A/N: There will be lemons and Yuri so if you don't like it please don't hate the story and just go read another one. Furthermore I hope that the people that will read this enjoy my story and reviews are much appreciated.

Disclaimer: I do not own Highschool dxd nor One Punch Man and their characters

Chapter 1 : Switching dimensions

Tatsumaki or better known as Tornado was just dabbling a bit with her psychic powers by changing the gravity inside her house. It was something she had picked up after the Alien battle and City A annihilation.

Tatsumaki is a petite woman, commonly mistaken for being much younger than she really is. She has a youthful face with emerald green eyes and hair that curls up on the ends. She wears a formfitting black dress with long sleeves and four high-cut leg slits that show off her legs and low-heeled black shoes.

The twenty-eight year old sighed as she remembered the Alien attack. She had just been shooting pieces of rubble and concrete at the ship and sure it had done quite enough damage, but Tornado wasn't stupid. She knew that it had been impossible that the ship had gone down that quickly from her assault. So why did the Alien spaceship crash?

Another thing she remembered was the huge hole in the wall, which that B-class hero Saitama had walked out. How did he get on the ship? Did he have something to do with the crash? And if he did why was he B-class?

Those questions haunted the Green-haired Esper.

But even though those questions were roaming inside her head, something else was there too.

Something Tornado considered Dark and unending. Evil itself. Because when The Tornado has a day off it caused her to become something she hated…

''….I'm bored…''

That's right! Boredom.

So the mighty Esper was lying on the ground. An empty carton of milk beside her as she was changing Gravity without lifting as much as a finger.

Seeing as she could change gravity, would she be able to change space itself? She knew that she could bind the powers of other Espers, and energy itself was naturally impossible to control. Tornado just decided to try it.

She focused this time on the air right above her. She searched with her powers and mind to find pieces that held space together. She searched and searched but found nothing. She almost stopped when she noticed a faint and almost invisible layer of dust that seemed to surround everything.

''I got it.''

She focused on the invisible layer, willing it to make a tear right above her. And sure enough it formed!

With a bit of curiosity she peeked inside. There was nothing…

Until a giant red claw suddenly grabbed the emerald green haired woman and dragged her inside the dimensional tear.


Tornado struggled a bit to get loose from the big claw, which belonged apparently to a giant red dragon. It was studying her and she would've sworn that he just sniffed her.

''oy Lizard get your hands of me!''

It seemed surprised that she wasn't scared. Why would she be? She was freakin' Tornado. The most powerful Esper in existence! The ancient king had been big too so size didn't scare her nor did any other monster.

''You are not afraid.''

''Why would I be afraid of some Baka Lizard? And what's with the close face time? You have horrible breath. Is it meant to induce fear on me because it's doing a shitty job red reptile.''

Tornado's lack of respect seemed to anger the Red Dragon. He spread his wings and made himself as big as possible. ''I am the great Red, the Apocalypse Dragon, the True Red Dragon God Emperor, the True Dragon and Dragon of all Dragons! I have destroyed countless countries, killed gods and conquered dragons. You will show me respect Brat for I am The great-''

''Don't call me brat you big dumb gecko!''

''Enough! I was merely curious who was able to cause a dimensional rift but I see that you are better off DEAD!''

He fired off a giant and scorching ball of fire. One that would rip any normal human being to shreds and turn them to dust.

However, Tornado just strengthened her psychic barrier that naturally surrounded her and took the brunt force of the attack.

''Was that it? I've held matchsticks that were hotter than that. But I shouldn't expect too much from a dumb lizard.''

To say the Great red was shocked was an understatement. Even the Ouroboros dragon, Ophis would be severely damaged if she had taken that attack head on. 'maybe it was this dimension' the Dragon God thought and with a flash they were both ripped out of this dimension.

It was a good thing that Tornado could fly using her powers or she would've been in for a 100,000 mile dead drop. Instead she just floated a few hundred feet above this new weird city they ended up in.

One thing that she did notice was that all the civilians had weird bat wings and when they noticed the giant dragon they all fled for they lives.

''Changing dimensions won't change anything gecko. What are you stupid? Baka~''

Her disrespectful and uncaring tone were causing the Great Red to become more enraged by the second. He had never been so disrespected before! This he would not stand for!

''Die pitiful human!''

