Here's the first chapter please read and review. This is my first attempt at a marriage law fic and I wanted to try something a bit different here. I hope it is to your taste, Enjoy, Love Angel x

Harry walked back to his house in silence. Had everything he ever knew been a lie? He knew technically he wasn't supposed to but while Severus had been focused on getting him out of the one memory he'd been in he'd taken a look at some more memories without his knowledge. It was a rare skill and although he knew this that was not what freaked him out so much. I mean what the hell had he been doing all his life saying he wanted to be just like his father? He had thought his father would be amazing only now it turned out he was like a glorified version of Malfoy. He'd bullied Severus and everyone else without a second thought for how it might have affected them. He was so disgusted that it made him feel physically sick. He'd seen on his look around that Severus had been the one to state that for their safety they should be put into hiding and begging Dumbledore to do this for him. He'd also seen Severus calling Lily a mudblood and trying to apologise which she didn't even want to know about. He'd felt Severus' hurt that he was loosing his best friend all because of a stupid name he'd called her once in a fit of rage. It seemed that although Severus had attempted to say sorry he was shot down by his cold mother who couldn't accept that he'd mean it. It was very sad to look at and all because of name call in the heat of the moment.

Dumbledore it turned out was not whiter then white either anymore. It seemed he knew of things called horcruxes or soul anchors which were keeping Voldermort here on earth. He said they were all important objects to do with Harry's and his own family as well as the Hogwarts houses and could be anywhere. He'd mentioned that some of these items were his own. Also Harry now knew that he'd destroyed the diary with basilisk venom and so that's what he knew needed to be done in future. He was determined to help Severus at all costs because without him he'd not be here right now and that was a startling fact. He entered the common room to find the people there looking somber indeed. "What's going on? Who died?" he asked seriously not up for anymore bullshit from Umbridge.

"Harry sit down. No one has died but you do need to see this!" said Hermione pushing a newspaper into his hands. He read the article stating that tomorrow night everyone at Hogwarts in year four and upwards was to be part of a new marriage law. Their spouses were to be picked for them from the marriage sorting hat and they would be expected to marry in the year that remained. They would have a year to marry and it affected all people aged sixteen to seventy. They were thankfully not expected to have kids and there was a law in place meaning that this would not ever happen while they were in school at least.

"Hermione I need your help with something tomorrow! In my lesson tonight I blocked Snape from seeing into my mind and what I saw is his mind was awful. My dad was the biggest bully living rivaling Malfoy today! He made Severus' life here a teenager awful and my own mother was no better. When he attempted to apologise for calling her a mudblood in a heated argument she broke his heart by ending their friendship and would not relent no matter what. They had been best friends and although he tried to make amends she wouldn't even hear of it. I've been called worse things myself but I would never abandon my friends because of it especially if they apologised to me. Also Dumbledore knows how to defeat Voldermort for good but isn't telling me because he feels I don't need to know yet. It was Severus who begged Dumbledore to put my family in hiding for protection from Voldermort. Even after all that he still wanted to do right by my mother and quite frankly it is down to him that I am even here essentially. I need to aid him tomorrow and I need your help. I need you to fight with Ron outside his room while I use the cloak and slip a potion ingredient into whatever he's drinking. It will aid him severely curing him but I know Ron will not do it unless I tell him I am poisoning him or something. I will tell him I am putting something in his drink to make his hair go crazy as a prank or something. It will be a lie but if it gets him to do as I want I don't see any problems with it. I know you may get detention with him for it but please help me as I owe him that much!" he said tears falling from his eyes.

"I will help you. Right now however I need sleep. Goodnight Harry and we'll do it in the morning!" she said hugging him and going off to bed. He went upstairs to the dorms. "Ron mate I'm pranking Snape tomorrow and Hermione has agreed to fight with you outside his doors so I can place something in his drink to make his hair go crazy. Will you help me?" he asked Ron who looked up smiling. "Anything to make my day better. That greasy git deserves it! Goodnight and I hope you get an alright match tomorrow evening!" he said as he went to bed and Harry couldn't help but grimace at the joy Ron got out of pranking Snape. He had to admit Snape did bring it upon himself when he treated everyone like a jerk but he could at least now maybe understand more why he did it. Pulling out the mirror Sirius had given him he called him.

