I do not own Harry Potter.

"Mione?" called Harry entering his bedroom. He noticed her shoes in the corner and a light on in the bathroom. "Mione? Are you alright? You've been up here for some time now," he said, turning the corner to enter the bathroom. "Luna?"

Luna was still sitting on the floor leaning against the vanity. She sniffled and wiped her face but said nothing.

"Sorry Luna, I thought Hermione was up here," he said still confused. "Are you alright?"

Luna sniffled and said, "Not really."

Harry frowned and asked, "Do you want me to get Ron for you?"

Luna shook her head and moved to stand, leaning on the vanity to do so. She closed her eyes as the nausea stirred again.

Harry stepped forward noticing that she was swaying now, "Hey, now, let me help you." He then wrapped his arm around her waist and guided her to sit on his bed. He gave her a few minutes to settle, all the while gently rubbing her back.

She finally took a deep breath and opened her eyes, "I'm sorry about Hermione. I'm afraid it's my fault she left."

"What? She left?"

Luna nodded and said, "I hadn't planned on anyone finding out so soon. I only just found out myself."

"What are you talking about Luna?"

"I'm so sorry Harry."

"About what? Luna, I don't understand what you're trying to tell me," said Harry, trying to be patient.

Luna stood and moved in front of him, forcing him to look up at her.

"I want you to know I don't expect anything from you."

Harry frowned

"Ron … he's such a good man. I wish I had found him sooner."

"Luna, I'm having a really hard time keeping up with you," said Harry, utterly confused.

Luna placed her hand on Harry's cheek and rubbed his face tenderly with her thumb, "Ron said that we could marry and no one would ever need to know."

"Know about what?"

Luna sighed and removed her hand from Harry's face only to grab his hand and place it on her belly. He tried to pull back, he was with Hermione now after all, but Luna held him firmly, "That the baby is yours."

Harry ripped his hand back and jumped up as if he was electrocuted. "What?" he hissed, full of venom.

Luna wrapped her arms around her waist protectively and took a step back from him. "You heard what I said Harry."

Harry narrowed his eyes and advanced on her, grabbing both her arms and squeezing hard. "You're not pregnant, Luna. You can't be!" he growled.

Tears fell, unbidden and she sobbed, "I'm sorry! I didn't mean for it to happen! I swear!"

"You swore to me you were on the potion, Luna, you swore!" he yelled.

"I was, Harry, I swear!" she sobbed.

He shook her and said, "You did this on purpose, didn't you?"

She cried out as he squeezed her harder and said, "Harry, you're hurting me!"

He growled and shoved her onto the bed in his haste to get away from her. She sobbed as she pulled herself up off the bed, "I'm sorry, Harry!"

As he looked down at her sobbing on the bed his conscience came roaring to the forefront and he gasped at his actions, taking several steps away from her. "Oh God, Luna, I'm so sorry. I don't know what I was thinking."

She sniffled and wiped her face, watching him slowly crumble in front of her. He slid down the wall until he was sitting on the floor, staring at her apologetically. "Merlin, I'm a monster."

"You're not a monster Harry."

He looked at her incredulously and said, "I just yelled at you, shoved you down onto my bed and made you cry! That is not a normal reaction to someone telling you that… that they're…"


Harry nodded

Luna stood up, moving to sit next to him on the floor, then she reached over and squeezed his hand, before she replied, "Well, it is a bit of a shock."

Harry sighed and said, "Yeah, a bit."

They sat in silence for several minutes before Luna patted his arm and moved to get up, but Harry put his hand on her arm to keep her there and said, "Wait. I… I mean… Do you… I… bloody hell, I have no idea what to even ask you!"

Luna smiled and said, "That's okay because I don't have many answers for you."

Harry nodded then asked, "Hermione and Ron know?"

Luna nodded, "I didn't mean to tell Hemione but she saw me vomiting and crying…and I just sort of spilled."

"You said something about Ron before… I'm sorry, my brain… it sort of short circuited everything out."

