Chapter 1

Kara walked off the train that had brought her to Central City, suitcase in tow. Stepping off and into the big new city that was now her home, the kryptonian girl couldn't help but let a sigh escape her lips. Central City was beautiful, and not too different in appearance to National City, but it just didn't feel the same. Maybe that was a good thing though, maybe then Kara could begin to forget... begin to heal. It had been months, and Winn's scream still plagued her nightmares.


She winced as she made her way to her new apartment, remembering that day was still far too painful. Her heart broke every night as she dreamed of Winn's final, desperate cry for help. She had been so focused on stopping the toy bombs that she hadn't noticed her best friend's father sneak up behind him and hold a gun to his head. Toyman hadn't meant to kill his son, he had only hoped to distract Supergirl long enough to stop her, as he had observed that the caped superhero obviously had some kind of connection with Winn.

Maybe she moved a little too quickly and startled him, maybe it was one of his fits of blinding rage, or maybe it was a combination of the two that made him pull the trigger. With a loud "BANG," Winn was gone. The Toyman immediately crumpled, holding the form of his son. Kara took this opportunity to apprehend Winslow Schott and leave him in the hands of the FBI; they could deal with this monster themselves. After making sure all the other people at the toy convention were unharmed, Kara finally turned her attention to her fallen friend.

She walked up to the stage slowly, as most of the other people trickled out of the building. Some lingered to answer police questions, but Kara wasn't focusing on them now. She was looking at Winn. No, not Winn, his body. It lay before her. As if her brain couldn't accept what had happened, Kara thought she saw his chest rise. As a flicker of hope burned within her she looked, nothing moved. He was gone. She began to cry silently, standing perfectly still until someone tapped her on the shoulder. It was a man in some kind of uniform, Kara didn't really care who he was or that he was witnessing her lowest moment.

"Miss- uh- Supergirl?" The man struggled with his words for a moment, obviously caught off guard by meeting the hero of National City, and meeting her with tears in her eyes. He composed himself before continuing, "Miss, I'm very sorry but we need to take the body away." Kara nodded solemnly, and saw Winn off to the vehicle that took him away.

Once she reached the sidewalk she was bombarded by journalists and news anchors. All of them yelled questions that Kara couldn't begin to answer. So she didn't, she simply took off, leaving them all behind her. Once she started flying however, she couldn't find any reason to stop. She flew above her city for hours, not quite knowing what to do with herself. It was as if someone had hollowed out her insides, leaving her with an aching feeling she couldn't quite pinpoint.

The funeral was small, but full of kind faces. James and Alex attended, both having known Winn and both knowing that Kara needed them with her. Cat did not attend, but even she shut down CatCo. for a few hours that day. Kara sobbed without shame; Winn was her best friend, he had loved her... She touched her lips as she thought of the kiss they had shared. If only she had embraced him instead of running from the unknown. If only she could do this whole week over...

Snapping out of her depressing train of thought, Kara found her apartment building and made her way up. When she finally reached her door, she cursed as she had trouble finding her keys. Finally pulling them out and letting her self in, Kara left her suitcase by the door and kicked off her shoes. She looked over her decorated apartment. She had been back and forth for a few weeks now so that everything would be unpacked when she moved in. It was relatively identical to her apartment in National City, but with a different view.

Kara began to hunt for apartments in Central City right after the funeral. Within a few days she had found a new place to live and had let her current landlord know she was leaving. Alex barely put up a fight, James simply nodded in understanding and offered to help her pack, and Cat merely pursed her lips with a nod. She had, however, given Kara a glowing recommendation to the CCPD. Kara was grateful for that, and tried to show her appreciation through her final two weeks of work. Now, starting on Monday, Kara was going to be the official press liaison for the Central City Police Department. She would basically be the buffer between the police and the press. Most times her job would be to organize the appearance of the press, but she would also be coaching the police on what to say and what not to say to the reporters, among other things.

The kryptonian girl was glad for the new job because it made her feel like she was still helping out in some way to keep people safe. Even if it was just a very small role that she played. That's all she could stomach now anyway, she couldn't bare to don her cape anymore. Her family's crest burned into her chest, reminding her of all the house of El once stood for. Reminding her of how she had failed. Reminding her... of Winn.

Maybe that was part of the reason Kara had chosen Central City. It already had its own protector. The Flash. Even Kara had to admit he was quite impressive. She could fly pretty fast herself, but her top speed didn't even come close to him. She wasn't sure though, maybe she would see him race by one day.

Not even bothering to change into her pajamas, Kara fell onto her bed. The moment her head hit the pillow, she was asleep. Visions of lightning danced behind her eyelids. It made Kara smile to know that if she couldn't be Supergirl any more, there were still people like the Flash out there...