Hi pup what's up?

Sirius I have some important questions you must answer without judgment as it may save everyone's lives if you do.

Ok pup I will try.

Have you ever heard of a horcrux and if you have do you know what it is? I know what it is but I need to know if you do. I have seen a memory of Voldermort's in my dreams and he was asking someone about the status of his horcruxes. I looked it up and so I do in fact now know what it is. Some of the ones he has are objects from Hogwarts, his own past or relating to me somehow.

This is indeed extremely dark and I do know what they are from a book in our library here. This is interesting. What do you want to know about them?

Well I know how to destroy them as I destroyed one in my second year without knowing what it was at the time. I need to know if there is a way I can summon them all to me here where I can destroy them all in one go. This way Voldermort will be mortal and can be killed by anyone or anything. Please tell me all you know Sirius as Umbridge will never let me out of her sight to do this otherwise.

There is a way yes. I will tell you all about it now go to the room of requirement and bring the cloak and the mirror. I will guide you through the process once there. You will need to ask for a room in which you can destroy all horcruxes ok?

Yes I'm leaving just now. Say nothing for a while and I'll let you know when I am there.

Harry got his cloak out checking it for monitoring spells as he didn't quite trust Dumbledore after everything that Snape's memories had shown him. There were many of them all of which he removed immediately. He set out for the room of requirement asking it for a place in which destroy horcruxes. He arrived in a nicely decorated room with a pensive like item floating with green stuff in it. It had a sign beside it which told him that to destroy all of the items he would need to guide them inside one by one.

Sirius I'm here. Tell me what to do please!

Ok pup now this is extremely dark and dangerous so please for gods sake be careful! Now you must say this incantation. Mal obiecta huc venerunt while waving your wand like so. Ok practice a few times without the words and just the wand as we need to be sure to get it right. Ok there we go now try it with the words. Good luck pup you're just like a son to me. I'll be here when you're done, I love you.

Harry put the mirror down and summoned the objects using the words before he himself blacked out. As Sirius saw this he sent Kreacher to Harry's location with a trinket box and some phoenix tears to heal his now black and bubbling scar. Kreacher arrived as the black stuff was seeping from his scar. He used his house elf magic to guide the black substance into the trinket box which consumed it fully. He placed the phoenix tears on his scar and placed some over his eyes as well as some of the black stuff had gone there. The Black family had always been concerned about surviving even the worst of attacks and so their home was stocked fully with many vials of phoenix tears. Sirius then instructed him to open Harry's mouth pouring an entire large vial down his throat. They waited. Harry coughed and spluttered eventually after a few minutes.

Sirius are you still here? Something is wrong with me. I feel very different almost lighter somehow and I can't see either!

Harry you died and kreacher used phoenix tears to bring you back to life again. Not many know that there is a period of exactly three minutes after someone dies where phoenix tears will bring them back to life. My family was obsessed with things like this and so we have loads of it in the house. As for what happened the phoenix tears cured your scar making it feint and cured you inside as well. I'd imagine you should remove your glasses as you no longer need them I'd say. Also you should note you visibly look more muscular and taller. The phoenix tears have insured that no one can charm you without your knowledge from now on.

Ok thank you so much kreacher for saving my life. Sirius please give Kreacher two, two liter vials of phoenix tears if you have them as I need them. I will now destroy these items one by one as the instructions tell me to. I can't believe I can see without my glasses.

I have just given kreacher what you have asked for. I will watch you do it and then I must say goodnight to you however Kreacher you are to do all that Harry asks of you until he dismisses you.

He first put the snake who was present to sleep before putting him slowly and carefully inside the pensive like bowl. The snake hissed and cried out before a black substance came out of him and was then captured and sucked back in by the bowl before it could do anymore damage. The ring was placed in next. After that came the diadem, Hufflepuff's cup Slytherin's locket and finally Gryffindor's badge. Everything died and he felt much better indeed.

