A/N: Hello dear readers! I apologize for my long absence but I've kinda been busy with school (I've started my GSCE's this year), general life and as well as writer's block. I have decided to rewrite the story so far and then see how to continue as I'm hoping this will give me new inspiration. So if you notice that some chapters are way worse than others that just means I haven't gotten round to doing them just yet.

Disclaimer: In no way or another does HTTYD belong to me otherwise I would not be here writing fanfiction on it!

My eyes open up to see Fishlegs' chubby face staring down at me with wide eyes. His face which once seemed so familiar and neighborly now is a distant memory in my mind that makes me wonder if I'm still perhaps dreaming.

However, the worry flooding away from his face only to be replaced with relief and the overjoyed call of my name is what tells me I am not.

I slowly sit up only to find the warmth of the multiple furs that were keeping me from feeling the chill of the air gone as they fall to my legs. My head instinctively turns to my left only to find empty space.

The feeling of numbness that has been surrounding me since my wakefulness finally hits me full force and I suddenly realize why everything feels so wrong. It is this epiphany that lets me come back into reality.

"...and everyone was already convinced that you were dead, even your mother...! Hey 'strid you really shouldn't be getting up yet in your condition-"

"Where am I Fish?" I might have sounded a bit demanding at the moment but I could care less. I had to find out what happened and where he was.

As I start walking to the door I hear a stutter of "O-on one o-of the b-b-boats" and a rush of quick but heavy footsteps follow me in my steps. The walk to the stairs was quick and thankfully short as well as informing me that this was neither a fishing or a war boat. Most likely a private one.

Finally reaching the top I quickly open the doors to the world outside and it is just as quick to blind me.

The first thing I notice as my vision comes back to me is that the boat was most definitely a private one. The crest painted on the flag was the chiefs; this was bad.

Before I have the chance to see what else I could recognize I am quickly tackled in a hug by my once best friend; Ruffnut Thorston.

I hastily look over the top of her head only to see the people I used to consider as my close friends as well as the Chief himself.

Well shit.