Hello! This is dedicated to my amazing sister who gave me the idea for this multi-chapter Nalu fan-fiction!
I don't own Fairy Tail, or any of its counterparts (: Thanks Hiro Mashima!
One - A Mop Of Pink Hair
I hummed happily to myself, wiping over the coffee machine before continuing my daily list of duties. It was the quiet hour just before the lunch time rush and Virgo, had left me a list of things to do while she was on her quick break. The warm sun shined through the windows, despite it being the middle of winter and the wind seemed to be picking up if the slant of the tree's outside said anything.
Loke walked past me with a wink and I rolled my eyes playfully at him, as he slid up to the counter, "Hey, my goddess, what's happening?"
"Since you asked, two minutes ago, not much."
"Would you like your knight in shining armor to liven things up for you?" He flirted mercilessly as I giggled, "How would you do that?"
"Go on a date with me."
"I told you I can't do that." I groaned, slumping forward as he chuckled at my dramatic attitude, "Remind me again?"
"I have no time! Plus, you know... Aries." I mumbled awkwardly as he leaned closer, a confused look on his bright eyed features, "Who?"
I groaned again, slapping him on his forehead, "The girl who likes you!"
He cocked his head, "Never heard of her. I only know a blonde goddess with an amazing bod-" I slapped him on the forehead again, grumbling at his dim-wittedness.
"Leave peasant." He grinned and walked away, heading to the bathrooms to clean them. I continued my list, until the door swung open, and a large group of businessmen walked inside. I wiped my hands on the towel that was tucked into my apron and smiled politely as they walked up to the counter.
"Welcome to the Celestial Cafe, what can I get for you?"
After finishing off their coffee's, Virgo returned with a sigh, "I'm telling you Princess, nothing like a good punishing cigarette to finish your break."
I giggled at her silly nickname for me as she tied her hair back into a low ponytail and slipped her apron on.
"I'll just need you for the lunch hour and then you can take your break. I've got Loke manning the Kitchen when the dork appears from wherever he is, I'll make the coffee and you can look after the counter and floor."
"Sounds good." I chirped, loosening my ponytail a little as more people flooded the cafe, talking animatedly. My eyes strayed to the door as Virgo began serving everyone's coffee's on the opposite end of the counter, and soon the cafe was bustling with people sitting down, and chatting amongst each other.
I always enjoyed work when it was more busy, sometimes the day just seemed so long and bor-
I immediately straightened up as a bizarre mop of pink hair entered. I tilted my head, how strange. My eye trailed down and my mouth fell open.
Strange wasn't even close.
The pink hair belonged to a guy, who with his tanned skin and sharp white grin, with a dangerous sharpness to his two canines. He was dressed in a pair of black worn jeans and a white top which spread over his chest in a way that made my heart stutter, also wrapped around his neck was a black and white sort of scaly scarf.
I always used to think guys who wore scarfs looked a tad feminine but staring at this specimen was slowly changing that fact.
As he began walking towards the counter, eyebrows furrowed a little at whatever he was looking at on his phone and I took a chance to glance down at the beaten converse on his feet.
I cleared my throat just as he reached the counter, slipping his phone into his pocket as his grey eyes met mine.
I blinked, a little stunned as he glanced me over before the grin on his lips widened slightly, his large strong hand reaching up to rub his impressive jaw. I felt my cheeks fill with pink and I coughed awkwardly before asking, "Welcome to Celestial Cafe, what can I get for you?"
His eyes roamed my face for a split moment before he leaned against the counter, "Well, what's good?"
You, my subconscious screamed internally as I stammered, "P-Pardon?"
"What's good on the menu?" He repeated with a gorgeous squint of his smoke filled eyes. I fiddled with my apron before pointing up to the menu sheepishly, "There's a menu right there."
I nearly slapped myself, great customer service Lucy!
My eyes unwillingly snapped up to his hair for a moment, deliberating on how he could be so attractive with such a strange hair color. Well, pink was exclusively my favorite color but how the hell did he pull it off so well.
"Any suggestions..." He leaned a little close, eyes following the curve of my neck to my shirt which had my name badge, "Lucy with a smile."
I flushed even harder, remembering that I had put a smiley-face on my badge as a cute way to differentiate myself from the rest of the employees. Loke had a winky face and Virgo had a smirk.
"Uh." I cleared my throat again, looking away from him in thought, "I'm not really sure, depends on what you like. Customer preference really."
"I like hot things." He answered with a cheeky grin as I gulped, "Oh?"
"And I can only see one hot thing at the moment, and I can't really drink it."
I gaped, was he flirting with me?
Surely not.
I glanced over to the closest hot thing I could find, which happened to be the cute little heater decorating the counter that gave customers a little warm welcome when encountering the brisk wind of winter.
I smiled clumsily, "Yeah, I think attempting to drink the heater wouldn't be very smart. And also impossible." He looked puzzled for a second before his eyes glanced at the heater and the cheeky grin erupted into a smirk of epic proportions. I felt my stomach tighten excitedly.
"Oh, I didn't even notice the heater."
Eeeeeeeeeeee- I cut off the scream in my head by sharply interjecting, "Well, do you like spicy things?"
His eyebrow quirked, "Yep."
I breathed a sigh of relief, "We just started selling cinnamon spiced coffee, if you wanted to try that out?"