Voldermort is now mortal once again and should be very weak indeed. Thank you so much Sirius. Goodnight I love you uncle!

I love you too pup goodnight and tomorrow just tell everyone your head hurt and when you woke up you could see without your glasses for a reason you can't explain. you should leave your old glasses beside your bed so as not to rouse peoples suspicions. There are no means of detecting phoenix tears so no one will be able to explain what happened to you either and more then likely will think it was a magical growth spurt or something. You still have your scar but it is now feint. Goodnight.

Sirius left and Harry turned to Kreacher. "Kreacher is it possible for you to make someone drink this entire bottle of phoenix tears without them knowing about it? I mean I don't want them to remember doing it and fall straight to sleep afterwards!" he asked Kreacher who smiled in glee. "Finally I was able to destroy master Regulus' locket. I am so happy that I could fulfill his dying wish. Master Harry I will always answer to both you and Master Sirius now. You both are like family to me! Yes I can do that and the person I do it to will fall asleep afterwards. Who do you want me to feed it to?" he asked Harry smiling.

"Firstly I need you to drink some of it yourself and then go to Severus Snape's chambers and make him drink it all. He is not to remember doing it at all and to fall asleep afterwards ok? Tell me also if he still has his dark mark afterwards!" he said to Kreacher who drank some of the tears and left his presence.

He went down to Snape's quarters where he was reading the paper and grumbling about something. He magically forced Severus to lift up the bottle of phoenix tears and drink the whole thing until the end. At the end Severus threw the bottle into the fireplace screaming in agony before Kreacher clicked his fingers and Severus was undressed for bed and in bed sound asleep. A quick look on his arm revealed no more dark mark as he watched it burn and fizzle away. He returned to Harry looking much younger, healthier and happier himself.

"Master Harry it is done. His dark mark burned away and he is now asleep. He will look different in the morning as it works over night in his system. He will only wake up at eight am no matter what. I thank you for the tears as I haven't felt this good since I was a young elf. Who else do you need me to give it to?" he asked politely.

"You are to take me to my dorm room, seal off and soundproof Neville Longbottom's bed. You are to then make him drink it all and fall asleep waking at eight am only. You are to be sure that Ronald Weasley here beside me and indeed Hermione Granger have forgotten what I said to them before they went to sleep. Lastly you are to get one more vial and make Hermione Granger in the girls dorm drink it and send her back to sleep so she too wakes at eight am. No one is to hear or see you or indeed her. After you have done this you may leave once again. When you get home pour one litre of phoenix tears on Madam Black's portrait as it will heal her and make her feel better. Thank you Kreacher you have saved the world tonight and all because you destroyed Master Regulus' locket. Well done!" said Harry smiling brightly. He hadn't really done that but as he could see it would make the elf feel and indeed act better he did it anyway. He watched as kreacher went first to Ron's bed touching his head lightly and removing the memories. He saw him go to Neville's bed and heard the sound of Neville opening the bottle before all sound was gone from his bed as the curtains closed.

Kreacher made Neville drink it all. Neville complied and drank it all as spells on him all lifted from his body while he grew in height and even grew some muscle. his hair became shaggy, he got a slight beard and his teeth shrunk back and straightened as did the size of his ears. Kreacher clicked his fingers so all of Neville's current wardrobe would now fit him so as not to alert him to anything being different about him. Neville was soon snoring soundly as he removed the bottle. He took out the spare he'd had on him just in case and went to the girls dormitory where Hermione Granger was tossing and turning. He opened her curtains clicking his fingers as she drank the entire vial. He noticed she too became taller and had more curves as her hips and chest went up two sizes, while her hair calmed down to neat waves and all spells on her lifted away from her. He took her bottle throwing both into the common room fire as they fizzled and burnt away to ash. He returned home pouring the last vial he had received all over his late mistresses portrait. He watched as it became a lot more colorful looking as though it had just been painted. He noticed her now sleeping features seemed more youthful and happy looking. He went to bed a happy elf that night.