Hello! This is my first fanfic in a long while. I was just inspired by the show to write it by both Avatar the last Airbender and Legend of Korra and how they seem to be slowly advancing to our modern times. It begs the question, what would happen to bending in the modern times? I feel like it would die out, and if it did die out, what would happen to the Avatar of modern times in a world with no bending? So, here we go. :) The first chapter is a bit short, but its only a taste of what to come. I will do my best to keep up with chapter updates; I'm thinking on updating at least once a week, but it also depend on how many people want to read it, so feel free to comment, like, follow...all that good stuff! I'm hungry for feedback! Lol. :D

The Avatar:


Book 1: Fire

Chapter 1

A New Beginning

I had absolutely no idea where I was when I opened my eyes. All I knew was that it sure as heck wasn't home.

Wherever I was, it was almost pitch black, except for the small sconced torches on the walls. There was also a feeling of being slowly rocked back and forth. I was on a bed that was comfortable, but very firm at the same time; it felt like a cot.

Feeling heavy and sluggish with sleep, I pushed myself into a sitting position and looked around, scanning for more clues as to where I could be; nothing was familiar to me at all. I noticed that the only decoration adorning the otherwise bleak walls of the room was a deep red tapestry that took up a lot of wall space and had the symbol of a black flame on it in the center.

Where the heck was I? Had I been kidnapped in my sleep?

Before I could contemplate matter further, there was the sharp sound footsteps outside the steel-looking door that I only noticed just then; the footsteps closed in fast and the door was pushed open with obvious exertion. I cringed instinctively, but still felt too groggy to move. A boy who looked to be no more than eighteen, the same age as me, emerged from behind the door. In a less threatening situation, I might've thought he was cute, were it not for the dark, raw-looking red scar that covered one-half of his otherwise flawless, pale face, and the severe look in his amber-colored eyes. He marched into the room without so much as a "Hello", dressed in dark red armor and knee high red boots.

What's with all the red…? Was my first inappropriate thought. It was so irrelevant right at this moment.

The boy came to a stop a foot or so away from me and I could see that he was mostly bald except for a long black pony tail at the back of his skull. He folded his arms across his chest, looking very much like a parent about to give a scolding. I sat frozen, staring at him with wide frightened grey eyes.

"I want the honest truth," he began in a gruff voice. "Are you the Avatar?"