The intelligence unit sat at their desks early one Monday morning. Sargaent Hank Voight opened the door of his office to address his unit. "We have another active gang case. Two 16 year old girls. Dead."
Erin gasped, she hated cases like these. Gangs were enough trouble, but when kids were involved. It was too tough. She glanced over at the man sat across from her. He looked at the floor, lost in sadness. He hated these cases too. She studied his reactions as he learnt more about the case, this man had been through everything.
"Erin!" Called Voight, pulling her away from her thoughts, "Fall out, we're going to get this gang."
Erin nodded at Voight and rose from her desk. Her eyes met her father figure "You okay kid?" He asked, she nodded at him and walked down to get her bulletproof vest.
Jay watched Erin struggling to put her bulletproof vest on. He laughed at her, then wandered over to help her. "You'll never learn will ya Lindsay", he laughed playfully. She took the chance to elbow him in the ribs. "You're such a loser, Halstead."
The unit reached the warehouse where the murdering gang were hiding out. Voight nodded at Atwater to break the door down. As soon as that happened, all hell broke loose...
Each member of the unit took immediate cover from all the gunfire. Flashes of bullets lit up the room. Antonio shot several gang members in the legs, making them fall to the ground, writhing in agony. Jay held one man to the ground with a gun to his head, for he had tried to shoot Erin in the head. He watched her clear the room, she was so amazing.
Erin entered the back room. "Clear" She shouted, that was before she saw him, the man had a huge rifle, aimed straight at her head.
"Look... man put the gun down, and i'll let ya go, just put the gun down" The man stood closer, staring into her brown eyes with his ice blue.
"Listen man, put the damn gun down or I'll put you down" Shouted a familliar voice, it was him. Erin relaxed, but only slightly. There was still a gun aimed at her head.
"Sorry buddy," laughed the man, "You've shot my whole gang, so surely it's only justice for me to kill a cop, just one, this one. She's very pretty, maybe she's better off dead." The man continued to taunt Jay, who was now joined by Rusek.
"Boss, we have a situation"
The cruel man smiled once more before stepping back. He aimed his gun away from Erin's head, down to her chest. "Only fair" He grinned, before firing directly at Erin, who collapsed to the ground immediately. The man then aimed his rifle at himself and fired.
Jay dropped his gun and ran to Erin's side, holding her in his arms. She was bleeding heavily creating a puddle at Jay's feet. "Hey," He whispered, "Erin, you need to watch me, watch my eyes, stay awake." Erin was drifting, he was loosing her. "Erin!" He shouted, "You need to stay awake because I love you, this team loves you, I love you Erin" He pulled her closer, the one girl who he had ever felt anything special for, he didn't like the word, but she was his soulmate.
Paramedics arrived seconds later, securing Erin on a gurney. "She's lost loads of blood, let's get her to med." Shouted Brett. Jay hopped into the ambulance with her, never would he leave her side through this.
She squeezed his hand, pulling him closer to her, "Jay," She whispered, "I love you too, you big idiot..." Her words drifted away when she passed out, blood spat from her mouth.
Doctor Rhodes rushed her into the OR, leaving Jay with just an acknowledgement. The rest of the unit arrived seconds later. "How is she?" Asked Voight
"She's in emergency surgery, I... I dunno what'll happen Sarge, he didn't say, I didn't even get to say goodbye..." That moment broke the entire team.
"Halstead, what don't you understand about off limits?"