A/N: There will be lemons and Yuri so if you don't like it please don't hate the story and just go read another one. Furthermore I hope that the people that will read this enjoy my story and reviews are much appreciated.

Disclaimer: I do not own Highschool dxd nor One Punch Man and their characters

Chapter 2 : Being the Leviathans Queen is more work than it's worth





''You should go and find your king Tornado.'' Sirzechs sighed to the petite woman in front of him.

Sirzechs was currently spending his time drinking a cup of tea with the Leviathans queen, who Serafall was so desperately trying to find for the past hour. It had been 2 months since Tornado became Serafall's servant and took residence in Lilith, the underworlds current Capital.

Seeing as Tornado had no intention nor skills in politics, as they noticed when they tested her; she insulted a foreign merchant and let his colleagues cry like babies at the end of their negotiation, Tornado had taken up the job of hunting monsters and stray devils.

Tornado had notified Serafall that her job was primarily to hunt down monsters when she was human and she liked to continue her job. Serafall seeing no problem with that and neither did the other Maou's agreed and made her the official go to person when a strong opponent appeared.

Unfortunality it took Tornado only a few minutes to crush her opponents and all of the supernatural world had learned of her terrifying power that killed the Great Red, so most opponents ran when they saw her. It caused the woman to become bored and seek out any sort of amusement she could find. That included drinking tea with another Maou.

''Don't tell me what to do girl-hair.''

Tornado had made it clear that she wasn't going to change Sirzechs' nickname and he was starting to get used to her brash, moody and arrogant behavior. Normally he'd crush anyone who dared calling him that if they weren't strong enough but the emerald haired girl had more power than any Maou itself. Ofcourse they didn't acknowledge that.

''Don't call me girl-hair Chibi!'' the moment Sirzechs yelled his defense meganism he realized what he said. ''I- uh… I meant-''

He already prepared for what was coming because he could literary see her face explode. ''DON'T CALL ME CHIBI!''

And once again for the 5th time that day Tornado kicked Sirzechs out of a ten story building.

Sirzechs could only mutter an apology from the ground he oh so comically landed in. a Human shaped hole in the ground. ''S-Sorry…''

''Maki-chan that wasn't very nice of you.'' Serafall's voice suddenly appeared from behind Tornado.

''He called me chibi… I should crush him.'' The last part was muttered quite darkly.

Serafall gasped dramatically. Everyone who met Tornado knew not to comment on her length nor how she looked because there were stories of devils who never reappeared after insulting her. Serafall too had made it her mission to ensure nobody insulted her queen or they would take an extra 'Magical girl Levia-tan special hit'.

Serafall send out a sizable ball of magic that would automatically hit its target. And what it's effect was… well that remained a surprise…

''Maki-chan I've got a new mission for you.''

''What is it Baka-king.''

''mou~~ Maki-chan is mean to meeee.'' Serafall comically cried.

''Don't cry so much Baka~~'' Tornado never was someone who could stand crying and seeing as her king was a Maou, a Satan, who was crying always irritated her. Maybe she should've went for another king. Ofcourse that wasn't what she really thought. Tornado was quite content with her Baka-king even if she wouldn't admit it.

''Maki-chan is just upset because I haven't spent much time with her lately.''

''No I'm not-''

''Well forget this mission! I'm going to spend the rest of the day with you Maki-chan so don't worry. Magical girl Levia-tan is here for you!'' She lunged forwards to her small queen and smothered her with her breasts.

''Please don't.'' Tornado was almost begging. Serafall made it seem like they didn't spend much time together but she was actually too clingy. Tatsumaki understood that it was her personality but it didn't mean she liked it.

Serafall ignored her queens begging and just dragged her queen outside of the building. They were going to the market.

Many people thought that Maou's always had bodyguards around but it was actually the opposite. Why would they fear for others? They were Satans for a reason. Even if that reason was hard to see most of the time due their exotic personalities.

