Mabel Pines, why was he interested so? Why did he spend every waking second wondering what this girl was going to do. As if it was even important. Like he was concerned for her safety, that he made sure she stayed healthy and eat breakfast, lunch, and dinner when permitted. It's an obsession he needs to get under control, after all she's only twelve. That's sick, that's wrong, and she could never love someone like him. Heck he'd probably end up hurting her in some way. But still... he wished to persist. He had met her before with a group of people, just once, and now tonight it was going to be one on one.

In the moment of truth, time seemed to slow down, he made himself more presentable to the young ones eyes. Some color came into the room before it seemed it had been drained from everything around but that bright girl who looked so afraid. The sweater-loving girl sat up in bed with a jolt, glancing frantically around the colorless room.

"You! Who the heckie are you?!" The panicked girl shot her finger at the strange boy. It was instinct she knew this meant bad news, "wait... you look..."

The other cleared his throat, "That's right Shooting Star. I've decided to pay you a little visit in your mind." He exclaimed with a small laugh and a grin. His blond hair swooping over his tanned skin, the blond hair turning black the farther back one went on his head. One eye sparkled blue, the other was strangely cat-like, his height not too taller, "like what you see?" He teased as he noted the blush on her cheeks. His attire consisted of a black button downed shirt, yellow bowtie and dull golden pants.

Mabel hissed and folded her arms, "What do you want you dumb triangle- Bill!" Triangle didn't fit anymore, guess names had to be thrown out. She puffed her cheeks out and squinted her eyes at the demon who invaded her mind.

His animated body chuckled and floated over her, his insides practically twisting at the sight of her, "Can't I just visit my beloved Star? I'm here to ya' see- apologize for that anger stuff a while ago." Bill shrugged, his grin turning into a small one as he stared down at her. There was something about her that drove the demon crazy. He wasn't supposed to have emotions remotely close to this. But maybe Mabel reminded him so much of himself he just couldn't resist.

The brunette folded her arms with a scowl, "You tried to help Gideon! I'm not accepting your stupid apology." She stuck her tongue out and stood up on her bed, pushing him to float straight.

His arm was then put around her, "C'mon Shooting Star I didn't mean any harm. Gideon made a deal with me. It was a job." He furrowed his eyebrows with truth in his eyes.

Mabel let out a sigh and shut her eyes gently a moment, "Well I don't know why you'd wanna apologize but I guess I accept. Can I please get back to my normal dream now?" She'd be running in cotton candy fields and sitting by a chocolate milk stream.

Oh gosh... she wanted him to leave. This was not a good sign, where was his charm? Where was her blush? She was supposed to be falling for him, she needed to. But this grey around them.. Bill had to agree it was irritating. He'd have to use some of his powers to enter her actual dream, it was worth it, "I see, then let's go Star." Bill snapped his fingers and her mind came to life. Stuffed animals, chocolate milk stream, grass made of licorice. Bill didn't know whether to be disgusted or not.

A squeal left her throat as the dream began, "Y'know I didn't want you to stay but you're welcome to if you want Bill. Wanna ride some stuffed animals?" Mabel spoke fast and before he knew it she was dragging him along and he was on a flying lion. Mabel was on a monkey beside him, determination in her eyes as if this was a sport.

Bill couldn't help but laugh at the entirety of this dream, she was ridiculous! How could a dream demon fall for a silly girl like this. He did not question it when she looked over with a grin, causing him to blush. Shit... he couldn't believe he just... blushed. Human forms were evil but he truly wanted to appeal to her. Bill began to laugh at his stupidity on the lion as they slowly landed, "That was a lot of fun Shooting Star."

He felt a small punch, "Hey why do you keep calling me that anyway?" Mabel squinted her eyes and growled softly, she seemed annoyed.

At that moment his world almost crashed down, fear and nervousness clear on his face, "Well-uh-"

"I'm joking! I like the nickname, it goes with my sweater." Mabel grinned and laughed, punching Bill again with a snort.

The demon winced but chuckled fakely at her joke, "Nice one.." He smiled weakly down at her, his obsession... the person he began to watch twenty four seven was right in front of him. A blush bubble up to his cheeks as his eyes stared at her face.

Mabel tilted her head at the blush with a giggle, her face a little red as well, "So you think I'm cute, huh?" A smirk stretched across her face, finger poking him in the stomach.

That only caused him to blush deeper and clear his throat in an attempt to calm himself, "N-no!" He began, nose wrinkled in anger, "you are anything but cute. You're disgusting- you... human.." He stomped his foot, and gasped at his words. Bill noticed the tears in her eyes and didn't know whether to laugh or not. He couldn't help but chuckle lightly, despite feeling horrible.

The brunette whimpered, "I thought you were here to apologize but I guess not.." Mabel turned away, arms folded, head down as her hair covered her face.

Bill bit his lip, "Hey I am here to apologize." He grabbed her shoulder and turned her around with a small growl, "stop crying." He commanded, but it only caused more to leak from her eyes, "shit... Mabel I'm so sorry I didn't mean to-" He keeled over at the contact of fist and stomach.

Mabel cleared her throat, "Forgiven. But rule number one of liking a girl is telling the truth and not calling her disgusting you ding dong. Come back when you think you have it right." Everything seemed to go white at this point. The brunette was confused with her dream, if it was real or not. A lot of it definitely didn't make sense. Why did she think to forgive Bill? He helped Gideon get the Shack, and practically tried to kill all of them. It might've been his charm but no way was she making that mistake again, no way. For some reason the demon had a thing for her too.

How awkward... no. That was disgusting if he even thought about her in a blushy way. She could never imagine that triangle from last week that was rude to her, become blushy. It had to be some kind of a trick. But no, here Bill was, watching her every move that day. Tonight, he had to succeed, he was going to romance the heck out of her. Bill hadn't even thought through how he was going to date her from the mindscape and or dreamscape. Bill couldn't just give up his demon form for her... maybe it'd be better if he was mortal.

That way when the rift cracks, well he'll gain his infinite powers as well. His human form and demon form would become one. It's a genius plan, and he gets to be with Mabel in the process. But not yet, he wanted to secure their trust first. That night, there Bill was in her dream waiting for her. He had set up a picnic, and had flowers in hand.

Once Mabel stumbled upon the sight she raised her eyebrows but sat down, "What's all this Bill? We barely know each other yet."

"I know lots of things my dear Shooting Star, this is my apology. Accept it." Bill grinned and handed her the flowers, "y'know your dreams get pretty chaotic, don't they?" He paused and laid down on the blanket, hands behind his head, "it interests me. You really know how to control that imagination of yours. Heck it's amazing, I could do without the colors but it reminds me of mine! Just less colorful and more... red." He laughed and looked at the food.

Mabel sat down on the blanket, smelling the flowers a moment before eating some of the food. She was partially disturbed by his words but he was a demon, "Thanks. I don't know where I'd be without this crazy head of mine."

Bill snorted and sat up a bit, "I'm not very familiar with feelings like this Shooting Star. I hope you know that, I hope your present is alright." He held out a necklace to her, in which she yelped.

"What the heck Bill! That's a necklace full of blood!" She grimaced and dropped her food, glancing between her and the necklace.

He winced and bit his lip, "Sorry Star, I thought you'd think it was cool. It was my blood when I was alive.. I wanted you to have it." Bill smiled and laughed gently, he was really screwing up.

A shiver crept up Mabel's spine, "Well I don't think I want that.. sorry.." She looked away awkwardly and cleared her throat, "I-i'm sure you'll, get the hang of it eventually." She chuckled, eyes wide and sure not to make eye contact with the other. This was going to be a lot more difficult than he thought.