And this time an even stronger stream of fire headed towards her. The power that was released crushed the ground and city below. The sky split and the winged civilians burned to a crisp from sheer heat.

Tornado just floated in the same spot. Her arms folded over another as she looked upon the attack.

'Pathetic.' Was the only thing Tornado thought. 'At least it relieves some boredom but this thing isn't even strong enough to challenge me.''

With those thought she just let the Dragon attack.

When he breathed fire she would take it. when he used physical force she just stopped his attacks in midair and when he powered up she did nothing. Ofcourse she did all this standing still and playing snake on her phone.


The four Maou's had rushed outside when the sky had torn open. Some weird girl was flying a few seconds later and just looked bored and irritated at THE GREAT RED! Who had entered the city at the same time.

Another dragon presence was sensed from behind the Maou's and they noticed a small girl. But not just any girl, the infinite Dragon God Ophis.

It was no secret that Ophis hated the Great Red and had been trying to kill him for many years now. To see him fight a complete stranger wasn't something she would ever thought to see. So the five of them nodded, a small term alliance to not attack and just observe was formed and they just watched.

After half an hour the whole city was burning. Devils were seeking cover from the brunt power that was released. Heat scorched the earth, and the sheer pressure of their power was crushing down on them.

But to the five's surprise the fight was completely one-sided. Ophis and the Maou's had never seen such power before. The Great Red was known to be the strongest being in the entire universe, one that resided in-between dimensions, but right now he was getting crushed.

He unleashed all his power and if it weren't for the combined powers of all the devils to put up a barrier they would be all long gone. The emerald green haired woman hadn't even moved yet.

That was until…

Until the Great Red surprised her. He swung his tail surprisingly fast and even though she stopped it, she didn't notice the claw that followed. It smacked her down to the ground and the Dragon quickly unleashed his barrage of assaults.

It seemed like the woman had lost but when the Great Red ceased its attack it sealed its fate.

You see…

Tornado just stood up without any scratch on her. The faint green glow that surrounded her still glowed brightly and her clothes were intact. The only thing that didn't survive was her phone…

And nobody touches a woman's phone. Especially not when the woman could crush you.

''Y-you BROKE MY PHONE!'' Tornado roared. Anger was apparent in her eyes and bloodlust overcame the petite woman. He could not be allowed to live.

''You will be an example on what happens when you break a woman's phone! Go back to sleep for another 300,000,000 years Dumb dinosaur!''

A giant meteor came falling out of the sky, heading right towards the dragon.

The first meteor crushed it.

The second ensured that he was crushed.

And the third and fourth were just to make a statement.

''Dumb gecko.''


Sirzechs had seen many incredible things in his life. He had seen wonders and horrors. He knew how the world worked and how to manipulate it, after all it earned him the title Lucifer.

Being a Maou wasn't just having more power than other devils. It was also how much pull you had in the world. How much leverage you could hold over another. Peerages were an example.

Gather a powerful peerage and get known throughout the supernatural world. That is the most common pureblood devil's dream. But what if you fill your peerage with people that had importance in the world.

What if you gathered the child of an Archangel and reverted him or her into a devil. Even though the two factions weren't on friendly terms with another nobody would just attack their own child, especially no angel. Everyday purebloods set out into the world to find the Red or White Dragon emperor, with Sacred Gears that could kill god. They had importance to the factions, they were feared. Status had power.

Being a Maou also meant knowing how to present yourself. Image was of utmost importance. Favoritism was frowned upon and who you surrounded yourself with was crucial. If a Maou's image would be destroyed Devils would most certainly rebel against the named Maou.

Political power was the most importance. Gremory, Sitri, Astaroth and Glasya-Labolas, they were the current Maou's. They were also heir to their respective clans before becoming Maou and as heir to your clan you learn how to play politics. The clans reputation and alliances give you allies and the stronger your clan and the more respected your clan is gives you more influence in the devil world, thereby gives you power.

Power, Peerage, Image, Politics, Status and alliances. Those things a Maou had to uphold at all costs or they would be de-throned. And everyone knows that the only way to stop being a Maou is being defeated in battle, a battle that almost always ends in the death of the former Maou and his/her peerage.

So now there was this strange woman who killed THE Great Red. Killed him without any effort at all. She was something Sirzechs wanted.