Luna smiled serenely and said, "He said he would marry me. This way no one would ever have to know that the baby is yours."

Harry frowned and asked, "Is that what you want?"

"To marry Ron?"

"No, to hide that the baby is mine?"

Luna shook her head and said, "No, not at all, Harry, but I don't want you to be forced into this. I can do this without you."

"Have my baby without me? Raise my child without me?" he asked appalled.

Luna nodded and said quietly, "If that's what you want."

Harry frowned and asked, "Why would I want that?"

"Because you love Hermione."

Harry groaned, the thought of losing Hermione was terrifying to him. Would she stay with him? Would she understand? Would she be okay with him having a child with another woman? If not, would he be willing to walk away from his child for her?

Luna moved closer and ran her fingers through his hair, calming him somewhat. "Take your time, Harry. Think about it, talk to Hermione about it."

Harry watched her get up to leave but then as she opened the door he blurted out, "Are you sure, Luna, that I'm… the father?"

She nodded and smiled sadly at him, "Yes. Ron performed the charm on me… we were hoping that it would be his but…"

"But here we are," finished Harry.

"Would you like to do the charm now to see for yourself?"

Harry shook his head, "No, I don't think… It's a bit of a shock, you know? Maybe once I've absorbed it a little…"

"Whatever you want Harry."

"Thanks Luna…. And I'm sorry, again. I never should have … I'm just sorry."

Luna came back to him and leaned down and kissed the top of his head, "Everything is going to work out Harry, you'll see."

"Hmm." He replied, watching her leave.

As soon as the door closed he flicked his wand locking it and resetting the password to something he'd never used before. He had no interest in seeing anyone else tonight. He didn't care what happened downstairs or how many people were at his house; he wasn't leaving his room again, he was just going to sleep his problems away. On that thought he chucked his clothes into the corner and crawled into bed, pulling the covers up over his head. His mind was racing with traitorous thoughts, bullying their way out…

he was going to be a Dad,

he was going to have a baby,

he was going to have a baby with Luna,

he was going to lose Hermione,

no, he was going to marry Hermione and have a baby with Luna,

Luna was going to marry Ron but have Harry's baby,

maybe they could all live in the same house,

maybe they were all completely insane and the Ministry would take the baby away from them and give it to proper parents,

a baby,

his baby,

maybe he would be a terrible father,

maybe his kid would hate him,

maybe Hermione would give up on him and go back to Ron and then they would get married and he would end up married to Luna,

but that's not what I want!

a baby,

his baby…

He took a deep breath, finally able to slow down the freight train in his head, letting sleep take over.


Harry woke and immediately wished he hadn't. He buried his head under the pillow and willed himself to fall back to sleep. After several minutes, he huffed and sat up, unsuccessful. He scrubbed his face with his hands, groaned and got out of bed. He stared at Hermione's shoes in the corner before heading to the bathroom to clean up. He got into the scalding hot shower and leaned against the wall, letting the water run over him.

He couldn't believe it… they were always careful, always.

How did this happen?Why did this happen?

He was finally happy with Hermione, blissfully happy, and now this.

At the same time part of him was happy, he had always wanted a child, he planned on having several in fact, just not now.

And not with Luna.

Luna… he was horrible to her last night.

He was just so shocked, and angry.A couple months ago, he would have handled it much better.

But now… now he had Hermione and he wanted to stay with her.Forever, as far as he was concerned.She was everything to him but how could he make her see that, how could he convince her to stay with him, now that Luna was having his baby?

Merlin, that sounded so strange.

Luna was having his baby… and he didn't have much of a say in the matter.

She made it pretty clear that she was having the baby, with or without him.

The real question was what was he going to do about it?

Stand by and do nothing, let her and Ron raise the baby, pretend to be an uncle? Or a distant friend that showed up only around the holidays?Not even a Godfather, like he was to Teddy?

Thinking of Teddy made him think of Lupin, when he found out Tonks was pregnant… he had panicked and fled like a coward.He had been furious with him and the memory still made him furious.

