared this, asking for reassurance that this was not what was expected of her. I smiled down at the two, looking over as I heard the door creak open. Trunks stood in the doorway, rubbing his eyes as he looked at us. He muttered her name, pausing as he tried to wake enough to articulate himself.

"She's not in her bed," he said.

"Why were you in her room?" I asked.

"I heard her crying," he said. "I was gonna go comfort her."

"She's here," I told him, leaning back so he could see. He waddled over to me, peering over and seeing mother and daughter cuddled together.

"Can I sleep with you guys, too?" he asked. I sighed and rolled my eyes, glad for once that Bulma had insisted on this ridiculously large bed. I scooted over further, letting him clamor over my body and snuggle between us. I lay back down, watching my family cuddle together, draping an arm over them as I relaxed and let sleep claim me.

She glared at me, her little cherub face twisted in anger as she charged me again and again I dodged. She let loose a flurry of punches, all of which I easily evaded. Finally she dropped to the floor panting. I watched as her little body strained under the increased gravity, but she fought it off.

"This isn't fair!" she shrieked. I looked down at her.

"What?" I asked.

"You're not training me like you do Trunks!" she cried. I paused.

"You're different," I said.

"Because he's a boy!" she bit out. "Train me like you do him, Daddy!"

"You'll get hurt," I said, walking over and turning the gravity off.

"I'll heal and try harder!" she said. I smirked. She was too much like me.

"Fine," I said.

"Really?" she asked.

"Yes," I told her, "but first we need to work on your Ki." Her eyes lit up and she ran, jumping into my arms and landing a kiss on my cheek.

"Thank you Daddy!" she cheered, nuzzling her cheek to mine.

"But not today," I told her. "You need rest and to eat."

"Okay," she said in a slightly sulky tone.

"Don't sulk, Princess," I said, using the pet name I only ever used in private. She nodded and I put my arm under her bottom, holding her perched on my bicep as I opened the door to the training room. Trunks was wiping his face clean, turning and looking at us.

"What's wrong?" he asked.

"Daddy says we're done training for today," she huffed.

"I know," Trunks said. "You can't overdo it. Especially since you're just human."

"Well soon I'll whoop you!" she declared. I smirked, curious, not for the first time, if she didn't have some kind of Saya-jin blood in her. Bulma often said it was just because she hung around me so much, but I wondered.

Her punches came in a flurry, her hair whipping around her. I watched as Trunks attempted to dodge them, grunting when her fists hit their mark. She landed a punch to his gut and he growled, sending a punch of his own. She was caught off guard and fell back, catching herself and flying a short distance away. She wiped the blood from her mouth and charged at him again. Trunks growled and powered up, his Ki spiking as his hair bled gold and his eyes turned aqua. She paused, floating there as she stared at him. She looked at me, her large eyes catching my gaze.

"Daddy?" she asked.


"Can I do that?" Her little hand pointed at Trunks.

"No!" Trunks answered. "You're human!"

"I wasn't asking you!" she barked.

"He's right," I said. "It's not something you can accomplish."

"But I want to!" she whined. I shot her a look and she gazed at the floor, ashamed of her brief tantrum.

"I want to," she said, her voice determined. "Are you sure it's not possible?"

"I have never heard of such a thing," I told her. "But that's not to say there isn't one."

"I'm going to do it!" she declared. "I'm going to achieve super human!" Trunks laughed, making her scowl and grit her teeth. I reached out and put my hand on her head.

"If there is such a form, you can surely achieve it, my daughter," I told her.

She pushed herself more, farther than I had ever seen any of the other human's do, a fact I often liked to flaunt at the parties my mate insisted on holding. I watched as she knelt on the floor, her Ki spiking higher and higher. It seemed to hurt her, but still she pushed. As I watched I was reminded of the fleeting thoughts I had of asking shenron to grant her what she so desperately wanted. She pushed herself to the point of breaking constantly, always seeking to achieve what would never be within her reach.

Tears streamed down her face as her fists banged on the floor.

"I will!" she cried. "I will! I will! I will!"

"Princess..." I called in a soft voice, a plea for her to stop torturing herself. I sometimes feared this hopeless endeavor would lead her to destroy her small body.

"No!" she barked. "I will!" Higher her Ki still spiked as bitter tears coursed down her cherub like face.

"Princess!" I called again, my fear mounting as her Ki did. Surely her tiny body could not contain it, surely she would harm herself.

"I WILL!" she cried, her ki lashing out violently, the floor around her giving way, the walls groaning with the strain. Just as I was about to knock her unconscious to stop this self torture, her hair broke free of it's braid and fanned out behind her head before spiking out and bleeding a bright gold. My jaw dropped and my legs caved as I stared at my human daughter, watching her eyes bleed teal. She looked up at me, her expression twisted in pain. I couldn't help myself. I smiled at her. Pride blossomed in my chest, even as her Ki dropped and she collapsed to the ground. I quickly scooped her into my arms and took her inside, seeking out my mate.

"She turned Super," I said. Bulma's eyes widened.

"But, she's human!" my mate said.

"Maybe not," I mused. Bulma looked down at her unconscious child and hummed, reaching out and plucking a strand from her hair.

"I'll find out," she declared, walking over to her lab table and preparing something.

"I'm putting her down for a nap," I said, walking out of the room. I made my way to her room, settling her down on the bed. She whimpered and curled towards me until I put my hand on her hair. She had begun to exhibit signs of the attraction her future self had spoke of. She and Trunks seemed to be getting close, despite her annoyance over his attention at times. The boy often seemed to know when she was distressed, appearing near her without a word and taking her in his arms. I had checked her for marks, making sure no half bond existed and found none. He seemed simply in tune with her emotions and she with his. I looked up as my mate entered the room a paper in her hand and a grin on her face.

