I watched antman the other day(great movie) and I started looking at marvel characters and eventually came upon carnage and agent venom so I thought hay a good carnage symbiote would be cool so here it is Review, follow and favorite.

"Hey fucker let's go I got places to be" shouted a taxi driver as I walked in front of him.

"I going calm the fuck down you prick" I yelled back slowing to answer back. He opened his door slightly and got out to intimidate me.

"You wanna go kid" he said now taunting me. I just shook my head and kept walking now making my way to the other side.

New york or the big apple its a great place, if your a tourist if you live here its full of pricks who only care for themselves. I didnt always live her I wasnt even from this world I just accidently pissed someone off so they pumped me full of drugs. After that I woke up in an alley in a cardboard box with a homeless lady yelling at me for trespassing. That was over two weeks ago now I was just walking around trying to find some easy cash and food.

"Look here spidey strikes again" a guys said reading a newspaper to his buddies. That was the weirdest part of when I woke up I found out I was in the marvel universe. I was exited the first two days until the third came and I witnessed sandman robbing a bank. Let's just say I still have sand in some places it should never go.

"Does jameson ever quit complaining about spidey he does good in my book" the guy said placing the paper down on his table as his buddies checked it out. I just went by and glanced at the paper, it showed spiderman fighting doctor octopus. Shaking my head I walked on and swiped the guys wallet as he stood up and took the cash out. Pocketing the cash I threw the wallet in a trashcan as I walked by.

"Hey Ryan what's up" a voice said from behind me. I turned to see my little friend brenda, she was the one to help dig me out of the sand my third day here before the cops could. She was 8 years old making me 9 years older than she is.

"Sup brenda" I said as she walked besides me skipping as we went on.

"Not much I was just strolling around when I noticed you" she said to which I just nodded. Brenda was an orphan she lived in an orphanage but they never cared if she left to run around. She was a short little girl with dirty blond hair and a plain face, she was wearing a thin jacket with blue jeans.

"Did you see spider man on the newspaper" she asked with a beaming smile. Brenda was a big hero fan, especially spider man he was her idol so she in turn wanted to be a hero.

"Yeah I saw it earlier" I said as we turned a corner leading to town square. We stopped at a food vendor and I got us some food as we talked more about super heroes. Just as we were finishing our food a shake came from the ground as we stood up.

"What was that" she asked startled. Looking around I spotted what I think was carnage swinging into town square but his web was cut and he flew at the building we were standing at. I grabbed brenda and shielded her as I felt glass cut my neck and face drawing blood. I felt something hot and sticky land on my neck on the wound. It made my neck tingle for a little but went away shortly after.

"Come on let's go its not safe here" I said grabbing her hand and running away from the super powered people. We got about two blocks away before brenda stopped me.

"I'm ok ryan I'm gonna head home from here ok" she said breathing hard. I nodded and she ran off down the sidewalk towards her home as I caught my breath. I spotted the two supers swinging away until I couldnt see them so I started waking towards a nearby hotdog vendor.

"Hey man can I get some napkins" I asked as he nodded and handed me a mess of the white towels. I wiped some blood from my neck and face making the open wounds sting slightly. Being kind I gave him some money and grabbed some more napkins and started my trip home.

"Fucking supers always gotta ruin my day" I growled out as I trudged on. I had a run in with the green goblin and by that I mean he was chucking his grenades everywhere and one got close so I jumped for cover behind a dumpster, that was about four days ago.

"Hey sweetie looking for a good time" a hooker asked me as I walked by.

"Is it a clean good time" I asked as she just scoffed and walked back to her corner. Coming to an abandoned warehouse building I pushed open the rusty door and walked in. It was a horrible place to live but it was my place and free shelter. I found it after the homeless lady chased me off and have been staying here since.

"This place is gonna kill me" I complained as I climbed the rusty and old stairs earning a creaking noise from them. I reached the second floor and walked to the back office and went in. I had some electricity from the building and some from extension cords. I flipped the lights on revealing a crappy twin size bed and a small flat screen with an antenna and some food. I stole the tv during some mass chaos while the avengers tried to stop red skull. The bed I dragged from a dumpster and cleaned it as much as I could and the food I had collected over time. Grabbing my tv remote I flipped on the news as it and two other channels were all I got on it.

"Spider-man is a menace look how he swings threw with his accosiate the carn-" I shut it off while groaning at the annoying head of the bugle, J. Jonah Jameson. Walking towards the back I entered the bathroom and looked into the mirror.

"Not to bad but that ones gonna scar" I said looking at the cuts on my face. The largest one was on the side of my neck and it was still bleeding slightly, turning the old faucet I grabbed some water and splashed the wounds. Blood dripped into the sink as I wiped the wounds clean with the extra napkins I had. One of the cuts on the back of my neck started tingling so I rubbed it to feel it had already scabbed over. Grabbing some bandages I covered the largest one first and some of the still bleeding ones next.