The moment they stepped outside a high pitched scream was heard causing Serafall to burst out in giggles. ''I was wondering when it would hit.''

when they arrived at the market the devils immediately began whispering amongst each other. Some even approached and asked for an autograph. It seemed that magic girl Levia-tan and the Great Red slayer were super popular. The devils didn't even care about the city that was magically rebuild.

Tornado was used to giving autographs but she was starting to get annoyed when devils asked to sign they porn magazines. One even had Serafall and her on the cover!

When the crowd had finally dispersed Serafall dragged Tornado over the market for another 2 hours. Tornado didn't care much about it but Serafall looked like she had the time of her life so she just went along with it. 'the things I do for my king.' She mentally sighed.

Serafall was just happily dragging her queen along when an idea suddenly appeared. ''Let's buy some supplies for dinner Maki-chan.''

''Don't we have servants who cook diner for us?'' Tornado asked bored.

''Totally right.'' Serafall beamed. ''But I want to cook tonight for you if that's okay?''

She gave her best puppy-eyes and Tornado tried to resist by looking away but it was getting harder by the minute. Serafall didn't cave but Tornado certainly did. ''Fine~'' she admitted after 5 minutes of unwavering puppy-eyes.


The two of them quickly bought all the ingredients that were needed before heading to Serafall's castle. They stepped through the wards but just before Tornado could open the door she felt tug at her sleeve.

''Do you regret becoming my queen?''

It was a simple question and Tornado was about to ask why Serafall had asked it. But the look on Serafalls face just wanted to know a simple answer. so Tornado just decided to be honest.

''You are more trouble than its worth.'' She began and Serafall looked like she wanted to cry.

But before Serafall could break down Tornado put a hand on her kings head.

''But I wouldn't have it any other way. So, No. I do not regret being your queen, because you're my Baka-king.''

'That sounded so sappy.' Tornado mentally groaned.

But Serafall immediately cheered right up. instead of smothering Tornado with her chest like she always does she just hugged her, her face buried in her queens shoulder as her queen just simply hugged her back.

They stayed like that for a long time…

Unknowingly Serafalls mother, Seraphim Sitri, had been watching the two of them. She had been worried about her daughters queens behavior and treatment to her daughter but threw those concern straight out of the window she was standing in.

''Those two are going to be just fine.'' She smiled while rubbing her stomach. ''Yes they are my future heir… Sona.''


''Push! Lady Sitri push!''

Seraphim Sitri was currently into labor. Her husband, parents, daughter and her queen were currently present with ofcourse the doctor. It had been 9 months already and her child was finally coming.

''You can do it dear.'' Viserys Sitri, her husband, was encouraging her.

''Shut up do you want to push a person out of your body? No? then be quiet!'' Seraphim raged causing everyone in the room to sweat drop.

With a mighty scream Seraphim pushed the baby out and collapsed back into her bed.

The child was so small and tiny. It was also quite filthy Tornado noticed but she didn't comment.

The baby opened its eyes and immediately started to cry. The doctor smiled softly as he turned to the parents, the baby was bundled up in some towels. ''Congratulations Miss and Mister Sitri, you have a healthy baby girl.''

Tornado, Serafall and the babies grandparents left the room for a moment to give the two a few moments with the baby.

Tornado could clearly see that Serafall was both leaking happiness but also fear.

So she put a hand on her kings shoulder and smiled encouragingly. ''It's going to be alright Baka-king.''

''That baby girl is going to be the Sitri heir. It means that she will have to face so much that I don't wish upon her. Marriage contracts, politics and being a pureblood means also that the other 2 factions will target her, the more so because I'm her sister. She will be in so much danger…'' Serafall almost cried thinking of all the dangers her little baby sister would be in.

''Don't cry so much Baka-king. You're a Maou. I know you will protect her from those things.''

''How do you know?'' Serafall sniffed. She was doubting that she could actually protect her little sister.

