All Roads Lead To Hell

By: Paraflymore

Disclaimer: Unfortunately, I do not own Supernatural and if I did I would be way nicer to them all.

A/N: Are y'all enjoying the posting frenzy I am having? What can I say when inspiration strikes... Anywho this chapter is going to do a bit of a time jump through season 3 lets just say that while I would love to re-write every episode with Lila in it I don't really want to drag this particular story out that long...

TimeLine: Some time after "Time Is On My Side"

Fighting For Nothing
"Hell Hath No Fury"

Time was ticking.

She could feel it, with every beat of her heart, their time was running out and there was nothing she could do to stop it.

Sure they tried, God did they fucking try. Her and Sam exhausted every freaking option that played itself out in front of them. And Ruby, Sam's little demon friend with the magic knife, she even promised that she had some way to help them. She really had them going there for a second too.

But Lila, she had her own damn plan.

She rolls off the top of him, still shaking, laying back against the pillows and letting out a long sigh. "I don't think I've ever came so many times."

He chuckles. "Yeah, me either."

She curls up on his chest. Her heart was fucking breaking but, she wouldn't let him know that in this moment, no. This moment would be perfect.

He kisses her temple. "I love you."

"I love you too." She whispers, fighting the tears behind her eyes.

"I've been meaning to give you something I just... I was waiting for the right time to give it to you." He shifts, pulling his arm out from under her and slipping his bracelet off, the one she made him all those years ago.


His eyes won't meet hers for a second, "I know its not much but... I just want you to have it."

She shakes her head. "No, its yours."

"Please." His voice sounds teary but she can't bring herself to look at him, her eyes are locked on that bracelet. Everything it means for her, for them, she couldn't bare the thought of him not wearing it again. "Take it, I want you to have something of mine."

"I want you."

He lets out a breath, and when she looks up at him he is indeed crying.


She couldn't take seeing him sad.

And as the clock ticked further and further towards his impending doom that seemed to be a common emotion for him.

She wraps her fingers around the bracelet, and leans down to kiss him. "I can't stand the thought of losing you."

"I'm sorry." He says against her lips, both of them taste the other ones tears but it doesn't matter, all that matters is that for that moment they're with the other one.

"I'll always love you." He promises her, and she breathes it in like fresh air.

He promises it to her again when he leaves her at Bobby's that day, his last day. He promises it as he presses her into the wall and kisses her goodbye.

And she would hang onto those words for the rest of her life.

However long that might be...

She knew the basics of a crossroads deal, but what she didn't know was if it would work or not. But Lila had to try, this was her last and final shot at saving him. She could not live without him, but she knew that he could manage without her. So it seemed like a fair enough trade.

Besides, what did she have left to live for?

Its a cold summer night in South Dakota, but that has nothing to do with why her hands are shaking as she buries that box filled with all the things she needed to summon a crossroads demon. Tears sting her eyes when she stands up looking around waiting for her salvation.

"Well, well, well. If it isn't Lila Dawson." It hisses from behind her.

She spins around and comes face to face with a tall lady in a long black dress. Her dark curls are perfection hanging around her face.

"You know who I am?" Lila asks, confused as she has ever been. Sure demons all over seemed to know Dean and Sam by name, but her? She was usually not recognized.

"Dean Winchester's girl... how would we not know who you are, and let me guess sweetheart you wanna trade him places?"

"How'd you guess?" She asks, trying to play it light.

It smirks at her, eyes flashing red. "I can smell the desperation radiating off of you."

"So we can skip the preamble, do we have a deal or not."

It shakes its head. "I'm not dealing with you honey."

"Why not?"

It chuckles. "Dean doesn't even know you're her does he? Oh this is getting good... you're trying to be the hero and save him, how romantic..."

"Look bitch, I don't have time for games." Lila says through clenched teeth. "I don't want a year, I don't even want another minute, just call up you hell hounds and take me now. Where you gonna find a better deal than that?"

"Sorry sweetie, I would really like to help you and all but I can't send a pregnant lady to hell and still be able to sleep at night..."

Everything stops, even her heart.

"What?" It chuckles. "You didn't know?"

Lila absently touches her stomach. "You're lying."

"Oh, come on. Don't be that naive. I mean what did you expect would come of all that sinning you too were doing? I mean surely someone gave you the talk..."

"Fuck you,"

"Now Lila that is what got you in this mess in the first place."

"Look, I don't have time to play games with you, I mean what's so special about Dean anyways? Why is it you're all so gung-ho to get a hold of his soul? Mine is probably much more shinier."

It wags a finger at her, smirking. "What would Dean think, you trying to send you and your unborn child into the pit? I am sure he wouldn't approve."

She wants nothing more than to kill this thing, but, she doesn't have time for it. Because there is a little voice in the back of her head that's telling her that her period is late, and its not like they were ever fucking careful, Dean Winchester was the king of the pull out method, and maybe this fucking thing was telling the truth...


"Fuck off, you evil bitch." She spits at it, spinning around to walk away.

"Oh Lila," It calls stopping her in her tracks. "Good luck getting to him in time... But maybe its better he doesn't know, might make this whole thing harder for him than it already is."

She ignores her and bolts off towards her car. She doesn't think as she's driving, she doesn't even think she's breathing. How the hell was she supposed to fix this mess now? How the hell was she supposed to do this without him?

And to top it all off, she has no fucking idea where they even are.

Its in a QuickStop bathroom under a flickering neon light that she finds out the truth.

Two pink lines, actually six if you want to count all three tests she took.

She throws them into the trash, trying to remind herself to breathe as she makes her way outside, she had been calling Dean for almost an hour, and on her last try she decides to leave him a voicemail. "You've reached Herman Munster, leave a message at the beep..."

"I'm sorry that I couldn't save you." She breathes in a deep breath trying not to fall to pieces in the gravel parking lot. "I keep trying to imagine what you might say to me if you were here. You'd probably be freaked, and you would probably be sick, but I just have this feeling that you might also be excited. That it might just complete your fucking life to know that you were going to be a daddy and I'm sorry that you'll never get to know." She rests her head in her hand for a moment and the tears start pouring then. "Please don't be dead, don't be gone yet. Please just fucking answer your phone."

Ten minutes later, Sam calls.

She's still sitting in her car, staring out at the dark road, completely numb and unfeeling.

"Lila, he's..." Sam whispers on the other end of the phone, breaking her heart, tearing her open all over again.

"I know." She says, biting her bottom lip.

Sam lets out a teary sigh. "I'm sorry, I tried. I really tried."

"Me too."

He sobs another sorry into the phone and then all she can hear is the sound of his chest heaving. It hurts so bad to think that he is actually gone.

It hurts like a broken bone, but they heal, they always heal.

"Hey Sam..." She breathes, leaning up and starting the engine of her car. He falls silent, waiting. "You're gonna be an uncle."

/ And that my friends is the end of this part of the story. I will post the next part tomorrow when I get to my other computer with the chapters on it. I hope this end wasn't too abrupt for you guys I am very anxious to post/write the next part of this story for y'all. And as always thank you, thank you, thank you for reading :)