"I need a shower" I said now looking at my whole body I had a greasy hair and dirt all over me. My short black hair looked horrible and my clothes were raggedy, so all in all I looked like a bum. Trying my best I washed my body and hair with the sink and looked slightly better except for the clothes.

"I guess I have enough money for some new clothes" I said digging out what I had collected today. It was about $240 plus I had some extra cash hidden in an old broken wall heater back in my room. Drying my body off with a dirty but dry towel I walked back to my room to grab the cash and back out the door and locked it with a chain and lock I bought three days ago after a few bums broke in.

"Hey your the kid who was on my cardboard box" said a homeless lady as I walked towards a nearby clothes store. She was wearing clothes that looked even worse than mine did.

"Sorry about that I dont even know how I got there" I said rubbing the back of my neck. She smiled and nodded while shaking a tin can with a money symbol on it.

"Here does this count as an apology" I said dropping a five in the can and saying goodbye as I walked on. I eventually found the store and looked at it. It was just a old clearance store with clothes just like I was wearing just no holes in it. Going in I went for the jackets and found a dark green one with plenty of pockets and grabbed it along with some new shirts and blue jeans. It came to a total of $45 so I paid it and bagged it for my trip back to my place.

I dropped my stuff off at my place and checked my phone to see it was only 4pm. My phone couldnt be turned on to call or text here but it had my music and still picked up wifi so I kept it. After a few minutes of walking I felt a tingling sensation on my neck again and felt for the wound but I couldnt find it. The spot it had scabbed over was gone with no scar either.

"What the fu-" I started but was interrupted 'I healed you its the least I can do' a feminine voice spoke inside my head.

"Who said that" I said now freaking out.

'It was me in inside you head' it said again as I stopped looking around and had a mini panic attack inside of me.

"What do you mean what are you" I asked trying for some answers.

'I was a part of the carnage symbiote but I was separated and fell to you and merged with your genetic code' it said again making me almost piss myself at the mention of carnage or Cletus Kasady.

'Dont worry like Kasady you are a perfect match to us, we adapt and become similar to our host it was why we were a rampaging killing machine with Cletus you are...different' it said making me calm only slightly.

"But how" I said again feeling at my neck wounds which were now all healed even my face was smooth again.

'During the fight with spider man we were cut from our host and landed on you, we do not wish you to panic we only want to live with you not control as long as you let me stay in you I will give you my full power' it said making me actually ponder the idea.

"Are you secretly killing me" I asked the million dollar question.

'No in fact I am healing you and improving your very being even prolonging your life' it told me making the deal slightly better. 'As I said most symbiotes found a living being and it was not a match so we eventually had to leave it as it would die or go insane but you are a match to us, your body is not tying to push me out and is actually accepting our presence' it finished. I started to walk back to my home as talking to myself on the sidewalk in new york was not the best idea.

"So we are one or something like that" I asked opening the door and walking in and relocking it.

'Yes when you were cut I entered your bloodstream binding myself with you we are now one' it said kinda creeping me out.

"Okay just no way I'm going around saying stuff like 'we are one' or 'we will destroy you' deal" I said earning a chuckle from inside my head which made me laugh nervously.

"So what can I all do now" I asked as I grabbed my room door and walked in but was stuck to the door knob.

'Well we have all of spider man powers its our own form of it of course so that the first' it said as I pulled harder which ripped the door from the frame and still in my hand.

'Just focus it mostly just you thinking and it becoming real' it said as I imagined me letting it go. It fell to the ground with a clang and I starred at my hand.

"This is awesome" I said now picturing a web shooting out of my hand. A red organic looking strand shot from my wrist and stuck to the wall. I looked closer at the strand of web and realised it did look just like the symbiote but now web form. Letting the web fall it just stayed there for about 15 second before disintegrating.

'Anything you throw or shot only last for a short time before going away' it said as I looked where it was. Picturing a gun in my hand I opened my eyes to see nothing had appeared.

'Only things we absorbed can be made like axes, knives, swords and shields those were cletus's favorites and spider mans webs' it told me as I looked on in defeat.

"So do you have a name" I asked now getting tired of calling the symbiote an it.

'No' it tersely said making me ponder in an idea.

"Ok how about Scarlet" I said trying for a new name.

'Whatever you want is fine' scarlet said not really caring.

"So anything I absorb I can replicate" I asked which she just said a yes to so I grabbed a nearby wrench and pictured it being absorbed. Opening my eyes it was being covered in red webbing and disappearing.

"Can we change the color" I asked curiously.

'Focus and you can change it to look like anything from color to clothes' she said as I focused on it changing to white which it slowly did. I then focused on my body being covered in the symbiote for a suit. Soon after I felt like I had things crawling over me as I was covered in the symbiote and given a suit.

"This so badass" I said moving towards the mirror to look at the suit. It looked like a spider-man suit but all white with black trim. They eyes were a shiny black but it didnt tint my vision in fact now I realised it was better than before.

"What do you say scarlet up for a test run" I asked

'Let's go' she said as I opened the window and imagined my self sticking to the wall amd climbing to the roof. It worked as my hands and feet clung to the wall and I went towards the top of the building. Once on top I walked towards the edge and looked down. Looking over I saw the tall 6 story apartment building across from me I shot a web out and I stuck.