"You won't believe this," she said. "She's 1/25th Saya-jin."

"How is that possible?" I asked. I had expected a larger number, thinking perhaps Kakkorot had a drunk dalliance in his youth or another warrior had visited earth before Frieza had destroyed it.

"I have a theory on that," my mate began. "You told me once the Saya-jins arrived on planet Tuffle, they weren't born there."

"Correct," I said.

"What if planet Tuffle wasn't the only one?" she asked. "One could have come to earth."

"It's possible, I suppose," I mused.

"Technically speaking," Bulma went on. "She shouldn't be able to turn Super. The blood is too diluted. Then again, she is your daughter." This was a comment my Mate often made, teasing me with the fact that the girl was so like me. Bulma pulled a pack of cigarettes out of her lab coat pocket and lit one, blowing the smoke out the door.

"Only you could find the only other Saya-jin on this planet," she laughed. I smirked and stood.

"It's only 1/25th," I said.

"Apparently it's enough," Bulma said, waving the paper.

The power was unreal, surging through me like fire, leaking out of my very pores. It called to the deepest most primal part of me that craved blood and violence and I answered it without hesitation. People clamored to retreat from me, afraid for their lives and I relished it. I was once again the warrior I had been, feared and revered, men trembling before me, women running from me. I laughed, looking at Kakkorot who glared at me. It was all I had ever hoped for and it couldn't possibly compare. Babbidi's spell had been a means to an end and if the ugly little cretin thought he had full control over me he was wrong. I couldn't be controlled. I was finally gaining the upper hand against Kakkorot, finally strong enough.

But it was bitter sweat.

I thought I was a ruthless saya-jin warrior once more, but one glance, one look away from the battle and I saw it had been just a lie I had told myself. Two set's of doe like eyes stared at me, not with warmth and pride, but terror. Never had my children been afraid of me.

"Daddy?" my daughter asked, her tiny voice wavering. She stepped back from me, recoiled with my son stepping in front of her even as he himself shied from me.

"What...what are you?" my son questioned. No, it wasn't worth it.

No amount of power could justify the fear I saw in my children's eyes.

I smiled sadly as I felt two small bodies collide with my legs. My hands were grabbed and I was tugged and pulled at as two tiny voices called to me. I hesitated, regret forming a lump in my throat. I knelt down, holding my arms out, letting them clamor on me and cling to me. I wrapped my arms around them, almost crushing their small bodies to my own. Exuberant cries filled my ears, a million questions asked, all of which I didn't answer. I just knelt there, hugging them. My cheeks were wet and I thought the children were crying, but as I pulled back, I realized it was my own tears that fell. I quickly brushed them away. My relief was a palpable thing, the single ray of hope that kept my remorse from overwhelming me.

"I'm glad you're okay Daddy!"

"Yeah! You kicked Buu's butt!" I chuckled, turning my head to bury in one mess of hair, then the other, inhaling their familiar scents. They squirmed at this, but I ignored it. They should be glad I wasn't giving them a tongue bath. Kakkorot had confessed meekly to doing it once when Gohan was a baby.

I stood, bringing them with me and looked at the two of them. They stared at up me, their excited gazes twinged with something besides the usual love and admiration. Yes, I still had their love. Their trust I would win back.

I watched as my two eldest turned to look at the ship before them, ready for the journey ahead. My daughter looked down as Bulla tackled her, making her request and relaying my message. Her expression was comical as she turned to glare at me.

"Not funny, Dad!" she cried, her fist clenched. Trunks turned to her, curious, his expression matching her's as she relayed my message. I smirked.

Where had the years gone? It didn't seem so long ago they were the kids climbing into my bed because they had nightmares, the ones who begged for training and games and affection because they were hurt. Then they were the teens sneaking flirting glances at each other, caressing touches and quick kisses, dancing around each other until I had given my blessing.

My little Princess who still called me Daddy, still saw me as her shinning hero and protector from all the evils of the world.

My little Warrior, who sought to impress me, raised me to an almost god like status and looked past all my sins.

Where were my little children? They stood as adults now, independent and strong, together in this time as they seemed destined to be.

I watched as they boarded the ship, seeing my Princess gaze at me out the window. I could tell from her tender gaze, her line of thought mirrored my own and I gave her a smile.

I watched the ship lifting off and allowed myself a sigh. I at times missed the two clumsy youths who scrambled around me, insisting I play games and take them to parks. Soon they would have children of their own and they would no longer need me.

I had gone to retrieve her with the purpose of saving her. Saving the girl she was so she would be free to grow into the woman she would become. But at some point, she and Trunks had been the ones to save me. The ones to teach me patience and love. The ones to teach me humility. What dark path would my life have taken if not for them? Would Babadi's spell have completely taken me over? Would I have lost myself to my own pride and bitterness? Would resentment have clouded my heart?

I watched the ship until it disappeared.

"Kakkorot," I murmured. "Take care of them."

DHMB: So, yeah. No idea where all that came from but I figured I'd slap it up here since it went with the original story line and I figured some people would be curious as to what happened to OC in the DBZ main timeline.

***Update***Soooooo...been watching Dragon Ball Chou/Super/Supa...and Future Trunks is mother fucking BACK! I know it's only a few episodes in and I have to wait until more episodes come out, but this may mean and honest to god sequal for 'The Bond'. Anyone like the idea? Yush, nuuuu, maybe baby?