''Because I have a sister too and if anyone touched her… I'd kill them. And I know that you'll keep her safe because you're not alone. You've got me to help you.'' Tornado spoke to her.

Seeing as her king could use some extra support she hesitantly engulfed her king in a hug. One in which Serafall immediately clung to her desperately.

''Thank you Maki-chan.''

''No problem Serafall.''

The two stayed like that for a while. They were actually getting more common as Serafall started with some kind of tradition to empty out her heart to Tornado. Every night they would just sit on Serafalls bed and Serafall would tell her about her day and what she had experienced in her years. The people she knew and the friends she made but also the friends she lost in the war.

In turn Tornado had also told her about her live. Her life as the 2nd S-class hero. Her likes and dislikes. Family and the scarce friends she made. People she too lost because of monster invasions throughout the cities. It wasn't much but Serafall always paid attention to her stories.

The two of them just sat on two chairs next to each other. Serafalls head just leaning on Tornado's shoulder as Tornado was reading a rather boring magazine. They weren't saying anything, just sitting together.

After a while Viserys came towards them but noticed that the two of them had fallen asleep. He chuckled at their peaceful expressions. He was happy that his daughter had finally found a queen who she could be herself with.

Before Tornado came into Serafalls life almost a year ago she had been distant. Sure she put on a smile and a show to convince everyone that she was happy and cheerful but she had been rather void.

All of the Maou's had been like that after the war. It had changed them, it changed everyone.

But unlike the other Maou's Serafall never had any peerage after the war to help her. Nobody to truly empty out her heart to. Being her parents they could do only so much so to see their daughter slowly become more and more distant and depressed they had first feared Tornado.

Her blatant disrespectful attitude and her unmatched power made her a wildcard for their daughter. They had known from the moment Serafall had dragged Tornado towards the Sitri household that Serafall had found her queen. the only question had then been; would her queen be the person who saved their daughter or the one who breaks her forever?

Luckily it had been the former.

Serafall didn't put up any fake smiles anymore. The skip in her step was just a bit higher and happier and if you knew Serafall well enough you could hear in the tone that she spoke that she was enjoying life more than before.

But Serafall wasn't the only one who had changed. It had been clear to Viserys and Seraphim from the beginning that Tornado wasn't used to being dragged around by someone. That she wasn't used to spending much time with one person and that she was a loner.

After the past 11 months or so Tornado had changed because of Serafall. She seemed more patient, a trait that must be learned when in service of Serafall Leviathan. She still threw people around with her Psychokinesis but didn't fatally crush them anymore. Her insults were less meant to hurt people but were more taunting like, that didn't mean that her fiery arrogant side had faded. It just became bearable.

That was at least Viserys' opinion. To others the only thing that changed about Tornado was her relation with his daughter.

Just when he wanted to shake his daughter away Tornado's hand suddenly shot out protectively. She slowly opened her eyes and noticed her grip on his arm. She quickly released him and shook Serafall awake.

''Mwwm…'' she mumbled, not wanting to wake up. instead she buried herself deeper into Tornado's shoulder.

''Wake up Baka-king. It's time to see your little sister.'' Tornado whispered.

She was starting to talk louder. It indicated that Serafall was going to wake up harshly is she didn't wake up soon. When her king still refused to wake up Tornado used something she learned from Grayfia. She pinched Serafalls cheek harshly and pulled, immediately waking her king up.

Tornado stood up and Serafall quickly followed. ''Ow! Ow! Ow! Ow! I'm awake Maki-chan~~''

''Great, now girls follow me.''

They arrived back into the hospital room where Seraphim was gently holding the baby.

The moment they arrived she looked up and smiled brightly.

Serafall hesitated at first but a gently push in the babies direction caused her to stumble forward.

''Do you want to hold your little sister?''

Serafall only nodded weakly. Seraphim gave the baby to her husband who in turn gave it to Serafall. After he was sure that she held her little sister in the right way he backed off.