He swore he would never, ever, act like that.

Like it or not, this baby was his and he wasn't going to run away.

Mind made up he finished his shower, knowing he needed to talk to Hermione before he told Luna.

I had spent the whole night crying my eyes out and had just finally fallen asleep when I was woken suddenly by Lavender, yelling into my room, "Get up, I brought croissants!"

Groaning, I shuffled into the kitchen, wrapped in my robe.

"Mione, you look like shit, girl," said Lavender, dropping a bag of pastry on the table.

I nodded and began to make tea.

"Did you have fun last night? I noticed you and Harry disappeared pretty early into the night," she teased.

I shrugged


I turned and looked at her, tears falling down my face.

"Oh no, what's wrong?" she asked quickly moving towards me.

I started to cry, unable to hold it in any longer and she pulled me into her arms, hugging me. "Oh Mione, tell me what happened, please."

I sobbed, but managed to choke out, "Luna."

She pulled back, horrified and asked, "Did Harry… was he with Luna?"

I shook my head and tried to calm myself down while she frowned at me. After several attempts, I finally whispered, "She's pregnant."

Lavender gasped and said, "No."

I nodded and said, "Yes."

"Bloody Hell."

I nodded and went back to making tea while she absorbed what I said. I brought the tea over to the table and we both sat in silence for a while.

"I'm sorry," she finally said, squeezing my hand.

I nodded.

"I know how happy you've been with Harry. It's been so nice to see you so happy all the time."

I nodded.

"Did you talk about it? You and Harry?"

I shook my head and said, "No. I left as soon as I found out… Luna told me."

Lavender frowned and said, "What? Why would she tell you? Shouldn't Harry have told you?"

"I don't think she meant to tell me and I honestly don't even know if he knows yet, although since he didn't come find me last night, I'm guess he does."

"What? I don't understand."

"I found Luna throwing up in Harry's bathroom. She was upset and she just sort of told me. She apologized but I didn't stay for long after that."

"Do you think she did it on purpose? To trap him?"

I shook my head, "No. She was miserable. It obviously wasn't planned."

"Is it awful that I said that?"

I snorted, "I thought it too, but then I saw how scared and upset she was…"



"I'm so sorry."

"Stop saying that, you didn't do anything."

"But I hate that you got hurt."

"You told me I would…"


"You did… you warned me to be careful. You were right."

"I don't want to be right."

"I don't want you to be either."

They jumped at the sound of someone apparating into the living room, but neither moved.

"Hermione?" called Harry.

Lavender looked at me but I simply looked down into my tea cup.

"In the kitchen," called Lavender, standing up and squeezing my shoulder. "Call me when he leaves, I'll come back over."

I nodded.

Harry entered the kitchen and stopped upon seeing Lavender, "Oh, hey Lavender."

"Hey. I'm going to leave and let you two talk." She replied and left the room.

Harry stood there awkwardly before he sat down at the table with me.

"We need to talk," he finally said.

I nodded.

"I'm sorry… I don't know what happened, we were always careful. She was on the potion."

I nodded again.

"It was before we were together, you know. I would never… not with you."

Another nod.

"Bloody Hell, Mione, please look at me," he begged.

I looked up and my traitorous tears were falling again.

He reached out to wipe them away but I flinched back, away from him and out of his reach.

"I'm so sorry. Merlin, I wish this wasn't happening. I love you so much, so much it hurts."

I covered my mouth with my hand to keep the sobs in.

"I know this is awful of me to ask, but please, please don't leave me. I can't, I can't even think about losing you."

I sobbed and pushed myself away from the table, I needed space, I couldn't think or breathe with him so close.

He followed and grabbed hold of me.

I tried to push him away, but he was stronger than me, and before I knew it I was wrapped in his arms, sobbing against his chest.

"I'm sorry, so sorry," he kept whispering, repeatedly.

So am I, was all that kept running through my head.