"Okay I got this" I said jumping with the swing. Not knowing it I was very powerful so my jump was a lot higher than expected so I went completely over the building. Flailing in the air I shot a web out and I stuck to the side and pulled me at it. I hit the side of the building with a thud and started to fall again hitting random things as I went. Eventually I landed and cracked the alley I landed in.

"That didnt even hurt" I said shocked at not feeling a thing. Standing up I jumped again this time ready and landed on the roof. Going into a run I leaped off the building with less power and shot a web out and swung myself forward towards the taller building in new york screaming from the awesome feeling.

'Having fun' scarlet asked.

"Hell yes I am, I'm so glad I found you this I amazing" I shouted as I kept swinging.

'There is one last thing I should mention this is the last time I will speak to you unless I am forced away and must re-attach myself' she said making me stop and land on top of a building.

"What are you talking about" I said concerned she was my source of info and new friend.

'I am merging myself fully to you I will know what you know and vise versa, we will completely be one' she said fading away. I felt a rush of pain in my head as knowledge of the symbiote was sent into my brain. I saw flashes from memories of former users like spider man, venom and carnage. I could see all the symbiote could do for me as long as I was with it and what I could do for it. I could see the symbiote past and origin of where it came from.

"So your an endangered race" I said now seeing the ending of its race. It showed me a planet being swallowed my black hole and a pod with a black mass in it being sent into space. That pod spent years in space and almost dying until it landed on earth. It showed how it was with peter parker than with Venom and how it gave birth to carnage and I couldnt see the originals past anymore. Now I saw the destruction of carnage and how it battled spidey until part of it was severed from it and gave birth to my new symbiote.

"Well at least your safe" I said now with scarlet being fully a part of me. I now knew what I could all do and what I could do with it. Every time a new symbiote is born it is stronger than the last so currently I am the strongest of the symbiotes.

"Back to swinging" I said jumping and swinging towards town square. I was a lot better now with the memories of all the former symbiote bearers inside me. I swung low towards the road and right past some cars driving by. I did a few flips to add to the excitement of being super powered, no wonder the public hate us their just jealous. I eventually made it towards the bigger building and started getting higher up. Alarms from below me went off so I looked down to see green goblin flying out of a building with a bag in his hands.

"Time for some payback asshole" I said spinning and swinging back towards the green goblin. I shot a web ball at his hover board making it spin out of control and hit the side of a building. He crashed towards the ground below landing in the middle of town square. Deciding to end his only way of escape I flipped in air releasing my web and landing on his board smashing it and making it explode in flames. The flames burned sightly but not extremely so I jumped away and in front of a now standing goblin.

"Spider-man I'm tired of your interference" he growled out as he chucked a few goblin grenades my way which I dodged and grabbed one absorbing it right where he could see it.

"Thats new" he said not expecting me to absorb his weapon. The others exploded being us blowing up a closed food stand. Shooting an explosive web ball it suck to the ground at his feet and blew up. He flew back and landed on his back sliding away as the bag fell from his grip. A whistling sound behind me made me back flip but a little late as my leg was cut slightly by the new board he summoned.

"Absorb this" he said flying towards me intent on stabbing with the hover board. I swung out of the way and shot more webs at him which he dodged. He spun and flew directly at me which I twisted in air and got behind him and grabbed on.

"Get off" he tells while kicking me in the face. It didnt even faze me so using my new enhanced strength I ripped his new board in two and grabbed his leg and threw him to the ground.

"Got anymore" I said landing next to him as he struggled to get up. I grabbed him and held him up while punching him in the face. Dropping him his helmet fell off to reveal the old businesss man underneath it. Stepping on his throat I started to cut off his oxygen supply.

"Hey spiders are my thing" a voice said as a web hit my face knocking me back. The symbiote had a similar thing to the spider sense it gave me a view of all around me if I had something coming at me. I didnt see the web ball flying at me from being occupied with osborn. As I got the web off I saw spider man tying the goblin up.

"So kid is there a reason for copying me" peter said now focusing on me. To show what it truly was I morphed myself to look like carnage with tendrils moving around me.

"Cletus but I just put you away" he said shocked. I morphed back quickly and shot a web to my right and took off. He followed me of course so I sped up and landed on top of a tall building to confront him.

"I dont care how you got out but your going right back" he said getting ready to attack.

"I'm not cletus" I simply said as I just stood there. He was slightly taken back but held strong.

"Your a symbiote and that enough proof for me" he said getting ready to attack again.

"If you want" I said shooting an explosive web ball at him and I took of and swung away as I heard an explosion behind me. I keep swinging away from spider man and made my say back to my home as it had started to get late out.

I landed on the side of the building and climbed in. I morphed the suit of and was left in a white shirt, black jeans and black boots. I laid on my crappy mattress and rested my head. My leg no longer hurt so I assumed the wound had healed. I was almost asleep until the place was filled with lights and sirens.