"Is it spicy?"
"I've heard it does have a little bit of a bite." I nodded quickly as he grinned, "Well I'll get that then." I wrote down the order, before finding the item on the computer, "Would you like a large today?"
"Will that take longer to make?"
"Um, I don't think so... Maybe." I was heavily confused, but refused to look up because I could feel the grin on his face and I was trying to focus on not screaming.
It was physically impossible for someone to look so attractive.
With pink hair, no less!
"I'll take a large. Lucy." My heart fluttered stupidly in my chest at his deep voice practically purring my name as I smiled weakly, "Okay! That's four dollars, and fifty cents please."
He handed me a ten dollar bill and I gave him the right change before asking, "Can I get your name?" His silence spurred me to glance up, as he stared at me amused. I only then realized how ridiculous I just sounded.
"For the order." I clarified as he grinned sharply at me, all bright and crooked, "Sure thing. It's Natsu."
I nodded and scribbled it down on a cup before handing it to Virgo whose eyes were sharply on the pair of us. She wiggled her eyebrows and mouthed, 'Talk to him.'
She rolled her eyes as I turned back to him, with a polite smile, "It'll only be a few minutes, you can wait for it at the other end of the counter."
Please go away with your ridiculously handsome face.
Also, I wanted to check if that ass is on point because everything else seems in tip-top shape, I whispered inwardly, my thoughts bordering on idiotic as I giggled to myself.
He seemed to perk up a little at my giggle and flushed, god I must look insane.
"Sure thing. Thanks Lucy." He went to walk away when Virgo suddenly intercepted, "Lucy, aren't you going to do a customer appraisal with him? We have to do it with every customer."
I snapped my head to her, eyes widened, no we didn't! It was optional.
Her eyes held no mercy as she smiled politely, "It won't take long."
"I'd be happy to help out." He answered, as I slouched a little, "Okay. Um." I grabbed the pen and a sheet of paper which had the questions I had to ask and wrote down his name at the top.
"How would you rate the appearance of the cafe?" I asked, glancing at him, as he nodded simply with a quick glance around.
"Very cool. I like the design."
I grinned, unable to help my excitement, "I put the stars up." The whole cafe had a very edge space vibe to it, and I had managed to find some retro hanging star lights made of bronze.
"They look great. Really." He grinned back and I inhaled sharply before wheezing out, "Okay, next question. How would you rate the appearance of the staff?"
"Bloody brilliant in my opinion." I heard Virgo's elated giggle and cut a look to her as she purposely took a ridiculously long time to make one simple drink.
"G-good. Um..."
And I feel like a bloody disaster.
"Are you satisfied with the service?"
"Indecently so." My eyes flew to his, and I bit my lip to stop my laugh. Even though my nerves were fried with this Natsu, just standing there, I couldn't help but feel a little less ridiculous when he was answering every question so strangely.
I scribbled down his reply, "Do you have any tips on improving the cafe?"
He was quiet, before stating, "Everything seems perfect to me."
"Cool. Now can I please get your number for your chance to win a week's worth of free drinks?"
"Are you asking for my number, Lucy?" My skin prickled as I gazed at him stupidly before blushing, "It says it right here on the sheet, Natsu." I mimicked him with a frown as he chuckled, "Alright but how do I know you won't stalk me?"
I let out a laugh of disbelief, before shaking my head, "Why would I want to stalk you?"
He shrugged, "Maybe you are an evil prank caller."
Sounds like a load of bullshit.
A cheeky idea flew through my mind and I smiled innocently, "I promise I won't steal your number from the sheet."
"Alright. It's **********." I scribbled it down before pulling my phone out, maintaining that perfect smile of pure innocent. He guaffed, "What are you doing?"
"Hm? Nothing."
"So it's normal for employee's to pull out their phones mid discussion with a customer?" He teased and my smile fell into a grin, "Completely normal."
"You are taking my number, aren't you?" He gasped, mockingly.
My eyes found his and the wide crooked smirk he wore as I shook my head slowly, "Of course not. I'm doing something... completely... unrelated."
"Sure, you are." He laughed as I stated, "I'm just making sure my roommate washes my clothes. I promise." I flicked my screen back and forth for a moments before tucking it into my pocket once more.
I heard Virgo stifling her giggles as he eyed me in amusement, "Great customer service."
"I know." I breathed, trying to control my own laughter as he shook his head with another cute chuckle, "Alright. Whatever you say." Virgo appeared over my shoulder, and handed him in his drink, "Thank you for your patience!"
She was practically wiggling as she attempted to hold her composure and he glanced at the two of us, "Thanks for the drink. And your lovely company. I'll definitely be coming back here."
I ignored the butterflies in my stomach when his eyes found mine as he said it, and he waved before turning to leave.
Unfortunately, Virgo couldn't hold it in and when he was a few meters away, she burst into laughter.
Which in turn, made me follow her. We clutched each other helplessly as I cried into her shoulder, my stomach beginning to cramp in painful bliss. She blubbered something along the lines of "brilliant" and "best work so far!" into my shoulder as I cackled even harder.
Out of the corner of my eye, I saw Natsu grin as he held in his own laugh and left the cafe.
I'll definitely be coming back here.
The first chapter is done!
It's a bit short. And a bit fluffy. And Lucy is a literal mess but it's just so endearing!
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Let me know what you think (: x