"Carl…" a whisper was all Rick could speak as his son lay in the bed with a serious case of the flu."

He grabs Carl's hand gently when he says, "Carl, Denise says that you need rest in order to fight this fever off. To be on the safe side me and Michonne are gonna go check that community Daryl, Sasha and Abe ran across a few weeks back. They said it looks pretty untouched. I wanna see if there's any medicines that you and the others could use."

"I'm gonna leave you and Judith here with Carol but…I'll be back. We'll be back. I promise."

Rick leans over and kisses Carl on the forehead, then leaves the room quietly shutting the door behind him.

"Carol, I know that I've asked you one too many times to look after Judith and Carl…", Rick looks back over his shoulder as Michonne begins to pack their vehicle.

Carol stops him before he could finish his sentence, "Rick its fine, Carl will be fine. It's just the flu-" she pauses after what had happen when the flu spread through the prison. "It's not the same thing so don't go comparing the two. You and Michonne need to make sure to get back here before that blizzard hits. I mean if you go by that Farmer's Almanac, Daryl and Eugene…we could be snowed in for a while."

"All the more reason, it's not that far away; once we get back with some meds we should be alright if we do", he tells her. All our people are here…Michonne and I shouldn't be that long. We should be back by in a few hours and if not a few hours we'll definitely be back by night fall."

Rick drives up to the front gate and parks the car.

He takes a deep breath, "You ready to do this?"

Michonne turns to Rick and nods her head in agreement.

Daryl walks over to the driver side, "Ya'll good?"

He glance briefly at Rick and Michonne then eyes the gear they're taking with them in the back seat.

"You not taking very much are ya'."

Michonne grins at his ridicule, "I think we'll be good for a short sweep and search."

"Yea, well make it quick. I don't need no science teacher or a farmer's almanac to tell me when a serious blizzard on it way. The ground's been freezing just about every day for the past couple of weeks", Daryl looks around as flurries begin to fall, "I'd say you got about 5 hours before the wind picks up and it gets to white out conditions. And if it gets to white out conditions you won't know what direction to go in."

"We'll get back, don't worry. We'll be back before that happens." Rick promises.

After combing most of the neighborhood, Rick and Michonne finally meet back up at the car. The snows been coming down steady enough to cover the ground just about everywhere and the winds were increasing with every 30-40 minutes.

"So how did you do?" Michonne asks.

"Not bad, I got some Tylenol, Motrin, some cough drops some Oxycontin. How about you?"

"Same. Some aspirin, Motrin, a few bottles of cough syrup, a couple of boxes of tea and some jars of honey," she smiles while showing off one of the jars.

A laugh escapes Rick's lips as he takes a moment to enjoy Michonne's teasing.

But his gaze lasts longer than it should for someone he considers a close friend. In fact, he suddenly understands that his feelings for Michonne were much deeper than just another survivor with in Alexandria or another survivor in his core group.

Rick continues to smile; watching snowflakes fall along her eye lashes as she places the honey jar back in her bag.

"Did you see any walkers anywhere?"

Michonne lifts her head back up, "Rick…did you see any walker" she repeats.

"Oh", somewhat flustered, "There were a few but they were damn near frozen. Not a threat in the slightest", he nervously diverts his stare towards the sky to avoid embarrassment.

She diffuses the awkward moment by looking up at the sky as well feeling a little embarrassed for him,

"Judging by the winds hitting the trees", motions toward the ground, "…and the amount of snow covering the ground we should probably get back."

"Yea, there's one more house at the end of the block I wanted to sweep real quick. It's the biggest on the block."

Surprised that she missed it; Michonne asks, "Where?"

"Right after the stop sign. The bushes are over grown covering the driveway a bit but we can walk to the house."

The house was in pristine condition like time stood still for this house. The configuration of the living room was perfect for entertaining guests.

"Maybe they never made it back from vacation or somethin'", Michonne reasons.

Rick cautiously looks up the stairs and bangs on the wall for potential walkers, "Could be, either way let's grab what we can and go. I'll check out the upstairs, see what you can find down here."

After scavenging through the rooms upstairs; Rick comes down in to the kitchen with a pillow case full of medications and a large suitcase.

Michonne turns around from checking out the last overhead cabinet to see what he found.

He holds up the pillow case of medicine bottles, "Well, I'm glad we made a stop here."

Impressed with his find Michonne smiles, "I'm glad we did too. What's in the suitcase?"

He places the suitcase on the quaint kitchen table, "About 80 years in the federal pen before the outbreak", he opens the case and she sees close to 50 kilos of cocaine neatly packaged inside. "I knew there was a reason this house looked more upscale then the rest."

She pauses for a moment squinting one eye at Rick and then at the kilos; raising one of her eyebrows, "I don't think so", she tells him shaking her head no.

"Oh, hell no. That's called an 'illegal search', you have no probable cause to search this house for that."

Rick looks at her strangely, "What?"

"You heard me Sheriff".

Her debating tone gets Rick to laughing, "So that's what you did before, you were a criminal attorney?"

"Don't laugh," she chides walking back over to the pantry, "If that were my client I'd get him off with a fine and a slap on the wrist".

He closes the suitcase, "Well that explains it."

"Explains what", she stands back up with her hand on her hip; her head tilted with a playful smile.

Rick knew right then and there that Michonne had no clue as to how much she could influence him. Her standing only a few steps away with her hand on hip gave him the sudden urge to walk over and kiss those soft lips of hers.

But instead, he smiles down at the floor and shakes his head at his slip up, "It's nothing Counselor. I'll tell you about it some other time."

An uncomfortable silence engulfs the kitchen as Rick and Michonne stare at one another.

"Well, I'm thinking you could pack up the car while I do an 'illegal search' of the shed", she jokes walking out the kitchen patio door.

Fifteen minutes later

Rick notices the sharp drop in temperature loading the last of what they found in the house. The blizzard wins weren't far off now and they were quickly losing the daylight. He could see far enough down the road they were taking but he knew that wouldn't be the case in another hour.

He looks over at the front door to see if Michonne's about to come out but she doesn't.

Walking back in the house Rick starts yelling for Michonne. He makes his way to the kitchen patio to look in the yard.

A huge lump form in the back of his throat as he scans the yard. The heavy winds could've blown snow over her tracks. He worriedly pushes open the patio door, "Michonne" he yells over the howling winds.

He starts walking across the snow cover yard slowly; cupping his hands around his mouth yelling, "Michonne?" once more.

Just as he's about to take another step he hears, "Rick, don't move!"