Sirzechs wasn't the only one…

The Leviathan was thinking the same thing. But unlike Sirzechs and the other two Maou's she didn't own a peerage member yet. She could only imagen how many pieces she would need to turn this devil. Certainly a queen, mutated for sure but what if she would need IT?

Well then she'd have to use it. Her greed refused to give this woman up to any other devil. Serafall would have her, even if she had to fight the others for it.

While the two other Maou's Beelzebub and Asmodeus were also in though they didn't notice that they had been staring at the woman for quite some while with changing looks.

''-Lecherous perverts.'' That was the only thing Sirzechs heard when he snapped back into reality.


''What are you deaf Baka~? Stupid perfs.'' Tornado repeated.

''Excuse me miss but we are not perverts.'' Sirzechs replied defensively.

''Then why were you four staring at me with those lecherous faces Girl-hair?''

That definitely hit a sore spot.

''It's not girl hair!''

Tornado had ignored him completely as her eyes wondered to the woman with the magical girl costume. ''And what is with that weird woman next to you? Has she some kind of cosplay fetish? I bet you four all have those. Weird old perverts.''

Ajuka Beelzebub had enough. It was obvious this woman showed no respect where-ever she went and he had no intention of recruiting her into his peerage anymore.

''Stop calling us perverts brat!''


One word you shouldn't call Tornado. Because when you did you'd unleash the apocalypse…


And Beelzebub was send flying though out the destroyed city.

''Why don't we settle this with a cup of tea?'' Serafall finally spoke up.

Tornado glanced at the weird woman but gave in. ''Do you have any Camille tea, Camille tea always calms me down.''

It was weird but Sirzechs immediately shoved a big cup of tea into her hand. ''Please calm down miss!''


And so went Lucifer for a fly to the other end of the city.


''I still can't believe that the Great Red has been defeated.''

Tornado, Serafall and the other Maou's were drinking tea together. Tornado had introduced herself, and how she ended up in this dimension. She also apologized for the destruction they had caused.

They were all laughing until Serafall stood up.

''Okay It's time now to go to prison miss Tornado.''

This immediately caused a ruckus amongst them.

''Serafall you can't be serious!''

''What do you think you're doing?''

''What if she retaliates?''

Serafall ignored them all. She just stared Tornado straight into the eyes.

''You have caused destruction in this city that has to be paid for. Seeing as you have no money and I doubt you have it, you leave us Maou's no choice but to arrest you. This is not like your dimension in which you can just destroy everything and leave. Therefore I will bring you to prison.'' she spoke seriously.

''I understand.''

Tornado didn't even blink. She had already considered this scenario. Seeing the destruction it was logical that they wanted repayment for the damage.


''Unless what?'' Tornado asked.

''Join my peerage. I will pay off your debt to the city in exchange you become a servant in my peerage. My queen to be exact.'' Serafall stated. ''So what will it be Tatsumaki the Tornado? Prison joining my peerage?''

The other Maou's now understood why Serafall was acting like this. She was playing and she had baited the fish. It was now waiting to see if she would bite.

Tornado stared long and hard into Serafall's eyes. she already knew her decision but wanted one more thing confirmed before answering.

''You've planned it from the moment you saw me fight the gecko didn't you?''

''I sure did.'' Serafall replied smugly.

She had in fact planned it. even if the great red would have won Serafall would've revived her. Serafall didn't just want the Tornado of Terror, she needed her.

''I speculated that you would ask me to join your peerage. When I looked through the city I noticed someone reviving another devil with some weird chess piece, calling her a servant. Knowing this I knew my answer until I saw the devastation the Baka gecko caused. So I decided that the first devil to ask me I would accept.''

That was something Serafall liked to hear. ''Great.''

She pulled out three pieces and held them in front of the Emerald Green haired woman.

First, a normal queen piece, and as speculated it didn't even come near of what Serafall needed.

Second, a mutated queen piece but to the Maou's surprise it was deemed too weak. So she moved to her next piece…

Third and final was a piece only Maou's owned. It was a Unlimited Evolved queen piece, one that could even bind a god to their peerage if they accepted.

''I, Serafall Leviathan command you Tatsumaki, Tornado of Terror, Slayer of the Great Red, to be reborn into my Queen. from now on you live to serve me and fight for me. For now on you live for my sake…''

That is how Tatsumaki the Tornado of Terror became a servant to the Leviathan.


End of Chapter One

Review please