At first Serafall held her little sister a bit awkwardly but soon enough she learned. The baby just woke up and stared up at her big sister and began to make laughing noises.

''What is her name?'' Serafall asked, never taking her eyes of her little sister.

''It's Sona, Sona Sitri.'' Seraphim said with a smile. She just saw the dumb happy look that her eldest child was carrying on her face as she watched her child.

''Sona… It's a good name…'' Serafall raised her little sister right in front of her, so she could see into the child's eyes.

''Hi Sona, I'm your big sister Serafall but you can call me Sera-chan or even better Sera-tan.'' She began jokingly. But she soon turned serious. ''Sona there are many dangers in the life of a pureblood devil and even more in being my sister but as long as I breath and live I swear to protect you. Until the day comes that you will become your own woman I will protect you but even after. Even after you don't want me to protect you anymore I will… because you are my little So-tan…''


Sona was at the hospital with Seraphim and Viserys but Tornado and Serafall had gone back to Serafalls castle. They were both sitting on Serafalls bed like usual, well Serafall was already under the covers and ready to go to sleep but whatever.

''What a day huh?'' Serafall finally asked.

''hmmp. Guess so.''

There was a long silence between the two of them. Neither said something until Serafall asked something again.

''Do you ever want to have children Maki-chan?''

This was something Tornado didn't expect. ''W- What makes you ask that?!''

Serafall just shrugged. ''Nothing… just curious.''

Sighing Tornado decided to tell her. What did it matter anyway? She thought. ''Well… I don't think I'll ever have children.''

''Why not?''

''Why not? Have you looked at me?'' Tornado asked bitterly. As if someone needed to ask! Just the fact that her king had to ask made her an idiot. A baka-king!

''Yes I have, a thousand times even.''

''Why would anybody want someone like me? I'm 28 years old and still look like this. Besides, nobody actually likes me except for you. They are just nice because they fear I might hurt them. It's okay though… it's always been like that.''

This was one of the moments in which Tornado showed her more insecure side. She always acted so arrogantly and high on power but underneath that it showed that she was just lonely.

She was so powerful that nobody dared to even try to speak to her if they didn't have to. Even the S-class heroes only spoke to her on meetings because she had a say in planning and because they needed her power. but at the end of the day she would be alone…

Like always…

That's the moment when Serafall slapped her queen. she slapped her hard enough that she fell off the bed.

''Don't you dare talk like that!'' Serafall spoke. The tears were apparent in her eyes.

''There are people who care about you. My parents, Sirzechs, Grayfia and even Ajuka and Falbium care about you! So open your eyes and stop pitying yourself! That's not what the Leviathans queen's supposed to do!''

Her words hit Tornado like a brick. She was right, she was the Leviathans queen! she wasn't going to throw a pity party.

''You're right. Forgive me my king.'' She apologized as she bowed to her king.

It surprised Serafall because Tornado had never, not once bowed to her. She didn't like it.

With blinding speed she pulled the emerald-haired woman off the ground and onto her on the bed. Her crushing hug rendered the Tornado of Terror useless as she accepted her fate.

''I don't know what it is but I feel like speeches and declarations today. So will you hear out another Tatsumaki the Tornado of Terror?''


''Remember this my queen; even in the greatest darkness you will not be alone. I will always be by your side as you are by mine. You are the Leviathans queen and therefore your heart and soul belong to me but it's time that you realize that I'll make it an equivalent exchange. You gave your heart and soul to me without doubt so I'll give you mine without any doubt. This way we will always have each other.''

Tornado looked up at her king who had fallen asleep. She was crying right now, not of sadness but joy. ''Baka-king, being your queen is more trouble than it's worth but…'' Tornado sniffled. ''Thank you…''

With that Tornado placed a soft kiss on Serafalls forehead before retreating. After tucking her king in Tornado silently left the room, leaving a smiling sleeping Leviathan behind as she closed the door.

…Those two will be just fine…


End of chapter Two

Reviews appreciated!